Kender Estate: Chapter 1

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#1 of Kender Estate

A young foxgirl is psychologically challenged when she wakes up one morning to find herself stuck on a remote island ruled by a wealthy wolf.

You will find that this is a very standard, cliché story... with some exceptions. I'm writing it to explore a few very unusual kinks I've always had on my mind. Which kinks? Well... you'll find out in chapter 3. It's nothing extreme, more amusing than anything, but it's always somewhat bothered me that I could never find many references to these particular kinks anywhere in the fandom. I don't even think they have names.

Chapters should be very short and easily digestible, so I should be able to pump them out fast. Hope you enjoy.

Oh, and the main character is 16. If that bothers you, now's your chance to leave...

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Chapter 1

The young blue fox woke to the sound of a voice.

She vaguely realized that she was not sleeping in her own bed. She also vaguely realized that she couldn't remember going to sleep the previous night; the last thing she knew, she had finished her test in pre-calculus and was heading downstairs to the school cafeteria with her friends. But she found that she couldn't think too hard about it; the bed's comfort was so warm and divine, much more accommodating than anything her family could have ever afforded. She only wanted to drift back into her blissful dreams.

But the voice spoke again, urging her to attention. A hand gently touched her shoulder. She whined in protest, rolling onto her side and holding the warm blankets close to her body, looking to see who was there.

Standing at the side of the bed was a figure she'd never seen before. He was a middle-aged wolf with navy-blue fur, very tall and sturdily-built, and very handsome. She wondered if she was still dreaming. This was a lot like one of her boy dreams, although usually she could recognize the guy who was sharing a bed with her. Either it was the otter who sat beside her in econ class, or the black-furred wolf in one of the sophomore classes... Her dreams had never just conjured up a new figure for her like this. But this wolf, somehow, was more attractive than any of the boys she'd ever had a crush on; he seemed like some celebrity, having perfectly-groomed fur and a deep, exciting power behind his eyes.

She tried to ask him who he was, but it only came out as a long, soft whimper.

"Shh, it's okay," the wolf said, kneeling down beside her and tenderly petting her shoulder. "It's alright. You don't have to talk... I just wanted to come check on you."


"No, no... It's okay. You're drugged; don't push yourself too hard."


"This is the only time I'm ever going to do this to you, I promise... I just needed you to give me a chance to introduce myself. Usually we use shackles and chains for this, but... I decided a long time ago that chains just aren't my thing. I wouldn't ever want to hurt you. You're too beautiful to hurt..."

He stroked her again, his hand starting from her cheek and moving down to her shoulder, until he touched the top of her nightgown. The nightgown she didn't own. She felt a dim confusion welling at the bottom of her consciousness, but her complex thoughts were drowned by an unnatural sense of contentment, and she found she could only stare at the wolf, his bright blue eyes glimmering in the light of the sunrise from a nearby window.

"My name is Kender," the wolf said. "I'm your new master... and this is your new home. I chose you because I thought you were beautiful from the moment I saw you. I think you're going to love it here."

"Ahh..." the young fox sighed, trying to say so much with so little energy. The wolf responded by gracing the brow of her eye with his fingertips.

"You don't have to worry about anything," he assured her in a soft, deep voice. "Everything from your old life is taken care of. You've been reported dead, and we're four thousand miles away on a private island. There's no way to go back now, but it's my hope that you won't want to. But we can talk about the future later. For now, I only want you to know that I love you; please consider hearing me out before deciding that you hate me for what I've done."

He pulled from his suit pocket a small note sealed with a red insignia, and set it on a nightstand beside her bed, leaning it against a crystalline lamp. She noticed a digital clock on the same table with small yellow numbers, reading five-thirty. It was too early. She was never up for school until seven.

"Sleep as long as you like, and read it when you are ready," he said, patting her shoulder once more before withdrawing. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you."

Once he was gone, she immediately curled around her covers, holding them like the stuffed bear from her old bed, and wasted no time in falling back asleep.

* * *

In a sudden panic that she'd be late for school, her eyes snapped open.

She gazed upon a foreign bedroom illuminated with long rays of sunlight streaming from the windows. Everything was so white: pearly marble furniture, immaculate tablecloths and carpets, and prisms gleaming in the sun's rays.

