Under The Quiet Moon - 4 - 02/29/2016

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Under The Quiet Moon

This is getting published soon so enjoy it before I delete it from this archive!

Wind blew ... rain fell ... lightning flashed ... and beasts ran. Laura knew all of these things to be true, but she was not yet sure where she fit. There were monsters in the world and now there was one inside of her. It was hungry. It was strong. It lusted for many things. It had attacked Geoffrey and now he might share her fate.

The whole town was slowly succumbing to the lusty beasts and their predatory desires. One by one ... house by house ... the wolf-beasts broke in and infected the occupants with their curse. Every living person Laura cared for would become their prey. None were safe.

Soldiers and beasts moved in the night, rushing down streets and meeting in bloody skirmish. In different forms ... in different places ... they were all around, playing their deadly game. Two factions competed for territory and Laura did not know where to go. Something new was being birthed inside of her and she wondered what would happen once it grew stronger.

Will I die when the wolf-beast takes me over? Will I have any control at all or will I be trapped in my own body, watching as another creature moves me around? Maybe my instincts will sharpen and corrupt me until I do the beast's bidding willingly. Maybe I'll still be here but these changes will make all of the things I do my own decision. That means Elizabeth and Angela could still be alive ... waiting for me to join them. Could mother and father be there too? Maybe we'll all discover that we're still the same people once this time of fear is over. Maybe we'll look back on this moment and laugh ... or maybe we'll look back and weep.

Laura ran without direction and her mind tumbled through what might be. She found herself near a place she once knew ... but when she burst out of the ally and made the final sprint toward her home, she discovered it was surrounded by soldiers. Wind, rain, and a great deal of darkness allowed her to hide from their stares, but she knew it was only a matter of time. In her mind she retraced the events that had led her here ... and she remembered there were homes where people had been taken from. Places where there would be no people ... places she could hide.

The west side of town was quiet. The street lamps were not lit and the homes had been boarded up after their owners had been taken away. So often Laura had wondered what happened to them all that they were there one day and gone the next. She never would have believed such a story as the one she was living through at this moment. The idea of creatures coming in the night was such a fairytale made of fear and despair. Monsters who turned others into monsters ... were it not for the mirror and the shape of my hands, I'd still think it was all silly gossip.

The house that she chose smelled musty and empty. City officials had boarded up the doors and windows and painted plague warnings to keep people away. Fear of infection. They don't know how right they were. The boards and shutters, on the window, yielded to her strength more easily than they should have. She vaulted through the portal like an athlete and she wondered what other gifts the beast would grant her before she was through.

Gossip said there had been a fighting in this neighborhood but Laura had chosen not to believe until now. A table had been broken in two and its legs were torn off. Chairs and the trappings of family life had been scattered about and smashed to pieces. Claw marks covered the walls and the railing along the stairs was covered in gashes. All of this is what had generated the first stories of the creature ... and now one of those creatures is growing inside of me.

Laura stood in the center of a small world that had been smashed to pieces and felt her hope crumble to dust. Tears flooded her vision as she fell to her knees and beat her fists against the ground. Every ounce of her self-control had been used up and there was nothing else she could do. As the nothing of her plight and the intensity of her exhaustion settled over her, she closed her eyes and let the beast have its way.

Nothing seemed to happen for a long time. A dull pressure throbbed in her bones and a tingling itch pulsed lustfully between her legs. Those two sensations had begun when she witnessed her sister being taken but there had been too many other things happening for her to take much notice. Now Laura realized the man's clothes she had been gifted were not as oversized as they had once been. The bottoms of her feet no longer complained when she ran and the world seemed to yield more easily to her strength.

It's happening. Soon I'll change into a monster and roam the streets looking for prey. Maybe I'll go back to Geoffrey and make him mine. I'm not really into men but he's strong and good at following orders. If I dominate him he'll sire strong pups and protect me when I'm-

She shook her head. There it is again. The beast wants to take over ... wants me to find a mate and breed. Why? Why can't it just be with Lizzy and not worry about children? Why do I need ... need ... oh ... I need her.

