An Enchanted Moment - Lion King Fan Fiction

Story by Jani_Lionheart on SoFurry

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Written from Simba's point of view the day after the defeat of Scar, this story represents his personal reflection and retelling of the celebrated "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" scene and his return to the Pride Lands.

Written from Simba's point of view the day after the defeat of Scar, this story represents his personal reflection and retelling of the celebrated "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" scene and his return to the Pride Lands. This work of Fan-Fiction contains adult themes and scenes and should not be read by anyone in objection to these themes. Enjoy the story!

An Enchanted Moment

As I look over the barren wasteland that was once the lush, fertile Pride Lands, I feel that not only I, but all of us in the pride, have accomplished a lot in the past couple of days. In a true team effort, we disposed of my evil uncle Scar and his devious intentions, restoring peace once again to Pride Lands. While the fire that roared beneath Pride Rock during the intense heat of battle represented the burning of all the evil and cruelty that existed during Scar's reign as king, the rain that came soon thereafter signified that purification of the land that is rightfully mine to rule. After banishing the last hyena from the Pride Lands, the lionesses in the pride erupted in joyous celebration. Then came the questions. "Simba, why didn't you return to Pride Rock?" "What were you doing all these years?" I told them about the stampede, Scar's cunning trickery, and his murder of Mufasa. I told them of my fond memories of the jungle, and the bonding with my friends. Little did they know, however, that I almost did not come home. I had settled into a wonderful life in the African jungle with my newfound friends and saviors Timon and Pumbaa, a carefree existence that I felt somehow attached to and would never have liked to change. The scenery was beautiful, the food tasty but not very filling, the company always enjoyable. In the many times when I left the jungle to hunt a zebra or wildebeest to simply sustain my hunger and body mass, I often thought of returning to Pride Rock. But having been convinced that Mufasa's death was my fault, how could I return to face my family, my past, my pride? It didn't matter to me that I was the rightful king.

One particularly beautiful autumn evening in the jungle, I was off relaxing under the cool of a palm tree's leaves when I suddenly heard a cry from afar. I jumped up, realizing that although very rarely, animals did enter the jungle to hunt its inhabitants. I owed my life to Timon and Pumbaa for not only saving me from starvation and dehydration, but also for taking me in and accepting me as one of their own. When I was still a cub I knew that I would never be accepted back in the Pride Lands for what I had done. My status had been reduced from a young prince to an outcast from leonine society, a rogue. I ran off into the assumed direction of the cry, then immediately heard another sound, a muffled roar of a lion. Confused and worried as to why another lion would be in the jungle, I began a full sprint and found Pumbaa stuck under a branch of a tree, Timon at his side. Then I saw her, a full grown lioness, growling and ready to pounce on my friend. With all my might I leaped over the branch and tackled her, then we fought some more. I figured she must have done a great deal of hunting because she was surprisingly quick and agile. I reacted mostly in defense of myself because it had been years since I had wrestled another lion. When I finally took the chance to leap at her, she rolled me over and pinned me flat on my back. Almost instantly, I had a strange sense of déjà vu, this feeling that I had experienced before, sometime, somewhere in my past. Then I remembered.

"Nala?" I asked. My childhood best friend Nala had pinned me in a similar way almost every time we fought as little playful lion cubs. She was clearly the superior fighter and it showed once again. As I said her name, a thousand thoughts and questions were flying through my head. "Is it really you?" "Why did you come here?" Startled, she immediately jumped back and gave me an inquisitive look. "Who ARE you?" she asked. Telling her my name, it took her a few moments to realize that it indeed was I, Simba, the cub prince and heir to the throne taken for dead, killed in a wildebeest stampede years ago. I was so overcome with emotion that I had no idea what to say to Nala. We took a few moments to celebrate our reunion, then I took the pleasure of introducing Nala to Timon and Pumbaa. Timon seemed threatened and at the least confused by Nala's unforeseen arrival, which was unusual but expected of him, being so small and anxious. I was so caught up in the moment that when Nala reminded me that I was the King, I immediately denied it, much to her dismay. I figured that I had adopted the "Hakuna Matata" lifestyle with full force, and even if it meant shirking my responsibility and throne, I wouldn't do anything to change my life, for I was happy.

