A pleasant afternoon alone

Story by mkcompy on SoFurry

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Today was the day, today was the day! One more minute and he'd have at least two hours to himself, no parents, no brother, nobody home to discover him. The plain brown feline tried as hard as he could to tell his parents goodbye in his normal non-elated voice, waving to them as they went out the door to see some live magic show. His little brother pushed past him, two little toy figures in his hands. "Alright, bye." He said and shut the door on them, quickly moving to the edge of the hallway. He peeked around the corner out through the front window, watching the street. A dark grey car pulled out and progressed further and further away, and as soon as it was out of his sight he grinned and sprinted to his room, shedding his bright blue shirt along the way.

He slammed his door behind him and threw his shirt on his bed, then moved to his closet. He threw open his closet door, flinching at the loud bang it made as it hit the wall, but immediately grabbing a brown unlabeled box down at the bottom of the closet, hidden underneath a few dirty clothes. He hugged it to his chest and stood up, turning and walking to his bed. Once at it he set the box down and quickly sliced it open with one claw, his heart racing. He knew what would be in there, but he was still so nervous. Slightly shaking hands pulled up the tabs, then the second set of tabs, looking down at the few sheets of crumpled paper protecting his order. He stared down at it for a moment, thinking that the room in the box was not adequate enough for what he'd ordered, but reasoned that everything should be there. He took off the top layer of crumpled papers, tossing them on the floor. The first item revealed itself, just a small corner, but he pulled it out and looked it over, giggling as he set it aside. The moving of the first revealed the second item, he took it out as well, and set it right above it's matching partner. Both were a blazing red color. He stared at the two things for a moment, then giggled some more and pulled out more papers, tossing them on the floor as well. A third and fourth item made themselves known in the medium-sized box, and he absolutely beamed as he laid the blue and white items next to the two crimson things. One more thing was in the box, or was supposed to be in the box. He up-ended it in his haste and saw the package of the thing buried in more paper. He pulled it out and set it along with the other four items, then hastily shoved every scrap of paper into the box, setting it beside his bed.

He unsnapped the front of his pants and slid them down, not bothering with the back for his tail. It just slid out easily enough anyways. His boxers were the next to go, revealing an already erect penis at his crotch. He teased it lightly with the tips of his fingers for a couple seconds, then walked over to his dresser, grabbing a rubber band. He pulled his long, brown hair back, then slowly worked the rubber band on, giving himself a ponytail. He admired his appearance in the mirror for a moment, touching his face lightly, then his stomach, finally back to his cock. He stroked once and took a step back over to the bed, looking first at the red items, then the blue and white. A grin was stuck on his face, and he purred lightly, hoping he'd ordered everything right. "Well, only one way to find out." He said and picked up the second item he'd pulled from the box, inspecting it for a moment, then lowering it and sliding one leg through one hole, and then the other though the second hole. He pulled up, and felt a soft fabric slide against his balls, then the lower half of his cock. The top half wouldn't fit in, and he giggled at the cute image of himself in the mirror. He felt a light touch to his tailhole, and smiled more. They were just the right size for him, a nice tight fit. The first crimson item he'd removed from the box was then picked up and looked over thoroughly. He fiddled with the furthest ends of it, hooking and unhooking the ends together as they were meant to be, and once he felt comfortable, he did it a few times behind his back, checking each time. Once satisfied, he unhooked them again and slid one arm though a hole and another through the second hole. He frowned in concentration as he clumsily tried hooking the two ends together behind his back, and after many tries, he felt the ends catch together. His smile returned a little bigger if that was possible, and he examined himself in the mirror once more, puckering his lips to his reflection, then laughing a little bit.

He turned back to his bed, picking up item number three. There wasn't much guess work to do here. He slipped one leg through the hole and the other through the same hole, pulling it up around his waist, leaving a little bit of the red showing all the way around his waist. He shook his hips left and right a little bit, watching the bottom of the new piece swish in the mirror. Pleased with this article, he grabbed the final piece of clothing and smiled to himself in the mirror. It was another piece that didn't take much guess work to figure out. He slipped it over his head and put each arm through its proper hole, pulling it down so it fit him snugly, and boy was it snug. He sighed, guessing he'd have to lose a few pounds eventually, but for now... He inspected himself once more in the mirror, twirling in place and giggling. "Hi there." He said in a higher-pitched voice than his usual, waving to his reflection. He stared silently at himself in the mirror for a minute before spurring himself back to action, picking up the fifth and final item.

