Chapter 23: Shameful Lust

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#23 of Fox Hunt 3: Sword and Stone

Shameful Lust

Chapter 23

Azrian couldn't speak. Only weeks before, she waded out of the river, drenched, cold, and suffering from intense burns, and it was Atieno who came to her. He was smiling and polite, but she knew the smile of a shark when she saw one. She tried to fight him, but in her mortal form, her magic was laughable compared to his, and she took a slash across the cheek from his dagger before it was over. He slammed her by the neck to a tree and kissed her hard, and when he pulled away, she fell to her knees and clutched her throat in shock and horror: her voice was gone.

Azrian then knelt in the dust, her red mane hanging around her in a veil, listening grimly as Atieno paced before her and gave his "introduction." He was her brother, Atieno the Scorned, Ravisher of Purity and Slayer of Mercy. He had been cast from Skkye for his crimes, but their "dear" father (he said with sarcastic enmity) had given him a chance to redeem himself by escorting Azrian back to Wychowl. And if Azrian knew what was good for her, she would come along quietly and not make trouble for him.

But Azrian fully intended to make trouble for Atieno. All she had to do was watch and wait. As Atieno was walking with her, her heart leapt to realize the dagger he'd cut her face with was actually Skkye Glass. Azrian remembered having to approach Hildrith'el just to get one. Atieno's possession of a glass dagger could only mean one thing: he really had been sent by a god. But had he truly been sent by Ti'uu? Ayni seemed more likely.

Azrian waited until nightfall when Atieno had made camp. She pretended to sleep, and as her brother was dozing off, she crept upon him and slit his throat with his own dagger. The look on his face. He had clearly underestimated her. He sputtered up blood but stemmed the flow with healing magic just in time. With one paw clapped to his gushing neck, he grabbed her by the wrist and twisted. She screamed when pain snaked white-hot up her arm, and she heard her bones cracking, as if they had not been broken but shattered. She fell over in agony, flabbergasted by the sheer power he commanded. He came to her with the dagger, held her face down in the mud . . . and carved her wings off.

Azrian's screams echoed through the forest that night. The blade seared through her tendons like white fire. She reached blindly for Atieno as he was cutting. She managed to grab his face, and when she heard him screaming, she knew he was feeling her pain with every slice. Perhaps Ti'uu had linked their essence to protect her. In other words . . . Ti'uu knew Atieno was dangerous! The anger burned through her to realize it. How could he send such a monster to her? The more Atieno hurt her, the more he hurt himself. But he gritted his fangs and sliced until her back was a bloody mass, and when she lay weak and pained in the dirt, he tucked the dagger away, healed her arm, and wrapped her in his coat. For the slightest second, she thought she saw pity in his brown eyes. But she couldn't decide if the pity was for her . . . or for him.

They traveled on in silence. Atieno never spoke to Azrian, except to remind her that she was within his power. Azrian knew he was looking for someone, but he would not say who and she could not guess. Eventually, they came upon a camp, and Azrian knew he had discovered who he'd been searching for.

The camp consisted of four mastiff dogs and a fox. Azrian immediately recognized the mastiffs as belonging to Wychowl: they wore the breastplates and jackets with the symbol of the roaring lion. The group seemed happy and content, sitting around their fire, joking, laughing, two even singing. The captain elbowed the grumpy fox until he smiled, the female mastiff pointed and guffawed at something another had said, and the group contently passed around a pipe, its smoke wafting high in the moonlight.

Azrian pitied them, knowing her brother was about to spread the poison of his presence through their camp and snuff their joy like a fly between his fingers. She and Atieno watched as the group prepared to rest for the night, and she was not surprised when the handsome blonde mastiff sensed they were near and called them forward. It was apparent he had sharp senses and very intense eyes, and he seemed to look directly at Azrian, even though his night vision was too weak for him to really see her.

