A changing World

Story by Raxmo on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

This is the first commission I've done, I hope it turned out well. Pastrami1 was the one who commissioned me for this, enjoy!

A Changing World

"You're home late..." Amber sighed and tossed her bag on the table and took off her lab coat.

"Yeah, some inturn spilled something on me at the lab, so i had to go through decontamination, but they said that I shouldn't worry, but be aware that I might still be affected. Whatever the hell that means." Amber sighed and went into the kitchen, grabbing a beer and cracking it open, sitting on the couch and taking a swig.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit..." John chuckled a bit and sat down with her.

"Look, you are doing some good work in there, and if they say you don't need to worry, then don't worry about it, alright?" Amber nodded and sighed, taking another swig and started to relax, but something was off, her whole body was starting to tingle a little bit, like a crawling sensation.

"You alright there Amber?" She nodded but started to feel a little hot.

"Y-yeah, I think so, but there's something a little... off..." She trailed off and tried to steady herself, be this feeling in her body got more and more intense.

"Well, maybe you should document all this, you are a scientist after all." Amber nodded and got up, walking over into her bedroom to grab a pen and a pad of paper, but it seemed like simply moving made the sensation worse. she came back out to the living room already looking like a mess. She sat back down and took a deep breath with a shudder, this feeling, it felt so... good!

"You sure you are alright? it looks like you've played with yourself over there." Amber grumbled a little bit and gripped the couch as she gasped.

"Fuck!" she cried out as she could feel something in her change, she wasn't sure what it was though. Things started to feel so much different, but she couldn't tell what is was, but her pants started to feel a tad tighter, like something was growing.

"Um... Amber? you don't look like yourself over there..." Amber looked over at John and panted harder, that tingling coursing through her body, her nipples hardening and rubbing up against her bra.

"S-shit... I think you are going to have to document this... time to become a scientist there John..." John's eyes went wide as he looked at her.

"Wait, come on Amber, talk to me, you're starting to scare me over here..." Amber took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"I feel like something's different, like something's changing. Fuck, I've got to get out of these clothes... like yesterday." She then hurriedly undid her pants and pulled them down, kicking her shoes off and stripping down completely.

"Jesus Christ Amber! a little warning next time?!" Amber looked over at him and laughed out a little bit then gasped as she stood there naked, feeling everything in her body tingle, and something deep in her mind just made her want more of it all, she didn't want it to stop.

"Oh, bite my ass John, you know I look better with my clothes on the floor." John huffed and looked over then gasped suddenly "

"Holy- Amber, your ass is furry, and you've got a damned tail!" Amber froze for a moment and reaches around to rub her ass, looking as she did so. She saw that she indeed did have some orange fur growing on her ass with the stub of a slowly growing tail. She started to panic.

"What the fuck is happening to me?!" She could hear her voice crack a little as her throat started to relax some. John stood up and placed his hand on her shoulder to turn her to face him "Look Amber, you need to relax right now, whatever is happening, you can't do anything to stop it right now, and you won't be able to do anything about it at all until you go back to work."

"Then let's go right now!"

"Calm your tits Amber, sit down and relax, you know that stress will just make things worse, alright? I don't need my girlfriend having a damned heart attack, okay?" John watched as her face started to change, getting longer and growing fur before his eyes. He sighed and looked deep into her eyes as her eyes started to change, becoming more animalistic with vertically slit pupils. He pulled her in close and kissed her deeply.

"Look, Amber, I'll always love you, no matter what happens to you, I'll always love you. no matter what happens Amber, whatever this accident will do to you, I'll always be here for you, you understand Amber?" Amber looked back, the feeling of her face rapidly growing into a muzzle, the tingling in her face, her body, her arms, legs and chest all seemed to melt away for a moment as she gazed into the eyes of John, her boyfriend, her mate. She leaned in and kisses him deeply on the lips, holding that passionate and loving embrace for a few moments before parting that kiss. John chuckled a little bit.

"Well, First time I can say I've kissed a dog." He teased a bit which made her giggle and push him away playfully.

"Shut the fuck up John, you little shit!" She panted and sat down as the tingling started to come back to her, quickly overwhelming her as she started to feel her skin crawl.

"Um, babe? what's your cup size again?" Amber had to blink a few times to really register the question that was asked of her.

"I'm a D, why?"

"Well, because I'd say right now, you are only a B cup..." Amber looked down to see her bare breasts and cupped them with her hands that were slowly growing more and more black fur. Her tits did seem to fit in her hands much easier, and come to think of it, her hands were becoming more masculine.

