Twilight Eros Chapter 4

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#4 of Twilight Eros

And they finally have sex! Well, oral sex at least. I promise more will happen next chapter. Random trivia for this chapter, I do in fact wear glasses but I avoid contacts like the plague. I just have this thing about putting them in my eyes.

TE thumb nail done by the lovely zenia

Chapter 4

Cindy pulled off her navy blue tee revealing a purple bra. The lacey cups contained her full breast as she displayed them for Spec who was reaching out to touch them but paused.

"It's okay. You can touch me."

She leaned forward using her arms to press them together. Spec took one in his hand followed closely by the other hand. They were warm and soft as he felt the heat from Cindy's body coming off her. Instinct took over as lightly pressed his face against her chest, taking in her scent. She smiled taking his head in her hands petting him.

"You like them I take it?"

Spec looked up and nodded. He didn't want to spoil the moment with words but Cindy had other plans.

"What else do you like about me?"

"Your eyes, they are a beautiful and green."

"Go on."

Spec paused and looked away. He was embarrassed about what he was going to say and Cindy could tell.

"Hey now, don't be like that. What else do you like about me?"

She lifted his head up from under his chin with a finger tip. It put him at ease a bit but he still had some trouble saying what he wanted.

"Tail... Your tail, that is."

"Oh? And what is it you like so much about my tail?"

He had caught her interest as she had never been complimented on her tail. She smiled at his bashfulness but allowed him some time to gather his thoughts.

"It just looks so soft, and big. I just want to play with it and hug it, to see how it feels."

Cindy tilted her head listing to things she never heard before used to describe her. It made her feel attractive as she got off Spec. She turned her body around and presented her tail to him. Its underside was totally white with two white lines running along the top. They met at the nape of her neck and the tip of her tail. She playfully teased him by swinging it playfully back and forth brushing it against his face.

"Well, aren't you going to touch it?"

Spec quickly took the invitation. Holding it softly in his hands he rubbed it against his face, loving the soft texture. Like a little girl playing dress up he wrapped it around the back of his neck like a scarf. He was affectionate as he tugged lightly against it drawing her closer. She smiled as she obliged loving the attention she was receiving.

"My Mr. Spec, do you do this with all your lady friends?"

"Oh the ones I find incredibly attractive."

He looked at her with a low affectionate growl as he stroked her tail. She took it back walking away as she undid the button on her pants. She slid them off right there in the living room as she turned around revealing a matching set of lacy panties.

"Would you care to join me for a shower? I think we could use one after a full day of work and me cooking."

Spec was staring and putting very little effort to hiding the fact. He opened his mouth a couple out times before any actual words came out.

"Yes, I agree. A shower is a wonderful idea."

"Good but there is just one issue we have."

"And that is?"

"You are over dressed."

She walked up to him reaching for his pants quickly undoing his belt and button. She helped guide them to the floor before returning up to pull off his black tee shirt off. They both stood there in their underwear now. Spec was wearing dark red boxer briefs as he crossed his arms in front of him across his stomach. His body was a little slender but he wasn't totally lean. There was some muscle tone and he had a small belly. Cindy thought it was cute as she looked him over realizing he was half erect in his underwear. She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his lips sending a surge of heat through his body. As she pulled back she looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"Why don't you show me the shower so we can get cleaned up?"


Cindy smiled as Spec walked towards her grinning.

"Did you have something else in mind?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her close. Kissing her softly, Spec dragged his nails along her back causing her to moan softly. He kissed along the side of her neck as he started to undo her bra. Stepping back he watched as it slid from her arms. Letting her bra drop to the floor, Cindy used her arms to hold her breast up looking at Spec.

"What do we do now Spec?"

Spec reached out taking one in each hand. He placed his face between them again taking another deep breath. He loved Cindy scent, a mix of natural pheromones and her floral deodorant. The attention was welcomed by Cindy as she held Spec's head, petting the top of it.

"Come on Spec, Lets shower up. I promise we will have all night to have more fun."

"Okay. The bathroom is this way."