He tore at the package, eventually freeing the real object he wanted from it's evil encasement. He inspected it from various angles, the cylindrical object looked mostly the same from any angle, but at the bottom was a slightly different texture, and a groove ran around it about half an inch from the base. The top tapered to a tip as well. He touched the tapered end to his mouth, looking at the mirror again. He licked it and laughed a little at the little show he was giving himself. A sudden cold on his penis made him look down, and he discovered that he was leaking precum. Enough had leaked that it had trailed down to the crimson material and gotten under it, giving his cock a sudden, light chill. He grinned and slid his finger through the slick, wet stuff on his cock, the pad coming away wet. He looked at it, staring silently. He let the hand holding the silvery cylinder object move away from his mouth, and the slightly damp digit approached his mouth in its place. He hesitated, then licked at the wetness with his flat tongue, his eyes moving up and to the right. He tasted it for a moment, then tried again. He shrugged and let the hand fall back to his side, his eyes moving back to the shining silver tube-like object. He fiddled with it some more, and turned the bottom of the tube, the end that had a slight groove separating it from the rest of the tube. He gasped as it started to hum and shake in his hand. He turned a little harder, and the thing increased its noise and vibration output. Once more he turned it, and once more the hum and vibration increased. He tried yet again, but this time the end did not move, and the output stayed the same. He turned it the other direction, and it slowly died down to a stop.

Nervous eyes glanced to the clock. He still had quite a while left. According to his mental watch they'd left about twenty minutes ago. He still had over an hour and a half to himself. A devilish smile spread on his lips and he moved to his bed once more, placing the silver tube on it, then returning to his closet. He dug through somewhere in the bottom and retrieved a purple bottle from the depths of his closet, returning quickly to his bed. Once more his eyes glanced at the clock, once more they confirmed he had an hour and a half to himself. He giggled and placed the purple bottle on his bed, then grabbed a towel that was hanging to dry on his headboard. He felt it a few times, it was still damp, but he shrugged, folded it in half, and laid it on his bed. Climbing up onto his bed, he grabbed the purple bottle and the silver tube and set them right next to himself, then picked up the purple bottle again. He sat there with it for a few seconds, putting his free hand on his chin. After a few seconds he started moving again, and shifted position, getting on his hands and knees. He twisted the nozzle on the bottle to the left and placed a finger under the end of it, pressing gently on the top. A small drop of clear liquid oozed out of the nozzle, and he wiped it onto his finger, then set the bottle aside and leaned forward. Now supported by his chest and knees, he felt around under the blue and white garment for the red, and pulled it aside with his dry hand. He gasped again as the soft material was pulled down slightly around his cock, stroking it ever so gently. Then he went back to his current objective, and the hand with the drop of thick liquid wormed its way up to his tailhole, pressing against it lightly. It earned another gasp from him from the cold, and then he slowly worked his finger into the opening, pulsing it in and out slowly, going slightly deeper each time. Both hands retreated from the area after securing the crimson material in such a position that it would not press against his tailhole, obtaining another drop of the liquid ooze on the same finger and repeating the action.

