Sylvester's Family Tales 22

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#21 of Sylvester's Family Tales

Sylvester goes on a date with Emily, a lioness who works at his doctor's office.

Sylvester waited in his living room with his parents and Tom. Tonight was the night of his date with the receptionist from the doctor's office. He was so nervous that he had gotten ready an hour early and just sat with his family in silence. Tom looked grim and Pops kept laughing. Mom would every once in awhile fuss with Sylvester's hair or outfit. Sylvester thought he had nailed "dressy/casual." When the clock struck 4:30 the cat stood up. Pops tossed him the keys to his car and the cat headed out the door. He looked at his older brother for any sign of support, but Tom only looked away and scowled.

"He's just jealous I'm going out with a lioness." Thought Sylvester as he walked up to the door.

As the cat was about to leave, Pops caught up with him. Slipping a few condoms in his pocket, his dad winked at him. Sylvester blushed, he certainly didn't need an embarrassment right now. Sylvester got into the car and turned it on, putting his paws at ten and two. It wasn't that he couldn't drive, he just didn't need a car for school so after he got his license it just didn't go to much use. In about twenty minutes Sylvester was at the doctor's office. He was a little early, so he just sat in the car. Eventually the lioness came out and Sylvester honked the horn.

"Thanks for picking me up." Smiled the lioness.

"Oh, no problem. I'm happy to do it." Said Sylvester, returning the smile.

"I'm Emily, by the way." Said the lioness.

"Nice to meet you, Emily. I'm sure by now you know my name." Responded Sylvester.

"Yup, you're kind of famous around the office." Giggled Emily.

"Why's that?" Asked Sylvester.

"You're one of not many guys who filled our semen specimen cup to the line." Said Emily, giggling more.

Sylvester blushed, but guessed they should probably not talk about his productivity first thing on their first date. When Emily asked where they were going, Sylvester merely said "It's a surprise" before driving off. They talked of nothing very important on the way, typical smalltalk. But soon enough they arrived at their destination, an art gallery.

"My roommate in college is hosting a gallery opening tonight, I thought we could enjoy his art for awhile then go get dinner at a sushi place I found my last trip back home." Explained Sylvester.

"Not much of a dinner and a movie guy, are you Sylvester?" Wondered Emily.

"Not really, if we watch a movie we can't talk and I can't enjoy the sound of your voice." Grinned Sylvester.

Arm in arm, Sylvester and Emily walked in the art gallery to be greeted by Top Cat. The hatted cat explained the exhibit. In the front was his typical "Moment it clicks" pictures, in the back section more erotic stuff. Top Cat winked at his roommate as they walked off, impressed that Sylvester could be suave enough to land a lioness. Emily looked like she enjoyed the exhibit, but it wasn't much time before she walked them into the back.

"I just want to see what his idea of eroticism is." Mentioned Emily as they crossed the threshold.

They walked up to a picture entitled "Sunrise Over Two Black Mountains." They paid close attention to the use of natural light and stared at it for a good five minutes before Sylvester finally realized, he was staring at a picture of his own ass. Quickly leading Emily over to a picture of two raccoons holding each other in a way that showed they were naked but also censored their nudity, Sylvester would have to remember to ask Top Cat when he agreed to have his picture in this gallery. Pretty soon the two grew tired of looking at naked strangers. Well, naked mostly strangers, and bid goodbye to Top Cat just as the gallery was starting to get really full.

"I'm not very hungry. Would you just like to come back to my place to watch a movie?" Asked Emily.

"Sure, we can do that." Responded Sylvester, smart enough to realize that when an attractive woman invites you to her place you go, hungry or not.

Emily directed Sylvester back to her place and the two soon arrived at her apartment. They weren't in the door for five seconds before Emily slumped to the floor against her door, covering her maw with her paws as she moaned into them. It was then that Sylvester noticed it, her skirt was dry, but her panties were soaking wet. Not caring for decor, Emily took off her skirt and pulled down her soaked panties, having them fall to the floor with a "plop." She revealed a small bullet vibrator taped to her clitoris.

