Twilight Eros Chapter 32

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#32 of Twilight Eros

Warning: This chapter contains mild drug use and anal sex

So this should come as no surprise to anyone who's been reading for a bit. All the clues were there and the weather was right. Not sure what I'm talking about? It's all in the chapter.

Kit and Angie belong to IB: joshp1 . Check out Fox in the City over at his account.

Thanks to IB: ScottyKat for proof reading and zenia for the TE icon

Chapter 32

(Warning: See info box for list of kinks)

Cindy yawned while sitting at the check out counter. It was a slow day but that was typical for a Friday unless there was some sort of promotion or event going on. Spec came up and leaned against the check out counter.

"Having fun Cindy?"

She looked at him with a smirk.

"Well aren't you a comedian all of a sudden? It's just a slow day. When Kit and Jen show up I'm going to take my lunch."

"So it's Kit and Jen closing tonight?"

"Yep, and Angie closes tomorrow. I almost made a mistake having Kit close and open but she said she didn't mind."

"That's good. It seems like Angie has been behaving so far."

"That's good. I'm just glad things have been working out so far. Is Angie off today?"

"Yeah she is. Seems like we have a good schedule rotation going on right now."

He nodded as he looked around thinking.

"You haven't had a chance to contact Scotty yet, have you?"

"Not yet, but I'm not going to till after I go home. We'll have more time to talk then. Besides, I'm sure he is busy right now at work."

"Sounds like a plan."

Spec gave her a kiss on the cheek before returning to the floor to organize some books.

** ** ** ** **

Cindy left later in the day leaving Spec, Kit and Jen to close up the shop. Things were quiet until a few minutes before closing. Spec noticed a couple of teen cats in the adult section. They might have been eighteen but it was hard to tell. One of them wore a big coat. Spec tried to keep an eye on them but was distracted by a customer who asked a question about a book price. He heard Kit yell "STOP, THIEF!" from the front of the store. He turned in time to see Kit running out of the store after them.

Spec tried to follow Kit but lost sight of her upon exiting the store. As he looked down the street trying to figure out which way they turned as he sniffed something in the air. He looked up and noticed dark clouds were gathering.

"Damn it, it's going to rain..."

** ** ** ** **

Spec kept an eye out for Kit as he and Jen closed up the store once all the customers had left. It had been almost fifteen minutes since Kit chased after the cats and it had started to rain rather hard. Jen Had gathered her belongings and waited next to Spec at the door.

"Do you think she's okay Spec?"

He sighed as he stood there with his arms crossed.

"I hope so. I wish she wouldn't have ran off after them. We could afford to lose one book if it means we stay safe."

Kit returned shortly holding her stomach, drenched from the rain. She shook herself off before entering the store. She pulled the book from under her shirt and handed it to Spec.

"I got it back boss..."

He took the book from Kit and examined it. It was a how to draw erotica book. Thankfully it was still wrapped in plastic so it wasn't damaged.

"Thank you Kit, but next time don't chase after them. If they did something to hurt you... Well I'd rather lose a book then an employee you know?"

"Yeah... sorry Spec."

"It's okay..."

Spec looked away from the red fox when he realized her bright red bra was showing through her white tee shirt. Jen prepared her umbrella as she headed out.

"Well I'm going to head out. See you guys later."

Jen waved to Spec and Kit as she headed out. Kit started to shiver from the cold water.

"Um... Why don't you go up stairs to the apartment? You can shower up there and I can loan you something to wear while I wash and dry your cloths for you if you'd like."

Kit looked out at the down pour going on outside. She turned to Spec and nodded as they made their way up stairs.

** ** ** ** **

Spec gathered Kit's cloths as he threw them into the washer with some of his to make a full load. He knocked on the bathroom door to get Kit's attention.

"I'm going to leave a shirt and some shorts for you to wear out here Kit. I'll be in the living room."

"Thank you Spec."

Spec walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch. He saw a baggie on the coffee table with a note attached to it.

" 'Dear brother, here is some good stuff that dad gave me. Here is some for you. Sorry but I ran out of papers to roll them in. Dad sends his love. See you Saturday. Love, Luna.' Hmm, I'll have to thank dad later."

He opened the bag to take a sniff before putting the sealed bag back on the coffee table. Kit came out of the bathroom wearing the cloths Spec left for her. She filled the shirt quiet well considering.

