Your Anonymous Boyfriend Chapter 1: Flatmates

Story by tombr217 on SoFurry

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Reminiscing on old times

Your Anonymous Boyfriend Chapter 1: Flat mates

The artificial light blinds your tired eyes as you flick the light, eyes half shut you lock the door behind you and pad lightly across the cold tiles, stepping into the shower. You grope for the handle and after careful consideration turn it to the coldest setting and turn the knob. Freezing cold water pelts your naked body and your eyes snap open; wide awake. Gasping you turn the handle and force yourself to stay still and wait as the water slowly heated to a more acceptable temperature. Now fully awake you grab a bar of soap and start to clean between your legs, rubbing the soap over your groin and then using your hands to wash away the dried spunk.

After all the evidence of last night's dream had been washed away you turn off the water and step out onto the bathmat drying your small body using a red and white striped towel. With the towel wrapped around your waist you leave the bathroom and walk the short distance to your bedroom the thick carpet feeling lovely on your bare feet. Opening the door to your bedroom you pad inside, the curtains and windows are open in order to let the sunlight in and the musky smell of cum out.


You practically leap out of your skin, topple over your laundry basket and land in a heap on the floor. Sitting up you turn to glare at your beagle flat mate standing in your doorway giving you a wide toothy grin.

"Really Derek, I thought you had gotten bored of scaring the shit out of me"

"Nah, it never gets old!" he chuckles before sniffing the air.

"Oh it was one of those dreams was it?" he said "I suppose I should have guessed from the moaning"

Your cheeks begin to burn and you fiddle with your tail self-consciously.

"I don't moan do I?" your round ears are drooping in embarrassment.

"yeah you do, all night long, not as loud as the girls I bring home though amiright?!"

You roll your eyes at his alpha male bullshit not bothering to grace him with an answer, but as he turns to leave you call out to him deciding it was time to tell him.


"Yeah ratface?"

"I, I think I might be, well, you know"

He tilts his head his floppy ears perked up inquisitively his worried eyes regarding you.

"um, you see I think I might be, uh"

"Well come on spit it out it won't slap you as it leaves your mouth!" he shouts

You squeak in fright before taking a deep breath "Derek I think I might be gay"

He blinks at you.

"Is that all?"

"What do you mean is that all!?"

"Well I thought from the way you were acting up you were going to tell me you had cancer or something"

"What! You mean, you mean you don't mind?"

He gives you a reassuring smile "(Y/N) if I was bothered by you being gay I wouldn't have asked you to live with me"

"But that was over a year ago! You could not possibly have known I was gay, I didn't even know it myself!"

"The way you would stare at the other guys in the gym showers tipped me off, and if that's everything I am going to go have some breakfast"

"Wait! Do, do you think I am attractive?"

"Buddy you of all people should know I am as straight as a ruler"

"But what if I was a girl?"

"If you had a pussy I would tap that cute butt of yours so hard!" he grinned at you before realizing what he had said and going bright red under his face fur.

"I'm famished you should get dressed and have some breakfast kay bye" he waved before disappearing round the corner his pawsteps muffled by the carpet.

You listened to him go before standing up and closing the curtains, you let your towel drop before looking into your full length wardrobe mirror, staring back at you is a cute little mouse with white fur, grey eyes and a small, pink, uncut dick. Remembering what Derek said you turn around and look over your shoulder at your butt.

"Hmm, I suppose it is pretty cute" you chuckle as you noticed how plump it was compared to the butts you used to stare at in the gym showers. You give it a gentle slap before opening the wardrobe and grabbing the smallest pair of running shorts you own.

You squeeze into the shorts that are almost too small to fit and accentuate your ass even more than when you had been nude before putting on a loose fitting shirt with the words furfield running team emblazoned onto it. You sigh as you remember just where you had got that shirt.

You had always been a role model student, always on time and top of all of your classes, or at least all of your classes except for gym. That was how you had caught the eye of Derek, Derek was the kind of guy who took school seriously but simply didn't have the attention span to remember or understand information, he got through high school by the skin of his teeth by working hard and asking plenty of questions but things were not looking up for university.

Then he met you, top of the class and never having to ask a single question. So on his second week he decided to ask you a favor.

<4 years ago>

"ARE YOU (Y/N)?" You squeak in terror, dropping your books and spinning around to see a beagle looking down at you with a smile spreading his muzzle.

"You scared me" you whimpered.

"Sorry" he said stooping to pick up your books before continuing "I was hoping you could help me with something"

"oh and what would that be?" you say as he straightens; cradling your books in his arms.

"Well I heard you were pretty smart and I was wondering if you could give me a hand with understanding some of my subjects"

You look up at him before fiddling with the hem of your shirt "um, I don't know. I mean I usually work by myself".

His face falls and he gives you a forlorn look. There was something about that look that just makes your heart melt.

"Ok" you whisper.

"What?" his ears perk up "really?"

"Sure" you say giving him a small smile. As the beagle hands you your books you ask "Um, what's your name?"

"It's Derek, with a single R"

<Back in the present>

With your help Derek had flourished, just the way you explained topics made it easier for him to understand them until he no longer needed to spend his weekends studying and started going out to bars and clubs, he soon discovered that he was quite the ladies' man. In return he would force you to go out for a run with him every morning; it has worked wonders on your physique. It had gotten to the point where you got fast enough to get accepted into the university running team, much to yours and Derek's delight.

3 years later you both graduated.

You tried to find a job but despite your qualifications you just couldn't ace any of the interviews until finally your loan that you received from your parents was starting to run out but just before you gave up hope Derek suggested that you share his flat as payment for all those years of help you had given him, but you had your suspicions that he just couldn't abandon a friend in need. It was an arrangement that had been going smoothly for almost a year, and then the dreams had started.

Each one had a similar premise, you would be totally helpless and afraid before a strong male would come and comfort you before fucking your brains out. The bondage has been a constant theme as well, sometimes you would wake up in it, sometimes the male would put you in it, there had even been a couple of times where you had put yourself in it but it was always there. And every time you opened your eyes in the morning your legs would be sticky with spunk.

You have to do something, you don't know what but something.

As you enter the kitchen you see that Derek had already left for work leaving you on your own with the entire apartment to yourself. Sighing you pour yourself a bowl of cereal and start to eat it without adding milk as Derek was tight on money and had not been able to afford it, something you felt deeply responsible for. But you are going to make sure that will change.

Time to resume the job hunt.