Twilight Eros Chapter 23

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#23 of Twilight Eros

(Warning: This chapter contains gay furry sex)

Scotty and Spec get to know each other intimately. They also build some models and eat some pizza, an ideal boys night in. Well for them at least.

Trivia time. This was my favorite chapter to write to date. It was also the hardest in a way. Scotty and I both share a lot of similar interest in taste. That includes what position our characters are in, e.g. Who is giving and receiving. In the end to to make things flow easily I just started writing the sex scene and adjusted as I went to what felt right. This is why at times Spec would be in charge and at times Scotty would take the lead. In the end Scotty was happy and so was I.

Scotty belongs to IB: ScottyKat. Special thanks to him for proof reading this chapter for me.

TE thumbnail done by zenia

Chapter 23

(Warning: See info box for list of kinks)

Scotty was double checking the numbers his shift managers had turned into him. His staff kept on the ball as there were no discrepancies he could find. He turned to his phone as he saw Luna was calling.

"Hello beautiful, what's up?"

"Hey Scotty, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a double date with Spec and Cindy Saturday night?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun. Have an idea where we'll go?"

"Well here is the thing; Spec wants to hang out with you a bit first. You know, so you two can get to know each other better. Cindy and I are going to do the same thing by hanging out Friday and doing some girly things together."

Scotty was silent for a second as he thought about spending time with Spec. He seemed like a nice enough guy but things are always different when you are dating someone's sister and try to be friends.

"Well I'm okay with it if he is. I mean, he doesn't think it's weird that we're dating right?"

She chuckled softly at his statement.

"Well considering the relationship the four of us have, and what we are doing in the near future he will have to be okay with it. Even if he isn't I'm the older sibling, so what I say goes."

"How does that work out with you being twins? I mean, how do you figure who is older?"

"I'm older by twenty minutes or so."

"I see. Well it sounds like we have a plan. When are we going to hang out?"

"Friday night at Twilight books, and make sure you have a change of cloths with you. That way you can get ready for our date Saturday."

"Okay, should I bring anything with me besides an over night kit?"

"Anything you want sweetie, I'm sure you and Spec will figure it out as you go."

"Alright, talk to you soon Luna."

"Talk to you soon Scotty; Bye-bye"

Luna hung up her phone and turned to Cindy who was grinning.

"It sounds like he doesn't suspect what we are up to. You sure he'll do it with Spec?"

"Oh, I know my cousin. He'll do it if the setting is right. I'm just wondering who's going to go first."


It was almost closing time and Spec was closing with Kit and Jen. Their training was almost finished and he felt they could open by themselves for half a day. He was happy with their progress as their help has made the routine move much faster. His mood changed as he realized Angie was going to be starting soon. It was not something he was looking forward to for obvious reasons.

Cindy walked to him as she stretched out her arms.

"I'm going to head off now Spec. Scotty should be here shortly and I'm sure you and the girls can close up."

"Okay Cindy, have fun with Luna. You sure Kit and Jen will be fine on their own tomorrow?"

"I'm sure they will be fine. If anything happens they can call me so you and Scotty won't be bothered."

He made a face at her as he knew she was poking fun at him. They kissed each other before she left. He waited for a moment before leaving the check out counter to help Kit and Jen restock the books. After finishing early with no customers inside he sent them home and locked up the shop. As he walked towards the back he heard a knocking from the front. It was Scotty in a gray tee and black jeans. Over his shoulder was a backpack. Spec waved as he walked up to let him in.

"Hey Scotty, you know there is a side door that leads to the apartment right?"

"Luna mentioned it but I forgot about it. Good thing I caught you here."

"Yep, go ahead and head upstairs. I just need to lock up really quick."

He nodded before heading up to the apartment. Spec was right behind him after making sure the front door was locked. He found Scotty standing just in front of the door way as he entered the apartment.

"What's wrong Scotty?"

He paused as well when he saw two fairly large boxes on the coffee table, both marked with their names. Between then was a folded note that read "Read me". Spec made a noise, confused as he picked up the note and read it out loud.

"Dear Spec and Scotty. Here are some things to help break the ice. I also left some cocktail mixers in the fridge for you. Have fun and see you tomorrow. Love Luna. P.S. Play nice with each other"

Scotty took the note and read it after Spec handed it to him. While he read the note Spec picked up the box with his name on it. It was wrapped in plain brown paper. He shook it softly hearing plastic bags shifting around inside. His eyes went wide as he realized what it was. Scotty was taken back as Spec tore into the wrapping.

"It's the Apex Dragoon mech, master grade with cobalt metallic finish!"

He hugged his box to his body before his ears went flat looking around the room.

"Luna wants something from me I know it..."

"Bit paranoid there Spec?"

"You don't know my sister like I do..."

Scotty chuckled as he started to open his box.

"I'm pretty sure she's just being nice. I mean; oh my god!"