Then, Nala asked Timon and Pumbaa if they could leave us alone for a while, so we could talk and catch up on each other's lives. I thought that would be a great idea, because I had so much to share with her that I had not yet told Timon and Pumbaa. Once we were alone, Nala immediately looked depressed and in a daze. "It's like you're back from the dead," she whispered. "You don't know how much this will mean to everyone, what it means to me." Then she caught me by surprise in a bold display of affection, rubbing her soft fur under my chin. It was at that moment that this sensation ran through my body, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I felt like the many years of time that had passed since our last meeting suddenly disappeared into the African winds. It was truly destiny that we would meet again - my friend Nala, best of friends as cubs severed by distance and time.

I felt warm inside and my heart began to beat a little faster. It was such a wonderful feeling to be together with her again, from that moment on we were stuck like the sun painted upon the sapphire sky, inseparable, wanting to learn each other's story but to afraid to ask. We then relaxed our nuzzling and took the time to look each other in the eyes. I instantly noticed how Nala had grown into a beautiful lioness. Lean, yet muscular and strong, with the most beautiful soft eyes and loving voice. Since I had been living in the jungle with two other guys, I had not really experienced any true sexual feelings before and neither my father nor mother were there to explain them to me. I had felt the feeling however, that I was somehow incomplete, though I was happy with Timon and Pumbaa, there was a missing piece to my life that I needed to find, and that was the feeling of true love.

We stayed there together for what seemed an eternity, sharing leonine kisses and rubbing our necks against each other. Realizing that it was fate that brought us together once again, Nala whispered into my ear, "Let's go for a walk, just you and I." So we got up and started walking towards the clearing, and like friends on a first date, were afraid of saying anything. Nala finally broke the silence. "Simba, I'm so happy I found you. Scar treats the other lionesses like slaves and I won't let him mate with me, although he has taken a liking to the younger lionesses." A look of concern spread over my face, hiding my inner feelings of not wanting to return to face Scar. "That's terrible," I said. "I wish there was something I could do..." Just as I finished that sentence, we reached the cliff and saw that the sun was just about to set. The sky had been illuminated in a gorgeous violet and pink canvas as the stars above began to shine. Fortunately for me, this provided the opportunity for a subject change. "This is my favorite place to be at night, watching the sunset and then staring up at the stars. There have been many nights where I have thought about you and dreamt that we would once reunite, and that dream has come true tonight." Nala had her eyes transfixed on the sunset as the great Light had started to dip over the horizon. "That sunset, it's beautiful. The view here is even better than from Pride Rock." I responded tenderly, "Even watching a thousand sunsets would not be worth spending one night with such a beautiful lioness." At this, Nala slowly turned her head towards me, stared warmly in my eyes for a moment, then walked towards me and put her head against mine. "I love you Simba, and I want this night to last forever."

We then walked down the pathway onto the jagged rocks that ran under the waterfall. With Nala leading, I intentionally lagged behind a little to tease her. As we stood under the cool mist of the jungle waterfall, we walked around each other, studying each other's movements, never taking our eyes off one other. It was like we were in a trance, blood rushing through our veins, wondering where this magical night would lead. Stopping to take a drink of water from the lagoon, I seriously reflected on whether I should tell Nala the truth about my past. I had so many things to tell her, so many wrongs to make right. But deep inside, I knew that she might turn away from me if she knew the truth. As I was pondering, Nala had stopped drinking and was staring at me with a concerned and inquisitive expression. I immediately shook it off, as I did with everything in life after I had adopted Timon and Pumbaa's "Hakuna Matata" motto. Sometimes bad things happen, and so why should I worry about the past? The Pride Lands were not part of my life anymore.

Feeling frisky all of a sudden, I rushed past Nala and jumped from a swinging vine into a lagoon, an activity I practiced daily to have fun and keep cool in the hot and humid jungle. Stealthily swimming underwater, I playfully pulled her into the lagoon and got her soaked! At this point I was just fooling around, being me. My primary goal in life at that time was to have fun and enjoy myself, and I couldn't ever remember having so much fun in my life, now that I had someone to share it with. I thought she was going to run away from me, but instead she flashed a devious grin and in one quick movement pushed me back into the lagoon. In fun and dripping wet, we chased each other across the open meadow, as the sun had about halfway set, the sky now muted dark orange. A flock of gulls had come to rest in the grass and beautifully flew up in unison as we passed. Eventually, we ran back into the forest and I notice that Nala was really starting to get excited. She stood on her hind legs, and we jumped around together until I gained just enough momentum to push her over the hill. Nala and I had wrestled together many times, and it seemed like every time, she had pinned me to the ground. As we were rolling down into the lush valley, I was hoping that once, just for once in my life, I could pin her, and I did. We had been through so much together as lion cubs and just in the past couple hours when we reunited, it seemed as if it all had led up to that moment. It was such a wonderful feeling to be on top of her, the warmth of our bodies caressing against one other. I began to laugh, giddy with happiness as I kept my eyes closed, when I felt something soft and wet against my right cheek. Nala had licked me.