"Thanks for loaning me the cloths. They are comfy."

She looked outside at the storm and let out a soft whimper. She jumped back a bit when a flash of thunder and lighting startled her. Spec noticed as he looked at her from the couch.

"You okay kit?"

"Yeah... I'm just hoping the rain lets up so I can get home soon."

Spec looked out the window before pressing his hand against it.

"It's pretty cold and wet out there..."

Spec looked at her and sighed.

"If you want, you can spend the night here. I doubt the storm will let up any time soon."

"Are you sure that's okay? I mean staying here over night."

"It's okay Kit. We can order a pizza or something for dinner if that's okay with you."

"Thank you Spec. I'm just going to call Angie real quick."

Kit stepped to the kitchen to call Angie. Spec left her alone while looking up phone numbers for pizza places that were close by and their menus. Kit eventually returned to the couch, turning off her phone as another flash of lighting startled Kit.

"Are you going to be okay Kit?"

"Yeah, it's just been awhile since I've seen a storm this bad. I'm sure I'll be"

She jumped again as another clash of thunder cracked echoed through out the room. Spec moaned softly to him self as he thought, "This is going to be a long night." He went back to his phone to finally decide on a place to order from.

"Do you like everything on your pizza? I'm partial to supreme pizza myself with hot and honey barbecue wings. Is there anything else you would want?"

"That sounds fine, thank you again Spec..."

She came to the font of the couch and took a seat as far away from him as possible while he called in the order. She looked at the coffee table and noticed the baggie. She picked it up realizing what it was from the time Angie shared her stash with her. Spec hung up the phone and noticed Kit had the baggie in her hands. He was lost for words as he tried to think of something to say.

"You smoke this too Spec?"

He sighed in relief when he realized she wasn't going to freak out or call him out on it.

"Yeah, I do sometimes. It helps to calm down after a long day you know?"

He thought for a second as he realized this could help things out.

"I don't suppose you'd want to smoke some now would you?"

"Sure, that sounds like it can be fun."

"Okay, just let me open a window and set up a fan. Don't want to stink up the place with smoke."

He walked over to the window and opened it while setting up a box fan. He set the fan to low to suck smoke out of room as he secured it in place before heading back to Kit.

"Man, it's cold outside. Let me get the pipe ready. It's been awhile since I used one."

He got his blue pipe and packed it before lighting it and taking a puff. He held it in as he passed it to Kit who took a smaller drag before handing it back to Spec who finally exhaled. Kit tried to hold it in but it was stronger then what she was used to. She coughed as she exhaled, choking on the smoke. Spec smiled as he watched her.

"You want something to drink to help you out there Kit?"

She nodded as Spec took another hit before passing it back to her. She took her hit, managing to hold it in this time as Spec offered her a glass of soda.

"It's Ax cola, but if you don't like it I have other things."

"That's fine, thank you Spec."

She took her glass and sipped it as she passed the pipe back to Spec. Kit sat leaning a bit to her side as she braced herself on the couch. She stated to feel something as she looked around the room.

"Do you mind if I turn on the TV Spec?"

He nodded as he passed the pipe once again to Kit who is now use to taking longer hits. Spec turned on the TV and passed the remote to Kit. She exchanged the pipe for the remote as she started to surf through channels. She stopped when she saw the show Angie loved to watch.

"Angie loves this stupid show for some reason. It's so stupid, I don't know why she likes it."

Spec watched as he took his hit. He slowly exhaled as he passed it to Kit.

"I remember watching this once. There was some stupid joke about lamb chops or something. I didn't care for it."

Kit laughed as she remembered the episode that Spec was talking about. She scooted closer to Spec with out realizing it as they continued to pass the pipe back and forth, refilling it a couple of times.

** ** ** ** **

The pizza and wings arrived and were quickly eaten as both Spec and Kit had smoked quite a bit before it arrived. They were still watching the same show as there were a few episodes playing back to back. Spec was chewing on a piece of crust as he shook his head.

"Why the hell did we watch three episodes of that crap?"

He looked down at the pipe resting on the counter as he lifted is eye brows.

"Oh yeah, we were high. Too bad it didn't help that show any."

