The Life

Story by Vertical on SoFurry

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#1 of Rough Draft/Demo

Idk. Was just something I thought up on the spot. Might expend on it later. I was thinking about like making it my fursona in a furtopia world where I attend school and stuff (which I do). Thought It could be relatable (once I add more about the actual 'life' part) to the average fur.

A deep orange is radiated from the candles, the smell of Jasmine and some other unknown scent fills the air, and the smoothest of silk encapsulates me. Wait, it's not only me under the sheets, there is another warm being on top of me. I feel up it's soft and intricate back, tracing the spine on the way up until I reach it's head. It is only then I realize we've been in a locked, eye-to-eye gaze. I recognize his face in mere seconds. His slim, tiger body lays comfortably on top of me. I feel our pulses raise as he places his soft lips on mine. Time most definitely flies past us as the world seems to fade away. He then moves his head and whispers in my ear, "Baby, I....." He pauses. I look at his beautiful face, full of anticipation for what he is most likely going to say. "......" Still nothing. As I am about to open my mouth to say something, the candles are blown out, the sheets are pulled away, and the room turns black. He looks back at me once again until suddenly getting sucked into the blackness that surrounds me. A distant monotone ringing increases in volume until it is unbearable. And then quicker than I can say wait, my eyes open.