I was, to say the least, surprised at this playful display of affection, and in an instant my eyes opened and I turned to look at Nala. If ever a picture was worth a thousand words, I will never forget the way she looked when she stared back at me. She flashed a sexy, seductive smile that told me, "I want you Simba, let's make love. I've waited my entire life for this moment." I responded with an understanding, comprehending expression, because I realized that I was about to embark on a journey that I had been deprived of thus far in my young life, exploring my leonine sexuality. Having been with two other males for years, I did not even know that I had these feelings inside me and I probably would never have discovered them if Nala and I had not reunited. To say the least, I was eager to make up for lost time! My heart was racing as my paws that were gently wrapped around her side began clutching her soft fur even tighter. Nala certainly had stars in her eyes that night, as I took in the natural beauty of her body. Even I was beginning to get sexually excited because I could sense that she was starting to release pheromones, that scent that told me she was preparing herself for mating. Nala quickly rolled me over as we got up and stared at each other lovingly for a moment, then shared a last kiss in front of the gorgeous sunset. We held that loving embrace for what seemed an eternity, when Nala asked me, "Simba, where should we go? Let's find a safe, secluded place to share our love." I agreed, because as far as we knew, Timon and Pumbaa were probably watching us as we spoke. We looked around, and thankfully, there was no sign of them. Nala walked across the tall grassy plain and made her way towards an opening in the bushes. I was following behind her and as she was walking through the opening she turned her head to look at me. Nala had that same sexy smile on her face, as if beckoning, gesturing for me to pursue her.

I followed my mate into the bushes and found that it was beautifully secluded, surrounded by trees with the last rays of sunlight shining through the branches. I looked straight in Nala's eyes, so innocent and pure, deep green and elegant. Nala had been cute as a cub, but I thought nothing of it. I had been disgusted with the thought that one day it would be ordained for us to marry, a tradition supposedly going back generations. But at that moment I realized my mistake. She had grown into a sleek, brunette beauty that I found irresistible to sight. We began to rub against each other, feeling the warmth between us. Covering her rigid muscles was a layer of soft, warm fur like that of a newborn cub. We were both nervous, as inexperienced lovers. After what seemed an eternity, she got daring and began to lick me, first on the face then in smooth, broad strokes down my belly. She stopped to take a deep breath with her nose near my unaroused sheath, taking in my scent as I was getting familiar with hers.

Nala rolled on her back, and I eagerly returned the favor as she purred in delight. I had done some daring things in the jungle, but nothing could compare to this moment as we shared ourselves in pleasure. I then felt a sensation that I had experienced only a few times before when I needed to pass water. My lionhood began to rapidly swell, the tip of it becoming exposed from its protective sheath. I was embarrassed, but Nala simply chuckled and continued to lick my nether regions. The pleasure I experienced was like none other in the world, as my maleness engorged with blood.

Feeling flushed and hot, I told her to stop for a second as I rolled her over and laid on top of her. I ran my tongue down her soft stomach slowly, sensuously. Ending at her "sacred space," or "yoni," I was anxious at the response I would get from my lover... I slowly licked her yoni, and she let out a soft purr. As she began to breathe heavier with every tongue movement, nothing made me feel better than to bring her physical pleasure. Her scent was musky yet full of pheromones, that characteristic smell of lovemaking that aroused me even further. She tasted sweet, unlike any fruit I had ever savored in the jungle. At the same time, she began to lap and suckle at my maleness, tenderly and softly. As my pleasure heightened, I felt a few spurts of liquid escape from my maleness, but Nala didn't seem to mind as she eagerly swallowed it down. We were both giddy with happiness at this foreplay, but the time soon came for the actual act of lovemaking. Unsure of how it would feel or what to do, Nala gave me that same sexy, seductive smile as I looked down at her loving face that told me, "It is time." I could tell by the warmth of her smile that she was ready to be loved and that deep inside, I was ready to love her, too.

