Twilight Eros Chapter 14

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#14 of Twilight Eros

After so many chapters and hinting at, Luna finally appears in Twilight Eros. But what's this? there is something Spec has to share about his twin sister? That will have to wait till next chapter.

Trivia time. Tomato beef over rice is a damn good dish that I love to make. If I had a last meal it might just be that. But on a more serious note there is more truth then just my habits of cooking and eating. I was in fact abusive in one of my relationships and it is not something I'm proud of. It's never happened since but still, I think about what I did all the time. It still bothers me almost ten years later.

TE thumbnail done by the lovely zenia

Chapter 14

The next day Cindy was alone while Spec did the lunch run. It was pretty slow as she decided to do a word search. She heard something from the back room as Spec walked up to the front of the store.

"Hey Cindy, I'm back now."

"How did you get back there?"

He stopped and looked back pointing realizing he never showed Cindy the side entrance.

"Remember the hallway that splits when we get to my apartment? One of the doors leads to some stairs that is a side street entrance. It's faster to use that when getting to the apartment. Damn it, I forgot the lunch. Be right back."

He returned with two take out bowels of clam chowder and bread, handing one to Cindy. She tried a bit with some bread before adding some salt and pepper.

"So why did you go upstairs instead of the front like you normally do?"

"I bought so more stuff along with lunch. I needed to put some things in the fridge so they wouldn't go bad."

"Planning on making something special?"

"Yeah, tomato beef and rice. It's Luna's favorite so I want to have it on hand."

"Do you know when she's coming?"

"With Luna it's always a surprise. It could be today, tomorrow, a week from now. All I know is if I don't have the ingredients to make that dish when she shows up I will never hear the end of it."

He takes a sip of his soup as a sudden shiver runs along his body.

"You okay?"

"I just got this strange feeling all of a sudden. You wouldn't mind staying for dinner tonight would you?"


At the airport, a female wolf left the gate area talking on her phone through an ear piece. She was wearing a powder blue button up short sleeve shirt with a black jacket tied around her waist and black pants. Her fur was silver gray except for her hair which was much darker. The one thing that stood out most was the light blue choker around her neck with a token with the letter "L" in the center.

"Hi dad, I just landed.

The flight was fine and yes, I had fun in Canada. You know I always do.

Yes I got a lot of good pictures for the magazine. I think they will be perfect for the special issue coming up.

Well I'm hoping the next few months I get to stay local. I mean I love to travel but I miss seeing everyone here, you know?

Of course people love seeing beautiful men and women in exotic locations but that doesn't mean photo shoots can't take place at the mansion. I mean its not like things can't be flown in there.

Well I'm sure some thing can be worked out. Besides I'll have my hands full editing my shots too. I mean, it won't take forever but it's an excuse to keep me here isn't it?

Well either way I'm glad to be back and have a few days to myself before getting back to work."

She made her way to the baggage claim, listening while she waited.

"No I will not need a ride home. I want to drop off my material to the studio so I have less to carry around.

No I won't be going home after that either. Well, I'll sort of go home, but only to drop my stuff off.

Well after that I want to get a shower and some clean cloths so I can visit Spec. Don't tell him I'm home yet okay? I want to surprise him.

Thanks dad, you are the best. But I see my bags I'm going to get going.

I promise to come over soon dad. Give my best to mom and tell her I love her.

Okay, I love you too. Bye dad."

She grabbed her luggage as she walked to the parking lot smiling as she hummed a tune to herself.

"Get ready little brother, Luna's home."


It was almost closing time as Spec started to restock books. Cindy noticed he seemed unnerved as strands of his silver fur seemed to stick out on end.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have this weird feeling. Like something bad is going to happen tonight or something. I just can't shake it for some reason."

She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

"You worry too much. Do you want me to lock up since the store is pretty much empty?"

He checked his watch before returning to stocking.

"Give it a couple of minutes just incase. You know how it is sometimes when new magazines come out."

"Yeah, I do. Is it me or do we sell a lot of magazines?"

"It helps keep us in business."

She looked up to the sound of the front door opening. Luna walked in wearing the same cloths from the airport with a small travel bag and a box of what looks to be beer under her arm. Cindy, not realizing who she was, approached her.

"Can I help you find something tonight?"

She looked the skunk over quickly with a puzzled look on her face.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes I do."