"You've been walking around all night with that?" Gasped Sylvester.

"All night and all day. I just couldn't take it anymore and had to get home. We can just order food if you don't mind." Shuddered Emily as she came again.

The lioness removed the bullet vibe and went into her room to get dressed. She returned in lingerie. Sylvester couldn't help but stare, his cock straining against his jeans. Emily noticed the bulge and sauntered over to her date, removing his shirt and jeans.

"Did you do as I asked and save up for a week?" Whispered Emily into Sylvester's ear.

"Y-yes, ma'am." Replied Sylvester, a shiver going down his spine at the feeling of Emily's breath in his ear.

"Good boy." Giggled Emily, now paying extra attention to the bulge in Sylvester's briefs.

Pulling him by his bulge, Sylvester barely had time to grab the condoms out of his jean pocket. The black cat followed Emily into her bedroom, where he was less than tenderly directed to get on the bed. When Emily saw the condoms in her lover's paw, she grabbed them and tossed them aside.

"Nothing gets in the way of a lioness when she's hunting, my dear." Grinned Emily.

Emily crawled onto the bed, gripping and stroking Sylvester's bulge in his undies before she unceremoniously pulled them down, revealing his uncut length in all its splendor. His foreskin had slid back and his cock head was dripping pre. Emily gasped at her lover's lovely tool, then climbed on top of him. Making quick work of it after her vibrator left her cumming so much, Emily slid down onto the black cat's cock with a look that only a hunter would have on her face. Sylvester was dumbstruck, he had only slept with one other woman, and that was a stranger in a movie theater. When Emily realized Sylvester wasn't doing anything besides being hard, she had to ask why he wasn't ravishing her.

"Something wrong, dear?" Asked the lioness in between bounces on Sylvester's cock.

"I just don't know what to do, this isn't something I do very often." Blushed Sylvester, embarrassed.

"It's quite simple, take one paw and put it on my breast and tweak my nipple, then take the other and rub that little nub above my pussy gently." Smiled Emily, sweetly. Still bouncing on the cat.

Sylvester did just as he was instructed, tweaking both Emily's nipple and her clit. Sylvester felt Emily's slit clench down on his cock and knew what was happening. His paw left her breast and gripped her hip, keeping her still as he thrusted quickly into her. Before Emily was done cumming around Sylvester's cock he thrusted deep into her and came inside her folds. When Emily felt the warmth and size of Sylvester's load inside her she leaned forward and kissed the cat. The two laid like that for a half hour, with cum leaking from Emily's pussy, when they both realized they were starving.

A shower, some ordered Japanese food, and a Tarantino movie (her choice) later and Sylvester got a kiss at the door before heading out. Emily assured him that she was on birth control and no kittens would result from their liaison. Sylvester drove home and found Pops waiting up late for him to return.

"Still got those condoms, son?" Grinned Pops.

"No, dad." Smiled Sylvester.

"Good boy." Said Pops, getting up to go to bed. "When's the next date?"

"Next break I gotta call her." Grinned Sylvester.

"Good job, son." Waved Pops as he went to bed.

Sylvester sat around, thinking about what might be his first real relationship. He didn't know if he could give up sleeping with his father and brother, but it was nice to think about what could be. Sylvester went to bed later and fell asleep fast, dreaming of hunting lionesses and prowling house cats.

Sylvester's Family Tales 23

It was a lazy Sunday at the Pussycat household. Mom was out doing her errands, so the boys were left with Pops. They all listened intently to Mom's car as she drove off, then the trio rushed to the boys' room. Pops had promised the two he'd get them...

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Otter's Daily Life- Camping Part 2

Kyle and Jean got out of their tent. Mom and Dad were already awake. Dad was cooking some eggs over the fire and Mom was brushing her fur. Lynx fur was longer than otter fur so she had to brush it to keep it tidy. The otter siblings got plates and sat...

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Sylvester's Family Tales 21

Sylvester felt antsy as he walked home from school. The feline had had it on his mind ever since his friend mentioned it at lunch but never had tried. It was true, cats like him were stretchy, but would he be able to...? All he had to do was beat Tom...

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