Kit giggled as she took another bite from the slice in her hand. She was right next to Spec now, watching him as he turned off the TV. She smiled as she saw him in a different light. He wasn't the scary boss wolf anymore but the kind friend that offered her help when she needed it. She started to get an idea of why Angie had the hots for him as she realized he was a decent looker as well.

Spec turned and noticed Kit was looking at him. She blushed as she realized she was caught staring. He let out a bashful grin as he asked "What is it?" with a giggle. Kit tried to look away but was lost in the moment. A sudden clash of thunder startled her as she jumped forward into Spec who caught her in his arms. They looked at each other for a moment before Kit leaned in and kissed him right on the lips. She pulled away to see a stunned expression on his face as he let her go, allowing her to back away a little.

"I'm sorry Spec, I don't know what came over me."

Spec just smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"It's okay Kit. I mean all things considered I guess this means you are over your fear of wolves. Funny thing is Cindy suggested I sleep with you to help you out with your fears. Wait, why did I just tell you that?"

Spec chuckled as Kit processed what she just heard. She leans in a bit closer, still feeling the effects from smoking.

"Really, Cindy would be okay with you sleeping with someone else? That's odd. If Angie even thought I had slept with you she would never shut up about it and call me a slut for days."

She looked away at the thought of what Angie might say. Spec took a sip of his drink before speaking again.

"Well that's not very nice of Angie, being your friend and all. I mean even if you sleep with a couple of people that doesn't make you a slut. It's not like you drop your pants for everyone who asks you right?"

"Thank you Spec! I aint that kind of girl."

She smiled, glad that some one else understood she wasn't a slut. She started to feel warm as she scooted right next to him.

"But if you want to really know... I'm not totally over my fear of wolves yet..."

She reached out and placed her hand over Spec's. He looked down to see her looking up, smiling at him. He thought about what to do. He saw how cute she looked thought to himself "Fuck it." as he took her hand.

"Do you want to go to my bed room Kit?"

She nodded quietly as he helped her up, leading her to his bed. They looked at each other as they continued to hold hands before kissing each other once again. He slowly sat her down onto the bed and pulled the gray tee shirt he lent her off exposing her naked torso. He always knew she was a heavy chested vixen but seeing them exposed he realized she was even bigger then Cindy. Kit looked away slightly embarrassed that her boss was looking at her naked body. Spec swallowed before reaching out towards her chest.

"May I touch you Kit?"

She nodded as she lowered her arms and stuck her chest out for the wolf. He took a soft mound in each hand as he slowly started to massage her breasts, causing her to moan. He leaned in to nuzzle his face against her cleavage. She hugged his head with her arms, using her hands to play with his ears. She smiled and moved her head back as he started to lick and suck on her nipples. He pulls away from her to remove his shirt and shorts.

Kit stared at her now naked boss, impressed by what she saw. She stood up to remove her shorts as well. She was already dripping between her legs as she continued to look at his cock.

"May I..."

Spec nodded as Kit kneel down and took his cock in her hand. She slowly kissed and licked the head of it before taking the shaft into her mouth. She was rather good as Spec placed his hands on her head for support as he helped guide her pace. After a couple of minutes, he gently pushed her away and lifted her body up to lay her back onto the bed. She was wondering what he was planning as he straddled her stomach. He wedged his cock between her breast as he looked down at her.

"Do you mind if I titty fuck you?"

She was not used to anyone being this considerate while having sex. She enjoyed it as she nodded while pressing her breast together, sandwiching his cock. He started to slowly stroke himself between her soft cleavage. He took hold of her nipples, teasing them with his finger tips as he continued. It caused her to squirm in excitement as she could feel herself getting wetter as she rubbed her thighs together.

He started to breath harder as he closed his eyes. His cock throbbed as he could feel his climax cumming. He moved faster not wanting to hold back. Something inside him told him to spray his cum all over the red fox under him.

"I'm gonna cum soon Kit..."

She nodded as she started to move her breast in tune with Spec's hips. Spec pulled away from her and spread her legs slowly. He put his face right in front of her soaked pussy, taking a deep breath before tasting her love juice. She bit her lip trying to control her body with little effort. He teased her clit between licking the the out line of her pussy lips as he ran his nails along her firm butt cheeks. The wolf waged his tail in excitement as he moved one hand between his legs to stroke himself to full erectness once again.

"I want to fuck you now Kit."

