Short: Welcome to Afterhours

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Another short to get myself back into the swing of making city stuff.

Not a single customer sat upon the wooden stools of the dimly lit bar. Behind the counter a short red head cleaned out a glass occasionally blowing hair from her face. At this rate with her poor salary and tips she would never make the rent. Nights were slower and slower ever since the pub across the street opened and the boss wasn't going to pay out of wallet for something new to spice up the drab joint. Lori's boss was just a bit too frugal when it came to decoration, but at the very least they always had good alcohol and the guy was friendly enough, just not too hip to owning a business in a bustling city. At the very least she had a couple of offers for better paying jobs in places that weren't so dead, the only trouble was handing in that pink slip and calling it quits with Greg face to face. The guy had given her a job when basically no one else would, he'd even helped her move a new couch into her apartment for free, but hey, she had to move on to better things sometime even if he was entirely imposing on the outside. Just then the man himself came from the back with two large bottles in hand, moving behind the bar to set them up. More of his premium stuff probably. With a sigh she decided it was time to speak up, it was now or never.

"Hey Greg. I've worked here...about three years right?"

The gruff man arranging bottles behind her grunted a response, "Yup."

As always he kept his words to a minimum and his actions all business. Finishing with the bottles behind her he moved around to begin wiping down the bar top, something he usually saved for closing time. Before she could speak up again, Greg huffed, "Not a single damn costumer. Closing down the place might be better than running it into hell at this rate, you'll have to find yourself another job. Sure you can handle it."

Lori smiled just a bit setting aside the glass she had been working on for nearly the entire night, glad that it seemed she wasn't going to need an excuse, "I was just about to talk to you about that...I was hoping to hand in the pink slip and collect my last check before heading out."

Greg paused for a moment, snorting before returning to work, "No sense blaming's rent though? With the paycheck?"

Lori's smile only seemed to grow at that point. She knew the boss could seem rough on the outside, but he was soft at heart and maybe she could use that, "Not too good to be honest, but how 'bout you boss? Isn't this your life?"

Greg grunted, "I've got plenty of business elsewhere. I don't need this place. Was keeping it up for fun, now that it is eating a hole in my wallet I don't think I can keep it up though...but, you said you were havin trouble right? If you need something extra we can arrange something."

Lori wondered what extra work he could possibly have for her. Maybe he needed some personal stock moved back to his home? He had never asked anything too crazy from her, only ever asking her to stay afterhours and clean up a bit more when he was either feeling lazy, or move some stock up to the front yet again when he was feeling lazy. It was then that he spoke, a nervous chill flowing up her spine as he stepped around the counter to face her, "Only warning. This won't be legal, but you'll be working for this month's rent, the next month's...and the next."

Lori's own green eyes were wide for a moment as she looked up at her boss. He struck an imposing figure with a built form and something of a size difference, especially when mentioning something illegal. For a moment she thought of turning away and saying no, but the prospect of being financially safe for a possible three months was too good to pass up, and so she gulped down her fear, "Depends on what it is."

It was then that she felt the back of his hand brush against her cheek, his body blocking her way out, his mouth moving far too close to hers as he leaned in to continue on, "This place has some good memories in it...and I've always had a thing for you. You're a sweet girl, smart too. Let's make a nice memory here and I'll pay you cash, straight up."

Lori was practically swallowing her heart at this point, her mouth dry as she tried to find the words, her body trembling. Sensing her fear he pulled away, putting his hands up in mock defense, "But I'm not here to pressure you. Only an offer."

Greg at this point expected the girl to walk out on him. It was a weird offer, a sudden one that could mean a lot of trouble for her if she wasn't safe, but really he only wanted to get off, nothing ulterior about his motives, nothing but some good ol' carnal fun. Just as he grabbed the rag off the counter to continue cleaning, she touched his hand, her fingers soft on his skin. She looked to him and on her tip toes she leaned up to peck at the side of his lips, her body still trembling as she spoke, "I guess...just one time won't hurt too much and it'll be a fun way to say goodbye to this place."

Lori could see the wolfish grin growing on his face. Her own freckled cheeks were flushed red, she tried her hardest to avoid his gaze. Gasping she felt a strong hand grip at her rear his mouth moving over hers so suddenly, capturing her lips in an unexpected passionate kiss that had her mind on full panic for a moment before she eased into the heat of the situation, his body heat against her nearly unbearable. Just as she was adjusting he pulled away, biting at her lower lip softly before grunting, "I'll be in the back getting ready with a surprise..."

Lori blinked, her face fully flushed, her hands held together as she watched her old boss head into the back room, no doubt looking for more privacy. Clearing her throat she slipped free from her jacket to relieve some of that unbearable heat that had stuck so closely to her while wondering what he meant by a surprise. With a steady breath she made her way to the back peeking inside the room they used to house storage and drunks that needed to cool their heads before leaving the. She saw his clothes neatly folded on the table along with a deck of cards, but didn't see Greg himself. Entering the room and shutting the door she felt strong fuzzy hands grab at her arms, holding her in place as a black furred snout leaned in at the side of her vision flashing a fang filled grin. At this point her flushed cheeks were fully pale and her internal screaming seemed to refuse to be anything but. She expected a swift death at the hands of some sort of nightmare inhabiting the bar's storage room or at the very least to wake up from this nightmare, before suddenly she heard the thing speak in a familiar voice mixed with a bit of a growl, "Relax...I told you I have a surprise."

