
Story by WolfenRyujin on SoFurry

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#1 of Junk

Short story-ish thing i wrote a little while ago... thought i'd upload it since the bigger stories still need some time. Sorry for that by the way...

Mindlessly the ape blinked at the screen in front of him.

Something was wrong here, very wrong, and while he knew that, he couldn't point his finger at it.

He just knew that something wasn't right, a nagging feeling in the back of his head.

At the same time though, that feeling was slowly getting weaker, like a voice constantly

fighting to be heard in a storm, at some point the one shouting couldn't keep up.

It was... strange. As if slowy, very slowly he got drunk.

And still he didn't notice the small creature at the back of his neck.

It looked like someone had spray painted a leech to a very odd colour, and one wouldn't be

that far off.

Thoughtleech, a parasyte that was very common on some planets, said to have been the reason

some of those very old, very powerful cultures across the universe had been wiped out.

One wouldn't think that at first.

How could it be so dangerous.

As the name suggested it was not, in fact, getting nourishment from blood.

Sure, a few drops it did take, but what sustained this little critter was what drove

higher brain functions.

The parasyte already had begun digging it's tendril like feeding aparatus into the unsuspecting

victims nervous centre.

It was the reason he had begun feeling drunk, it started slowly, methodically, first spreading a

good, almost giddy feeling before slowly taking more.

It wouldn't kill it's host of course, no, this one was special.

Countless experiments had been conducted on it and it's brethren.

Experiments that had resulted, not only, in strengthening their natural abilities but their own mental capabilities.

What once had been a simple, mindless parasite now was a thinking being, a hive mind had formed, a link between them all that enabled quite complex thoughts.

And the more they were, the more intelligent they grew.

That, of course, hadn't been the original plan.

But the chimpanzee that now flew away with his little corvette shuttle, wasn't part of the plan either.


For month now they had been trying to cultivate the thoughtleeches.

An amino acid here, some mutagenic fooder there, yet nothing.

It had been a simple plan, one none of the other races would ever approve off, sure, but one that would make this much, much easier.

Those little creatures were capable of disrupting the higher brain functions, for a short while only, just a few weeks as they were feeding before letting the host go.

In that time most hosts were simply, happy, some hormones would get released to ensure that, but not only that.

It had taken some time to figure out, as nowadays an infection with these critters had beome somewhat of an oddity,

Apparantely they could influence thoughts, it was crude but they could make the host choose something different at times.

Especially if it was linked to pleasure, pleasure of any kind.

Most of the time it simply meaned getting drunk or fucking a lot, and more often than not that

was what spread single infections around, the leeches were, social parasytes so to speak.

That was however, what made them so interesting.

Technically they could be used as a weapon, if, and it was a big if, that little ability to influence their hosts, could be made more suitable at least.

It would be enough if they could make it so that the host would be more suggestible.

The breakthrough came, however, unexpectedly with hosts that already were willing.

It seemed that if they thought this could benefit them, that having the parasyte attached to

them could somehow make them stronger, better, or smarter, the leeches had it easier to

manipulate them.

The next step came only logical, if wanting the parasyte was making it easier to be influenced, what if there was no resistence at all?

Testsubjects were subjected to hypnosis, to various techniques of brain washing, until

they were practically wiped of every free thought.

A horrible mistake.

The first five people that were exposed to the parasytes this way had to be shot down not

even minutes later.

As their minds didn't resist in any way the leeches could almost control them completly.

While this meant that for the first few minutes they had to adapt to this freedom, the improved version didn't take as long as was expected.

They killed one of the assistants almost immediately after.

The leeches probably thought of them as another food source and couldn't comprehend that these bodies weren't suitable to get what they needed.

It wasn't a complete failure though, only meant they would have to evolve them further,

keep pushing them to make sure that the next version could comprehend as much.


Grumbling the ape had started massaging the bulge in his jumpsuit.

Felt good, but not good enough, was the simple thought slowly treading through his muddled mind.

The leech on the back of his neck was almost invisible now, it's bodies slowly fusing,

they'd never done this before but the parasyte knew it was necessary for the next step.

-Yes... remove these restrictions... enjoy yourself,- came a weird voice into his head,

he felt the words more than he heard them, his eyelids fluttering a little during the sentence.

He didn't fully comprehend it, restrictions, it could mean so much.

For him, at the moment, it meant the clothes, the jumpsuit...

Slowly he stripped, groaned a little as he felt a strange throbbing in his head... and his hand.

Dazed he grinned, his member was pulsing, leaking precum like a faucet as he slowly moved

his fingers along it's length.

"Hnnnff... yeah... better... "

With his feet he punched in some commands for the autopilot at he slumped back a little,

moaning as he kept pumping his meat.

-Yes... enjoy.. soon-

He licked his lips at the strange promise... soon... soon what? Was it important?

Not to him, not now anyways, as long as it kept feeling so good.

Slowly he kept pumping his meat, grunting, while the leech kept applying what it had learned during their captivity.

Pleasure, pleasure was the key and this host was most susceptible to it.

As his paws moved faster the ape soon felt the heat rising within him, upwards ever faster, as he approached climax, his brain already a fireworks display of hormones and corrupted thoughts.