He held out the box in front of him admiring his gift.

"A master grade Titan Swan Mk II with pearl coat finish and alternate weapons! How did she know?"

Spec looked at Scotty's model and growled a little.

"That bitch..."


"Luna knew I wanted a Titan Swan Mk II. They never released it in the larger scales... Wait a second, did you tell Luna you like mech models?"

"No, we've only talked about photography."

"Then how did she know... Damn it, Luna and Cindy are talking to each other about us."


"When I was talking to Cindy about you before I mentioned I liked mech models. That's how Cindy knew I liked them. It's the only reason I can think of that Luna would get us both mech models to bond over."

Spec sat his box down on the coffee table before taking a seat himself on the couch. Scotty followed as he processed what Spec was saying.

"We're screwed, aren't we Spec?"

"Yep, our respective girl friends know our secrets and they are friends with each other. We can't hide anything from them now."

Both sighed before looking at each other. A moment of silence and both were laughing at the situation. Once they regained themselves, Spec sat up and made his way to the kitchen.

"You want a drink Scotty? Looks like Luna left us rum and mixers. Can I mix you something?"

"Know how to make hurricanes?"

"Not off hand but I'm sure I can look it up."

"I think I remember all of the ingredients. Let me see what you have."


A little over an hour and a few drinks later, Scotty and Spec were half way into their respective models. It was a new experience for them to build while drinking.

"Scotty, have you seen the cutters?"

Scotty handed the cutters to him after he cut his pieces out to assemble one of the arms. He held on to his stomach as it grumbled a bit.

"Are you getting hungry Spec? I could really go for something to eat soon."

"Yeah, I can eat too. I'll call for pizza. Is there any place you like?"

"How about we order from Camelot Pizza? Their Lasagna and Meat lovers are pretty good."

Spec had heard of the pizza place but never knew they had a lasagna pizza. He ordered it as well as a medium Meat Lovers and order of chicken wings with sauce on the side. The two continued to build their models while waiting. Their timing couldn't have been better as they finished just before the food arrived.

Both ate while watching Spirit Zappers on TV. It wasn't the same as watching it on DVD but still enjoyable. Spec was enjoying the lasagna pizza as Scotty switched to soda and water to prevent a hangover.

"You know, looking back this movie had a lot more innuendos then I remember from when I was a kid."

"Yeah, ever for the TV version I'm surprised at how much stuff they getting away with. Good call on the lasagna pizza Scotty, I'm will have to get this again later."

Scotty nodded as both took sips of their drinks. There was an awkward silence as both looked around not sure what to do next.

"So... What should we do about Luna and Cindy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I think it's safe to say my sister and your cousin have something up their sleeves. I mean, this play date with high end mech models that they knew we wanted."

"Yeah, it is all too perfect to be coincidence. I mean they wanted us to hang out together with out them..."

Again, silence as the too looked off around the room. Spec ate a bit more pizza as Scotty sipped more water. Spec was conflicted as he looked at Scotty out of the corner of his eye. There was no doubt the skunk was handsome with his alluring purple eyes. What Spec didn't realize was Scotty had similar thoughts in his mind.

"So, Luna told me you have a bit of a skunk fetish."

He sighed and shook his head as he grabbed his bottle of root beer to wash down the last of his crust. He stood up and cleared the dishes, taking the leftovers to the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I guess you can say I do."

"If you don't mind me asking what is it about skunks you like?"

"They are different. I mean the strips, patterns and smell aside something about you guys is just nice. You have those soft tails, and affectionate attitudes. And to be honest I don't know why people complain about your smell. I've never been sprayed but I think most of you smell rather nice as long as you bath regularly."

He smiled at Spec's kind words, seeing what his cousin liked about him. He cleared his throat as the wolf sat back down.

"Is there anything specific you like about me?"

The wolf swore his heart skipped a beat as he heard the question. Slowly, he looked over to Scotty as he took in his features. One stood out among the rest. He swallowed hard before answering.

"You have beautiful eyes. I don't think I've ever seen purple eyes like yours before."

Scotty was blushing so hard that he swore he could have melted ice with his face. He looked away trying to hide it. Spec was also looking away realizing what he just said to Scotty.

"That wasn't weird, what I said about your eyes I mean?"

"No, it's actually quite flattering, thank you..."

The two looked at each other for a moment before leaning towards each other slowly. Before either realized what was happening the two were kissing each other. They slowly pulled away from each other, eyes still closed. Their hearts were racing as they finally looked at each other. Scotty was the first to speak.

"What now?"

"How about a shower and we take things to my room?"

Scotty smiled and nodded as he followed Spec's lead.


The two showered separately. Scotty went first which allowed Spec to clean up and organize the bedroom. The skunk waited, crossed legged and nude on the bed for Spec. It wasn't long before he entered with a towel around his waist. He looked the skunk over as he admired his gray and black fur. They smiled at each other again as the wolf took a seat on the bed.

