Bessie By: The Coyotoy ([email protected])
Dan had been working at the county fair for the past few days. One of his friends got him a job as a gopher, doing odd jobs and helping out "behind the scenes" as it were. The fair had already gone 2 days of its full 10 as Dan walked past the cow barns. In the barns many of the local area farmers brought their prize cows to be judged. The 1st place cow not only won his owner a substantial cash prize, but also a little bit of cow-renown, which out here in the country could some times get you more than cash could.
Dan looked into the barns, and saw row after row of cows. Standing near his side of the barn was a man, he seemed to be waiting for someone or something, and when he saw dan he waved and yelled "hey you come over here I need some help with getting my cow ready!" Dan couldn't refuse, seeing as how he was still on duty, so he came over to the man. "hiya Im Dan, what can I help you with?" the man smiled and shook his hand. "well Dann-o I need some help preparing my cow to be judged, I have all this gear to carry over and my back aint what it used to be." With a wave of his hand the man indicated a large pile of leather straps, bells hung off the straps here and there, it seemed to be some sort of ornamental harness. Dan bent to pick it all up, barely able to hold it all in his arms as he stood up. He was about to ask where it needed to go when the man dropped a huge cow collar around his head, complete with large metal cow bell. Dan shrugged once but didn't think much about the bell and collar, seeing as how his hands were already so full of gear, slipping the heavy collar around his neck seemed like the best place.
They started off towards one of the back corners of the stable where there were still quite a few empty stalls. The whole place smelled of cow. Though not necessarily a bad smell, all of these cows had been washed, and most of them didn't stay at the fair over night, the farmers were too paranoid to leave them. So most of the place just had the warm soft smell of large clean animals. Dan found that he almost liked the smell which was odd because he never really used to like cows before. As they approached the last row of stalls dan still didn't see this cow he was supposed to be helping with, and his arms were beginning to ache from carrying the heavy gear. "hey where is this cow of yours anyway?" dan huffed as he shifted the pile of leather. "oh don't worry shes right in here." The man gestured to one of the stalls, and Dan could just see a mound of black and white fuzz. Though it looked cow like, the thing didn't seem to have any shape, it looked more like a deflated cow than anything else. He dumped the pile of straps in the corner and turned to look at the cow. As he bent over he realized that it really did seem like a deflated cow. He bent to pick it up and see what exactly it was. The feel of the things skin was soft, it seemed to be covered in thick, though short fur, unlike most cows which actually seemed rather bristly if you rubbed them the wrong way, this "cow" was soft all over. As he looked he noticed what seemed like a big opening down the back of the cow. Inside it was soft and dry, the inside seemed like it was made of some thick neoprene wetsuit material. Some deep urge compelled dan to grab the "cow" by the open edges and lift it up. As he did he realized that it indeed was a deflated cow, or perhaps a cow costume. Dan looked up from the cow to the man with a questioning look. Sensing his confusion the man said "go a head, put it on, its very nice to wear, its just a costume, though you'll have to wear her naked." For some reason that dan couldn't fathom this all seemed perfectly logical, he would put on the suit and everything would be fine.
He slid out of his pants, and slid his first foot into the suit. it felt wonderful. The suit was tight, but not overly so, and it seemed to be powdered with something so that his legs slid in easier. The foot of the suit held Dans own foot on his toes, holding his foot tight in the shiney black hoof of the cow. The rubber like material stretched over his skin, it was warm and felt comforting as dan pulled it up, it felt so natural. As he began to pull the suit up over his thighs and waist he realized that it really was a deflated cow, it was made of two layers, one for a person, and the other that you could inflate, giving the person inside the shape of a plump, healthy cow. He looked down and saw the big pink uninflated udder, and below that he saw his baggy uninflated legs, ending in hooves. For some reason the thought of beign turned into a cow aroused him, and he could feel his erecting rubbing over the soft inner lining. At this point though he realized that he would have to take his shirt off, and the cow bell collar. He removed first the collar, then his shirt and began to pull the suit up more. He slid his right arm in and could feel the soft presss of the suit all around him. His hand was held in a tight ball inside the cow hoof, and as he rubbed his new hoof across his chest he was aware that he seemed to be able to have some sensation through the suit. He then slid his other arm into the suit, relishing the feel of it all over most of his body. With his other hand curled up tight in the other hoof he felt safe and secure. He began to rub his hooves over his body, feeling how it felt. The two layers of thick rubber prevented him from feeling too much, but he loved the feel of that soft dry inner lining rubbing against his bare skin. He reached down and played a bit with his deflated udder, pressing at it with his immobile hooves and wondering at the strange sensation it gave him. So absorbed was he in feeling his new body that he didn't even notice the farmer come up behind him and slide the head, which dangled down his chest, over his own. Dan gasped in surprise and in pleasure as the snug fitting neoprene head slid over his own. The head seemed to have holes for eyes that he could easily see out of, and little holes that connected the cows nose with his own. If he opened his mouth the cow did too, her large bovine jaw opening and shutting. The farmer then locked the large heavy collar around his neck, locking it shut. Almost at the same time the collar was locked on, Dan could feel the hole at the back of the suit seal up, sealing him totally into the rubber cow suit. he tried to ask the farmer what was going on, but all the came out was a long low moo.
