The Limits of Love

Story by Shinru on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissioned stories

An other story someone commissioned, I wrote this one two months ago.

When a girl falls in love with her brother, it's often not easy to deal with it~

The Limits of Love By Shinrufurdrag

It was evening and Tyberius, a grey fox, was having a shower to relax after his boring day at college. Nothing better than being alone under the hot water flawing on you, while thinking about anything that comes in mind and humming songs. He usually kept thinking about things for half an hour until he realized that he should finish already. Then he washed his black hair with a nice amount of shampoo, after which he used a bit more soap to clean his intimate parts. Once he finished, he stepped out of the shower cabin and started shivering before quickly grabbing his towel, which he rolled around his waist. He shook his head madly to dry his hair and dried his body with the towel. Finally, he put his clothes on and got in his slippers and walked out of the bathroom.

He was heading towards his bedroom when he heard something strange coming from his sister's, Emily's room.. He stood close to the door and focused on the sounds : they were wet sounds, as well as some breathing. It did not take him long to understand what she was doing, and he felt embarassed. So, he was about to go to his room and not think about it, but then she started whispering something. He focused again and he clearly understood his name being whispered. He could not believe it. Emily was pleasuring herself while thinking about her brother. He tapped on the floor with his feet so as to make her realize that she could be heard and, shocked, he went to his room. From that moment, family dinners, or any moments when they had to be together became disturbing. Tyberius didn't know how to look at Emily the same way, and she didn't know if he heard her or not, but she noticed that his brother didn't behave the same way as before.

Day after day, Tyberius was more and more confused, and sometimes imagined his sister trying to start a relationship with him. As much as it dusturbed him, he sometimes blushed while thinking about it. His imagination kept on growing until the day he decided to have a talk with Emily. After the parents went outside to go buy food, he knocked on her door and asked if he could enter. After a short moment of hesitation, she told him to come in. Tyberius closed the door after entering and sat on her bed, next to her. -"Don't you think we should talk about something ?..." he said. She looked away, sighed and looked down her feet. -"You... heard me, that night. Didn't you ?" she said. He cleared his throat and swallowed his saliva. -"Yeah. Yeah, I did..." he answered. For a short while, they didn't say anything. -"Are you..." Tyberius began, " love with me ?". -"Yes" Emily replied instantly. "...I am ashamed... I know it's horrible." -"I don't know what to say..." he said. A moment of silence again. Emily slowly moved closer to her brother and put her head on his shoulder. -"No no no no, please don't do this..." Tyberius said, slightly uneasy. -"I'm sorry. I just love you so much... You're here next to me and I can't hold my feelings." She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled her head on his neck. -"Emily, please..." Emily felt her brother's warm fur on her face. She took a deep breath and became deeply relaxed. She began to kiss his neck and lick it a little. Tyberius knew that it wasn't a good idea but he didn't try to stop her.

He felt awkard, being kissed on his neck by his sister. He was conscious that it was wrong, but Emily just lost control. She took his hand and held it tight as she kept on giving kisses on her brother's neck. Though, he thought that in the end, love doesn't have morals, or limits, it chooses who it wants, regardless of everything... Letting her express her love to him was the best thing to do. He gave a kiss on her forehead and put his hand on her cheek. -"It's okay. Don't contain yourself." he said. She stared at him, moved her face closer and kissed him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her in a tight hug while they kissed. Her heart was pounding. As they both forgot time while kissing and hugging, they felt more and more relaxed, then sleepy. They ended up napping next to each other. When their mom came back home, the sound of the door woke them up, and they quickly jumped out of the bed. They panicked and didn't know what to do, so they started faking an argument. Their mom quickly entered the room. -"Hey hey! What's wrong ?!" she asked. Suddenly Tyberius and Emily became red : they didn't think about the cause of the argument. -"She..." he began, "...she stole my candy!" -"I did not!" she replied, "you did!" -"Stop!" the mother shouted, "you aren't kids anymore! Why are you fighting over such futile things ?!" She went out of the room, mumbling things. Once she got busy preparing the dinner, and watching TV, Emily closed the door silently and took Tyberius in her arms. -"Say... When mom will be asleep, could I come join you and sleep with you ?" she said. -"Hum, I don't know..." he hesitated. -"Oh, please???...." she begged. -"Hehe okay, okay. You can." he answered, before kissing her. They hugged tight and went back to their business, pretending nothing happened.

It was one o'clock in the morning. Tyberius was still awake, and so was Emily. She got out of her bed and silently walked out of her room. She creeped along the corridor without making sounds, and opened her brother's door. After closing the door behind her, she smiled at Tyberius. -"I'm here" she said. He watched her undress in front of him, blushing and feeling slightly embarassed. Once naked, she lied in his bed, and snuggled with him. She took his hand and kissed his fingertips. Then, she put his hand on her breast. She kissed him and licked his neck. He put his hand on her other breast and squeezed it a little. They continued to touche each other until three o'clock and finally fell asleep.

They were awaken in the morning by their mom who entered Tyberius's room. -"WHAT THE FUCK ?!"