His Daughter's Lover: His Date

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#5 of His Daughter's Lover

Late night update for everyone. I'll be gone for a while so I figured I'd leave you all with the next update.

Jackson fidgeted in the seat of his car. He looked at himself in the mirror over and over again, trying to see if he looked presentable. His hair was combed and a bit messy, but intentionally so, trying to ride that fine line between put-together and care free. He wasn't sure if it worked for him, however so he brushed it all to one side with a paw, leaving it to curl over onto itself.

"What am I doing, Em?" he sighed, looking down at his feet. It was almost Eight O'clock. He was in the parking lot of O'Conner's dressed in a cardigan over a white button shirt. He wasn't sure what he was doing. More than anything, he considered canceling, but he knew that Ashleigh and Sophie would hold it against him for months if he did.

He sighed and gathered up his strength, so perplexed by how hard this was for him to do. He stepped out of his car and walked to the door. He opened the door and scanned the bar.

It was a nice place; with an older demographic of men and women his age and younger dressed in nice clothes, likely having been here since their shifts ended. There weren't tacky decorations on the walls, but instead the wood paneling and brick interior was adorned with pictures of the various clientele that had graced the bar over the years. He spied a few rock stars that he knew had originated in the town and even a politician, though he had recently been encumbered by a scandal of child molesting proportions.

The crowd seemed to be mostly coupled or grouped up with a handful of single men and women who seemed more interested in their drinks than on scanning the door. Jackson was annoyed now. He knew that the girls wanted to surprise him, but was it so hard for them to at least give him a hint of who he was looking for. He grunted in annoyance and checked his phone one last time before a pair of feet appeared beyond the glass, plastic, and silicone object in his paw. His eyes went up and took his visitor in.

Her dress was a vibrant blue that seemed to jump out against her black fur. Above her wide hips was a silver belt that seemed to hold the red stripe of fabric down the center of the dress in place. Going farther up, he could see that her breasts had not been worn down by age, even as he put two and two together and realized that this was not some stranger. The grin on her face was knowing and friendly. She had those same fierce blue eyes that he knew were passed on. Her hair was a rich red that seemed to be darkened by her natural black pigmentation of her body. She reached out with her paw and he felt the cool silver of her ring on his cheek as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his cheek.

Instinctually, he put his paw on her hip and held her there while the black leopard gave him a show of affection.

"Hello, Jackson, you handsome dog," she purred out.

"Tori, what a pleasant surprise. I thought the girls were up to something when they avoided the question of who this date was with."

She chuckled, bright and airy. He felt her every move of her body against his and he couldn't help but think of the similarities between her and her daughter that he had become so intimate with over the past few months.

Victoria had the same confidence that Ashleigh possessed but she seemed to have a glint behind her eyes that he wasn't used to in Ashleigh. The panther pulled away from the wolf and he was shaken from his thoughts and memories, the cobwebs of his mind being scattered about.

"So, shall we take a seat at the bar or would you prefer a booth?" Jackson said with a grin. He was still on edge, but tried to put it behind him. He could charm her no problem.

"Booth. I'd like to be able to talk more intimately," she seemed to almost whisper that last word before she turned to sway to a corner booth she seemed to claim before. He couldn't help but notice that the red stripe began at her ass and ended at the hem of her dress. She was clearly not a novice when it came to advantageous fashion.

He saw a drink at her table, but went to grab a beer of his own before he joined her. Her legs were crossed and the look on her face seemed stuck somewhere between pity and flirtatious. He wasn't sure where to place her. Perhaps that's what made his heart skip a beat.

Did the girls give their blessing to the two of them?

"You left the other day," Jackson said.

"I did. I was... I wasn't so sure that it was such a good idea. We both dealt with a tough situation, Jackson."

"And our daughters are screwing each other."

Tori snickered, her smile making his skin tingle.

"That's one word for it. Ashleigh came over last week and told me what she had in mind. I didn't think it was a great idea at first, but she's a stubborn girl. She demanded that I try."

Jackson licked his lips and grinned at her. The taste of the stout was permeating in his mouth. "I see she takes after you. I remember you were quite particular with the deal. You didn't want to feel that you were getting the raw end of the deal."

"Jackson, there's a handful of things I like raw. Deals aren't one of them."

The wolf's ears drooped and he looked down at his glass, taking another sip.

"I see you still wear your ring," Tori said, her eyes meeting his and making his features soften.

"When you were friends with your wife since the two of you were in diapers, taking it off seems impossible to do." He said, looking back to her.

