Wolf Daze: Malorum Meorum

Story by TheShadowWolf on SoFurry

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I'm back! So sorry for the six month delay between the last part of the story and this but I needed to focus on school and lost my thrill for writing for quite some time. But, though I'm still in school, I found the itch to get back to the world of Wolf Daze. The following chapter I began back in either September or October and did not edit till today. Again, I'm sorry to all those who were eagerly awaiting the next part and had to wait so long. Let the story recommence!

"S...Sarah?" His heart nearly leapt out of his chest upon hearing that all too familiar giggle. A range of emotions pulled his mind in so many directions it could have boomeranged right out of his skull and back in again. Above all he was mortified about being caught in the act and dumbfounded that Sarah would call moments after he had slept with Aria. When the cobwebs cleared he came to the realization that something was indeed amiss. "What...the fuck...is going on?"

"Language, Scott. Hang on; I'm going to Mugshot you." Scott gasped and scrambled to at least put a shirt on but was too late as the camera on Aria's phone light up, relaying live video back to her and vice versa. "There we go, much better." The first thing she saw was Scott with both paws covering his face and Aria snuggling up to him. "Mm...looks like you two had a good time together."

Aria pecked him on the cheek and replied, "He was fantastic. You were so right."

"Wait a minute..." A look of bewilderment was on Scott's face as his head shot up. "...you two planned this?"

"Well after what happened between the two of us at work that, when you took me home, I was going to tell Aria right away but she confronted me about it before I could. We talked for a few hours about how you and I felt about one another and surprisingly...she understood." A quick movement of the eyes showed that he knew there was more to the story coming. "But she was disappointed that I cheated on her in the first place. I asked how I could make it up to her and...well...she said she wanted to see what so _good_about you. And it would appear that she did."

Scott could hardly believe what he had just head. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...so, you knew about this the whole time!? The two of you set this up!?" His attention turned to Aria sitting on the center console with her legs crossed. "And you...? I thought you were sincerely mad at me for sleeping with her. Hell, you bitch slapped me across the face! And that hurt."

"I was mad at you. You fucked my girlfriend behind my back. But I'm majoring in theater so some of that was improvised of course...except the slap. You legit had that one coming."

"Fair enough...so, we're all good?" A wave his paws encompassed the conclusion of the lies and deception in their lovers triangle. "You don't have a problem with Sarah and me seeing one another? Or living together? I'm not going to wake up in the middle of the night tied down to you castrating me with garden shears or something, right?"

Aria took two of her fingers, scooped up some cum still dribbling out of her and licked it. "You, good sir, have paid in full for your transgressions."

"Good." Scott breathed out, relieved things had returned to normal. "I'm glad that's over with."

"Scotty...?" As the wolf had thrown his shirt back on and began buttoning it up, he stopped and stared at the phone with inquisitive fright. "I have a favor to ask. I was wondering...would it be possible for Aria to stay with us for a little while? Is that okay? It's just that I'm moving out on such short notice and she won't be able to make the rent without me. And she doesn't want a roommate she doesn't know." Scott was fairly intrigued by the idea of living under the same roof with two women that he had slept with and who were open enough about their sexuality to possibly share him. It was a scenario with countless possibilities. "Besides, seeing as how you two have already bonded, I'm sure we can all..._enjoy_each other's company."

"Well, when you put it that way, how can I say no? But I think we have to talk about this little setup you two decided to concoct. Right now..." Scott looked up from the phone screen with lustful intent blazing in his eyes. "...Aria needs to make a down payment on the rent." He tossed the phone aside and advanced slowly on his prey, snickering cockily and confidently. "So, you're majoring in acting. Well, this is the scene where the big bad wolf has his way with the sly fox. So..." He aggressively grabbed and shoved Aria down onto her back. "...let's see if you can_act_ like you're being aggressively fucked."

Aria's paw hit the fogged up window and slid down, leaving a trail of clear glass behind it. Through the steady downpour of rain, unbeknownst to either of the two, someone was watching from afar and had been for nearly the entire duration of their arranged tryst, discreetly taking their leave through the brush.

Fifty miles outside of Silver Meadow lay Dekedens City, a vast expanse where only the coldest hearted individuals were able to survive and thrive.

From the grime, filth ridden slums to the high end business districts, the city itself was a perfect mixture of dystopian and utopian; a Blade Runner-esque metropolis of crime, pain, business and pleasure all wrapped up in one consummate ball of flesh and sin; a still beating dark heart, surviving off of its denizens which became its lifeblood and at its core stood the Black Stone Tower where the wealthiest of the wealthy, the crème de la crème society had to offer called home.

The building sported a Neo Gothic Design. A helix shaped high rise penetrating the abysmal, polluted skyline. Its penthouse, the most luxurious apartment, a paradise in the sky with every amenity one could possibly desire, belonged to the two most powerful and influential citizens in the world: Mr. and Mrs. Caldon.