"So what do we do now Scotty?"

"We can do whatever we want to do."

The wolf smiled and leaned in as the two started to kiss again. Out of instinct the two reached out and began stroking each other's cocks. They continued as Spec led Scotty to lie down on his back. Spec pulled away looking Scotty over with a smile. He ran his hand over the skunks gray chest fur, tracing the out line of his nipples with his finger tips. It caused him to giggle in a cute manner that aroused Spec.

Scotty watched as Spec kissed along his torso towards his crotch. Spec took Scotty's cock at the base, looking it over and sniffing it. Liking what he smelt the wolf slowly took the tip into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Scotty moaned as his entire cock was gradually engulfed. The skunk enjoyed the attention but felt guilty that Spec wasn't getting any. He gently pushed Spec away while saying "Wait".

Spec did as he was told, confused at why Scotty wanted to stop. Scotty moved the wolf onto his side before positioning their bodies into a sideways sixty nine position. He started to repay Spec's attention by licking along the entire length of the wolf's cock. Spec moaned at Scotty's experienced technique. The two were soon giving each other mutual blow jobs.

In the position they were in, Spec could smell the musk coming from Scotty's ass. It wasn't over powering as the two had just showered but it stirred desires within the wolf that he quickly gave into. Moving is body to get at a better angle, Spec ran his tongue against Scotty's puckered ass hole. The skunk jumped a bit at the sudden sensation against his anus but quickly started to moan as it sent shivers through is body.

Spec stopped and commanded the skunk to "Get on all fours." Scotty followed the command as Spec got some lube from his night stand. The wolf kneeled at the edge of his bed where he continued to lick Scotty's anus while playing with the skunk's ball sack, giving them an occasional suck and lick. With his free hand, Spec coated his cock with a generous coat of lube. Once he was sure his shaft was nice and slick he pressed the head of his cock against Scotty's opening.

"You ready Scotty?"

He looked back and nodded at Spec who pushed into him. It was a little painful but all the licking helped relax his muscles. There was enough lube that he easily slid into him with little effort hitting Scotty's prostate. This shot shivers through out Scotty's loins as Spec started to slowly grind into the skunks ass cheeks.

Scotty was lost in pleasure, each stroke of Spec's cock and hips slapping against his ass made him week in the knees as he forced to keep himself up by his hands and arms. Spec would remove one of his hands from Scotty's waist to take hold of his tail. He placed it so that it rested against and covered his face where he could take deep breaths, taking in Scotty's Scent as he did. The skunk heard and saw this, much to his delight. He did his best to keep his tail stationary as he assisted by moving his body in rhythm with Spec's hips.

The wolf would pick up speed as he felt closer to climax. He bent forward over Scotty so that his chest was on his back. Wanting Scotty to cum too he reached down between the skunks legs and began stroking his cock as well. Scotty started to moan loudly as the sensation of his ass being fucked intensified the stroking of his cock.

Spec's predatory instincts kicked in as he nipped at Scotty's ear softly.

"Mmm, I want you to cum with me Scotty. Spray your skunk sperm all over for me."

With glazed eyes, Scotty looked at Spec and nodded. He grabbed the towel he used earlier and placed it under him best he could to catch anything that came out. Spec pounded harder and fast as the sounds of their bodies echoed through out the bed room. Unable to hold back, Scotty moaned while clenching his ass cheeks around Spec's cock. The sudden tightness was too much for the wolf as he let out a low moan of pleasure. Both males seemed to cum at the same time. Several seconds passed as their bodies shook with pleasure before they collapsed onto the bed.

They both panted heavily while they caught their breath, fluids dripping from their orifices. Spec's chest was still pressed against Scotty's back as he nuzzled up to him smiling. Their eyes were closed as they finally gathered the strength to whisper to each other.

"That was fun Spec. Next time maybe I can fuck you?"

"Sounds like a plan. Well I guess we know what the girls had in mind when they set up this play date, eh?"

Scotty chuckled as he got comfortable. He slowly pulled away from Spec to turn and face him. They looked at each other before Scotty gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

"Just think of it this way, we can have a lot of interesting fun with the girls now."

Spec laughed and nodded in agreement. The two cuddled as their spent bodies slowly drifted to sleep.

Twilight Eros Chapter 24

Chapter 24 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Spec was cuddling with Scotty when the Skunk started to stir. He was smiling as he felt the wolf's embrace. His expression slowly changed as he opened his eyes while nudging Spec. "Um,...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 22

Chapter 22 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Luna opened her robe, exposing her naked body to Scotty. She cupped her breast, squeezing them in her hands to his delight. She reached out and took his hands, placing them on her soft mounds. "I...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 21

Chapter 21 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Spec tried to turn his body but was pinned between Cindy and Luna. Between the warm weather and hot showers the pack decided it was too warm for clothing. He cuddled up with both of them, feeling...

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