A Tale of the World .Pt 1

Story by Kunar the Oracle on SoFurry

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From the creators noah and kunarand sorry for my mistakes theres probly thousands_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hello sorry to disappoint those that thought this would be a story, it's is kind of a summation of the world and every thing that makes it different. At times it can be very convoluted and hard to follow an example of this in one story a character might hear on the news that there was a prison break, in another book/story might be from the perspective of the prisoner who just escaped, a third perspective might be from a character who just joined the cops and now is on the hunt for this escaped convict. so that's the premise of the world, so if something happens in one book that you want to know more about it, chances are that if you read some of my outer books you could very possibly learn more.Now that's it for the permis of the world. now let's talk about where and when the world (or worlds) are based. The first world (earth 1.0) is based in the same spot just before are earth and then there's a catastrophic event which brakes the planet and the gods (oo ya i have to talk about them) put it all back together (earth 2.0) new earth is essentially where and when we live now.Now we get to talk about all the races of the books there are a few furry races 3 to be precise, first are the Kamoray (Ka-more-ay) a feline race, but don't call them cats or you just might make them angry(the way i see it i would not like being called a monkey if no more that they would like being called cats), they were created from a proud feline race of animals, but were given sentient by Renmora the god of the animal side of nature.The Levithins (Le-vi-thins) which are the reptilian side of things (mostly dragons but some lizards as well) where created from the scaly serpents of the air and water and land being almost hunted to extinction by those that wished to prove their worth. Renmora again pitied them like she had the Kamoray and bestowed upon the the same gift. Lastly are the Wolverins (Wool-ver-ins) they are a wolf/dog race created from the death of one of the last of the white wolfs which is Renmora's sacred animal. All of them were forced back into the cold

winter storms of the south by the destruction of their forest.There they slowly starved to death because nothing could survive in this harsh cold land, when Renmora learned of this she went into a depression and her brother Naymin the god of the plant side of nature was furious and caused trees 5 meters across to grow rapidly to destroy the kingdom that had used their home as fuel. the Kamoray and the Levithins went to retrieve the bodies of the white wolves. Renmora could not bring them to life so she made them into new life which became the Wolverins. there are a couple more races and i will go more in depth later if asked. but for the furry races that's it there is the elves the dwarves and humans also but there not furies but again if asked i will do some writing on them.Ooo the way magic works in this world is the best i love the way i made it. some are born more connected to the flow of magic and can more easily access the flow of magic each person born with magic usually only have the gift of one aspect of magic and a big contributing factor in this is there race for example a child of the nature gods are more likely to have nature magic or elemental magic (fire water rock air). You see magic also becomes more powerful if under strong emotion like fear, love, anger, sadness, loss or happiness and the more powerful this feeling is the more attuned they are with magic the more likely their emotion will have a less desirable effect on the world around them an example is, if there was an Kamoray mage of water and you killed someone he loved dearly if was connected enough his sadness could very well cause a flood or a tsunami (not rain because that's more a storm mage) if he was instead a fire mage and near a mountain or something of such it could make it erupt like a volcano. But those are the extreme a fire mage will more likely raise the temp of the area around him causing things to catch fire and smolder. Most don't know they have access to magic at birth, they learn when they feel strongly about something and  something triggers it. Some mages are strong enough to draw sines with their hand and using sines they can cast spells for other magic types but it takes more out of them.When casting spells you need to be aware of the after effects for casting spells tends to make people tired, drowsy, hungry and thirsty.Gods wow this will be a big topic possibly longer than two pages so instead i will chop it down, why because there is a god for EVERY THING there is the god of thieves  Miona (My-own-na) the original essences Nrigma (N-rig-ma) and Olslam (Ol-slam) the eater and the hunter of cruel soles and Renmora (Ren-more-a) and her brother Naymin (Nay-min), there is Mazor (May-zor) the god of humanity and emotions, there is Azumar (A-zoo-m-are) the

god of the elves and magic, there is Slathing (S-la-thing)n the god of the dwarves, everything under ground and craftsmanship and Leyon (Lay-on) and Umay (U-may) the gods of love and lust. That's just a few of them. There is a couple thing i need to mention. First they are not immortal they can die but every thing that is a part of them will die as well, for example if you killed mazor humans everywhere would drop down dead and no one else would ever feel emotions. second the gods aren't like living up on big fluffy clouds most of them actually live with or near there people like Renmora lives with her brother in the center of  there three different races while out there are very secluded and to themselves like the dwarf god he lives close to the center of the earth by his lonesome. Gods can make champions usually from one of there reces doing so makes the champion very powerful but makes the god weaker. A god's power comes from their domain like the more nature there is the more powerful Renmora and Naymin are. when a person becomes a champion they will never age and can be brought back from the dead because when they die their souls go to the god who made them a champion but it takes a long time to bring them back like 10,000 years that they have to consciously wait through and if they don't go mad they can then come back. Some gods have zero champions others have five another reason to have champions is to get you more power, because gods also get power when people worship them regularly or in some cases if there one of the more evil gods they get stronger with the more people that fear them so if you were a god like this you might want a champion that act like freddy krueger or jason or any other scary villain.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~we have some more to say about the world but that is a basic summary ~K~ vary basic ~N~ shhh. But if you would like to know more tell me so.~K~ the more you cool cats and proud pups Like Fav Watch and coment the sonner we will post again ~NK~ read are bio to know more about us. ~K~ so may Renmora watch over you. fare well you cool cats and proud pups see you soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Like Fav Watch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~