dog days

Story by angelo_raccoon on SoFurry

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#2 of TF stories

Story 2: "dog days" (M human to M poodle)

Joshua had always been a health nut. He had always watched his weight and worked out daily, and as a result, was easily over 200 pounds of muscle and not afraid to show it off.

He wore tight revealing shirts, denim shorts to show off his big powerful legs. Unfortunately, despite his amazing outward appearance, inside he was awful. His overconfidence caused him to see all others as inferior to him, and he would often act selfish and greedy, not caring about how others felt.

He had just finished a work out, and reclined in his large leather chair. Opening a can of beer and taking several big gulps from it, he turned on his plasma screen TV and started looking for sports. Ever since school he had been a true jock. He had played and excelled in most sports due to his size and strength, and he had been big enough to be feared by even the students in the grades higher than him; heck, even some teachers feared him, which he enjoyed. He sighed happily at his distant memories.

He enjoyed thinking about all the small, weak guys he had tormented, called names, accused of being gay. He hated gays, always had; his father had been a brute, telling him about the countless times he had beaten some poor guy to within a inch of his life just for holding hands with another man. He had taken on these lessons, taking every opportunity to harass and beat up even slightly effeminate guys.

He picked up his latest body building magazine, looking at the cover for a moment before opening it up, however, rather than an index, a large 2 page advert caught his eye.

Instant body improvement!

"Looking to improve your image? Just a few weeks drinking our new power shake can drastically change your appearance in a way that hardly anyone will recognise you! Not only does it have a pleasant taste, but is low in fat, high in protein, and contains our secret formula to give you optimum appearance. Just a 1 can of "MARS FRONT" high energy protein shake a day can give results! Phone our number to receive a free sample!"

"MARS FRONT" drinks ltd.

Josh looked it over. The heavily muscular males in the advert seemed big enough. If that had been caused just by this new drink, he could at least sample it. It would not make anything worse after all, and free is free, after all. He picked up his cell phone and pushed the numbers.

He heard the ringing, and a click as the phone was picked up, and a soft, sultry feminine voice answered. "Mars front drinks, how may I assist you sir?"

Josh paused for a second to collect his thoughts, and then talked into his receiver. "Uh...yeah... I just read your advert in this magazine, and I want a free sample of this drink of yours." As usual he was being blunt as ever, no pleases or thank you's. He put his feet up on his table and waited for the response.

"Not problem sir, we will ship one over right away. I am sure you will notice the difference -click-"

"But wait! I didn't tell you my address....stupid bitch!" He slammed the phone down, angry that the woman had hung up on him so fast. Now he had wasted money on some stupid phone call to a rip off company for nothing.

He stomped off to his kitchen and opened his fridge, grabbing another beer and snapping it open. Drinking half of it in one go, he then returned to his chair, still fuming and cursing to himself. He wanted to relax, and his chair was awful comfortable, also he was too lazy to get to his bed, so he turned of his TV, closed his eyes, and tried to relax.

He was disturbed 2 hours later by the harsh buzz of his doorbell. Opening his eyes slowly, he waited for the blur to fade away before slowly standing up and heading to the door. However, when he opened it, there was no one the door. "DAMN KIDS! Why don't ya grow a pair and act like adu...w...what..."

He looked down. There was a small package at his feet, and after leaning down to look at it, he read, "TO: Joshua Tennant FROM: "MARS FRONT"

He was surprised. He looked left and right to see any sign of a delivery boy or something, but no, there was no one around. He picked up the box and carried it inside, setting it down on his table before eying it suspiciously. How on earth had it arrived so fast? As far as he knew the business was not close to his apartment, but he shrugged. The booze in his body had clouded his common sense, and he opened the box.

After ripping off the top cardboard flaps, he looked inside, all that was in the box was a fairly small bottle, simply labelled, "MARS FRONT". Upon inspection, the bottle had slightly tinted pink glass, and was almost full with a cloudy orange liquid contained with a simple cork.

He popped the cork off the bottle and sniffed it, it was a sweet citrus smell, pleasing to his senses. He swirled it around in the bottle, just watching it move for a moment before shrugging. "Ah, well, bottoms up." He upturned the bottle into his mouth, and drank down the contents in one go. It had a taste similar to the scent, a sweet orange taste, and tingled slightly down his throat.

"Not too bad....might buy more...." His entire body felt warm, pleasant, and he laid on the couch, feeling good. "Mmmmph....what was in that..."

The warmth got stronger, washing over every inch of him, to the point were he felt more relaxed then ever before. He wiggled his toes in his socks, failing to notice as then thickened and got a bit closer together, his toenails turning black under his socks. He simply flicked on the TV and relaxed, watching some ice hockey. "That's the stuff...a nice drink and full contact sports."

As he sat and watched, the changes that were promised continued, his toes just kept getting thicker and longer, soon bursting free from his socks, and looking a lot like nimble paws now.

Josh was too engrossed in the hockey to even notice that both his feet had been pleasantly warped into nimble and sleek canine paws. As Josh watched the television, he found himself slowly loosing interest in the sport itself, but rather just watching the players. His legs, though usually rippling with muscle and sinew, were slimming down, the bulging muscles slowly loosing some definition. His thighs got trimmer and more toned, but less muscular.

Josh was entranced by the players as they stopped playing the sport and starting beating each other up. He found himself admiring their bodies in a different way to that he usually did. As the heat that surrounded his body intensified, he had to stand up, wanting another drink.

