Nature's Bounty: Part One - A Tale of the Kin

Story by WolfenTales on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of the Kin

"I'm not normal, and I've never, never been human."

Garret pushed against the glass. As the door swung inward, a small bell chimed announcing his arrival. He peered into the darkness, expecting to be met with the smell of overpriced burritos. Instead, he was met with the heavy scent of incense, and a overbearing dark.

Were they closed? Why would they leave the door unlocked? As his eyes adjusted, he saw that is wasn't quite as dark as it had seemed. The light streaming in through the windows illuminated a front desk of dark wood, with plush furnishings on either side.

Garret crept forward, looking towards the back. Pale lamps glowed dimly. In their light could be seen long objects, ends up, arranged on glass shelves in wire frames.

As he tried to make out what the multicolored objects were, he heard a distant sound, like someone banging on the wall next door, or someone shuffling boxes in the back.

Deep in the back of the store, a faded oak door rattled in time with the banging. Concerned, Garret walked towards the sound.

"Hell-" he began to say, before a voice behind him made him jump. He spun to face the desk, where a woman stood that he had not noticed before. Jesus!

"Hi, there!" she said in a light voice which didn't seem to match the tall, model-like build to her. She smiled with the corners of her mouth, her lips pursing outwards in an alluring way. Garret let out a sigh.

"Geeze, you scared me. Sorry, uh... Did this used to be Rito's Burritos? They said all the university kids eat there, 'cause of the student discounts and all."

"Rito's... Burritos...?" she said skeptically.

"Yeah," Garret laughed nervously, "Who can turn down half-price burritos when most of your income goes to tuition?"

"Mhmm, yes," she said with a great intake of breath, "Well, that place isn't here. Perhaps it once once. But no matter. If you find your hunger for burritos diminished, perhaps you might enjoy perusing my stock."

"Stock of... what?" he said reluctantly.

She smiled, running her hands through her auburn hair, which was combed to one side like a swimsuit model, "We specialize in toys for those with rather... exotic tastes."

Garret looked at her blankly, ere she continued, "We carry toys of a wide variety of pleasures, and creatu-"

"What, like sex stuff?" Garret interrupted with a grimace. He shuddered, glad that she hadn't finished that sentence.

She giggled softly, "To put it curtly, yes. Now, you're a male yes? We have a wide variety of penetration toys available."

Garret stepped back, shaking his head in shock, "No, no, no. I'm quite okay. Listen, I- I mean, ma'am please. I need to get to class. I'd just stopped in here expecting to grab a quick burrito to go. I really don't need..." he trailed off, noticing her intent gaze. Her eyes seemed surprisingly bright in the gloom.

She hummed softly to herself for a moment, looking him over, "I see. Well, are you sure you wouldn't like to try something?"

Garret sighed, backing towards the door, "Thanks, but eh..."

The woman reached down under the desk and pulled out a small box, about the size of a shoe-box, and handed it to him. "Here," she said, "This one's on the house. No returns, I'm afraid. For obvious reasons."

Garret looked at the box in his hands. He went to open it, but she shook her head, putting a hand on the lid of the box, "Not here, my dear. Try it at home. And if you like what you find, perhaps I can give you some guidance on other things to try. Mhmm?"

Garret sighed again. "Sure... Whatever," he said. Was that rude? "I uh... Thanks?" he said questioningly, unzipping his backpack. He dropped the box inside. Couldn't risk anyone seeing him with something from this place. He just had to drop the stupid thing off at his apartme- Shit! He looked at his phone. It was already almost time for his first class. Garret cursed to himself and exited the shop, bounding down the street towards the university.

The words of his professors, and the noise of the M train still rung in his mind as Garret unlocked the door to his apartment. He tore his backpack off and set it on his bed as he collapsed on his sheets.

In his hurry that morning, he had tied his shoes loose enough that he was able to slide each one off with the other foot. His tired feet, he imagined, would sigh if they could. He shoes fell onto the edge of the bed. As Garret rolled over onto his side, he heard them fall to the floor. Garret unzipped his backpack and one-by-one pulled his textbooks out, reaching down by the foot of the bed and setting them in a stack.