Azrian and Atieno emerged, and she watched, helpless and silent, as Atieno slyly manipulated the camp, pulling her into the light and allowing the fox in the cloak to see her face. It wasn't long before the fox recognized Azrian and announced who she was. Atieno garnered the desired result when the mastiffs fell to their knees, though he seemed very irritated by their worship, despite the smile he kept plastered on his face. Azrian saw the flicker of envy in his eyes and imagined what it must have been like for him. Not only did Ti'uu seem to favor Azrian over him, but so did the whole of Aonre. Atieno was not called the Ravisher and the Scorned because he was loved.

If only Atieno knew about those dogs and foxes who actually hated Azrian. He didn't seem to realize how many criminals and would-be assassins she had sent to Aonre from S'pru, nor how many dogs rejected the idea that she was Nadheertia incarnate. She was hated as much as she was loved, and with the Skkye Glass passing around, her life had been in danger from the moment she ascended to S'pru. She and Etienne met often in the Halfway Place in the years that followed, and as they lay in each other's arms, wrapped in dreams and whispers and kisses, they both agreed to lock their Skkye Glass away, so that no beast could use them. Etienne locked his dagger away in the bowels of Wychowl, and Azrian locked her dagger away in the darkest corner of S'pru, and yet . . . it seemed both daggers had been so easily acquired -- and by their children. Azrian rushed to the bridge of light to intercept Ettoras once her Skkye Glass had gone missing, and it was there that she met Zeinara - who had stolen Etienne's Skkye Glass.

It was paramount that the daggers were returned to their vaults. It was more important than whatever plan Ti'uu had laid out for Azrian. She wanted to scream at Ti'uu. Twenty years, and he was still trying to force her to rule Aonre with Etienne? Twenty years, and he was still trying to make her queen of Varimore!

Now Azrian and Atieno were traveling with the group, to where Azrian knew not, and she hated herself for her helplessness. She was forced to watch as Atieno raped the female mastiff everyday. She had been given to him to do with as he pleased in exchange for his "help," and he took every opportunity to humiliate her. He seemed to delight in torturing the male fox (who the others called Nkwe) by having her commit all sorts of filthy sex acts in front of him. And the female submitted, wetly and almost eagerly, the juices gliding down her shapely thighs.

As the others watched around the fire, Atieno took the girl's virginity in broad daylight. She was aggressively stripped naked, her soft screams rising with every rip and tear, her full breasts jiggling as she was made to sit on his erection, legs spread, and ride him as he groped her in fistfuls. Her virgin blood seeped down his veined phallus in a web as she gasped with a panting mouth to the sky, her tawny mane in her eyes, her breasts riding with every thrust.

As they traveled on, the female mastiff was forced to remain in the nude and was only allowed to wear her boots. She also wasn't allowed her weapons, which Atieno tossed in the river as she angrily watched, saying that no female should be fighting anyway. He kept her on a rope like a leash, and each evening when they camped, he pulled on the leash as he forced her to suck his erection. She would crawl to him with swinging breasts and obediently suck him until he was satisfied, slurping and choking on drool when he pulled on the rope until his large phallus had crammed down her flexing throat. Her gurgling and choking became a nightly song as she sucked him each night, as she swallowed another dose of hot cum. And the wet sound of Atieno suckling her plump breasts as she rode his lap always followed immediately after.

The female was, unfortunately for her, very beautiful, vulnerable and trembling without her armor, curvaceous and tall, body muscular, breasts high and full. Her lashes were very long and her tawny mane fell to her tail. She was not allowed to walk when they were in camp: she was ordered to crawl, tail lifted, so that the sweet scent of her pink sex wafted everywhere.

The female would glance often at Nkwe as if in silent accusation, but he would always avoid looking at her. Azrian could see how he was suffering for it all. He was very tense anytime Atieno raped the female. It was apparent that she meant something to him, though he denied it with every breath.

It didn't take Azrian long to recognize Nkwe. As she and Etienne lay together in the Halfway Place, he told Azrian about the fox siblings, Nkwe and Mogethis, who had come to Wychowl with his daughter. Azrian knew Nkwe was desperate to find Mogethis and Zeinara even now, desperate enough to bow to the obvious child of the very gods he loathed. And Atieno was taking advantage of that desperation, smiling and unapologetic as he bent the female mastiff over a stump and rammed himself home under her tail.

