Tremor x Venom (Yaoi OC English Fanfiction)

Story by Jinxermatium on SoFurry

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Writer: Jinxermatium (Jinxx)


Spanish and English: DeviantArt

English: SoFurry and FurAffinity


Tremor: Jinxx's OC

Venom: Jinxx' s OC

THANKS FOR READING!! As I myself. I think I'm not very good to write fanfictions... I think. If you believe that the I am, well thanks

Episode 1: "The beginning"

Tremor was to see as always to the Moon and the stars at 1 in the morning in the forest. When he was met with Venom, the nemesis of Jinxx, venom always likes to go to the forest for walking or simply hide in the shadows. So when Venom got bored of hiding in the shadows, it was at the end of the forest, then followed by Tremor. At the end of forest had as a kind of cave, which is where Venom is hidden. He then went to speak with Venom, cry you:

-Venom, can we talk? . Then Venom came out of the cave.

-What Tremor? He left with a face of concern. Then Tremor out of his hiding place to Venom and thenceforth to the most focused part of the forest, I refer to a part that is private in where nobody can see them.

-Tremor. Tell me the fuck up does hell spend? And Tremor did not say any word, but more approached the lips of Venom.

-Dude. Why would you come to my lips?

-You can remain silent? Because this will probably like. He said as it came over the lips.

-Hell wrong?

-Just shut up and kiss me. (Tremor kisses him on the lips to Venom).Then Venom does aside and tells him:

-But hell happens to you!?

Tremor remains stiff and grab the right hand of Venom and says:

-Venom, when I saw you, fill me of love on the inside, I've always thought for you, what would make you love and how many times you it would be me , so I came here to tell you that... "I love you". Then Venom blushes of shame because Tremor is his first friend in declaring his love.

Then Venom and Tremor walk through the forest taken from the couple to true hand but was given the desire to having a little sex without being seen. Then as they were 2 o'clock and not had anyone in the forest at that time, they started with their game, first removed all the clothes and they sat on the same tree then there started kissing and caressing the bodies, then Venom said:

-Start you. Tremor was eager to savor venom inside, so take this opportunity to do so, first it will do so slowly to increase your speed.

-AH! God, it feels delicious. He says Venom Venom enjoy love, Tremor your powder leaves increased its speed.

-Please do not stop, give me more. He says Venom, Tremor was eager to enjoy more, then I raise your speed to the maximum and will make it more difficult.

-Ah! Oh! God! don't stop, still!. He says Venom as he cries of pain that feels, but as it likes. Tremor is excited too and says:

-Here comes my cum. Then they did it faster and faster and the two moaned.

-Ah, ah, ah. God. AH!

-AH!. Oh, oh!.

And the two began to scream for pleasure.

-AAH! Ah. Ah.

-AH! AH! GOD! Ah. Ah.

Tremor released his cum all over the body of Venom. Then Venom is excited too.

-My turn. He says Venom. Tremor took the role of uke to feel the love of Venom within the. Tremor and Venom are then put into position.

-Ok baby. Begins!. Venom started slowly and soft.

-Oh! God! It feels... rich. Sighed Tremor felt the shocks of Venom. Then Venom began to increase his speed.

-Ah! More! Do not stop! Gimme more!!. It was telling Tremor to Venom.

Then Venom began to sigh and told him.

-Then want more huh?... I'll give you more. He said Venom while she moaned for love. Then your speed increase too Tremor began to moan.

-Ah! Ah!. Oh! God. Do you end already up?. He said Tremor as he sweated by the love I felt inside the. Venom then said.

-Ah! Already almost. I already feel it. He said Venom to Tremor. And the two are fell you tears from both given love between them, then Venom said.

-Here it comes. Get ready. Venom said with love having you to Tremor. And then the two started to moan and scream for love.

-Ah! This coming!.

-Ah!. Ah!. Ah!.And Venom launches its cum in whole body Tremor.

5 MINUTES LATER. The two went to bed together in a tree, and while they caressed. After Tremor tired says:

-Ah! god. Venom, that was... the best thing of my life. Venom I'm stiff and continued stroking to Tremor and told him:

-I also felt all your love within my. After that they stopped and kissed. And after all that, they went to their homes.