"How long has it been?" She asked, not beating around the bush. Honestly, Jackson appreciated it. He missed Em, of course he did. But he didn't need protection from his memories.

"Twelve years," he said almost solemnly.

"It's been eleven years since Robert passed away," the panther said quietly, as if it was still a fresh wound.

"If I may, how did he die?" he prodded, knowing the question to be just as forward as hers.

"He was helping someone change their tire on the side of the road and a car didn't see his hazard lights. Killed on impact."

Jackson winced, looking at her with sorrow his gaze. "I'm so sorry, Tori," he said, reaching out to touch her paw with his. Their rings touching.

"I am too," Tori said, her eyes matching his sorrowful gaze. "The kid was tried for manslaughter and got off. When he looked at me in the court room, he broke down crying. I never blamed him. It was an accident, but I don't think he forgave himself."

She took a drink and swallowed down both the drink and her memory.

"He came to my door one night and broke down in tears. I never expected to see him again, but he seemed destroyed by it. It was so sad to see someone so young that broken."

"What did you say?"

"I told him he had to forgive himself and let him cry on my shoulder. But I had to make it right by Ashleigh."

Jackson nodded, thinking about Ashleigh as a young girl, mourning her father similar to Sophie. It wasn't a surprise to him suddenly that the two would come together.

"I made her a scrap book of every picture of Robert and her together. I even let put writings Robert did about Ashleigh in it. I poured my heart and soul into that book and when Ashleigh saw it, she smiled for the first time in months. Her grin reminded me what being happy was like. I tried to teach her how to forgive that poor boy. Tragedies like that don't mean the end of happiness.

"So yes, I miss Robert. But I can't change what happened. No one can. But we can move on from it and let their memory live on through us." Tori reached out and brushed a tear from her own face and then cocked her head to the side, and did the same with his face. "I didn't think you'd cry at that, Jackson."

Jackson's ears fell an inch or two, ashamed at his emotions showing so clearly like that. "I've been really missing Emily lately," he said with an uncertain smile, like he was a teenager again, talking about her being gone for a summer and not gone for over a decade.

"Tell me about her," Tori said, smiling at the wolf.

"Well," he cleared his throat and took another sip of his beer. "We'd sort of always been friends. She was kind and generous, never backing away from a commitment. If she said that she would do something, she meant it. That included her telling me on our first date that we'd get married someday. We were thirteen, what did we know? But she was right. Ten years later, we were married right out of college. A few months later, Sophie was around. Emily and I were so happy and everything seemed perfect. It didn't matter that we were barely out of college and I was at a crappy job at an office I hated. I provided for the love of my life and my daughter. Now I'm second to no one and I didn't have to stomp on someone else's neck to get there."

"And every day, at work I see Emily's smiling face on my desk. She'd just been through a couple hours of labor and looks like hell, but that smile on her face, holding our pride and joy in her arms... I think that's how I want to remember her. Smiling despite the pain. Happy to be with me, happy to be with us. She was just happy being married to her best friend."

He cleared his throat again and Tori was silent. She wasn't grinning or smirking. She seemed to understand that he wasn't making it up; he wasn't trying to make up some outlandish tale to get in her dress. He was opening up to her and she understood his pain. And he, hers. It was a bizarre moment for them both to realize how much more than their daughters the two had in common. They weren't concerned with appearances or what was too soon.

They had waited over a decade each to feel this sort of connection again.

Tori leaned in to kiss him. It was soft, that kiss that was promised in his office. He pushed back into it, a paw on her cheek, holding her as the two connected as the two felt one another, tasting and holding, rubbing each other. Tori's paw move down his chest and Jackson was surprised when he felt her paw running under his cardigan. She moaned quietly in that kiss, her body warming up against his. His strong nose could smell that hint of arousal which only deepened their kiss. Finally, she pulled back and the two could breathe again.

"Wow," Tori muttered. "I haven't done that in a while." She said, looking at him with a bite to her lower lip.

"Wow is right," Jackson's large paw was on her lower back, feeling her belt and letting a claw flick onto her ass. "I missed that."

Tori leaned back and took a sip of her drink, swallowing it down. "I think Ashleigh underestimated how good you were."

Jackson's stomach plummeted and he stared at those blue eyes that knew. Knew precisely what he did with her daughter. What he did to his own daughter.

He was about to say something when he felt a paw slip into his pants.

"Sssh. Don't talk. I want to see if you're worth my time, Jackson."

Her paw grabbed and squeezed his sheath through his boxers. He could feel her paw squeezing, urging him out of his protective covering.