She stood upright and, coyly looking back, lowered her torso and raised her rump, flicking her tail in my face to tease me. My heart was beating a million times a second at this point, for I was about to embark on a sexual journey for which I had no map to guide me, I was scared yet excited at the same time. I took a few steps towards her lovely curved body, swollen yoni glistening in my view, ready to be loved. My mother had not gotten around to telling me about lovemaking or anything of that sort being that I was too young, so I just let my natural animal instinct take over. At first I was unsure and afraid to move, then she beckoned me, whispering, "It's okay, Simba, take me now. I want to feel you inside of me." At these beautiful words I walked around and gave her one last kiss, licking the soft fur of her neck. After a few short, deep breaths at last my primal leonine urges took over and I thrust my hard, spiny maleness into her depths. Nala gave out a sharp cry that made me instantly withdraw, thinking that I had hurt or harmed her. "No, Simba, I wasn't relaxed enough, it didn't hurt that much... please don't stop." I learned later that us male lions have backwards-pointing spiny barbs on their "lingam," or "wand of light," which nature had designed to stimulate the lioness into releasing her eggs, and I was afraid that this had startled Nala.

Though I loved her, I did not wish to cause her pain, so I made sure to enter her much more carefully. She let out a soft, relaxed sigh the second time that sent shivers straight down my spine. I had never felt so much pleasure in my life as Nala's tight yoni muscles grasped my being. I began to thrust slowly inside her and her soft purrs turned to intense grunts and growls. I'm sure she was experiencing pain, but her heavy breathing told me she was feeling pleasure too. Our muted purrs blended well into the other sounds of the night, for now the sun had almost entirely set and we were left alone in the subdued sunset. I continued thrusting, deeper and deeper inside her. Yet as soon as we had begun, I felt a strange sensation spreading throughout my body, something still indescribable two days later, a feeling I had never experienced before. It felt like a strange warmth coming from inside me, a fluttering feeling where my brain shut off and all my energy focused into her.

Nuzzling her neck as I was thrusting vigorously, I heard Nala was whisper to me, "Oh yes, Simba, finish deep inside me, I love you..." We kept going until I felt a great explosion welling up in my groin, though I had never felt it before I knew it had to be my loving seed that I would plant inside Nala to carry on the Circle of Life. This feeling was so incredible, a moment of pure joy that I was able to share with someone so special to me. It began at my tail and ran the length of my entire body through the tip of my lionhood. As I reached the climax of our lovemaking, I leaned my head back and let out a roar of unadulterated pleasure, as I felt many spurts of my seed explode inside her passage. Her yoni muscles had clenched entirely around my maleness to suck every last drop of the precious fluid inside her. She then called out my name, "Simba... Simba..." between short breaths which told me she was experiencing the same ecstatic pleasure. In time she relaxed her grip on me and I was able to withdraw. I instantly laid flat on my back and tried to catch my breath and she laid, exhausted, on top of me.

Finally, Nala broke the silence. "Simba, that was the greatest moment of my life. Thank you for being my mate, I love you and want to be with you until I die." Nala expressed these words from her heart and I responded with a heartfelt smile and stared lovingly into her eyes. Our bodies still warm with love, we laid there for a minute and then Nala began to weep. "This... this means so much to me... yesterday I thought you were dead... and..." Nala buried her face in my mane. She had been overcome with emotion. I tried to comfort her, "It's okay, I'm here now and always be here for you." I'll never forget that look she gave me after I said that, with fresh tears running down her face, an expression of true love that will stay with me as long as I shall live.

After cuddling for a little longer, we got up and walked over to one of my favorite locations, the waterfall. At this time Nala thought it was best to ask me why I had not returned to the Pride Lands. To be truthful, she knew as well as I. "Well, I needed to get out own my own... live my own life... and I did..." I stammered, unsure of what to say. Regrettably, we ended up getting into an argument about whether I should stay or go back, being that she did not agree with my "Hakuna Matata" theory. The last straw was when she made a flippant remark about my father, being that I was still sensitive about his death years after the fact. I told her to "Forget it!" and walked off in the other direction. In hindsight, I felt terrible about getting angry at her after we had made love together, but I understood our differing views.

Lonely, depressed and seeking spiritual guidance, I met a crazed monkey, later I found to be called Rafiki, who pointed me in the right direction. He showed me my Father's spirit truly lives inside me, and Mufasa spoke to me that evening. I still don't know whether or not it was a dream, but it was certainly a euphoric experience. I had always dreamt of being able to speak to my Father again, yet I knew this dream would never become a reality. Then, a ghost of my Father seemed to appear in the night sky. "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself Simba, you are more than what you have become! You must take your place in the Circle of Life. Remember WHO you are. You are MY son and the ONE TRUE KING!" As the apparition was speaking to me I was in awe, as I felt the warmth of my Father's spirit inside me, as if in my conscience, guiding my path. I decided to obey my Father and I returned to the Pride Lands that night, only briefly stopping to rest.