The others called the female Nattie or Natasha. Listening to them grumble, Azrian heard the one called Chase contemplating some way to murder Atieno and be rid of him. She wished she could warn them of the danger and tried to many times with her eyes. But none of them seemed to understand her silent urgency. She wanted to grab Guss - the slowest of the bunch - and shake him by his collar. Speaking into their minds was fruitless, as Atieno had done something to prevent her reaching out. All she could do was watch and wait.

The last night before they were finally to leave Crinnington, Atieno announced that they were "almost there," and when Nkwe demanded to know where they were going, he smiled and answered, "The hills have little doors here."

"Who are you?" Nkwe demanded as the group sat around the fire. He glared over his meal at Atieno, who was sitting across from him and contently eating.

That night's supper consisted of pheasant that'd been roasted on a spit. The bird's remains was still on a spit over the fire, and everyone was eating their share. Atieno didn't look up from his meal and hardly seemed concerned with Nkwe's intimidating glare.

Natasha was sitting naked beside Atieno's golden sandal, hugging her full breasts as she stared miserably at the ground. Every now and then, Atieno fed her a piece of meat from his bowl, and she chewed bitterly. When Nkwe spoke, her pale green eyes snapped up, and she glared at him from behind the mess of her tawny mane. Azrian thought she would scratch Nkwe's eyes out if she could. He had handed her over to be raped repeatedly and couldn't even muster enough shame to show regret about it. She was silently, coldly furious, and she wasn't the only one who was angry: Chase seemed on the verge of stabbing both Atieno and Nkwe each time either of them spoke. Captain Franklin and Guss, meanwhile, seemed horribly afraid of Atieno and kept their mouths shut the majority of the time. When Nkwe dared speak to Atieno, the captain froze and eyed him nervously, as if silently praying an altercation of some sort wasn't on the rise.

"Who am I?" Atieno said at last. He darted a glare at Azrian. "I am the only Son of the Sun. I am Azrian's brother. I have no name beyond that."

Everyone went still to hear the announcement, and Nkwe blinked in surprise.

"I have no worth_beyond _that," Atieno went on bitterly and smiled coldly at Nkwe. "I am no one."

Nkwe's lip slowly curled, and Azrian was surprised when he hissed, "How can you hate your own sister so?"

Atieno's eyes passed with interest over Nkwe's furious face. He appeared calmly amused, though little else.

But Nkwe was furious. He darkly shook his head. "I would be the first to say that Azrian deserves nothing but spite for her folly. Her actions tore the world apart!"

Azrian sat unhappily beside Atieno and wasn't surprised by Nkwe's hatred for her. While reigning as goddess over S'pru, there were many Children of Yfel who crossed the bridge of light, pretending they wanted to start a new life. They would come to the CrystalPalace in the guise of supplicants, only to launch at Azrian madly and wildly, hurling flames from their paws and screeching Yfel's many titles as they fell, one after another, in pools of their own blood. The assassins never let up and never surrendered. It was kill or be killed, and they didn't seem to care that Yfel had sent them on a suicide mission. Yfel did not approve of Azrian's creation of S'pru anymore than Ti'uu did - nor did her followers.

Ti'uu had only spoken to Azrian once in twenty years, and that was to warn her of Yfel, Maret, and Ayni, the three sisters who were known as the Triple Goddess, for they were the oldest of the goddesses and most desiring of power - as if they believed their elder status entitled them to power over both worlds. Ti'uu's voice came through the pool of water before Azrian's throne, and the water rippled as he warned her never to leave S'pru. Then he fell silent and the water fell still. And he never spoke to her again.

"But she's your sister," Nkwe went on in disgust. "You are supposed to help her see the error of her ways." He offered a paw, gesturing at Azrian. "But instead you hurt her? And then you bitch and complain about Ti'uu loving her more." He shook his head again. "If you were my child . . . I would hate you as well."

