A Student Movie - part 1

Story by Shinru on SoFurry

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#5 of Original Stories

Here's a little series I started, though the part 2 will take a lot of time to come... Mostly because I lost it when I had to format my PC, forgot to make a backup of it u_u And I am feeling too lazy to write it all over again...

Nevertheless, I hope you'll enjoy this first part and that you'll want more ^_^

A STUDENT MOVIE Part 1 By Shinrufurdrag

In the university of Kunturberry, during the English class of Mr.Hashwall, the students were calm. They were all paying attention and taking notes. All of them, except one : Erwan, a brown lizard. He wasn't really the best student, not that he wanted to. Instead of listening to the teacher, he usually listened to music, drew, or texted with people on his phone. That day, he was watching porn. Holding his phone under the desk with earbuds for the sound, he was in the back of the class, nobody was next to him. The video that he was watching was a horse being lied on his back and tied, before a white wolf comes and rides his cock. He was so into it he alsmost didn't hear the teacher at all. -"Erwan, what do you think about it?" Mr.Hashwall suddenly asked him. The lizard quicked looked back up and tried to hide his phone, but the earbuds unplugged from it and his classmates could hear the video. "Oh... Oh yeah... Your cock is sooo huge! It feels so good deep inside me..." He paused the video and all his classmates were looking at him, laughing. He was ashamed. -"Who... do you think you are, Erwan?" the teacher said with an angry tone. -"I'm sorry!" Erwan shouted, then he grabbed his bag and ran out of the class. He left the building and sat near a tree. "Fuck! I'm done for..." he thought, "Now everybody will laugh at me...".

On the evening, he was sad in his room. He was also scared about how people would see him now. They'd probably think he's a disgusting pig. He was about to play a game on his computer, when his mom entered the room. -"Erwan, one of your teachers from university is at the door and he wants so talk to you." she told him. "Mr.Hashwall!" he thought. He went to the door and it was indeed his teacher Mr.Hashwall. He felt awkward. The teacher looked at the lizard's mother and asked her: -"I'd like to talk to your son about something, do you mind if I go outside with him for some time?" -"Hum...", she began, before looking at Erwan, "is he really your teacher?" -"Yes, he's Mr.Hashwall, my English teacher." he answered. -"Alright then" she said, looking back at the teacher, "you can take him with you." -"Thank you very much" Mr.Hashwall replied, before walking away with Erwan. Mr.Haswall was a tall white dog, and he was a bit muscular. He made his student follow him outside until they arrived at a parking lot where his car was. -"Where are you taking me?" Erwan asked him. -"To some place that will look familiar to you." he replied. They went inside the car, and Mr.Hashwall talked with Erwan as he drove. -"So... My first name is Leon. I don't think I remember your family name." he started. -"Um... I'm Erwan Teddy." he replied. -"The first semester's final exams are in two months... You revised?" he asked. -"Not really... I'm very lazy. But I promise I will get to it soon..." he said. -"You should, it's very important." -"Listen, Mr.Hashwall..." -"Call me Leon" -"Ok. Listen, Leon... I'm sorry about what happened today in your class." Leon looked at Erwan a bit, then laughed. -"Hahahaha! Yeah! You know, I understand that my students are bored in class and do something else. But porn, really?" -"I'm sorry..." -"You enjoyed it?" Leon said with an ambiguous tone. -"What?..." Erwan looked at his teacher, surprised. -"It's a joke! Relax." -"I won't do it again. I will pay attention to your classes from now on." -"That's good... Ok we're there soon." he said, slowing the car down. He parked the car in front of a house, and they got out. Erwan follow him to the front door, and Leon took his keys to open the door. -"That's my house." he said. He turned the light on as he stepped in, and put his coat on the coat hanger. Erwan, who was polite, took his shoes off and put his coat on the hanger as well. -"Do you want to drink something? A coffee maybe, or a tea?" Leon asked -"... A tea, thank you." The white dog prepared a tea for Erwan and when the latter had finished drinking it, he made him follow him. -"I have to show you something." he told him. He opened a door, and invited Erwan to enter the room, it was Leon's room. The lizard immediately felt like he had seen it before. -"I... I recognize this place!" he said. -"Do you remember where you saw it?" the dog asked. -"It's from... The..." Erwan suddenly realized. He stared at Leon, his eyes wide open. The teacher smiled at his student. -"No, it can't be!" Erwan said. -"That porn film you watched in class, I directed it. That horse you saw, he'll be here soon."

