You, me, and a whole lot of nothin'

Story by Aescher on SoFurry

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Wrote this at midnight before bed. So that I could say I wrote something and didn't waste my day.

So many things to say. But what to say? How to end this day? I, the mouse don't have the heart to pray the hurt away. Eyes on the quaking hamster, you. The one who killed their pastor because you were just a little bit faster. How to say? Something. Anything. I'm here and they're not! We're glowing hot and they're all... rot. My paw reaches out, it's intention sweet. Met with my hamster's quick retreat. How to say? We're in this together and I'm stuck to you like I'm on a tether. Definitely not as light as a feather. Gonna sink like some pirate's treasure. To the bottom of this sea. Just you and me.

Baby. Save me. Maybe. You gotta say something. We've got two more years of the same walls and nothing else. Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING. The crew, you and me and hopefully no cabin pressure leaks. And the endless weeks. Love me then. Love me now. Love me when. I'm gonna forget all of this without a pen. All of this is in my head. Aimed at you, the rodent who shares my bed. Staring at me like this is all worth being said if I'd just shout it out. Waiting for some more fallout.

Suddenly you kiss me and I kiss you. We're both set free. Going to dark places for fucking against a tree. There's a whole lot of nothing coming, but we sure are something. We're sure of something and it's that we're definitely somethin'. You and me. And nothing else at all.