He guided her through the living room to the bedroom. On the way she grabbed her back pack. Spec's bed room was a bit more elaborate as far as decorations went. There were shelves with different books ranging from biographies to graphic novels. There were also collections of robot models and other figures. Cindy thought it was cute that Spec had a nerdy side. Three things stood out the most though to her. The queen sized bed with the white comforter was the most obvious. But it was the eye glass case on the night stand and the blue silk robe hanging up she was wondering about. After setting her bag on the bed she walked up to inspect both.

"Are these yours?"

She asked holding up the case looking at Spec. He looked away a bit bashful as he scratched his cheek.

"Yeah... I usually wear contacts when I'm working in the store. Don't want my glasses to break from a drop or something."

"Put them on, I want to see what you look like."

She held out the case like a present with both hands. Spec took them but set them back down.

"I'll put them on after we shower okay? It hurts my eyes to have both on at the same time."

"Okay. But you better put them on later for me."

She pointed at him to reinforce her point as she turns her attention to the blue robe. Spec takes notice as he has a seat on the edge of the bed.

"You like the color or the material?"

She looked back smiling like a child caught doing something bad.

"Both. Could I try it on?"

He nodded giving her permission. She carefully opened it and slid her arms through. The silk was of high quality as it almost felt like wearing nothing. She left the front open as she posed for Spec, twirling a couple of times to be playful.

"How do I look?"

"I think it suits you. I'm sure I could get you one in any color you'd like you want me too."

She stopped and held the front of the robe closed as she stood there. The thought of asking crossed her mind but she also wondered just how much one would cost.

"I couldn't do that. I mean a robe like this must be expensive."

"I don't mind Cindy. It really wouldn't be a problem."

She saw the smile that followed his words. Something inside her made her hot as she slowly slipped out of it hanging it back up.

"Could I get one in purple then?"

Spec nodded as he stood up from the bed.

"I'll look into it. Come on, the shower is this way. Do you need a towel or anything?"

"No thanks, I have my own towel and soap."

Cindy opened her back and took out a towel. She started to dig for something else but out of frustration turned the bag over pouring out soap, tooth brush, and change of cloths. Spec lifted an eye brow at the bags content. "She planned this" was the first coherent thought to cross his mind as she started repacking her bag.

"I'll get the shower warmed up for you. It will be ready in a minute."

He disappeared into the bathroom. He turned the water on and closed the curtain so that it would rise in temp. Out of habit he took off his boxer briefs before realizing he should let Cindy go first. As he turned around Cindy was suddenly there now fully naked with her towel, wash cloth and soap in hand.

"Are you leaving? I was kind of hoping we could take a shower together."

Spec's jaw nearly dropped hearing that. Cindy walked past him flicking her tail in his face again before checking the water. He watched as she stepped in, giving him a look as she pulled the curtain back. It took him a moment to realize he was just standing there before he stepped in himself. Cindy was wetting her fur when she noticed him. She smiled as a bit of wet hair ran down her face.

"Glad you decided to join me. Do you want to help wash my back?"

She handed him her wash cloth and soap. He put a generous amount of the cherry blossom soap onto the cloth as she turned around exposing her back. He lathered up the wash cloth and began scrubbing her back gently causing her to arch her body. She place her hands against the shower walls for support as warm water ran down her head and hair. Spec placed a hand on her shoulder for leverage as he continued washing her back and sides. She made the cutest moans as he grazed her breast moving to her lower back. After a bit she stood upright and took the cloth from him.

"Now it's your turn to get wet."

She changed positions with him without knocking any items in the shower over. It was impressive considering the size of her tail. Spec stood watching Cindy wash the rest of her body as warm water ran over his. It was a sight to behold as her wash cloth traced the curves of her body coving it in translucent bubbles. She looked up and caught Spec staring.

"Turn around. It's time for me to wash your back now."

Motioning him to turn about with her hand Spec soon found himself in the same position that Cindy was just in. She was also gentle but firm as she gave his back a good scrubbing. The sweet smell of her soap was appealing to Spec but not something he would use everyday.