Although by all means dan should be very afraid he felt calm. He really was starting to enjoy this, he was going to be someone's prize cow! He reached dwon and felt his udder again. Enjoying the heavy feel of it, rubbing it also made him more excited for just behind the udder was his hard cock. He mooed low again, enjoying the feel of being trapped inside the cow. "good thing I like cows, other wise I'd go crazy trapped inside one!" he thought to him self.
The farmer came up and patted him on the shoulder. "ok Bessie, time to get you all milked up." Dan had no idea what this meant but he found out a moment later when the farmer hooked what seemed like a large automatic cow milker to his four large teats. With the flip of a switch the machine trundled to life,. Pumping what dan guessed was milk INTO his body. As the machine thrummed away dan could feel that he was slowly fillinf up with a thick, warm liquid. when he looked down he saw that his legs had taken shape and looked very much like cow legs ending in black hooves. As the mystery liquid went up ward he could feel the suit get tighter and tighter. It also got hotter. Making dan sweat as he struggled to remain standing. The weight of the fluid filling his body and his udders made him fall, landing on his well padded bottom, with his back coming to rest against the back wall of the stall. And there he sat slowly getting filled up, his body puffing out more and more each second beginning him closer to being a cow. As the liquid began to fill into his arms dan marveled at how it seemed to hold his cow like shape, but still allowed him to move fairly easily. More and more the machine filled him up, till he felt like he might burst, at which point the farmer turned the machine off. Dan just sat there looking down at himself, his hard hooves rubbed over his full cow-like tummy, one hoof playing with the large bell, the other slowly rubbing his belly. It felt good to rub him self, the feeling of his hooves sliding over his taut skin overwhelmed him.
The farmer patted bessie's full udders "come on and stand up ole girl, lets see how you take to milking." Dan blinked and stood, obeying his master the farmer, he placed both his front hooves on the ground, and then his back ones, standing on all fours like a cow. It seemed totally natural for him to stand like this, though some place in the back of his head he knew it was wrong. But before that thought could grow the farner placed his hands on the teats of his udder. Immediately he felt pleasure like he had never felt before. The feeling of the light squeezing made him want to cum, and it felt like he was cumming, though he suddenly realized he was being milked! Bessie mooed happily enjoying the milking, though before he could get too much pleasure the farmer stoped and began to untangle the pile of leather in the corner. Bessie looked and realized that it was the ornamental harness, and it was slowly being fitted to her, piece by piece.
When the farmer had finished Bessie stood with her collar and matching harness, every move she made made a merry little jingle. The judges came by, looking her all over and poking and prodding. She loved the attention and the feel of their hands all over her body. And finaly when they were done she won the first place award. The farmer was VERY happy which in turn made Bessie very happy. But she was not to go home to the farm tonight. "now don't worry ole girl. You see I made a deal for that fancy suit of yours, I made a deal that I would win first place, but afterwards this kind woman would get to take you home. I don't care really what she does with you... as long as I won first place!" Bessie looked over to the woman, she was wearing a dark red dress, with matching heels, everything about her seemed to be smooth and slick. "well doen farmer bob, you won the first prize, now you can leave me and MY prize here alone for a while." She smiled this smile that made you want to do anything she said, the farmer just nodded dumbly and walked off.
AS she looked at the woman, Bessie could feel more of Dan coming back he was confused as to what was going on, though the pleasant feel of the woman stroking his head made him feel less agitated. "now just shut your eyes and the ride will be over in a moment. " dan shut his eyes, not knowing what the woman meant, but when he opened them again a second later he found himself in a different place altogether! It seemed like some large play room, it was all full of a huge menagerie of animals, some looked like cartoons, but others like himself looked fairly realistic. As he looked back over to the woman he saw not a woman, but a shapely nude vixen. "hmmm my dear, you are going to make a nice addition ot my collection. But don't worry, all my animals are friendly, Im sure you'll find that they will greet you with open arms, paws, hooves, or hands, and Im sure you'll get all the attention you want." She smiled and began to walk out of the room, leaving Bessie dan sitting on the floor. Though he wasn't alone for long, as a large very over stuffed looking wolf ambled over to him and began to cuddle against him, and soon, all his worries were lost in the soft comfy feel of the tightly sealed cow suit..