Atieno slowly set aside his plate and just regarded Nkwe a moment. Everyone waited tensely for his anger, but instead of unleashing all hell on them, he calmly said without turning his head, "Nattie my pet."

Natasha cast her eyes down. "Yes, Master?" she whispered.

"Before we enter the door tomorrow, I would like some last minute amusement," Atieno went on, his eyes still fixed on Nkwe. "You see, you all won't be coming with me."

Azrian stiffened. What was the son of a bitch up to now?

"So why not have a bit of fun before the gloom, eh?" Atieno said happily. He smiled. "Nattie my pet . . . tie Nkwe to that tree over there."

"Yes, Master," Natasha whispered, and Nkwe stiffened when Natasha slowly rose to her feet, her naked curves twisting as she straightened up.

The camp went still, and so did Nkwe, as Natasha approached her charge. She smiled at Nkwe's stiff anger, silently daring him to fight her. But Nkwe didn't fight. He let Natasha roughly yank him to his feet. He let Natasha gather a rope and tie him to a tree. And all the while, he stared coldly into the distance, determined that Atieno should garner no pleasure from his anger. If he was to be left there to die, he would do so with dignity.

But that wasn't Atieno's intention at all. "Very good," Atieno said. "Now . . . suck his dick."

Nkwe's eyes widened the slightest bit, but Natasha seemed only too happy to obey. Helpless and bound, Nkwe was forced to watch with a tight throat as Natasha yanked his pants open and pealed his soft penis out of the fabric. She looked him in the eye, and her green eyes were biting as she slowly licked him - hard, until drool slapped down his sack - and though he strained and winced against the pleasure, he was slowly starting to swell up. When he was finally erect and pulsing with veins, she took him into her mouth and sucked, and he strained with tight fangs to hold back his sighs. Before long, the sound of her sucking and gulping, of his gasping and panting, was the only sound in the camp. That, and the soft crackle of the fire.

". . . this is disgusting," Chase said at last, but Azrian glanced over and saw that Guss had gotten hard in his pants.

Captain Franklin also seemed to be enjoying what was happening, though instead of looking at Natasha's naked curves as she knelt and sucked Nkwe . . . he was looking at Chase. And with a terrible . . . hunger in his eyes. Chase caught the captain's eye and looked at him in amazement. Captain Franklin looked away in shame.

Atieno noticed the silent exchange and slowly smiled. "What's this now?" he said.

"I'm sorry . . ." Captain Franklin whispered, as if he couldn't help but confess. "I just . . . I want to sucking Chase's cock . . . ." His pale brown cheeks blushed scarlet with the confession, and Chase looked at him in horror. "I want his hard cock in my mouth," the captain said, looking as horrified with his own words as if he couldn't stop himself. Azrian noticed the growing bulge in his pants and glared at Atieno.

"I want to be inside him," the captain whispered and looked at Chase with soft-eyed longing.

"Captain!" Chase cried incredulously.

Atieno looked at Chase curiously. "And what do you want, Chase?"

"I want my cock in Nattie's camel toe," Chase blurted and paused in horror to hear his own words.

Natasha stopped sucking Nkwe to look at Chase in shock. Her lashes fluttered when he looked at her with hungry eyes and whispered, "I want to fuck the shit out of her. I want to make her scream."

Natasha blushed to her hairline.

"So make her scream," Atieno said calmly.

Azrian's heart skipped a beat when Chase snapped to his feet, and without hesitating, he marched at Natasha, who was still on her knees before Nkwe. She watched in amazement as Chase came to her. He grabbed her roughly by the neck, pulled her to her feet, bent her over, and crammed himself hard between the swollen lips of her sex. She cried out and her lashes fluttered wide as he filled her, but her cries were muffled when he guided her mouth over the thick length of Nkwe's penis, and then he was riding her, and as she rocked between the two, her full breasts swung down, jiggling with every merciless thrust.