Fingers moved to the ache between her legs and found the silky wetness that glistened under the fur. The attention caused Laura's breathing to become sharp and excited. One hand stayed in place and the other slid up her stomach and began to fondle one pale breast. She pinched her nipple and squealed. The meaty scent of sex wafted into the air and she bared her teeth as she took it all in.

"Laaauuuraaa ..." a voice sang her name, "Laaauuuraaa ... where aaarrreee yooouuu?"

Shivers of pleasure cascaded through her body. The voice made her warm and filled her with a buzzing pleasure she wished to explore. Instincts flickered to life and told her to do several completely different things all at the same time. Laura shuddered with too many desires to choose one and so she crawled behind the remains of a couch, which had been shifted a few feet away from the wall.

"Laaauuuraaa ..." the voice sang again, "where aaarrreee yooouuu?" Terror and eagerness assaulted her at the same time as the voice and its owner came closer to the house. A dog-like sniff scented the window and then something crawled inside. A smell came with it, both musky and sharp. The scent made her want to attack ... to submit. She wanted to lunge at its source and bite. She wanted to roll in it ... to cover herself in it ... she wanted ... wanted ... want.

"Laura?" the voice spoke once more again ... but this time she recognized it.

"Lizzy?" The name came out in a sob as Laura huddled against the wall, behind the couch. A tide of emotions flooded into her, gathered in her belly where they ignited into a fire. She was too tired to run toward or away. The scent increased as the predator prowled closer and she could not move.

"Laura." The voice said in barely more than a whisper and Elizabeth peered over the back of the couch. Tiny droplets of rain fell from her hair causing Laura to shiver uncontrollably. "I found you."

"Nnn-nnn-nooo!" Laura wrapped herself into a ball and whimpered as thoughts of being torn apart danced through her mind.

"Laura," Elizabeth chided gently, "you know you don't need to be afraid of me."

"Nooo!" Laura wailed and with more volume. Muscles grew tighter as she continued to cower. "D-don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! Just go ... just go away!"

"Laura, look at me." Something about the voice compelled Laura to obey and she shifted her head just enough to open one eye and look. Over the couch gazed the beautiful face of the woman she loved. The same dark hair, the same full lips, the same amber eyes ... and most importantly of all, the smile was the same.

Elizabeth appeared as she always had; wild, dangerous, and anxious to share in some harebrained adventure that would likely get them both into trouble. It had always been Elizabeth who had dared Laura to do foolish things, from their first misadventure to their first kiss. It was Elizabeth who had climbed up to Laura's window and convinced her to sneak out, finding secret places for them to play. It was Elizabeth who had bit her ... and now, it was an amber eyed Elizabeth who extended her hand and offered another adventure. Like many times in their past, Laura took that hand and gave into the temptations that went with it.

Laura was pulled slowly to her feet and a gentle kiss was placed upon her lips before she could think through the actions she should take. The daring courage of their first kiss flashed through her mind, forcing the same whimper of surprise, concern, and raw pleasure from embracing taboo.

"Ooohhh ... I know that sound," Elizabeth growled as they parted.

"I'm sorry ..." Laura moaned as her eyes drifted along Elizabeth's bare skin which shone smooth and bare in the dim light. "I'm so sorry ... I should have been there. I never should have stayed away. I should have-"

"Hussshhh," Elizabeth shushed as she vaulted the rest of the way over the couch and wrapped her arms around her weeping friend. They stayed that was for a long time. Laura felt the unnatural heat of her friend's naked body and the strength that could crush the life from her if she chose. "You haven't done anything wrong. Everything is going to be alright."

"But the beasts," Laura said with a whimpering shudder. "The soldiers ... and Angela ... oh Angela-"

"She's being well cared for right now," Elizabeth said in a motherly voice. "We'll care for you too. All of us will."

"Oh, Lizzy," Laura whined as tears fell onto the bare shoulder of the other. "What's going on? What have you become?"

