The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 6 - A New Clan is Born

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#6 of Warrior Cats

And another Episode from my warrior. This time sadness and an unawaited situattion will occour.

What wlll it be ? Find it out yourself by reading :-).

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

*The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 6 - A New Clan is Born *

Half star didn´t knew of what happened around him anymore. He had protested against the help and then he was knocked out.

Right now he felt nothing around him anymore and some strange lights were dancing in front of his Eyes. A Moment later, he was suddenly standing on the Cliff again on which he had stood so many times but something was different.

A Stone way was going over the Canyon and on the opposite was only one Cat standing. He didn´t even heard some Voice like always until the Cat on the other side began to speak.

" You have done well Half star. "

The Voice was a mix from a female and a Male Voice.

" Sunlight Claw? Is that you?" Half star asked and tried to make a step on the way but before he placed his Paw the Cat said.

" Hold on! If you move over now, you will die and never be able to return back to your Clan. "

Immediately he froze in place but he said in return.

" But.... But I want to be on your side. I want to.... HHHHHUUUUUUHHHHH!!!! "

The outline of the Cat suddenly became sharp and finally, Half star recognized who it was that he was talking with.

" RED EAR !!!"

It was his Son.

" It´s nice to finally see you again Half star. " His Son answered and lowered his Head to great him.

" I..... I..... I´m sorry for.... For.... For what I did to you!!! Please...... Forgive me !!!"

Tears began to run out of Half Stars Eyes but not for long because suddenly, they were licked away.

His Son had moved over the Canyon and was now standing in front of him.

"There is nothing that I have to forgive you Half star. I gave my Life for my Clan just like you."

Half star began to look into the Eyes of his Son and in them he finally found some peace until one Question came up in his Mind.

" Why am I here?" He asked after some Heartbeats of silence.

"You are her to decide."

" Decide? What?"

" If you want to Life and life it until it´s very end or end it now and let things become worse for your new Clan but become one with your old Clan. "

Once said, Red Ear moved aside and gave Half stars look free of the way. On its end had some Cats gathered and Half star discerned that it was his old Clan or a few of them.

Thousands of thoughts were running through his Head while he moved up one paw but then he moved it back down and said to his son.

" I.... Cannot do it.... I cannot leave them alone now. They need me alive. They all needing a save time to recover from their Suffering. And.... And..... "

Half stars' face became a blush because a picture of Sunshine Heart came up in his mind.

" And there is someone that you want to hold close to you. Right?" His Son finished.

" Yes.... ÄÄHHH NO! NO! There will never be one as close as Sunlight Claw was!"

Half star said that words loud but deep in his heart he knew that they were empty spoken. Yet, his Son seemed to know something more because he began to laugh very loud.


"What´s so funny? I mean what I said. "

" You truly does but.... AHAHAHA.... Do me a favor.... Stop closing your Eyes. "

" What should that mean now?"

" Find it out yourself. Till next time than Half star."

" What?? WAIT!!! I´M HAVING MORE ...... "

It was too late. Half stars Vision faded and a few moments later he awoke.

With dazed eyes he began to slowly look around and within some Heartbeats he found out that he was lying in a den and he wasn´t alone. Sunshine Heart was sleeping next to his side. She was laying so close to him that their sides touched each time they breathed and he couldn´t avoid it to purr very deeply on each contact. Yet something was different. In the dim light of the den and his still dazed look he thought that she was someone different. Someone that his heart belonged to. Sunlight Claw.

This cannot be! He thought. She is death. She cannot be....

His thoughts were interrupted because she woke up. A Noise from outside had dragged her out of her sleep and now she moved her Body to stretch herself.

" YAWN!!! Good morning Half star. " She said still dazed to him.

" Good morning Sunshine Heart. Slept well?" He answered, letting her become clear.

" HHHUUUUHHHH!!!!! Half star! Your awake!! OH Grace Star clan you made it. "

She moved her Head next to his and pressed it against it, letting him blush.

" You don´t know how much each one of us feared because of you. " She said to him with her Head still on his and Eyes closed.

He also closed his Eyes while he answered.

" I know. I´m sorry for troubling you all. How long have I slept?"

" Three Sun highs. "

" Three??? Damn it!!! That means that.... Full moon...... NNNNHHHHHH !!!"

He had tried to move but his Body paid him badly.