Azrian averted her eyes and flattened her ears, trying with all her might to drown out the sound of Natasha's muffled gurgles. Nkwe was also grunting as her mouth was forced to pleasure him, and Chase was panting and sighing, pausing as he rode Natasha to spank her backside until it jiggled against him.

Captain Franklin moaned, and when Azrian glanced at him, he was touching the bulge in his pants and staring at Chase's tight backside with longing. Chase's pants had fallen around his ankles, and each time he thrust inside Natasha, his muscular buttocks flexed under his tail.

Atieno watched Captain Franklin, smiling a small smile. "Go on," he whispered, like a devil in his ear. "You know you want to."

Captain Franklin swallowed hard - then leapt from his seat and marched at Chase, all the while ripping open his pants and tearing off his belt. Chase never saw it coming. The captain locked his arm around his throat and crammed himself under his tail. "C-Captain!" Chase shouted and his eyes shrank with fear as the captain's fat erection plunged hard up his anus. His tail squirmed wildly. "Pull it out! Pull it out - oh god!" "I can't! Oh, Chase - you're so tight!" "Captain!" Chase twisted and shouted, but there was no escaping. Captain Franklin held on, falling forward in the struggle but bracing his strong legs. He plunged through the tight wreathing wall of Chase's anus, deep and slow, causing Chase in turn to plunge Natasha - who in turn was choking on Nkwe.

As if he could hold back no longer, Guss sprang up and ran to join the orgy. He crawled under Natasha, and she rocked, spit roasted on both penises, with Guss groping and sucking her breasts from beneath. Guss paused to lick her nipples before sucking them again. His fingers sank hungrily in the large softness of her hanging breasts, and she shivered all over as she was penetrated, licked, and groped, helplessly impaled between the males.

Chase was still fighting Captain Franklin and pried desperately at the arm around his throat, but Azrian could see how wet Natasha was getting on his penis. The bitch's juices were oozing down her shapely thighs, and as her moisture massaged him, Chase surrendered to Captain Franklin, releasing his arm with a trembling paw. His head fell back against the captain's shoulder, and Captain Franklin buried hungry kisses in his neck as he humped him, slow and deep.

Down below, Guss moved from Natasha's breasts and started dragging his heavy tongue against Chase and Natasha's joined sexes. Natasha seemed to grow wetter from the licking, and Chase moaned, "G-Guss, n-no . . ." even as he grew harder.

Nkwe was the first to come. He flinched in Natasha's mouth and sputtered weakly, and she gurgled as his cum rushed against her lips. But Chase didn't allow her to pull back to swallow. He held her in place by the neck and watched with narrowed eyes as he forced her throat to gulp down Nkwe's seed. Azrian knew it was vengeance on Chase's part: he resented Natasha for choosing Nkwe - a fox - over him, and now he wanted her to pay for it. Even as she was choking down the cum, Chase frowned and released inside of her sex. She took the hot spray on both ends, her curvy body trembling even harder as it happened.

Horrified, Natasha broke free and fell to her knees. She crawled away, naked and shaken, with Chase's seed staining her swollen sex. Still tied to the tree, Nkwe watched her sadly. But Chase glared at Natasha's back. He was still glaring when his eyes suddenly widened. "C-Captain - no!" But Captain Franklin grimaced, and Azrian knew he was coming inside Chase. Chase scrambled to get away, but the captain locked his arm tight around Chase's throat. He reached around and fumbled for Chase's soft penis, and as he fondled him carefully, he came under his tail with a choked cry.

"God, n-no!" Chase sobbed. "NO!"

Sitting on the ground watching, Guss stroked himself off until he had come as well.

"God!" Chase shouted. He broke free of the captain and staggered blindly a moment before his pants tripped him and he fell. He caught himself before his face hit the dirt, and he just sat there, his head bowed as his captain's hot seed stained his backside.

The silence that followed was pregnant with anger and shame, and no one seemed able to look at anyone else.

Azrian glared at Atieno, who looked at his victims listlessly as he whispered, ". . . yes. If I were Ti'uu . . . I'd hate me too."

Chapter 24: Paid in Blood

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