Once he'd set the last book atop the growing pile, he felt something else in the bottom of his backpack. He rolled his eyes. Great, he thought, I've been walking around all day with a dildo in my bag. Dildo. Was that the right word? Whatever. He was just glad he hadn't had to use his English books at all, or else he might've accidentally pulled that thing out. That's would've been just his luck. Thankfully...

Garret sighed, and set the rectangular box on the bed beside him. The cardboard container was slgihtly worn. Whether that was from it being pressed against his books all day, or whether it had been like that before he couldn't tell. Either way, he hoped she'd still take it back.

He shuddered, putting a finger to the edge of the lid to see if it was sealed tightly. To his surprise the stickers and tape on each side of the box tore as soon as he touched it. The box flew open, seemingly of its own accord.

"Sssssssht!" he muttered in surprise.

There it lay, a thick rod of multicolored silicone, set on a bed of red velvet and white lace, which was a tad funny given the nicked and battered box in which is came.

Garret shuddered, picking it up. God, this was so weird. It wasn't like he had a girlfriend, but still. A sex toy? Did people still like those?

He remembered seeing a creepy sex doll in his neighbor's garage as a kid. He'd assured him it was for medicine, but Garret knew that the man hadn't been an EMT for over two decades. He didn't see it in the garage anymore, on the rare times that he dared to go over. From then on, he could see it staring out of the attic window with its dead brown eyes, its wig for hair.

This thing, thankfully, wasn't as disturbing. It was simple. A tool. It didn't try to be a real person, he remarked.

He turned it, end over end in his hands. The business end had a slit, molded in a recreation of someone's vagina. He thought about the girl he'd known in high school who was obsessed with being a model for companies like this. Story was that she'd either gotten hired, gotten rich, and moved, or that one of the companies that had hired her had kidnapped her as part of some human trafficking scheme. By the time Garret had graduated, the police still hadn't found her. The specifics of her pursuits were omitted in the school newspaper's life celebration piece. He wondered at the chances of this being hers.

Looking at the other end, he noticed no opening. Didn't most of these things have holes on both ends so you could clean them, or whatever? The ones in dad's magazines always did.

He looked back at the box, and noticed a small card with fine text printed on it.

Nature's Bounty: Creators of unique toys since 209 BR

We hope you enjoy your new toy. Our new linking models are great for on-the-go pleasure. As always, are toys are self-warming. Tired of having to buy expensive toy cleaner? Well, worry no more. No cleanup required! Nature's Bounty has you covered. Should our toys lose their capacity, or if there is any loss of sensation between partners, we will replace your toy for free. Thank you for choosing us.

Garret looked at it again. Self-warming? What the hell did that mean? As he held it, though, it _did_feel warmer than it had when he first picked it up. So, what? It just warms up from your body heat really fast? Weird. But why didn't you need to clean it?

He looked at the fake vagina, spreading it out with his fingers to look inside. Even when he held it up to the light, there was a strange sort of darkness which even the brightest sunlight could not scour away.

Am I really doing this? he said with a sigh. He looked at the strange device. Didn't you need lube? Well, if he needed a shower before bed anyways...

Garret undressed, letting the water get steaming hot before he jumped in. He set the toy on the soap dish and brushed his fingers along the underside of the shower's spray, testing its warmth. When his fingers were nice and red, he decided it was warm enough.

As he let the warmth soak into his flesh, the bathroom air grew steamy. The bathroom mirrors, windows, and any cool, smooth surface fogged up. Out of habit, he reached for his body scrubber, but then remembered what he'd decided to do.

Better to wash afterwards.

Garret picked up the silicone rod and brought it before himself. He tried to conjure an image of a woman to help with the act. Hr imagined her standing there with him in the shower. Maybe because she was the last really attractive woman he saw, or maybe it was just because she had given it to him, but his mind imagined that the woman from the shop was standing there with him. At first it was vague, just a specter of her. But as he closed his eyes, as he felt the warmth of the water on his chest, it resolved. He imagined her with him in the shower.

Her back was to him, and as he brought himself closer in his mind's eye, his member stiffened. He pressed the opening of the toy to the head of his penis. His eyes flashed open for a moment when he felt how warm it was. He cleared his throat softly, but returned to his imagination.

