The Submissive: Who are they?

Story by Janoria Corven on SoFurry

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#2 of From The Desk of - BDSM Lifestyle

Random Mini-series on who the submissive is... First part out of many.

Who is that? Kneeling down unto the floor, head bowed, palms on their knee's, collar around their neck. Who is that? The person that dares to look up into the person whom is towering over them, straight into the eyes, and proclaims them as Master?

I'll tell you...

The person you see down there on the floor? Scantily clad, wearing little to no clothing, or even no clothing at all (if you look at it in a different light), quivering in fear, writhing in pleasure. smiling from ear to ear in pure bliss. That, is a submissive. The person whom would willing discard all of their clothings, all of their possessions, all of their needs, wants, desires, goals. EVERYTHING that was to be in their life, they would willingly forfeit for a desperate chance to once more be knelt down at the Master's feet.

Why? Because they knew exactly where they wanted to be, where they wanted to remain, where they wanted to improve on their life, and in turn, bring pleasure to those around them and to those they serve. Why? because they knew that through the Master, they could be anything that they wanted to be, for their true Master, would want to stop at nothing, so that they could be successful, so that they could grow into the confident, strong, independent person that The Master truly knew that they could be.

the submissive is a child. Not derogatory, but in a literal sense. The submissive is there to grow under the Master's careful, gentle, harsh, controlled, calculated eyes. he is there to watch after the submissive, tend to her gardens (metaphorically), and to help her grow.

There is so much more to a submissive, then i am able to write down here, But these are some of my thoughts on what a submissive is...

what's yours?

  • Janoria Corven