When I saw Nala the next day, I knew no apology was necessary. In heart, we had already forgiven each other. She even offered to help fight for the Pride Lands. I warned her of the danger, but in jest she referred to a quote I had said when I was young. We had explored the Elephant Graveyard together the night before my father had passed away, "Danger? Ha, I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha!" Only a moment later, I saw Timon and Pumbaa, who had followed Nala back to the Pride Lands! I was surprised and happy that they were willing and able to help defeat Scar, true friends to the end.

Only hours later, I had reunited with my family and through the powers of love, teamwork and companionship, sent Scar to his demise. I had almost reached my end when Scar had me on the edge of Pride Rock. He then whispered into my ear... "Here's my little secret... I... killed... Mufasa!" At that moment I had a flashback to when I was a cub, and I saw my father's body plunging into the gorge. Scar was not in my view, so I had assumed that my father had slipped and fallen, now I knew that was not the case. At that precise moment, I felt a great power lift my body. I barely had a stronghold on the rock, but all of my anger and revenge I sought on my evil uncle had been released in one mighty leap in which I pinned him to the ground. I know today I did not make that leap alone. It was the spirit of my Father that had uplifted my body and made it feel as light as a hornbill's feather.

In the end, good always triumphs over evil. Scar could not get rid of the hate in his heart, and it ended up consuming him. With Pride Rock ablaze, I had my uncle cornered on the ledge. I was tempted to kill him on the spot, but my Father's spirit touched me and told me to forgive Scar. Sure to obey my Father, I told Scar to "Run, run away, and never return," as he had once ordered me. Moreover, I was not going to give in to Scar's murderous intentions. Scar was not going to give up, as he initiated a final battle between us as he shoved a pile of hot coals into my face. We were both inexperienced fighters, and eventually Scar had put me in a very vulnerable position on my back. I distinctly remember Scar's haunting image about to pounce on me, his eyes glowing with the evil and hatred that had manifested inside him. Gritting my teeth, I protected myself in the only way I knew how, to brace my body and use my legs as a catapult to throw Scar off the cliff, which sent him to his ultimate doom. I was so tired after making the long trek back from the jungle, I only know that the strength I was able to summon to defeat Scar came from my Father, who lives in me.

Thank you, Father, and my deepest gratitude to all the brave lionesses that fought for the Pride Lands and Rafiki, Timon and Pumbaa for always believing in me and for your support and guidance throughout the years. And thank you Nala, for pouring your heart out to me. It is dreamlike as to how our friendship as cubs had blossomed into love as adults. Thank you for sharing yourself with me, making me realize my potential as a lion and a lover. Just last night I asked you to marry me, with our mothers standing close by. You said yes, that you would forever be my queen. In your words, "Simba, I will love and protect you forever, as long as we both shall live." Our families wept in pure joy at those words, after all we had experienced in the past two short days. That night we crept out to the waterhole, where we had spent many good times playing together as cubs. We made love, consummating our marriage by the sacred rays of moonlight, just like our parents before us.

My ascent to Pride Rock and the calming rain that washed away the brush fire may have signified the cleansing of the evil and terror of Scar's reign, but it was only the beginning. In the Circle of Life, it takes months for the barren trees to bear fruit, and the grass to become fertile once again. As we Pride Landers await that glorious time, I will be sure to take a moment to reminisce on the past and come to the realization of how far I have come since the day Scar told me to "Run, run away, and never return." With guidance from my Father's spirit and my loved ones, I have struggled through a lifetime of hardships and denial to reclaim my rightful place as King. Nala, you are truly inspirational as to how you risked your life, venturing out on your own to find help for the sake of the pride. It was as if my Father was with you and guided you to me.

Now, my only hope is that our act of love will bring a son or daughter into the world so that we can continue the "Circle of Life" for generations to come. I understand that as King and Queen, it will be our responsibility to teach our children to love, so they will not breed hate and jealousy as Scar had inside his heart. I have learned in the last few days that true love has the power to overcome all obstacles, even my tormented past. A bright and glorious future is in store for the Pride Lands and I couldn't be happier with my mother and loving, beautiful Queen, Nala, at my side.