Luna grinned as she chuckled. It was at this point Cindy noticed her blue eyes and fur color. She quickly put things together as she raised her hand pointing her index finger upwards.

"You're Luna aren't you?"

"I see my brother does talk about me. Yes, I am in fact Luna. The infamous Luna depending what you've heard about me."

She extends her free hand as Cindy took and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Cindy. I started a few weeks ago."

"It's a pleasure. So where is my dope of a younger brother?"

Spec instinctively stood up in a huff to respond to his sister's comment.

"You are like twenty minutes older then me Luna."

"The key word in that sentence, 'older', which makes my statement correct."

He rolled his eyes as he walked over to his sister giving her a hug which she returned with her free arm.

"How are you doing sis?"

She kissed him on the cheek before letting him go.

"I'm good. I had fun during my last shoot. Seems like you've been doing well too since I've been gone."

She turned to Cindy as she finished speaking. This made Cindy blush as Spec rubbed his temples with one hand.

"I swear, I'm never telling anyone any secrets ever again. Don't care if its family, friends, or inanimate object."

"Oh lighten up sour puss, I brought you back Canadian beer."

"How thoughtful of you sis, what's the catch?"

He stared at her while taking the box. In return she just smiled at him.

"I'll tell you later brother."

He shook his head as he went to the back.

"Cindy, could you lock up the shop while I put this away? I assume you'll be joining us for dinner Luna?"

"Well that depends, where do you want to go for dinner?"

He called out form the stairs, "I'm making tomato beef!" to which Luna threw her fist into the air.

"Woo! We're staying in tonight!"

This startled Cindy, causing her to jump back a little. Luna saw and put her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but you just don't know till you've had his tomato beef. I kid you not when I say if I had a last meal it would be Spec's tomato beef."

"Well I have to admit he is a rather good cook. Everything he's made for me so far has been incredible."

"Oh? How many dishes has my dear brother made for you?"

She leaned in closely. Cindy could have sworn she took a sniff of her as close as she was.

"Leave her alone Luna."

Spec was pulling her back by the choker around her neck.

"You're no fun Spec. I'm just getting to know your friend slash employee here."

"You are nosey Luna so let's just get some things out of the way. Yes she works for me, yes we are dating cause I like skunks and she is a very attractive lady, no it's not weird, and none of your damn business."

"What was that last part for?"

"You know what that last part was for."

"That means yes."

"Do I even want to know what weird sibling code you two are speaking right now?"

"I'm sorry Cindy, and no you don't. Luna can be very friendly but don't let her invade your personal space."

"Please brother, I wouldn't dream of it. Do you mind if I use your shower? I haven't had the chance to take one since I got back."

"Sure, you know where everything is. Cindy and I will be up after straightening up down here."

"Thanks bro, you're the best. Nice meeting you again Cindy, see you two in a bit."

She waved at the couple as she disappeared upstairs. Spec let his shoulders droop as he sighed.

"Hey Cindy, remember when I said I had that feeling?"

"I do. What about it?"

"I know what it was now."


After finishing up downstairs the couple made their way to the apartment. Cindy stretched out on the couch as Spec started his prep work on dinner. It wasn't long before Luna came out drying her hair while wearing her light blue robe. Cindy looked up noticing it.

"Did Zenia make your robe too?"

Luna paused, letting her hair down.

"How do you know about Zenia?"

"Well, she also made me a robe like the one Spec has in purple."

"Did you pay for it or did my brother?"

"Well, we both kind of paid for it."

She scratched her cheek as she looked down hoping Luna didn't know what she meant. Luna smirked as she looked to her brother who was chopping onions now.

"Brother, what exactly have you been doing while I was gone?"

"Not now, I'm chopping things and it's none of your business."

She smiled as she wrapped her hair into her towel again rubbing vigorously to dry it. She took a seat next to Cindy. She looked back at her brother who wasn't paying attention before looking back at Cindy smiling.

"So, how long have you two been together?"

Cindy looked down as she was taken back by the sudden question.

"Well I'd say maybe a month now."

"Is he treating you good?"

She nods as she looks at him while he concentrates on slicing his beef. She smiles remembering the time spent with him. Luna came close to her ear and whispered.

"I think you are good for him Cindy. I can tell you things that will drive him wild."

