A Beautiful Day

Story by FauxFoxx on SoFurry

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It was a beautiful day.The sun was warm and welcoming; the kind of light that was warming to the touch, but not at all unpleasant. The temperature perfect enough to live in forever. I was very happy; today, my parents were taking me out for a visit. I don't know where, but I know my Dad was hiding his own anticipation; I could tell by that shadow of a smirk on his lips, that tell that always told. My Mom was beaming; she was also excited, but always displayed about only a third of what everyone else was feeling. It was her way, and I loved her for it. Not too much, never too little.As I shifted in the back seat, my Mom calmly explained that we were going to go to the Zoo to see the new Tiger exhibit.The world suddenly shoved itself into a time stopping standstill. The Zoo?! We're going to the Zoo?!I grinned widely, my ears slightly perking as I did so; my own tell that always told. I kept bouncing in my seat, thanking them both quickly and asking which animal we were to see first. The Monkeys? The Reptiles? Can we see the Zebras too? Will  the Tigers eat me? Dad won't let them! The day was looking to be good one indeed.What a beautiful day.