"Oooh, you're big, aren't you?" she murmured under her breath. "No wonder your wife loved you."

He gasped out when he felt her warm paw slid under his boxers and grabbed his emerging cock. He took her wrist in his paw and growled quietly.

"W-what are you doing, Tori?" he groaned out. The panther laughed and pulled his zipper down. Her eyes focused on his, and suddenly Jackson felt exposed. Like all of his armor, his bravado was stripped away, leaving him open to whatever she did.

"You're going to need to keep quiet, Jackson. Imagine the shame that would happen if we were discovered," she whispers, fishing his swollen cock out of his slacks.

There was a quiet whimper that escaped his throat. Tori chuckled, rubbing his tip with her thumb to smear the pre around. The wolf tried his best not to respond to her, but she had his number dialed in and he could feel his body responding naturally. Her paw slid up and pushed back down, rubbing the needy wolf nice and slow, making him grind into her paw. "Y-you tease," he grumbled.

Victoria leaned in and pressed her muzzle to his ear. "And you fucking my daughter and leaving her stinking of you isn't a tease? I won't tell you how to live your life, but if you're going to fuck her, then you're going to fuck me, understand?" the panther growled.

Whereas Ashleigh was an eager submissive, Tori held no sign of submissiveness to her that Jackson could discern. In clear contrast, the wolf could tell that Tori was in charge and it... thrilled him. He humped into her paw, a little embarrassed by his new feelings of submission. Though, he knew that he'd get her back in time.

For now, Jackson groaned at her slow strokes which got faster as she deemed. He tried his best to keep composure, hiding a few moans in a mouthful of stout. She nestled into the crook of his neck, her paw not leaving his cock. Jackson could feel her breath on his neck, making him rumble with approval. There was happiness in that moment that was hard to place, but he didn't bother. For now, the wolf merely humped into the paw that squeezed his tip. Jackson caught a moan in his throat and swallowed it down.

"Do you like this bar, Jackson?" she muttered in his ear. His fur bristled and he felt a cooling sensation run down his back.

"I-It's okay," he whimpered as soft as he could, trying to keep privacy intact.

"If you want to come back her again, let me know, if not, you're blowing your load all over this table," Tori told him, not so much a question as much as a statement. There wouldn't be an argument with that; instead it was obvious that she would make him cum onto the table, letting it pool and make a mess everywhere for the staff to clean up.

"I... I can't do that to them. They're not paid enough to clean up after meeeah~" he moaned out when Tori squeezed his knot once, twice, three times.

It was that third time that did it. All at once, the wolf's cock began to pulse, tensing and pumping cum out the tip. Tori's quick dive caught it all on her flat tongue, her mouth enveloping his cock. With closed eyes, the panther swallowed every bit of his thick cum that he had to offer. In its place, Jackson could only whimper, that rough tongue swirled around his shaft, getting every drop of his cum, not letting any of Tori's treat go to waste. She stayed there after he stopped cumming, still licking and making her date whine out. After a moment, she pulled off, a bit of cum and saliva slurping into her mouth.

"You're fun," she purred, shoving him back into his pants and pulling his zipper back up.

"Y-you know I'm going to get you back for that, right?" Jackson panted, head feeling light.

"Think whatever you want," Tori chuckled, patting her lip with a napkin. "You're cute when you're cumming, you know that?"

Jackson leaned over to bite her ear nice and hard. "And you'll be my bitch, make no doubt about that."

Despite a slight gasp, Tori only pushed his chest. "Not tonight. You need to earn my cute little cunt. Tonight's on me. But you're getting the next date."

Jackson pulled away and saw Tori standing up to leave. She grabbed her purse and fished out some cash, plopping a sizeable tip on the table.

"Leaving so soon?" Jackson said, standing with her. There was some concern that she hadn't stuffed him back in all the way, but it seemed to be okay.

"My dear Jackson, I need to keep you wanting me," she said, taking his paw and leading him towards the door.

Try as he might to deny it, Jackson couldn't deny that tonight was the most fun he'd had on a date in many years. The sad fact was this was the best date he'd been on in years.

The stars twinkled down from the inky sky, luminous and soft. It seemed to be more vivid than normal. The lights clearer and the air felt crisper. Something was different now.

"Thank you for the wonderful evening," Tori purred out, her paws grabbing his face for a soft kiss.

Jackson finally felt that guilt that had been congealing in his stomach break apart, freeing his weighty conscious and feeling like he wasn't betraying anyone. Not his daughter, not his wife. Jackson felt free.

Oh, what a feeling.