The shower continued for a few minutes as Cindy switched positions again. Giving Spec the wash cloth she started to rinse off her body. Spec kept his eyes on her as he started to clean himself. It had been quite awhile since he bathed with anyone of the opposite sex. The last time he could remember was with his twin sister Luna. He started to wash behind his ears and head when Cindy was finishing up. Wet hair was in her face, giving her an exotic temptress look. She inched closer to Spec reaching out to touch his crotch.

"Want any help with anything?"

"I'm fine for now. I want to save something for later."

Spec was still surprised at how forward she was with him. It made him nervous but at the same time at ease that she knew what she wanted. In a way it was a turn on for him to not be in control of this situation. Cindy pulled her hand away slowly giving his cock a long slow stroke. Turning to rinse her hand off she stepped out of the shower.

"Don't take too long Spec. I'll be waiting for you outside."

She disappeared into the steam as she grabbed her towel from the counter top. Spec stood there feeling the blood flow to his loins as he let out a soft sigh. It seemed as if every little touch from Cindy sent lighting through his body, so much so the shower was getting too hot. He adjusted the temp and continued to wash his body. As he finished up and started to rinse his head off the sound of a hair dryer could be heard from outside the shower. It was easier to see now as the cooler water didn't produce as much steam. Spec could see the outline of Cindy's body through the curtain. She was wearing something but he couldn't make out what exactly. The hair dryer cuts off as Cindy leaves the bathroom. Spec lifts his head up to rinse the rest of his body from the neck down.

A quick turn of a handle and the shower cuts off. Sliding the curtain aside, Spec steps out while grabbing a towel. He patted himself dry as he walked to the sink counter where he removed his contacts. Removing them was always annoying for Spec. There were times that he considered just wearing glasses all the time. He walked out with his towel wrapped around his waist. Even though he was slightly near sighted he was able to see Cindy sitting on the bed. She was in his robe with his glasses in one hand, the can of Crimson Ram in the other. With a partial scoff and laugh he looked away and walked towards her.

"I do believe you have some things of mine Ms. Cindy."

"From where I'm sitting I have everything of yours. I have your drink. I have your robe. I have your glasses. And what else do I have of yours... That's right, me."

The last part of that sentence sent a shiver down his spine. He slid onto the bed in front of Cindy's feet. He leaned forward supporting himself with one hand taking a moment to look her over again.

"May I have my things now?"

"Which would you like first?"

He reached for his glasses first. He managed to put them on with just one hand. Cindy adored how he looked with his glasses on. It gave him a scholarly aura. Next was the Crimson Ram. Straightening himself he popped the can and took a long chug finishing half the can in one go. With a strong exhale to catch his breath he offered the can to Cindy who took it. She took smaller sips as Spec caught his breath watching her. Now finished she set the can aside. Running her hands over her breast, she slightly opened the front of Spec's robe.

"Would you like this back now?"

"You can keep that for now. It looks good on you."

"Then what would you like now?"

He leaned in kissing her as he slowly removed his towel. She reached up to caress his face as they continued to kiss. Guiding her body down onto the bed Spec felt Cindy's breast through the silk of the robe. Cindy slowly pressed her tongue to Spec's lips as they both began to explore each others mouths. Taking full hold of her body, Spec turned both of them so that Cindy was on top. They continued to kissing and groping each other. Cindy moved her hand down along Spec's body stopping at his growing cock as he continued to mold her breast in his hand. His other hand moved along her back. It slid easily along the silk as he traced the curves of her firm ass. Going over her cheek and her outer thigh his hand finds its way to her crotch.

Two fingers trace the out line of her warm slit as the juices start to flow from her body. Cindy pulls away from kissing with a soft moan as Spec grazes her clit. Cindy was no stranger to playing with her clit but it was always different when someone else did it. Her breathing became heavy as he slide one finger inside of her. Slowly probing her inner walls he could feel her muscles trying to grip at his finger. In response he inserted a second alternating their motion like a pair of scissor blades. Cindy push back with her whole body as she rested her head on Spec's chest.