" You go nowhere soon!!! Your wounds are too deep and to great. And when you move again and open one I will make sure that you will go nowhere soon!"

It was Black tooth who had said that. She had entered the den at that moment when he tried to move.

Slowly she moved over to Half Stars Body and placed a leaf package next to him with some herbs in it.

" But... The Clan meeting is tonight and..... I have not.... MEOW!!!! "

Black tooth had placed a leaf on one of his wounds and the wound began immediately to hurt him hard.

" I know that the meeting is tonight and I already ordered Dust tail to go there and tell them the situation and for the deputy position... There is still some time left. "

" MEOWWWW!!!! "

Black tooth had placed more Leafs and Half star would had lovely begun to roll on the ground to eliminate the pain. Yet, his Body felt powerless to move so he had to take the pain. Luckily, Black tooth also had a poppy seed with her also and she quickly gave him it to lower the pain. Once he had eaten the Berry he asked into the round.

" How is everyone doing? Is all fine in the camp? Did something happen on the Border?"

" All is fine. " Sunshine Heart said in a calm Voice. " Everyone is happy now. The patrols have found nothing on their walks. Except some good Fresh-kills of course. The first signs of New leaf are appearing and .... Well.... We already got the News that.... Night wing and Wild Berry Claw Are Pregnant."

A Smile began to form on Half stars face while he said in a more relaxed Voice.

" That´s are really good News. And how is Hawk paw doing?"

" He´s fine." Black tooth said from his backside. " He misses you a lot but he has become a lot more calm since the last time he came to me. Seems like that he has learned a lot from you. "

" Yeah.... I told him to become more calm. He always acted too hasty while we both hunted together and so he always missed."

A few Heartbeats of silence followed until Black tooth said.

" So. Now is all done. "

" Thanks Black tooth. Can I ask you something?" Half star asked.

" Sure. What is it?"

" Am I allowed to move to the dirt place? I have some...... business to do."

" OH great!!!! Now that I´m finished with the...... Can´t you.... " Half star cut her.

" No....I can´t..... Really urgent. Sorry. "

" HAH.... Fine. But afterwards you come to my den and stay there until your wound is healed. Got that?"

" Y..... Yes.... NNNNNHHHH.... "

While he had said that, he tried to move himself up and after a few tries he managed it to stay but before he began to move forward, Sunshine Heart said to him while she moved to his side.

" Wait. I help you. "

When her Body touched his, he began to purr. Even if he tried to avoid it but it looked like she doesn´t disliked it. Even better. She began to purr on her own and Black tooth began to think.

OH Great. Another Love couple is formed. More Kits are on their way within some Moons.

That thought somehow brought her to giggle and Half star asked her.

" Why are you.... laughing?"

"HHMMMM? OH....Nothing. I was just .... Thinking of something. See ya later then. "

With these words said, Black tooth left the den and Half star slowly set on moving with Sunshine Heart on his side.

Once they also exit the den, Half star had to shut his Eyes because of the sudden light and once he opened them he couldn´t believe the picture he was presented with.

It had been long since he had seen some Cats sharing tongues and when he first entered the Camp he somehow missed it but now he saw each Cat of his Clan doing it. Even better. The atmosphere inside the Camp had changed from fear to happiness. And he could swear that he smelled some scents of Love in the Air.

" Hey! Are you dreaming?" Sunshine Heart asked because he had stopped.

" HHHMMMMM.... ÄÄÄHHH What? .... OH Yes. Sorry. I was only enjoying the sight. It had.... I missed it somehow. " Half star answered while he lowered his Head and set on moving again.

" You mean.... Your old Clan, right? "

" Y.... Yes. "

" Want to tell me of what happened back then?"

" I..... I..... HHHHHAAAAHHHHHH....... I will but first.... NNNNNNNHHHHHH !!!!!"

His Body remembered him that it was about time for some release and he began to quicken the pace. Sometime later, they had reached the dirt place and he quickly disappeared behind a bush while Sunshine Heart waited for him.

Once all was done. The Two began to walk towards Black tooth den but on the middle of the way, they had to stop because suddenly, the entrance Bush began to shake and a second later, Dust tail showed itself, breathing hardly.

" Dust tail? Why are you already back? What happened?" Sunshine Heart asked.

