Good Morning

Story by FauxFoxx on SoFurry

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The blankets are warm, soft, and inviting. I don't want to leave them, even for a moment, but the prodding on my side and sudden movement leans to the otherwise. I hear grumbling as my partner sits up in bed, stretching. Sudden movement again. He gets up out of bed and tiredly moves to the other, darker room. I wait patiently, keeping an eye on the door to make sure he comes back. I remember only yesterday; spending time with him on the sofa while he lives out the evening. For me, that's enough. I'm happy only if he is. He finally exits the dark room, smiling at me on the bed, and gesturing towards the door, which he slowly opens. I leave the bed, happily walking out with him and entering the kitchen to get some water. He makes his way to the living room and returns to his comforting place, the left spot on the sofa we both enjoy. I spend a few moments in the kitchen waiting for him, but he never comes. That's OK. I'll try again later. In the meantime I decide to join him on the sofa, giving him a warm snuggle. I love this person; he is my favorite. I spend my entire days with him, I know when he needs me most. He pats me on the head and only says the words I've been waiting for all morning: "Good morning Jam."