"Greg?" she said in the smallest voice she had ever used. Lori then found herself squeaking as her neck was assaulted by a warm and thick tongue, those strong hands moving around to her front to grip at her chest, her mind wary of those claws, but her skin tingling from the sensation of being felt up and licked by what she knew was her boss.

Finally Greg the now werewolf answered with a chuckle, "Surprised?"

Before she could get a proper answer out, her shirt was tugged over her head, her bra being worked on by big hands as she was finally able to speak, "I...if this is a dream, nightmare, whatever then hopefully I at least still get paid..."

Greg chuckled, his breath hot upon her neck as she felt those strong hands finally pull her bra away to move over her bare chest, fingers closing in on her nipples softly as he teased, "and then some to keep quiet about this...this is what I meant by no turning back."

Lori felt something thick and foreign against her rear, a cock like no other she had experienced that seemed to radiate heat. She felt a little frightened as her panties were pulled and forced to her knees, her body shaking in a mixture of excitement and fear. Rather than take her there, he turned her around so she could see him fully, his maw moving over her breasts to lick each, allowing her to see him in full. He had already been taller than her, but now he was a beast of muscle and jet black fur with a bit of a gut and a bright red cock twitching between them. With each stroke of his tongue against her sensitive chest she felt a bit more of her fear being pushed aside and so soon being replaced by anticipation of how that thing would feel inside of her, of how this strange beast that wore her boss's name would ravage her. Stepping out of her underwear she noticed she was being pushed back until her plump rear hit the table, her back soon meeting the top, that hulking creature above her, tongue still dragging at her chest, those strong hands gripping at her thighs to spread them apart. She winced just a bit as she felt those claws dig in just a bit, but as she whimpered his grip eased on her thighs. At the same time she felt the creature's cock begin grinding against her pussy, not yet entering, only teasing her entrance as he continued to lavish her breasts in kisses, even giving each a careful nip before moving to stand fully between her legs.

Lori finally found herself able to catch a breath, able to push herself up on her shoulders to see the werewolf between her legs, holding his thick cock, pushing the tip against her entrance before sliding it up and then back down. Occasionally he pushed the tip inside of her, stretching her just a bit before pulling back out. His tongue was lolling out and his brown eyes were staring directly at her, her cheeks fully flushed, her mouth open and groaning out every time he teased her entrance. Just as she was about to beg he pushed the tip fully inside of her, working that canine cock deeper and deeper inside of her slowly, his mouth moving over her to capture her lips, his thick tongue pushing into her mouth and twisting against her own tongue. Lori gasped to that tongue as she felt more and more of that bestial cock being pushed inside of her, more of that thick thing stretching her further and further until she felt a fleshy bulb pushing at her entrance, kissing at it just before Greg pulled away to begin rocking back and forth to her. In a steady rhythm he thrust and pushed in and out of her cunt, his mouth still working against hers, his claws scratching up from her thighs all the way to her sides, leaving little marks here and there that had her twitching and whining to his maw.

At this point she could hardly believe she was enjoying herself so much. Not only was it her boss of all people, it was an overgrown wolf fucking her, that slow and steady rhythm giving way to a furious feral pounding that had her gasping to that bestial mouth that had her enthralled, her own mind hazy from the pleasure she felt. Eyes wide she felt that cock dripping hot pre inside of her and she remembered then that he didn't have a condom. Tearing her mouth away she gasped out in a near squeak, "Please, pull out Greg!"

The werewolf towering over her only seemed to thrust in harder, his arms wrapping tight around her waist as he growled, "Not a chance...I'll pay extra if that's what it takes, but I want to mark these inside of yours with my cum!"

Lori could hardly argue as she groaned out feeling the full length of that thing shoved inside of her, that canine knot stretching her insides with a pop as it entered causing her to squeal, her toes curling as she wrapped her legs around him, her body arching to him. Again she cried out, her entire body shaking, shivering along with her pussy as she felt her orgasm, her insides tightening around that bestial cock that was growing hotter and hotter until finally she felt his release pouring what felt like gallons out into her pussy. Her own arms wrapped around him, gripping tight at his back as she clenched her eyes shut. Finally she laid back on the table, panting, staring up at the grinning beast before her, wanting so badly to slap him one for not pulling out, but feeling much too tired to do so. Her anger was also calmed by the loving kisses he laid upon her chest, that twitching cock still occasionally spurting out more of that warm stuff. Breathing out she closed her eyes supposing that if they would be stuck like this for some time that at least she could get some rest.

Around twenty minutes and she was finally free, they were both human and getting their clothes on quietly. Without a word Greg began walking once they were both dressed, heading out the back and pulling a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket before popping one in his mouth, turning a bit to offer her one, "No thanks" she said quietly as they walked together.

As he leaned in to light up he spoke calmly, "I'll pay you once we get to the apartment and hey, keep in touch. I may have other business propositions for you...besides sex. The underworld pays well."

Lori cleared her throat wondering what type of underworld he meant, but didn't answer or ask a question, she only walked with him. As they hit the side walk she heard a loud bang, turning her head to see that the bar was now on fire. For the moment she paused Greg had walked further ahead of her and she had to rush to follow him. He sucked in smoke, embers lighting up the scruff on his face, "Don't worry about it. Shit like this happens all the time when you're in the know."

Lori wasn't sure she wanted to know, but she was in for it now.