"Like what?"

"Not yet but I will tell you soon. We need to exchange numbers so we can keep in contact."

"Luna, I don't know what you are telling her but we have a deal. Stop interfering with my love life."

"Did you ever think that I might be helping your love life? I mean it's not like I'm telling her about how you lost your virginity."

"Luna, don't you dare..."

She grinned as she leaned on the back of the couch, removing the towel from her head.

"Well I can always tell her about how I lost mine..."


He growled at his sister which caused Cindy to scoot away from her. Luna simply continued to smile at him before turning to Cindy.

"I'm just messing around Spec. I'm sure you'll tell her about it when you are good and ready. Man I'm thirsty."

She yawned while stretching her arms and legs. She walked to the fridge as her brother watched while mixing his ingredients into a large mixing bowl with his seasonings and sauces. She bent over as she poked around before getting an Ax cola.

"You want something Cindy?"

She shook her head, unnerved at how the siblings were acting. She brought her knees to her chest as she sat on the couch. Luna opened her can, pouring it into a glass with ice. She returned to the couch taking a sip as she played with the coin hanging from her choker.

"You know I care about you Spec. I mean, I still wear the choker you gave me when we were sixteen."

He let out a low growl as she played the emotional card. She knew it would work and he was falling for it.

"I know Luna. I just don't want you to scare her off."

"Oh please Spec. You couldn't scare her off unless you really wanted to."

She reached over patting Cindy on her knee.

"She's a tough one, I can tell. But you can't keep secrets from her. If you tell her the truth I'm sure she will understand, even think its sweet."

Cindy straightened up now looking over the couch as Spec started up the rice cooker and pot to simmer his mixture.

"Spec, what is she talking about?"

He sighed as he added water to the pot and covered it to simmer. He braced himself against the counter top taking a couple of deep breaths to compose himself.

"Remember when I said there were almost no more secrets. Well there are still some major ones."

He paused as both females looked at him. Luna was more relaxed while Cindy stared more intently. He poured himself a drink, taking a gulp before continuing.

"Growing up I had a few girlfriends. The relationships didn't end well for anyone."

He sighed as he took another drink. He was getting nervous as he spoke.

"Some of my ex girlfriends tried to use me for personal gain. It didn't help I have anger issues."

He paused again looking down. Cindy stood up and walked over to him. She reached out to touch his arm.

"Spec, what is it?"

"I was abusive to a couple of my ex's. I would hit them when I was angry and it's something I'm not proud of."

He stepped back from Cindy looking away. He walked over to the humidor and removed a mini cigar.

"Luna, could you take over cooking? It just needs to simmer for ten minutes or so. I need to be alone for a bit."

He left both females to head to the roof. Cindy watched him in disbelief as he left. Luna walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Go after him Cindy. He won't admit it but he needs you now. I'll make sure dinner comes out great."

Cindy nodded as she followed Spec to the roof. She found him sitting in his lawn chair puffing at his cigar. It took a moment for him to notice her.

"I said I wanted to be alone Cindy."

"Luna said you need someone. I agree with her."

She sat down in his lap smiling at him.

"I'm smoking Cindy. You don't want to be near me right"

He stopped as she took the cigar from his hand. She took a long puff and exhaled over his head before handing it back to him.

"You have good taste in cigars Spec."

His look of surprise turned to a smile and a chuckle.

"You can thank my dad for that. He taught me how to pick them."

She cupped his face before kissing him. They smiled at each other before Spec looked away.

"What's wrong Spec?"

"I told you Cindy. I was abusive in the past."

"Are you still abusive?"

"I don't know. I mean I've had to step back and really look at myself. I mean, I don't want to be abusive, especially to you."

"Then you don't need to worry. I trust you Spec. Worse case, I'll help you find some one the work things out with you, okay?"

He nodded as he looked up and smiled at her. She kissed him again before taking the cigar taking another puff and handing it back to him. She smiled and ruffled his hair before standing up.

"Come on big boy. Let's go down stairs and get some dinner."

"You go on ahead. I want to finish my Cigar first."

She smiled as she went towards the door. It wasn't long before Spec called her back.

"Wait Cindy, there is something else I have to tell you."

She turned around as Spec walked up to her. He rubbed his head and took another puff before looking at her.

"I need to tell you something about Luna."