Extended Loop Theory

Story by Jaffea on SoFurry

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Extended Loop TheoryExtended Loop Theory, known more commonly as ELT, is a unified field theory describing the six known fundamental interactions: the strong and weak nuclear forces; electromagnetism; Newtonian gravity; gravitomagnetism; and quintessence. ELT is the theory used to study and construct gravity-manipulating machinery. Extended Loop Theory is an extension of a 21st century theory of quantum gravity known as Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Like LQG, ELT quantises spacetime at the level of the Planck length, creating a minimum possible length scale. At the Planck length, the dimensionality of spacetime collapses to the two dimensions of area- one Planck length squared. Unlike LQG, however, ELT postulates a set of eight additional (not including regular time) timelike dimensions based on the mathematical derivations given by B. Heim in the early 1960s. These extra dimensions are imaginary, i.e. their length scales are described by imaginary numbers, and consequently they are not physical spaces. Instead, their symmetries mediate the various interactions in physical spacetime. The fourth dimension, time, is one of these nine imaginary dimensions, governing, for example, the manifestation of entropy in the physical universe, probability amplitudes, etc. The three real dimensions of the physical universe added to the nine imaginary dimensions governing physical interactions sum to a total of twelve dimensions. The quantised area of Planck length squared- the quantum of spacetime- is mathematically represented as a component of the fundamental quantum field known as the "spacetime field".One of the (confirmed) predictions of ELT is the presence of two hitherto unseen physical interactions: gravitomagnetism and quintessence. Gravitomagnetism is responsible for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into gravitational energy, and is mediated via a particle known as a gravitophoton. Because of the tremendous coupling constant in the gravitomagnetic force, a small conversion of electromagnetic energy will result in a massive production of gravitational energy. This is how relatively little input power can be used in gravitomagnetic coils to produce (short ranged) gravitational fields rivalling that of entire stars. The production of gravitophotons is tied to the production of virtual particles of imaginary mass, however, which can only be generated during symmetry breaking in the Higgs field at cryogenic temperatures. This necessitates the use of cryogenic liquids to cool the superconducting coils in gravitophoton generators, which can make them somewhat costly. Modern gravitophoton generators, however, use a rotating ring of over twenty different chemical elements to produce anyons in the coil. This has the effect of vastly increasing the strength of the gravitomagnetic field generated, while also raising the critical temperature required for superconducting, making the coil not

only more efficient but also vastly more powerful. Quintessence, meanwhile, is a repulsive gravitational interaction responsible for the expansion of the universe. It is tied inextricably to the spacetime field because of Szilárd's equivalence principle between information and energy. The interactions between individual atoms of space leads to a progressive expansion of the spacetime field (mediated by the quintessence particle, a scalar boson), which manifests in the universe as dark energy. In gravitational technology, a gravitophoton decays into a graviton and a quintessence particle, converting the energy of the dark energy field into kinetic energy of the gravitomagnetic coil. An extraordinarily important application of ELT- beyond the aforementioned gravity field generators- is propulsion. Gravitophoton fields convert the energy of the dark energy field into kinetic energy of the coil, leading to propellantless propulsion. However, when a special process is utilised, an even more extraordinary form of propulsion can be achieved: Faster than light propulsion. When enough energy is injected into the coil system, anyons can be produced which break the symmetry between the hitherto equal production of quintessence particles and gravitons. This leads to an overproduction of dark energy, leading to a reduction in the inertial mass of any matter in vicinity of the field. Because of relativistic energy conservation, the speed of light must increase when inertial mass is decreased, which allows a spacecraft to travel faster than what the laws of physics would normally allow. During a faster than light jump, a spacecraft breaks the symmetry in the dark energy field (between repulsive and attractive dark energy)of spacetime, leading to the formation of a rupture in space resembling a wormhole. The spacecraft can then enter this rupture and travel faster than the speed of light, soon traversing a massive distance in an alternate spacetime known colloquially as "Subspace." After disabling the anyon generating process, the craft will drop out of Subspace and re-enter normal space. This use of mass reduction and consequent faster than light travel is what has allowed the Ascendancy to expand so quickly across the Milky Way Galaxy.