"'s so...w...whoa!"As he stood up, he fell over, but luckily his reflexes were pretty good and he held his hands out to soften his fall. He looked over his shoulder at his back, and his eyes shot wide open as he saw the changes to his feet and legs. The new shape of his toes and the black claws on the ends clacked as he tried to stand, but simply fell over, landing on his back. He stared down his front as his legs twitched.

"What the HELL...I have....m...mutated or something...that flipping drink! W...wait....f-flipping?" He had meant to swear, and loudly, but found he did not want to at that moment. He was looking down his body, still able to see the TV, but more focused on his lower half, which was still changing. As his deforming legs flailed about, he kicked off his pants just to check the damage. He saw his paw like feet and found he could still move them to a degree, but he could not wiggle his toes as much since they were so thick and close together.

His legs were so oddly shaped now, and he noticed the lack of muscle on his thighs and calves and then things got weirder. He felt his balls twitching as they started growing slightly, not only that but his foreskin was sticking to the skin on his crotch as his pubic hair shedded, leaving him bald down there. Not only that but the skin was thickening, and he felt like his member was being buried inside it.

"GAH! ...what's going on to" He could not bring himself to say any of the words he would usually use for his member. He could only stare in disbelief as his new bit of skin thickened and wrapped around, forming what he recognised as a sheath that most mammalian animals had. He felt his member inside and it was starting to get hard, until his still human member rose up to its full length, and started changing.

It started with the head. It lost most of its definition and became more pointed and flared, much to Josh's horror, he felt it throb and grow a little smaller than his usual nine inches. It was quickly changing from a pale pink to a slowly intensifying shade of red, the entire thing changing shape, from less of a cylinder to more of a rocket shape. He felt the arousal of his new member as it grew slicker and more sensitive, and moaned loudly as the base started to thicken and develop into a hard canid knot which got hard as rock and kept his member erect.

He stared at the new doggy member that stood proudly between his legs. "What the heck is going on with me!" He looked up at the TV. During his thrashing on the floor he had flicked the channel to pornography, but not the busty girls messing around he was used to. Instead, it showed buff toned guys touching and rubbing each other. He tried to grab the remote but found himself hypnotised by the males and their bodies.

He failed to notice his bulging 8 pack vanish, leaving him with a toned stomach, flat and with only a little muscle. He continued watching the males gyrating and doing things to each other that he had long thought was sick and twisted, but now, he could not help but stare at the bodies of these handsome men. He felt his nipples harden and he watched them darken until they were almost black, feeling his Pecs diminish and match his new belly. He also noticed his hair was regrowing, but it was only in certain places.

It began sprouting around his ankles, his crotch, his wrists and his chest. Then he was hit with an odd sensation of pressure on his coccyx. Spinning around, he looked back to see a long, thin tail erupt from back there, and he watched as it twitched and sprouted the same hair as was grown on parts of him, only just noticing it was pink.

"WHAT THE HECK!" His skin was turning a similar shade, as bits of pink fluff sprouted across the ankles, wrists, chest, crotch and tail.

His attention was drawn back to his TV screen as a buff male was busy grinding into a male not looking too physically different from himself, minus the new doggy features of his of course. He found himself panting as his pores and sweat glands started closing off. His tongue seemed to get longer and wetter with each pant he took, until it was truly massive when compared to his old one.

It dripped as he managed to get it back in his mouth, which was sore and cracking, his eyes fully focused on the screen and the action on it. He looked at his deformed hands, now somewhere between hands and paws as his attention was drawn away from the TV and onto his nose, which had turned cold and black, and was quickly growing forward, taking most of his face with it. He scrambled to his feet and managed to trot over to a mirror, where he was finally met by a strange reflection.

His face had pushed forward and warped in a way that it appeared to be almost fully a dog face, not only that but his ears had long since moved upward, poking out nearer to the top of his head and drooping over slightly near the top. He recognised the unmistakable face instantly.

"It turned me into a POODLE!" he groaned as his body tingled again, falling to his knees as pleasure washed through him. "I cant believe this...I...I... feel....sssso good..." He could not even notice the slight lisp as he stood up once more, rather delicately on his feet, the transformation seeping into his mind.

"Ooh...I can barely think straight...then again...why would I think STRAIGHT?!" he gave a giggle and pranced back into his living room, his old thoughts of working out, sports, and girls quickly changing to ones of relaxing, getting a nice tan, drinking cocktails and checking out cute guys. As he frolicked into the bedroom, he felt the odd tingle as his body adjusted and finished, trapping him in this new body. He opened up his wardrobe and looked inside, before snorting "Pff...I can't believe I have such a terrible fashion sense...time to go ssshoping!"

A few days later...

Joshua had been busy for days, sorting out his fabulous renovation of his apartment, losing all that bulky gym equipment, redecorating the rooms to fit more into his bright, happy, colourful style. As he was busy watching some good shows about gardening, his phone rang. Quickly picking it up and talking into it, he said, "Hello, Josh ssspeaking. Who is it?"

The same feminine voice he had heard a few days back talked again, happy to hear from him, apparently. "Oh, Josh, I am so glad you picked up. Our boss is always looking for more poodle bois to work on his phones. You will fit in well with us down here, it pays good...and we are all very friendly."

With that Justin noted down the address, opened his door, and skipped to work. To start his new life.