"I'm pretty much what I've always been," Elizabeth told her gently. "Werewolves are no more monstrous than the humans we spawned from. No matter what your form is, you'll still be the same person inside. You've always known I was different ... but whether or not I run on all fours and howl at the moon, I've never stopped loving you." These words spread through her, removing fear, soothing dread, depleting the power of the questions which were still on her tongue.

"But what will happen to us?" Laura asked as her willpower faltered. "How will we live? What about Angela, and Geoffrey, and all of the others ... and-"

Elizabeth put one finger on Laura's lips and she fell silent. "You worry too much," she whispered in the way she always did. "Just let it happen. No struggles ... no pain ... just my wild blood pump through your veins."

"Liz," Laura whispered as she drifted forward, "I love you." Their lips met and danced as they once had. Hands explored, drifting up and down their bodies, exploring each other, with a new found need. Elizabeth still felt as she should, her body, her breath, and the blood which quickened with the excitement they brought each other. "Liz ..."

"Hush, just trust me. Let me love you." Elizabeth breathed into her nostrils a spicy scent which seemed to muddle her mind. The will to fight and the need to resist fell away as her lover's signature smirk played across her face. Laura knew that mischievous look, and knew she had fallen into a trap. But that was a constant ... a throwback to the old Liz, and with that in mind, Laura began to fall.

Down ... down ... through the layers of her mind. Amber eyes drew her in and the beast gently laid her down upon the floor. Elizabeth straddled her, pinning Laura in place and surrounding her in a veil of wet hair. Again they kissed ... her lover's breasts brushing her skin as wet lips moved along her throat. Light nibbles sent shivers through her as she anticipated the penetration of sharp teeth and the gushing of hot blood. But the fangs did not bite and the skin was not torn.

A single claw dragged down the front of Laura's borrowed shirt. The fabric separated, exposing sweat-slick skin to the night air. Warm lips wrapped around cold hardened nipples which melted in the warm caress. A tiny nip caused a startled breath; then she teased and licked, blazing a trail from one sensitive place to another.

A sudden burst of sensation caused Laura to gasp and she discovered attention was being granted to another nipple which had not been there before. Two additional sets had formed along her belly, and being so new they had more sensation than the original two. Light wispy moans filled the air as each was teased and welcomed to the world. The lingering suckles increased her desire, drawing her deeper under the spell of the beast.

Fearsome claws sliced the brown leather trousers and tore them easily apart. The garment was drawn away from Laura's body and tossed uselessly across the room. The heated breath of her lover lingered over the exposed sex, breathing deeply the tangy aroma. When the tongue tip graced the moistened folds, a grateful groan crept out of her body. Familiar fingers reached into hidden places, as skilled licks played their part. Waves of pleasure pulsed ... lifting Laura to a summit where a sharp bite exploded her into an orgasm which rushed through her in all of its crashing glory.

Where before she had drawn away, now Laura pulled her lover deeper. Every suckle of lips and drawing of blood caused her to spasm in ecstatic bliss, rolling again and again through her like the coming and going of a constant tide. Immense amounts of pressure built, then released, then built again, as she tore at the floor with her new claws.

An odd distortion rippled through her as the sound of cracking bones generated intense vibrations. Muscles bulged and built causing an unintentional struggle against the fangs that could not let go. The beast in her blood burned the essence of her soul until it lengthened and thickened into substance ... birthing a werewolf from the human shape she once possessed.

For the briefest of moments, all motion stopped, and the teeth of her lover released their grip. A moment later a large beast pounced, jaws gripping Laura's neck, piercing skin and holding her firmly. Ecstasy poured through her as the last bits of her new shape slid into place. The wolf-beast ground her sex against the loins of the one who was dominating her. Submissive whimpers and expressions of vulnerability demonstrated an acceptance of alpha dominance.

Together they struggled, kneading their bodies together, nipping and clawing as the last shreds of her humanity fell away. With amber in her eyes, Laura pushed her muzzles into the waiting maw of her alpha, tasting the essence of their pack. Squirming perversely, through valleys and peaks, they came together again and again. For here in the arms of the beasts they became, they found an ancient lust that could not be denied, and venerated it with every part of their being.