"Sweetie? I think I'm going to be a man now..." Her voice cracked again and John stepped back a little and pointed at her groin.

"Yeah, you should look at what you have down there now." Amber looked down at herself to see fur spreading along her legs and growing, her pussy gone and a sheath there instead. It all felt so tingly and lovely, like someone was licking her entire body up and down. As she looked at her new equipment, it started to stir and a little pink tip started to slip out.

"Oh, shit..." Amber started to hang his ears out and flat in shame. John leaned in and kissed him deeply, slipping his tongue into Amber's mouth and held him tight in his arms. After holding that kiss for a few passionate moments, he parted and looked deep in his eyes once more.

"I did just tell you I didn't care what would happen to you, even if you do end up being my boyfriend, you are still the same person on the inside, the same Amber, my mate. Understood?" Amber smiled at him and kissed him deeply once more. Amber could feel his tits fully pulling into his chest.

Amber took a step back and stumbled, falling back onto the couch, unfamiliar with the new legs he now had. John quickly came in to help keep Amber from hurting himself.

"Christ Amber! take it easy!" Amber chuckled and scooted over to the end of the sofa to right himself and stabilize himself.

"Oh hush, all I did was take a step. But I do feel a little thirsty though, could you get me some water babe?" John nodded and walked off into the kitchen. Amber took the time to look over himself, his hands and feet had completely changed now, covered in fur, his feet becoming paws, the sides of his thighs, his ass and groin was covered in fur, his forearms, head and neck was covered as well, seemed like he was only halfway there.

"Here you go babe" John walked in and Amber gasped.

"Um, John? I think it's contagious..." John blinked a bit and reached up to touch his face and froze for a moment.

"So it seems..." His face was already growing fur, and his eyes had already changed. He sighed and handed the glass to Amber who took it and started to guzzle the water, setting the empty glass down on the table.

"Um, John? Given my experience, I think you should strip down before it becomes uncomfortable, it'll only get harder with a tail you know" John grinned and started to strip down and toss his clothes off to the side, standing there nude as Amber had done.

"Oh, you just wanted to see me get out of my pants, didn't you?" John's voice cracked a little bit and Amber rolled his eyes.

"Oh, hush... just give me a turn-around so I can see the progression..." John gave out a little giggle and gave a little turn, Amber could see the fur crawling up John's body, much where it started for him, on his arms, groin ass, legs and face, and it seemed that his cock had shrunk down and his chest seemed to swell up.

"Oh, you are going to love this.. John? what's your cup size again?" John blinked a bit and looked down at himself to see that he was becoming much less of a man and he reached up with his hands and cupped his new chest.

"Feels like a B cup right now..." he let out a soft little moan as he toyed with his chest that was slowly swelling up more and more.

"Babe, sit down before your legs change and you fall down like I did..." John nodded and sat down, wincing a little and moving his tail to the side. Amber looked over at him and could see that his cock and balls melt away into the fur around his groin. It looked like he too was turning into whatever animal that Amber was turning into, and from the looks of it, they were going to be a pair of foxes. Amber looked over himself and watched as there were only a few spots not covered in fur quite yet, only a few patches of skin on his belly and the inside of his thighs and upper arms.

John lot out another little cute moan as Amber looked up, John's chest was still swelling up, furred hand rubbing himself. Well, at this point, John was a she, no longer a man.

"Um, John? what are you feeling?"

"Mmmfff... well, I'm all tingly, and my tits and slit are all so sensitive! God, I'm having a hard time keeping my hands off of myself." Amber grinned and let out a little chuckle.

"Oh, I can see that, let me help you out with that sweetie." Amber carefully slipped over and layed down, pressing his cold wet nose to John's newly formed clit, pushing a gasping moan out of her. His tail started to wag as he saw that her slit was getting to be rather damp from all this, his own shaft completely out of its sheath and throbbing. Amber murred deeply and started to lick over her folds slowly, causing John to arch her back, that growing tail wagging next to her. Those wonderful moans coming out of his girlfriend's mouth just drove him mad. He gripped her thighs and slipped his tongue in deep, knowing exactly where to curl that tongue of his seeing as he was a woman not that long ago. This only made John gasp and tense up, and amber could watch that furr spread faster, and this made him realize that the tingling had stopped, but was now replaced with this burning desire for his now girlfriend, looking up and thrusting that tongue into her, tasting her fluids as he watched her tits grow to about a D cup and stop, slowly becoming covered in fur as she whimpered and whined in pleasure.