She nodded as she tried to get on all fours. He stopped her, returning her to face him on her back.

"No, I want to see you while we have sex."

She was not used to the missionary position but smiled as she agreed with a nod. She didn't feel any bad intent from him and was curious to see what he would do. Positioning himself between her legs, he brushed the tip of his cock against her wet slit. She enjoyed the sensation of his teasing as the length of his shaft ground against her. She reached up to touch his chest enjoying this position but wanting more as the heat from her crotch intensified.

"Please Spec, put it in me."

Gripping the base of his cock, he pushed the tip forward into the vixen's warm, tight hole. He felt as if he could have melted as he slid all the way to the base of his cock into her. She moaned as she adjusted to his size. The noises she made were too cute as it aroused the wolf further. He leaned forward to kiss her, slowly pushing his tongue into her mouth. Once Kit's muscles relaxed a bit, Spec started to move slowly as he gauged her reaction to his strokes.

He increased his pace with each stroke, the sound of his hips slapping against the back of her thighs echoed through out the room. She let out soft moans while pawing at his chest and shoulders. They continued to grind their bodies against each other for several minutes before Kit pushed the wolf back and away from her.

"Whats wrong Kit?"

"Nothing Spec, it's just..."

She smiles as she gets on all fours, lifting her tail and presenting her exposed anus.

"I was just wondering if you would fuck my ass?"

Spec gripped her ass cheeks to spread them further as he pressed his cock against her semi spread hole. He slowly slid into her with little resistance. She was still tight but she didn't wince or moan as if she had experience with anal before. She called out in pleasure as Spec started to pump his hips in and out, faster and faster. This was all a shock to him as he never imagined Kit to be into such things.He didn't question any of it as he was too caught up in the moment.

"Mmm, that's it, fuck me harder you big bad wolf!"

"Whatever you want my hot little vixen."

He gave her a firm spank on her ass cheek as he went all out, pounding his hips as fast as he could. She clenched her ass cheeks as she reached between her legs with one hand to finger her pussy and clit. Her hand was soaked as juice dripped from her crotch.

"Harder Spec, do it harder! I'm so close..."

"Me too, I'm about to cum..."

His cock started to throb inside her as he was close to exploding. He gives a few more hard thrust before his hot load sprayed into Kit's rear, filling her insides. She came shortly after as her hips shook, her hand covered in her juice as she yelled out before letting her body go limp against the bed. Spec was panting as he pulled his still sensitive cock from Kit's ass, laying down next to her. Both were panting, trying to catch their breath as Kit looked over at Spec who was smiling. She turned to her side and scooted up next to him as she held up the hand she used to make herself cum. He brought it to his mouth and licked her fingers which caused her to giggle.

"Spec, you aren't going to tell any one about this right? I mean it's just between us and all, right?"

"Well I'm going to have to tell Cindy, I don't keep secrets from her after all. But don't worry I wont say anything to Angie or anyone else. After all, it is rude to spend a night with a good girl and tell every one about it."

She smiled and kissed him before she closed her eyes and said "Thank you."

** ** ** ** **

The next day, Kit was already hard at work putting up books when Angie came in to start her shift. She walked up to Kit smiling as she thought this was the perfect time to tease her friend.

"So Kit, were you okay spending the night with a big bad wolf? Did you try to sleep with the boss or anything?"

Kit scoffed at her friend as she continued to work.

"Shut up Angie, you know I aint gonna sleep with Spec, I'm a good girl after all."

Angie waves Kit off as she goes to the back. Kit stops her before she leaves with one last comment.

"Besides, we both know I aint afraid of wolves anymore."

Twilight Eros Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Spec sipped from his coffee cup while he sat at the check out counter. Angie walked up to him as she adjusted her name tag lanyard. "Hey boss, Kit is acting weird. Did you mess her brain up last night when you slept with her?" He coughed...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 31

Chapter 31 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Luna hoovered over her brother as he simmered dinner in a pot. She leaned in to sniff the aroma as it caused her tail to wag. Spec looked at her with an amused look. "Can you contain yourself long...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 30

Chapter 30 (Warning: See list of kinks in info box) "So Cindy, how do you think Spec is handling things?" "I don't know Luna. Are you sure Doctor Mason is a twelve year old skunk?" "I'm pretty sure it's the same person. I've never met her but I've...

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