" OH Grace Star clan! You are awake Half star.... PANT ...... Please! You have to come outside. " Dust tail answered once he saw Half star together with Sunshine Heart.

" He goes nowhere except into my den !!!" Black tooth threw in from the side.

" But.... He has to! Light star is waiting outside with his entire Clan !!!"

The Message ran through the Camp like a fire and each Cat began to talk.

" What did they want here?"

" Are they attacking us?"

" Has Night star united with them?"

" Did we all die now?"

" SILENCE !!!"

Half star had spoken loud to silence each one and it worked. Once everyone was silent he asked Dust tail.

" Have they attacked you?"

" No. They said that...... They came in peace and that Light star wants to talk with Half star. "

" Really? They said exactly these words?"

Half stars' face became some question marks because till now, no one knew that he was the new Leader.

" They did. "

Another Mumbling ran through the hole Camp until Half star said to Dust tail and the others.

" Dust tail. Lead them into the Camp but be aware. Everyone else gather behind me. If it´s a trap, we will show them that this Clan is no easy Lay."

First no one moved but then Dust tail did a yes nod and began to move outside. Quickly then, each one moved on Half stars' side and became ready to attack on a sign.

Shortly after Dust tail had left, the Bush on the entrance began to move again and shortly afterwards, some Cats became visible.

The first one was a young female shortly followed by a group of 3 Elders. Behind them were 10 Males and 5 Females. Two of the females were surrounded by 2 kits each.

The Cats slowly approached Half Stars Clan with pride but it became quickly visible that they were no danger. Nearly each one of the Clan was wounded or was looking like a skeleton and the Kits were close to cry for milk.

Once the Clans were standing in front of each other and Half star saw Dust tail together with his patrol standing guard on the entrance, he asked into the round.

" I welcome each one of you. Who is your Leader or the one I can talk with?"

" That is.... HHHHUUUUUU...... Me! I am the....... HHHHUUUUU ...... Leader of this Clan. "

The Group in front of Half star began to spread into two and Half stars look felt on an old Blue furred Tom, who was surrounded by 2 Males and one female. The female was obviously the medicine Cat of the Clan because she was carrying a package of Leaves in her Mouths and nearly immediately after she had become visible, Black tooth had moved over to her and had greeted her very friendly. The Males were both looking like Warriors and they were now doing the same thing that Sunshine Heart was doing. They were supporting their Leaders moving.

Since Half star had heard the Voice of the Leader, his thoughts were running wild. He somehow knew that Voice but before he saw the old Tom he couldn't sort it but once he saw the old Tom he could had made happiness jumps because he knew that Tom too well.

" W..... Water star??? Is that.... Really you?" He asked to become clear.

" It´s been.... HHHUUUUU.... Some time since we saw...... HHHHUUUUU.... Each other Half star. "

Half star slowly began to move towards the old Tom together with Sunshine Heart on his side. The rest of the Clan stayed in place but slightly more relaxed then a moment before.

When Half star reached the old Tom something happened. Both Clans began to surround the two Leaders and they somehow began to mix with each other.

Once Half star was close enough, he greeted the Leader by moving his Tongue over his check. Water star in return did the same and once they had finished he said to Half star.

" Seems like...... HHHHUUUUU....... Time had meant it good........HHHHUUUUUU...... With you. "

" Seems so but...... What on Earth has happened to you? "Half star asked back with a fearing look.

" Times had been......HHHHUUUUU...... not good.... * COUGHT, COUGHT, SPILL *"

Blood came out of Water stars' mouth and Half star began to panic.

" OH NO!!! Please Black tooth!! Help him. "

" I´m sorry Half star. " Black tooth said with her Head down and after she had exchanged looks with the other Medicine Cat. " I cannot help him. Star clan is calling for him already. "


Tears began to form in Half Stars Eyes but he managed it to hold them back.

" It´s.....UUUUUHHHHHH....... Alright...... I´ve had a good life.... UUUUHHHH.... There is only.... HHHHUUUUUU.... One thing left to do now. "

" What....Is it?"

" RRRR....Remember the last time.... UUUUHHHH.... We met?"

" You mean.... That Day I said.... I do. Yes. "

" Now is.... UUUHHHHH.... The time to......HHHHHUUUUUNNNNN...... Repay..." * COUGHT *

More Blood came out of Water Stars Mouth and in his Eyes were stars to be seen.