Maxwell Caldon, Scott's father, was the proud yet narcissistic owner of C.I.N. (Caldon International Networking) founded by the latter's late great-grandfather and passed down to the eldest male throughout the last several generations of his family; a company that over the course of a century had produced many of the world's most common household items from hair dryers to computers. It also provided security software for countless government agencies and homeowners. However, some of their more lucrative investments arose from weapons contracting to the military and other branches of armed forces across the globe. Though it could not be labeled a monopoly by law its reputation was so strong that people preferred to buy their products and do business with them over others.

Scott's mother, not only the youngest graduate from Harvard Law School and also to pass the bar exam, was an elite lawyer employed by a well-known law firm, Demonte and Berkley. Having practiced for close to twenty years she had amassed the highest prosecution rate in the entire country with a plethora of convictions of murderers, rapists, armed robbers, dozens of individuals involved in fraud, money laundering, business espionage and embezzlement under her belt. She had an undefeated streak that was nearly as untouchable as she was, envied by many and desired by both males and females alike; revered as one of the most beautiful women alive.

The only way into or out of the penthouse was through the use of a private elevator, the ding of the bell signaling its arrival. As its golden doors slid open out walked Alexandra Caldon; a breathtaking white wolf with the curves of an hourglass, despite having two children and being close to forty, wavy auburn hair and intimidating, piercing, deep hazel eyes.

The vibrant red skirt suit she was wearing, complete with matching stiletto heels, brought out the she-wolf's fur color in all of its scintillatingly magnificence but revealed the inner fire and domineering personality to the surface in the form of sheer sexual prowess. Regardless of where she went there was always someone panging for her. Yet, despite the promiscuous vibe oozing from every part of her voluptuous body, she remained obedient and loyal to her husband; the only man allowed to use her as he pleased when and where he wanted. Though, at the snap of a finger, she could get any man she desired at any point in time.

Sparing no time for any form of leisure she walked out of the elevator, up the staircase and through the first set of double doors into her office. As she sat down at her desk the picture of Scott loomed ever so prominently with Lisa's significantly smaller portrait somewhat hidden behind her brothers. She reached across and gently stroked her paw across the photograph in a melancholy manner.

This wasn't supposed to happen. We had a beautiful future planned for you. All we wanted was for our firstborn son to have the best life had to offer. Instead, you chose to forsake us and become a simple schoolteacher. You're so much better than that but refuse to see it. You should be the vice president of your father's business by now. We thought that your time alone in that quaint little town would bring you to your senses. When you called last week your father and I thought we finally had our son back. Instead you ask to purchase the house from us so that you could remain there. I don't understand why you continue to push us away.

"Honey...I'm home." Her husband's voice echoed in from the hall.

Maxwell's statement was not heartfelt. It was a classic trope filled to the brim with cockiness and arrogance. A proclamation that the alpha male of the household had returned following a hard day at the office if only to peruse the day's events as a means of showing off his masculinity and pride to feed an already overinflated ego or for the purpose of relieving some stress through physical pleasure.

The door to Alexandra's office swung open with playful force. Standing there in the archway was Maxwell, a tall, muscular grey wolf with slicked back black hair wearing an expensive suit, silk crimson red tie and Italian leather shoes. His image reflected his wealth and status quite effectively. In one paw were two glasses and in the other was a bottle of molto costoso vino as the elder Caldon liked to call it as he casually sauntered over to his wife's desk while pouring a small amount in each glass.

Never removing her eyes from the computer screen, Alexandra asked, "Did you have a good day at the office, dear?"

"Ha! Did I have a good day...closed three new deals with three new up and coming companies to personally have C.I.N. manufacture their latest and greatest designs. The company is going to make millions. Actually, I'd call that a great day, wouldn't you?" Max set one of the glasses down onto the table before hastily consuming the contents of the other. Only then did his paws find their way onto her shoulders, massaging them in a tender, needing fashion. "And I thought, to celebrate, you and I could have some dinner. After..." He leaned down to kiss the nape of her neck which elicited no reaction as she continued to type. The sounds of the clacking keyboard helping her block out his advances. "...we skip to dessert."

The tip of his tongue slithered across the outside of her ear, garnering a response as she turned around to look at him. "Sweetheart, I have a ton of casework I need to focus on. Two separate cases to review by the end of this week before they go to trial. Can this wait?"

Alexandra's inquiry sounded like a request but was actually a command as she returned to work without a second thought. Max's paws slid off her shoulders. He was angry. Not that his advances had been rebuffed but that she would have the gall to insult his manhood by giving him an order. The glass in his hand cracked under pressure from the rage welling up within. Without a word he yanked her out of the chair by both arms.

"Maxwell, what are you...!? Mm..."

