What's Wrong with Me? Chapter 2. Who is this Master?

Story by FrostbiteFalls on SoFurry

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#2 of What's Wrong With Me?

Something constantly calls me back to this man. It's like a voice, a warning even... I absolutely adore it.

I sighed as the warm controlled rain fall from the shower head hit my back, drenching my girlish figure in its soothing water. This is the only time I can ever have time to myself since Master doesn't bother me with his... Lustful tendencies... I don't mind though. Master makes me feel good, like someone actually cares about my well being... I should do something special for him... maybe cook for him?

I turn off the water and step out the shower, shivering as a cold breeze brushes past my soaked body.

I instinctively grab a towel, a red one to be precise, and proceeded to dry myself off. I don't know why it's so cold either, Master doesn't own a air conditioner and it's the middle of summer; April 27th to be exact. I trail off in my thoughts as I make my to Master's room, he has other bedrooms but he refuses to let me have my own. To be honest, I love sharing a room with Master. He's so warm and loving when he holds me in his sleep in his... Strong... Powerful arms...

I hear the front door open and I immediately walk back downstairs, not bothering to get dressed. Master says a slave should always greet his master when he arrives home. I immediately drop to me knees and bow to my master, "W-welcome home Master." I said shakily, hoping I won't be punished for being a few seconds late... I waited for a response but it never came. I quivered and tears slowly wealed in my eyes as I let out a small sniffle. I hate disappointing Master, I'm such a fucking idiot!

"U-Um.... H-Hello..." A unfamiliar voice reached my ears and confused me greatly. I wiped my eyes before looking up, seeing a rather scrawny stallion standing over me. He was on a leash that was being held by Master, who was standing next to him. "Well now Innocence. That was quite a reaction to someone new." Master chuckled smugly and smirked. I blushed out of embarrassment and sat up, looking down at the ground. "It is alright boy, don't get all moody on your Master." Master finished with a sigh and closed the door behind him, "I thought you would've liked a new friend so I got you one." He continued with a slight slur in his voice. I stood up and gave Master a half-hearted smile, "Y-you're right Master. I-I really appreciate your unbelievable kindness." I lied to both myself and him. I absolutely loath this new... addition to our family of two. I don't want to share Master with anyone else, he's mine and mine only...

Master yanked on the leash of the currently unnamed Stallion, "Come now. Be a good boy and introduce yourself, you worthless piece of shit." Master smacked the stallion on the flank, coaxing a small yelp from him. "M-my name's Horment!... Horment is my n-name." Horment said with a polite bow. "He has no idea what he's gotten himself into...." I thought to myself, giving Horment the "friendliest" or should I say believable smile I could muster. Master saw right through my facade and chuckled, patting me on the head, "I'll give you two some time to get " acquainted"." He used air quotes and I easily understood what he meant. I nodded, "Yes Master, that's a wonderful idea." I smirked as Master trotted up to his room, closing his door.

Fifteen minutes have passed and Horment and I have both taken a seat on the couch. He's been quivering in nervousness, avoiding my devilish gaze. "He's quite a shy one." I thought, moving closer to Horment and placing my right hand on his thigh, squeezing it. Horment jumped in surprise at the sudden contact, revealing the noticeable hard on he was doing a horrible job hiding. "Come on Horment, let's see what you're packing down there." I said lustfully, laying his back against the black cushions of the couch. Horment looked away from me, biting his lip as I slipped my hand into his thong to lightly squeeze his stallionhood. Horment whimpered in sensitivity, squirming a little in his seat. I lick my lips hungrily and yank down his thong, exposing his throbbing length to me entirely.

"Can you p-please not do this?..." Horment blushed heavily and tried squirming away from me. I simply chuckled and grabbed him by the shoulders before kissing him forcefully, smashing my lips against his. He let out a shocked moan and froze in place, wide eyed. "I got him now." I thought, as I slowly broke the kiss and pushed him lightly. Horment fell on his back and stared up at me. He had a shy smile on his face and the look of pure anticipation. "I'm guessing I managed to change your mind, Horment?"