Once that was done he slid the red material back over his hole and picked up the silver tube in his dry hand. Feeling adventurous and curious, he put the hand with one wet finger to his face, sniffing it a few times, then reluctantly tasting the tip of it. His head shook and he made a face as he recoiled from the finger, then wiped it on the towel, not pleased with the taste. He sat on his butt again and set the silver tube on his lap, the tapered end touching bare skin instead of the blue and white material around his upper legs. He picked up the purple bottle once more and this time pressed a fair amount of the clear, colorless ooze onto all of the tips of his fingers on his hand. He set the bottle down and picked up the object in his lap, running the fingers all up and down the shiny portion of the object, the ooze sticking to it, making it very slick. Once satisfied, he wiped his hand on the towel again and admired the object for a moment, then sat up. He moved the red material once more, and the other hand with the silver object slowly moved underneath his body, out of his sight. It wormed its way to his tailhole, slowly, occasionally bumping another part of his butt. Once it was settled at the target, he very slowly sat down upon it, letting his own weight drive it up into him, purring softly from the feeling of the object entering his only hole. It took him nearly a minute to get almost the whole thing in, leaving only the non-shiny, non-lubricated stub out of his body. He sat there for a minute, adjusting to the feeling of the rather long, hard object inside him, then moaned lightly and brought his hands up to his chest, rubbing across it lightly. "Oh Danny." He moaned softly, visions of his dream date entering his mind as he shut his eyes. He was content for a minute with only these actions, then opened his eyes and leaned back a little bit. He once more grabbed the silver tube and turned its knob again. He moaned loudly as the thing suddenly started to shake and hum, while inside him. He stayed still, feeling the wonderful wand inside him buzz in place, and then turned it up to the second notch. Again he moaned loudly, gasping as the thing vibrated faster, stronger inside him, feeling a wet spot form at the tip of his penis where it was pressed against his stomach fur. He braced himself and turned it up to its final, fastest speed, and fell back on the bed, one hand quickly slipping the red material over the bottom of the object so it would stay in place, moaning in absolute ecstasy as the semi-large object shook almost violently inside him, pressing against hidden pleasuring spots just inside his butt. He rubbed a hand over his stomach slowly, the other rubbing across his chest, a loud purr escaping from him as he writhed in the untold pleasures he was experiencing. He started to moan again, cutting out the purrs once in a while as he did so, and then the moans took on that name again. "Danny, oh Danny." He said breathlessly once in a while, arching his back and squirming as he was fucked by his imaginary lover with a vibrating cock. Nearly ten minutes later he felt another pleasureful experience start to build up slowly in his penis, the red fabric rubbing against it ever so gently as he rocked his hips back and forth. Slowly, ever so slowly, his moans got louder, until they filled the whole house, and then at the height he let loose a passion-filled gasp of his imaginary lover's name. "Danny! Oh god! Danny I'm-..." He couldn't finish, and arched his back far, his cock twitching a few times, then suddenly spraying white cum from the tip, onto a little bit of fur still showing under the blue and white blouse, onto the blouse itself as well. He held the position for a few moments after the seed had slowed down to a dribble, then sighed and laid back down on his bed.

He laid still for another ten minutes, purring loudly as he felt the wonderful afterglow of a successful time of masturbating. Once he felt the effect start to fade, he sat up ever so slowly, reaching for the silver vibrator lodged in his ass. He pulled the crimson panties out of the way and let the thing slide out, holding it at the end and shutting it off. He let it fall to the towel right below his butt and sighed. "Wonderful." He sighed out, then grinned and said it again in a higher, more feminine pitch. "I wonder if I could trick him..." He said in the female voice, sitting up and removing the blouse from his slender frame. The bra underneath becoming visible again. He giggled and looked down at himself, at the two inches of cock hanging above the red panties and blue and white skirt. "Maybe I can hide it, if I just don't get hard." He said again in the feminine voice. He noticed the white on his belly and sighed.

"I need to clean up." He muttered in his normal voice, standing up and walking out into the hallway. He stepped into the bathroom, wiping the mess away with a little bit of toilet paper, then walking back to his room. He grabbed the blouse and sighed, then slipped out of his skirt as well, now walking around in the crimson panties and brassiere. He gathered up another few odds and ends of clothes around his room, blues and whites only, then rushed across the living room to the laundry. He tossed in the load, put in some detergent and shut the lid, starting the machine and smiling warmly. "And they'll never know... I hope." He said quietly. He stood there for a few minutes, then groaned and hunched over dramatically. "I hope it gets done in time." He muttered, walking out of the washroom. He ventured back to his room and picked up the vibrating silver dildo he'd bought, wiping it on the towel, which now had quite a few stains from the lubricant on it. He shrugged, knowing it would dry clear after a while. It had done so before, so why not now? He picked up the purple bottle of lubricant and inspected it, turning the nozzle to the left to "lock" it, then took both it and the dildo to his closet, stuffing them into his little hiding spot at the very bottom in the corner. "Gotta get more lube." He said to himself, standing back up.