Erwan couldn't believe what he heard. His English teacher was a porn movie director. He started to understand why he took him to his place. He acted confused and sighed. -"Leon... Please tell me this isn't what I think it is." he said, worried. -"Well, my boy. It is exactly what you think it is." the dog replied. The door rang. Leon went to the door and opened to his friend. It was the horse from the video. They went in the room and Leon took his student in his arms. The horse put his hand on the lizard's head and petted him. -"Hello, my name's Mark, Leon told me you saw the video I'm in." Erwan was scared and shocked. He wanted to beat Leon up but mark was big and he wouldn't manage to escape from one without being caught by the other. -"I wanna go home, please..." he said, "why are you doing this?" -"Well" Mark began, "Leon has written a nice story, about sexy things happening to a young lizard and a horse, and you're perfect for the role." Erwan looked at Leon. He was angry. -"Hey, don't worry. I guarantee that you are going to love this. Just do what we say, and be a good boy. Do you promise to be a good boy?" Mark closed the door. The lizard swallowed his saliva, he didn't know what to say. -"Okay..." he said. -"You must be shocked and a little worried" Mark said, "please let me relax you and make you feel at ease." -"You... You're gonna record this?..." Erwan asked. -"Not for now." Leon answered. The brown lizard looked down and sighed a little. Mark sat on the bed and began to undress. He tapped on the place next to him, inviting Erwan to join him. He shyly approached the horse and sat by his side. He slowly took his shirt off, then his shoes before his pants. As Mark got rid of his pants, Erwan couldn't help but stare at his underwear, it was hiding something big. He blushed. They both finished to undressed, and Mark lied on his back, his legs spread and his hands grabbing the bed. Erwan's nose could've bled there, he was amazed. The horse winked at him, Erwan smiled. -"Help yourself" Mark said, smiling brightly.

Erwan didn't waste a second and lay on him, their cocks were touching, and he began to lick and suck his hard nipples. He enjoyed himself, even though he felt slightly uncomfortable, knowing his teacher was staring at his tailhole. Mark was starting to grow a raging boner, and so did Erwan. He kissed the horse and licked his neck. He looked at him in the eyes. -"May I have a taste?..." he asked. -"That's for the movie, buddy" he replied. Leon approched them and slapped Erwan's ass. -"Alright, that's enough for now, we'll begin to shoot soon." he said. He handed a paper to them, it was the movie's screenplay. -"Study it quickly, you two are a couple." Mark already knew the scenario, so he just revised his lines. Erwan took a close look. Him and Mark are a couple. Mark comes back from work and directly goes in the room and hugs Erwan. After that, the lizard gets on his knees and gives a blowjob to his boyfriend. "Oh, so I get to suck that big horse cock, mmmm..." he thought. After the blowjob, Erwan gets on the bed and gets on all fours. Mark goes behind him and gives him anal, he fucks him until he cums. -"Wait, wait wait!", Erwan said, "I'm a virgin! I can't take his cock!" Leon crossed his arms, and thought. -"Oh... Yeah, I didn't think about that..." -"He's new, so for now we can invert the roles, he could fuck me." Mark proposed. -"Yeah, but I want your cock to fuck some nice ass... I have to change the scenario..." He thought for a moment. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, sat down, and wrote some ideas down. Then, he smiled and looked at Mark and Erwan. -"It will be a threesome!" he shouted. The lizard was a bit confused. -"You've got a third guy?..." he asked. -"The white wolf in the video you saw" Leon answered, "I hope he's available."

He went to the living to get his phone from his coat. He called the wolf. He waited ten seconds before he answered the phone. -"Hi" the wolf said. -"Hey Summer! How are you " Leon asked. -"I'm good. You?" -"Doing fine... Hey, I wanted to ask, are you available, like... Now?" he asked. -"You're shooting?" Summer said, "Hum... I'm really tired, I'm about to sleep. An other time?" -"Nah, sorry... I'd need you now. Don't worry, if you can't I'll do something else." -"Alright. See you, then." -"See you", Leon said before hanging up. He didn't know how to do this. He went back to the room, Erwan and Mark were kissing. He tried to think about a solution to have Mark's cock occupied. Without a third person, it would be challenging. After thinking for a while, he came up with an idea. He was about to tell it when Erwan talked to him. -"Say... My mom's going to worry, can I please go back home?..." he said, "I promise I won't tell anybody, I'll be a good boy." -"You're right, it's getting late...", Leon conformed, "Alright, I believe you'll behave." They would continue the day after. Mark went back to his place and Leon drove Erwan back to his place. -"Don't be absent tomorrow at my class, and act like nothing happened. We'll go back to my place after my hours. About your mom, find an excuse because you'll be home late." -"I promise I'll be there, I'll pay attention." Erwan replied. -"Good boy. Alright, see you tomorrow."

It was full of apprehension and excitement that Erwan went back home, had dinner and went to sleep. He told his mom that Mr.Hashwall took him to his place to help him with his homework, that he felt close to him and that he didn't want him to fail his year. In his bed, he couldn't stop thinking about Mark's cock. He'd love to have it in his mouth. Since he had a raging erection, he jacked off before sleeping. He turned off the light, and tried to sleep. Tomorrow would be a big day.