When he conjured her again, she was looking back at him with a seductive, playful smile. She said nothing, but as he pressed himself deeper into the toy, he saw a faint blur in his mind's eye, like something transparent waving around behind her bare cheeks. A tingling sensation covered his penis as the smooth texture of the inside of the toy wrapped around it. He wasn't sure whether it was his shaking hands or his imagination, but he could almost feel it clench around him, quivering with pleasure like a real woman. The water hissed in the pipes, like a distant sigh.

With each thrust, the head of his member pressed more and more tightly against the inside of the toy. He felt himself coming closer to completion, and backed off slightly. He aimed for longer, slower strokes. The strange tingling sensation continued. He was half-tempted to withdraw it completely to see what was the matter, but when he did so, the pressure from the mouth of the toy kept him from doing so. Half of him was worried, but he couldn't let the illusion fade, not now. He could see why people enjoyed these things, after all.

As he imagined her there with him, he noticed a strange change in her. His mind pictured again that weird, translucent shimmer in the air between them. Then, alarmingly, he found himself imagining it resolving into something long and billowy protruding from behind her. In his mind's eye, the shopkeeper grew a tail like that of a fox. The hell?

I'm not into that weird anime shit, he thought. But something about it was alluring. He could feel her tail brushing against his member, running up his stomach, crawling along his bare skin - which was flushed and sensitive from the hot bathwater.

He shuddered, but felt strangely aroused by it. A distant part of his mind found solace in its alien allure. Another part of him almost felt familiar with it. Why was he imagining this? Was he secretly one of those weirdos who jacked off to pictures of anime characters or adult art of video game things? The Internet had ruined him, he thought.

As he plateaued, he felt a warmth in his chest. His mind hummed with the sensation of it as he thrust faster and faster. That weird tightness was still there, as if it was stuck on him somehow. But maybe they were designed that way. He pushed harder, giving it some resistance with his hand to better simulate the feel of her being there.

With each thrust, it seemed like his member marched further and further upwards. He reached down and felt hair, thicker and softer than he was used to his pubic hair being. A long column of flesh stretched upwards from where his penis usually was, it too covered of soft hair. He thrust again, feeling his excitement coming closer and closer. He shuddered, his legs wobbling slightly as he gave one last push, longer and more careful than the last as his orgasm filled his body, and the warmth of his own seed spilled into the toy.

At that, the odd tightness at the head of his penis relaxed, and he pulled the toy from around it. With every heartbeat, his penis shrunk. As he set the toy aside, he eyes widened. Looking down at his member, Garret let out a scream which echoed within the walls of the bathroom.

Holy shit! What the fuck was happening?!

His penis, now deep scarlet, was creeping back into a beastly sheath, which itself was covered in auburn hair. Once it had retreated fully, he peeled back the hair along his sheath and shook his head. He used the rail to steady himself.

No, no... This wasn't happening. This couldn't be real.

His pubic hair, which once was a deep brown, was now that same shade of auburn which covered his new member, and which mirrored - quite alarmingly - the tail he had imagined on the woman while masturbating. Garret flew out of the shower, and was calling the number on the back of the card when he realized he had forgotten to turn off the shower. She answered by the time he was able to shut it off.

"Nature's Bounty!" she said cheerfully.

Garret cleared his throat and sighed, "Yeah, uh... This is Garret Stone? I was in your shop earli-"

"And how are you liking it so far?"

"Liking wh-? I... I'm not!" he growled, "Listen. Something really weird is happening, and I think.... I think your thing did did it. I... I...." he sighed again, his mind reeling. He looked down at his transfigured groin, and began dressing.

"I see," she said after several moments of silence, "Well, come by my shop and perhaps we can see if we can sort matters out."

"Just TELL ME what's happening! I can't-" Click. She hung up the phone.

Garret threw his phone on the ground. His heard a frightening crack. Looking down, though, he saw that it was just the case popping off. Thank god. He stuffed his socks on, laced up his shoes, and pressed his phone back into its case before leaving

As he walked, he felt his hairy sheath rubbing against his underwear. Each step reminded him of his frightening alteration.