"B-babe, I want something else..." John panted out and shivered. Amber knew that look on her face, and that tone in her voice. She wanted the D, and she wanted it now. Amber slid up that athletic body of hers and held her close, slowly easing that large canine shaft into her body, leaning in to kiss her deeply, sinking inch after inch into that tight, wet, hot slit connected to John's ever changing body. The new scent filling the air was recognizable, but it was different, more feral, more primal.

Amber panted out and kissed John's pussy with his knot, then slowly pulled back to push right in once more. Amber leaned back to sit up some, holding onto her hips as she wrapped her legs around his, pulling him in tighter against her. John brought his hands up to rest on the tops of his bouncing tits as Amber thrusted deep into her. Sweet moans escaped John's muzzle as Amber watched her body change more and more, fur spreading up her sides, legs and arms, erasing more and more skin from view, obscured by the lovely orange and black fur. He smiled and only picked up the pace, bucking harder into her body, feeling those walls grip his smooth shaft. He loved this new feeling, finally getting to see what it was like on the other end. Amber looked down at John and grinned.

"Mmm, you always was a bottom, weren't you?" John panted out and nodded, Amber leaned in and nipped at her neck and started to buck faster, causing her to gasp and moan out, her body getting hotter and tensing up, obviously loving every moment of this.

"Mmmfff, this tingling is only making everything worse, I love it so much!" Amber grinned and leaned in, nibbling on that pointed ear of hers and whispered.

"Then let's use this opportunity to our advantage, and really enjoy ourselves..." John simply moaned out and clung to him, gripping the fur on his back, pulling him in deeper. Amber started to buck smoothly into her at a steady pace, and could feel her fur spread over her body under him. The scent of sex filled the air and soon he could hear just how wet she was, her fluids dribbling out and onto her tail that had found its way under them, wagging like mad and thwacking against his legs softly as he made love to her. Their bodies seemed to be a perfect fit, both before and after this little accident in the lab, and he loved it, there was more to grab, more to love, more to smell and taste.

Amber soon could feel that her lover's body was completely covered in fur and gripping his shaft tighter and tighter, making his cock throb inside of her. She could feel something, deep in his balls and in his knot, this gentle pressure, or wave. It was hard for his brain to describe what exactly was going on, only that something was going on. It could only be one thing, that he was about to finish.

"Babe, John? I'm getting close!" john whimpered as her pussy replied by squeezing harder, milking that shaft buried deep in her body.

"Oh, fuck! I want it all in me, I don't even care what happens!" And with that, John's legs pulled him in deeper, forcing the entirety of that shaft to pop into her tight, warm, dripping slit, and clamping down like a vice. Amber cried out as his knot swelled up and his balls pulled up into his body. He wanted to ride this out for as long as he could just like John used to do. It was hard to do, that knot pressing firmly against her walls and tugging gently every time he pulled back to thrust back in. It was almost too much for him, making him shiver to push that feeling away to last longer for his lover. That knot apparently just felt wonderful to john, causing her to yelp and moan out loudly, filling the room in sounds of pleasure and lust.

It's a shame I can't feel like that anymore, but at least I get to give it to him, well, her

Amber thought to himself and started to focus on his breathing, and his movements. Then, suddenly, he felt John grip his fur tightly and shake like a leaf, quickly followed by a gush of fluids pouring out from her slit. That was it, that was the trigger, he couldn't hold back any more and felt his release, his cock throbbing and pumping rope after rope deep inside of his lover's tunnel, filling it with hot, thick seed. The wave of pleasure washed over him and he felt almost like he was floating in that moment. All there was in the world was the two of them, Amber, and John. Two mated foxes on the couch of the den that they share, the world was lost to them, all that mattered was this moment, tied to his love, his mate. The only thing they could hear was the sounds of their own panting, smiles on both of their muzzles and Amber leaned in to kiss John deeply on the lips. Amber looked over at the table and say the open and full bottle of beer sitting right there and grumbled.

"Fuck... looks like that beer's going to waste.." John simply giggled and pulled him back down on top of her, turning his muzzle to face her's.

"Amber?" His ears perked up.

"Will you marry me?" Amber grinned and kissed her deeply.

"About damned time you asked! And yes, it would make me the happiest wo- um, well, man, fo-?" His words were cut off by a kiss from John.

"Fine, I'll make you my wife~"