Slowly pulling out of her, Spec turns Cindy over onto her back now. Repositioning himself, he laid his body so that his face was between her legs. Taking care to not pinch her tail he used both hands to get a firm grip on both of her ass cheeks. Lifting them up slightly as he pressed his nose to her crotch taking a deep breath. Her scent was intoxicating as the very next second he found his tongue lapping at her dripping slit. The very first lick ran the entire length of her labia just missing her clit. Slowly using his tongue to trace the outside of her opening she reached down to hold his head in place with her hands. His hands, still gripping her ass cheeks, lift her hips a bit for leverage. He listened to all of her sensual gasp and moans reading her reactions. He was focused on finding the right movements to bring her to climax. Cindy's grip on Spec's head increases.

"Spec, wait..."

She was barely able to form words as she started to push him away. Spec looked up letting her go worried now.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you were fine."

She held her head, composing herself. She leaned in to lick his lips, tasting her own juices before giving him a soft kiss. She placed her hands on his shoulders, moving his body slowly so that she was on top now. Almost pinning him, she looked down and kissed him again before whispering into his ear.

"I want to return the favor."

Slowly she kissed his fore head, working down to his neck. Taking a full lick along his neck, it caused him to shutter in pleasure. She moved her hands down along his chest and stomach, stopping shy of his waist. He tried to lift his head up to see what was happening but quickly laid back down as he felt warm breath on the tip of his cock. The sensation made him throb as he gripped the sheets with both hands.

She could tell he loved every moment as she took his tip into her mouth. Playfully sucking, her tongue found his cock opening. Probing it with the tip of her tongue caused him to cry out in pleasure. It was something he rarely felt but he loved the sensation. Pulling away from the tip, she licked the full length of his cock before suckling his head again. Slowly she bobbed up and down taking a bit more of him each time. It wasn't long before she was taking him entirely at a fairly quick pace. Spec was almost limp as his head slumped to the side. He would thrust up as Cindy went down to go as deep as he possible could without chocking her. She reached for his hands to place them on her head. At first he was reluctant to increase the pace out of fear of choking her. She was insistent as she quickly pulled his hands back after he tried to remove them.

Submitting to her demands, he took her head with both hands. Slowly he increased the speed at which he bobbed her head. Amazingly Cindy seemed to have no issues as her throat was relaxed and taking him with ease. Any concern Spec had at this point seemed to have disappeared. He began throat fucking Cindy, almost violently. His breathing was loud and fast. It was clear he was going to come soon. After several seconds he brought her head down to the hilt of his cock. He moaned as he came into her throat. Holding her in place while the sensation of climax was over him, he finally released her as the lingering sensation washed through his body.

Cindy was caught off guards as Spec's warm cum filled her throat and mouth. It was more then she expected but she was able to hold it all in. Spec was barely aware of what was happening as he looked over at Cindy. She seemed to be concentrating as she made a swallowing motion before wiping her mouth with her hand.

"You didn't have to swallow Cindy."

"I know. I wanted to."

She smiled as she wiped her hand on the towel Spec used to dry his body earlier. Her warm and bright attitude just made Spec happy as he struggled to sit himself up. He kissed her and licked her lips as he could taste some of his own cum on them. This made Cindy happy as she wasn't use to males willing to kiss her after giving a blow job. She kissed him again as they both laid down. Cindy could feel Spec's heart beating through his chest. Even though it was rapid, she found it calming as it started to slow down.

Lying there, Spec felt a little guilty for a couple of reasons. Even though it was their first time, he was rather aggressive. Cindy didn't seem to mind but it didn't sit too well with Spec. Also he came but she didn't.

"We aren't done yet, right Cindy? I mean, we are going to do more things tonight."

She let out a soft chuckle as she nuzzled up on his chest.

"Tonight and tomorrow, assuming you want me to stay."

He held his breath after hearing that. There was something special happening at that moment and he did no want it to end.

"Of course I want you to stay. There is no where else I'd rather be right now."

"I'm glad. But do you mind if we have that cake first? Its devil's food and I don't want it to go bad or something by leaving it out and uncovered."

Spec chuckled as he laid his head down.

"Sure thing, I could go for some cake too. But Give me a few minutes okay? I can barely move my legs after what you did to me."