He had momentarily quelled her resistance by forcing her into a kiss, practically shoving his tongue down her throat. She made no attempt to fight back as there was no chance of escaping from his grasp. The beast had been tempted and would ultimately win. Still, she despised being manhandled as was the case throughout the course of their years of marriage. Those now haunting wedding vows came to mind as they often did in situations like this.

Max remorselessly spun Alex around upon breaking their osculation and forcefully bent her over on the desk. He was aiming to forego the foreplay as punishment for the insolence she had displayed. "Now...maybe next time I tell you we're going to celebrate something, whether it is a big business deal, my birthday or even the fucking pope coming to town, you'll be a good girl and won't question or disobey me. And, after this, you damn sure won't be giving me orders again, will you?"

With one paw holding her down, the other undid the zipper of his pants allowing them to drop to his ankles before using it to probe under Alex's skirt. The sound of fabric tearing as he ripped the panties from her body only added to the thrill for him. He sank in hard and fast, satisfying his own lust filled desires but causing absolute pain for her. It was the equivalent of rape but they were married and he was a powerful man who helped make the world go round. His reach extended too far. No one would be able to help. Justice would never be served against him for any wrongdoing he committed.

"Uh...yeah...that's right." Max grunted out in between each one of his violent thrusts. "Just lie there and...take it...like a good bitch." A minute amount of his saliva dripped onto her ass as through his gritted teeth. He was getting close, not allowing for any significant length in their forced mating so that she would not be able to draw any form of pleasure from it. "If we're lucky...maybe we'll...have another child. Another son! Maybe this one...won't be such a fucking...disappointment! Ugh! Ugh! Fuck!"

The blank expression on Alexandra's face as she felt his seed course its way into her body, assuredly impregnating her with another one of his pups, summed up the entirety of their life as husband and wife. And not being a user of contraception made every sexual encounter with him dangerous. Although, Max was none the wiser as to how many children he had actually sired through sheer force before. I gave you two and that's all you'll ever get out of me. Looks like I'll have to schedule another visit with my doctor this week.

Though she was a mess, Alexandra stood up, brushed herself off and said, "Are you quite satisfied, Maxwell? Can I get back to my work now, if you don't mind?"

Max snickered then grinned devilishly while pulling up his trousers and fastening his belt back on. "I'd say you've _adequately_fulfilled your wifely duties for now...still tight as ever, by the way...ha, ha!"

It took every fiber of her being not to lash out at him for his disgusting behavior and disparaging comment. The one thing that kept her from losing control was the office phone which had begun to ring at that very moment. She hesitated to answer it considering all that she had just been put through but swiftly decided to keep her professional integrity intact and take the call while Max poured himself another helping of wine. "Alexandra Caldon, attorney at law. Yes. Yes. Are you sure? Surely, this must be a mistake, I...you have what!? Send it to me immediately. Yes, of course you'll be compensated for this as per the agreement. Goodbye."

"Ahem...who was that on the phone?"

"That, my dear husband, was our contact in Silver Meadows. Apparently Scott has begun the process of moving two women that were dating one another into the house with him."

"Two women...?" Max found himself more surprised than he had been by anything in quite some time. The prospect of his son, whom a mere several minutes earlier he had denounced as a disappointment, taking on two women as housemates was particularly intriguing to him. "Well, perhaps I was wrong about him. I viewed his desire to shun us a sign of weakness but in reality all he wanted to do was live a completely uninhibited lifestyle. Work a worthless job that isn't too time consuming, get a degree in a field that isn't quite as stressful as business and use his trust fund, our money, as a means of living comfortably...brilliant...unnecessary but brilliant nonetheless. This has indeed been a most interesting revelation."

"Well I, for one, never despised him nor _doubted_his capabilities."

Max's own calculated thought process had entirely blocked out his wife's added sentiment. "What was it that our contact was going to send to you?"

Alexandra accessed her email account to see if the information on their son had been forwarded to her account yet. "The establishment Scott is currently employed at recently had a number of surveillance cameras installed for security purposes. It would seem that our son and a female employee...had intercourse in the stores kitchen. The entire event was recorded and our contact was able to get ahold of it."

The video file had indeed been uploaded to her email and was ready to view. "Open it."

"Maxwell...this is our son." Alexandra replied, hesitant to watch the recording of her son having sex with Sarah. Just the thought of seeing one of her children in such a compromising situation made her feel uneasy. "I don't know that I'm comfortable watching our child engage in a sexual act with a woman who probably isn't even worthy of him."

"You may be right. There is that old saying curiosity killed the cat." For a moment it appeared that the voice of reason had found that small spark of humanity left in Max's black heart. "Fortunately..." He seized the mouse and double clicked on the file. "...I'm a wolf. And If I'm going to watch it, so are you. Who knows? Maybe you'll actually learn a thing or two from one of Scott's whores about how a woman is supposed to devote herself to pleasing a man and fulfilling each and every one of his desires."
