An Unexpected Love: Chapter 2

Story by Snowmew_ on SoFurry

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The following day Myridia lay in her bed looking up at the ceiling just wishing all of this would end. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and another female feline walked in, having the fresh stench of the Alpha and sex all over her.

The feline smiled and walked up to the edge of the bed with a silver platter smelling of food. "Hello Myri. I am Selena, I will be your keeper to get you whatever you like as Master orders." She smiles sweetly as she sat on the bed next to Myri.

Myridia growls softly and turns her back away from the feline "Don't talk to me! Don't touch me! Don't do anything unless your going to get me out of this stink hole. I just want to go back home. " Master" can fuck himself." She hissed out brutally

Selena flinched backwards like the little cheetah slapped her "Be glad he hasn't just raped you yet. Any other pet who talks back gets beatings. So consider yourself lucky you little ungrateful bitch!" She spat back not realizing the Alpha was in the door way.

Myridia was about to speak up and defend herself but before she could Romulus strode in. Anger rolling off his fur in big waves as he picked up Selena and slammed her into the wall roughly.

He growled out through clenched teeth. "You DO NOT talk to her like that!! Do you hear me pet?"

The little Leopard slinked back in fear of her master before nodding and answering in a small whimper. "Y...yes m..master...."

His outburst shocked him though he didn't want to think on it at all he just wanted to make sure the little Cheetah was okay as he kneeled down beside her.

"Are you okay? She didn't harm you did she??" Romulus asked his voice laced with pure concern.

Myridia hissed softly at the leopard before turning her attention back to the Alpha. "No. Not at all. Besides maybe emotionally, but that will fade in time. All I want is to get out of here and go back home!" She finished talking crying out in sadness.

Romulus looked down sad for what he was about to tell the little Cheetah. "Sadly you cannot go home... I would let you if I could but I can't." He gave a small whimper as Myridia jumped up in anger.

"WHY THE HELL CAN'T I GO HOME?!?!" She yelled angrily not wanting to spend another retched minute in the stink hole

Romulus stood up and fixed his eyes with hers before rubbing his paws on his chest as if to flatten his clothes "there was a raid there the other night. Wolves from another pack went in and caused unfathomable destruction. We can not and will not send you out into the dangers that would succumb" he growled softly.

"And whos orders are these mutt? I want to be with my family!! I can't just leave them here!!!" She gasped hurt and shock laving her voice thickly

"My orders miss. You go and they will capture you and surely rape you and kill you after finished. I'm keeping you safe in my territory" he growled out as he left the room one again with a slam of the door locking it behind him and letting the female fend for herself.

She spent the rest of the Night locked in that room thinking of whether or not her family was safe. It bothered her so much not knowing what has happening to the point she broke down in tears sobbing for everything that she lost.

Soon after her breaking down exhaustion took control and she passed out. During that things Romulus crept into the room and tucked her into the covers making sure she was warm before heading out for the night.