He looked to himself in the mirror again, and rubbed his hands across his false boobs, only illusions from the padded somewhat lacy bra. He was glad it was a snug fit, the cups pressing on his chest with their soft fabric. He'd gotten the smallest size he could. Looking back to the mirror, he spotted, and felt, that his arousal had returned. He smiled at its reflection, reaching one hand down to grab the bit poking out of the panties. He purred a little and smiled. "Not quite finished." He said, and walked to his bed calmly. He held off on the furious jacking, and booted up his laptop, grabbing his jeans. He pulled out a small card and slid it into place on the laptop, opening the contents of the card. A treasure trove of his favorite porn was available to his viewing, and he started up the slideshow of the entire set, put to random and slow. The first picture popped onto the screen, a bunny boi being pounded by another bunny boi. The one in front oozing cum from his behind and shooting his load into the air. It faded to the next picture as the boy sat up and watched, moaning as he started to stroke his own cock. Another picture. Two lion bois, sharing a double ended dildo, hugged to each other, cocks displayed to the camera dripping their semen. He leaned back lightly, stroking himself with a light touch, trying to keep his eyes on the screen as more pictures slowly appeared, and then were replaced by the next a few seconds later. Fresh fuel for his eager eyes as he masturbated slowly, gently. A somewhat muscled tiger being hoisted into the air and fucked by plant-like tentacles, he felt the familiar tingling starting to appear in his cock. A wolf fucking with a cat that looked very much like him, he started to pant lightly. The boy pushed the panties down lightly, letting all of his flesh free of clothing, though the balls were still covered. He turned to the side and laid back again, watching the bois and men that were masturbating alone or being fucked by other bois, men, and occasionally tentacles that appeared on the screen. He started to moan and purr again, arching his back lightly. More images, more stroking. He finally picked up the pace, stroking firmer. His erect cock leaking very small amounts of precum again. Another picture, this one of a solo male cat, much like himself. It was sitting on a bumpy purple didlo and pawing himself, cumming a large load. He smiled and stroked faster, harder, starting to thrust his hips with the motion, panting lightly. Finally after a total seventeen minutes he got off, one last hump into his hand before he arched his back and let the second orgasmic rush flush through his body.

He laid there for another few minutes, basking in afterglow for a second time today. He sighed blissfully and sat up. Tiredness tugged at his eyes, but he fought it and stood up, going to the bathroom to wash his belly off a second time. During cleanup the washer scared him half to death by signaling it was done with a loud buzz. He went to put the clothes in the dryer and then checked on the clock. He still had roughly an hour. The kitty boi was spent for now, he knew that for sure. He was a bit tired after two orgasms, but still awake and going. After a few minutes he giggled again and went to fetch the phone. He practiced his feminine voice for nearly ten minutes, then called a good friend of his. "Hello? Is this Zach Mallon?" The boy asked in his false voice. He was asked who he was, and quickly thought up a name. "Valerie Thompson." He heard the person call for Zach, and a few seconds later a more gruff hello came across on the other line. "Hi cutie, recognize me?" The boy asked, covering his mouth to stifle his giggles as the other boy said no. "Okay, good." He said and hung up, then waited to see if he'd get a call back.

Nothing happened for a couple minutes and he nodded, picking up the phone and dialing another number. "Hello?" The person on the other line asked.

"Hello, is this Danny?" The boy asked in his female voice, receiving a yes in response. He smiled and spoke again, "This is... uhm... Valerie Thompson. I, uhm. I've seen you in school, and... I know you don‘t know me... but... Would you like to... to go out some time?" He asked, the nervousness in his voice was real.

"Uhhhmmmm..." The boy on the other line answered. "Well, let's meet at school, okay? Maybe if I like you I will, but... let's meet at school." He suggested.

The feminine boy thought for a few seconds, then nodded, even though it couldn't be seen. He smiled and answered, "Okay, where at, and what time?" He asked.

"Behind the cafeteria, how about right after school?" Danny suggested.

"Alright. Thank you so much Danny. I'll, I'll wear a skirt and a boys shirt so you can pick me out." He said.

"Okay, uhm... I'll see you then... I guess." Danny answered.


"Bye." Danny hung up the phone, and then the boy whose false identity was Valerie did. He giggled and stood up, running the phone back to the charger.

"I've got a date with Danny, I've got a date with Danny." He sang in his girly voice as he went back to the washroom and waited the last few minutes for the buzzer to go off. He took his clothes and ran back to his room, sliding out of his panties, unhooking and removing his bra. He bundled up all four of the feminine clothes he now owned and carefully folded them up, hiding them in another spot in his closet, under other clean clothes. He redressed in his normal clothes and went out to the living room, turning the TV on and laying on the couch. He promptly fell asleep, dreaming of his soon-to-be new boyfriend.

This is a story that I wrote on a whim tonight. It tells of all of my favorite little fetishes. I LOVE seeing fembois, crossdressing, and solo play with toys. I dunno why, it's just such a huge fucking turn on for me.

Anyways, I tried to write this story without actually saying the words bra, panties, skirt, or blouse in the first half or so of the story. Mostly to see if I could, and how many people are intellectual enough to figure out what I'm describing.

The kittyboi in this story is nameless, unless you want to call him by his made-up girl name. I MIGHT continue this story, I MIGHT not. I don't know. I do know I'm going to finish more parts of Cats and Wolves though.