" Tell me what can I do and I do it if I can!" Half star said quickly. Knowing that Water stars' time was limited.

"T..... Take my.... UUUUUHHHHHHHH......Our Clan back and........ HHHHHUUUUU.... Become their...... Their ....... " * Collapse *

Water stars Legs had given in and now he was laying on the ground, doing his last deep breathes.

" I .... I .... " Half star tried to find some words but he wasn´t sure of how to answer.

He then suddenly heard the Voice from Sunshine Heart in his Ear.

" Do it. Say Yes. "

From his side he hearts one of the females with 2 Kits say.

" Please say Yes. Allow my Kits to grow up together with their Father. "

" Same goes for me. " Said the other female.

Nearly each Cat of both Clans then began to say in union.

" Please say Yes. "

Hearing this, Half star began to smile and under some tears he whispered into Water Stars Ear.

"I swear you that I will give my Lifes for them! Your Clan is now my Clan. Please tell everyone in Star clan that .... They can count on me. "

With a last breath out, Water star said.

" Thank You. "

Then his Body stopped moving. That was the time when Half star couldn´t hold it back any longer. He shut his Eyes tight, said a pain filled...

" Water star. "

.... threw his Head backwards and began to Meow all of his pain out.

The others had also some tears in their Eyes and slowly they began to share their tongues a last time with their old Leader.

After a few Heartbeats, Half star finally stopped his Meowing and also shared his tongue with Water star. Then he looked into the round and said to each one.

" I will stand Guard tonight on his death Body. Each one who will do also is allowed to do it to. If you are Hungry, go and take yourself something. That goes especially for the females with Kits. "

He moved his Head a bit to face Black tooth.

" I´m sorry but I..... I can´t .... " She cut him.

" Was he so special to you?"

" More than special.... He...... He was my...... Older Brother. "

A wave of surprise and mercy ran through the camp once he had said that and Black tooth said to him in a sad Voice.

" In that case.... I allow you to stay here. Just let me take a quick look over your wound. "

" Thank You Black tooth. "

Now Half star turned his Head again to face Dust tail.

" Dust tail. "

" Yes Half star."

" Please organize a few Hunting parties. Our new Members are looking quite Hungry and far to wounded. "

" I´m already on it. "

" Good.... Oh and for tonight's meeting.... Please.... Take some Warriors of both Clans with you and tell each one exactly of what had happened today and that I will do all that I can to protect my Clan. "

Dust tail only nodded a Yes as an answer and left him.

The Cats began to separate and each one did what he or she wanted or needed to do.

Half star had turned his Head back and had slowly laid down next to Water Stars Body. With him was still Sunshine Heart, who hadn´t moved a single step away from his side. Black tooth who had begun to check his wounds again and 2 other Cats that Half star only knew by sight because they were from Water Stars Clan. The Cats were a Male with a deep blue Fur like the ones of Water star and green Eyes and a female with burning red and yellow fur and blue Eyes like Ice.

He didn´t wanted to ask them for their Names or their reason why they stayed guard with him. Yet the Male seemed to know that Half star wanted them to ask because he began to talk.

" I´m River Fur and this is my Mate Fire Ear. "

" Nice to meet you two. " Half star answered firmly.

" Light star or Water star was...... Was my Father. "

" Your father? But I thought that.... Who was your mother?"

" A Loner who crossed his way when he and his Clan had to leave the old Forest of yours. "

" I see.... Guess that we two will talk on later about the past. "

" Yeah... "

The Evening came fast and with it, Dust tail set on leaving the Camp.

Half star hadn´t moved away from his place and so hadn´t Sunshine Heart.


She was near some sleep and Half star had told her that she should leave him to go to bed but she had always refused.

" Why are you not going to sleep Sunshine Heart? I will not run away. " Half star said to her again after she had yawned.

" I´m not tired! I´m only training my Bite. " She answered with half open Eyes.

Half star smiled on that command. Yet he knew that she was fighting her sleep and he hated it to see her in that condition. That was why he used an old trick on her. A trick that he had used many times on his old Mate Sunlight Claw.

She had always enjoyed it when he had softly breathed into her neck or when he had licked her there and one he began to do it on Sunshine Heart, he found out that she enjoyed it too because 10 Heartbeats after he had started, she was asleep and deeply snoring.

To be continue