* * *

Garret stormed through the glass door. Again, the bells announced him. The woman stood behind her counter smugly.

"That was fast," she smirked, "In more ways than one."

Garret rushed over, and threw the box down onto the desk, hard. The woman lurched suddenly, as if someone had pinched her. "Woo!" she said to herself quietly. Her image fluttered before resolving itself once again.

"Tell me." he grimaced, "What the FUCK is going on!"

"What ever do you mean?" she said, smiling.

"You know what I mean! Your little sex toy, it... it did something to me. I want you to tell me what the hell is going on, and how to undo it. I have a freaking DOG DICK, for crying out loud?

Her dark eyebrows quirked, and she put a hand to her mouth. Again, her image fluttered, like a television on the fritz. She giggled softly.

"Yes, yes. That's quite a special thing about our toys. You see, they're not just toys. They're more like... How should I explain it? They're sort of like... long distance- no. That's not quite right Hmmm. But they have that effect on your sort, the unawakened."

"Unawakened?" Garret said curiously.

"Yes," she said, waving a hand, "That is to say - humans."

"Versus...?" he said, leaning over the counter at her.

She pursed her lips, and that strange sort of transparent glimmering appeared behind her, like in his imagined encounter. "Well, versus Awakened of course. That is how opposites work, after all. But we call ourselves the Kin largely, since we must all work together to maintain our ways of life, and until recently, furnish a large portion of secrecy. Don't worry. You'll learn plenty about it, in time. Once you've settled, I can teach you your first glamour or two - that's the magic that we use to mask our true selves to human eyes."

"Magic?" Garret said, "So this IS magic?" he paused, running his hands through his hair, slicking it back, "Holy shit. Okay, so magic is real. But like... you can undo it, right?"

She shook her head softly, "I'm afraid not, my dear. The awakening, once begun, is consummate. It merely takes your physical form time to... adjust. That's one reason why our products are designed to hasten this process."

Garret shook his head from side to side, clenching his fists by his waist, "No... that can't be right. Please. You don't just do something like this to me, and then tell me it can't be undone. You just fucking told me that MAGIC exists. Well, UN-MAGIC it! How would you like it if someone did this to you?"

"Did what, my dear?"

"Tried to turn bits of you into animal parts. Goddamn it. don't be so smug, since you're so normal. You-" he paused as he saw the shimmering behind her resolve into something. Garret stepped back in horror.

"Oh, dear," she said, "I am NOT normal," she laughed, ducking beneath her desk. Garret felt shivers run up his spine as he saw a long fox-like tail whipping back and forth where she had stood. When she stood up, the woman's former figure had been replaced with the visage of an animal-creature. The fox-woman smiled, and leaned closer to Garret, "And I have never, never been human."

Garret grimaced in disgust, a small whine escaping his throat, "Oh, God! What the hell!_What are you?!"_

The fox-woman sighed, "My, my, my. We ARE slow, aren't we? It is as I said. I am - that is to say WE - are Awakened. Members of an ancient brood, who live amongst humanity even to this day. "

"Oh my god, oh my GOD!" he slammed his hands on the desk again, "Shut up! Just shut up! You're going to undo whatever it is that you've done to me. And then I'm going to leave, and tell people what sort of outfit you're running here. Goddamn it, why won't you just reverse it?"

"I've told you," she said quietly, as if something were caught in her throat. Her strange fox eyes glittered in the darkness, "I can't. But here," she said, reaching down below her desk, "I have something that ought to help, em... balance things out, for you." she set a box on the table, much like the one the other sex toy had come in. She patted it gently with a paw, and smiled. "And in the meantime, I'll see what I can find to help you if you're really unhappy.

"This," he said, pulling the box to him, "is going to help?"

She nodded. Garret went to open the box, but she slammed her paw down on his hand, her fox claws digging into his skin, "Stop! No, not here. NEVER on the sales floor! In the back, or in your own home, yes. But never here."

He rubbed the back of his hand, massaging the red marks her claws had left, "Okaay, okaay, fine."

Garret took the box, and went to the door. He pulled it open a crack, and said, "But this better work."

She smiled, flashing her teeth, "Oh, it will. Don't you worry about that..."