She turned to her bedside clock. Eleven forty-one. She'd slept in a long time.

She then noticed the cream-colored envelope still leaning against the lamp, and everything started coming back to her.

Her breath caught in her throat when she realized that the dream wasn't a dream. She tried to remember everything that the figure had said to her in her lazy, half-asleep stupor: that she'd been kidnapped, reported dead, taken away to a private island where nobody could find her...

She wanted to panic, but instead she was only frozen in apprehension, grasping the thick, fuzzy comforters for some semblance of security. She glared at the note, dreading its contents like a demerit from the principal.

She wasn't sure what to think about the wolf who'd woken her up in the morning. Who'd drugged her. And who still claimed to love her. He had to have been one of those creeps her parents were always warning her about.

But at the same time, she wanted answers...

After sitting upright, she reached for the letter and tore it open, removing a long, folded note inside written in perfect cursive.

Good morning. I hope you've slept well. If things go as planned, you can look forward to sleeping this soundly every night.

I am Lord Kender, owner of this estate. You have been given a high honor: I have claimed you as my new pet.

My colleagues treat their pets very differently than I do. They would use collars, leashes, and a great manner of brute force to keep their subordinates obedient. You will find that my philosophies are quite different; I believe in showing love and generosity to my property. I wish only to treat you with respect; I would not harm a hair upon your body and destroy your perfection. You will never find me wielding a whip, chaining you to a post, or threatening to beat you. I consider myself above these behaviors.

Therefore, let me make very clear the consequences for displeasing me:

For minor disciplinary actions, I will put you in time-out. This will involve locking you in the basement for several hours at a time. It is not a dungeon; there are no torture devices down there. It is merely a plain, featureless room where you will have the opportunity to think about how you might have acted differently. Compared to the rest of the mansion, I am sure you will find the basement quite boring and you will endeavor to minimize the time spent there to the best of your ability.

You will be house-trained. My entire property will always be open to your curiosity, and you will never be punished for entering any unlocked door. This includes the front door. You will be free to leave the estate and travel about the island at your leisure, granted that you have no prior appointments with me. It follows that you will always have the opportunity to hide from me if you would so choose. Therefore, if I find that you have gone missing for too long, I will have you reported as missing property, and once found you will be put in time-out for forty-eight hours.

Finally, if you somehow manage to leave the island without my blessing, I will ensure that wherever you might flee to, you will be arrested and given life imprisonment for, if necessary, a crime that you did not commit.

But I am certain I will never need to discipline you; I think, from the moment you walk down the stairs this morning, you will fall in love with your new life. As long as you follow my simple rules, everything you see here will be yours forever and ever, and I will make sure that nobody will take it away from you for as long as I might live.

I am away on business today; feel free to explore the estate and speak with my employees. I will have further instructions for you soon.

-Lord Asraphel Kender

P. S.: To help keep you separated from your old life, you will be known here as Eliza. I have a deep fondness for this name, and I hope you will learn to share it.

She dropped the note to her lap and stared for a moment at the far wall.

"Eliza?" she spat, testing the name. It definitely wasn't a name she was used to answering to. In fact, it belonged to a classmate she absolutely hated, a bitch lioness who was the head of the alpha clique who always spoke down to her whenever they'd cross paths. But she knew Eliza was always just jealous of her for being in the honors programs and having more prospective boyfriends than the lioness could ever have...

For a moment, she was happy that she'd never have to see her again. Eliza wishes she had this, the fox thought, her tail twitching beneath the covers. She wishes she could ever sleep in a place this nice...

In fact, she found that, at least at present, she was kind of happy with the whole arrangement. If it was all true, this meant... No more cramming for calc tests, no more throwing together lit essays on the last evening. No more nagging brother, no more drunk dad, no more boyfriend drama... no more dealing with Eliza or Dr. Faranoph or Principal Cray...

It hurt, knowing that there were people she might never see again, like her mother... but if the estate was everything this Kender guy promised, it was a life she could only ever dream about, and she wasn't about to complain.

But on the other paw...

She scanned back to the top of the page, eyeing one conspicuous word that turned her stomach in knots.

I'm a "pet"?

What the hell does that even mean...?