Belonging Chapter 10

Story by Gnosis on SoFurry

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Chapter 10


Day 5

Seq rolled off of me with his lungs pleasantly sighing and his mouth mischievously grinning. "Don't get the wrong idea when I say this, but wow!"

I chuckled at his amazement and watched the fox's white chest lively heave in and out against the top of his bed. "Not at all," I said. It was then that I realized that I was just as breathless as Seq was, perhaps even more. "It's just..."


"I, uh, I don't know what to do now,"

"And?" Seq asked.

"I've never had sex before's just weird,"

Seq turned his head and stared at me with wide eyes. "Oh, shit. I should have known it was your first time,"

"It's okay, really,"

Seq's eyes closed and shook his head. "No, it's not. I should have known that this was your first time, since the Kreq weren't fine with you being gay,"

"I promise, it's fine. It was really good! I'm just not sure where we go from here,"

"Well, what do you think?" the still breathless vulpine asked me.

"What does it matter what I think?"

"Sometimes the way you feel is the answer,"

Without meaning to, I laughed.

Seq weakly kicked my paw. "You're mean. It's not like I know either,"

My ears perked up.

"I mean," Seq began, as he placed his right hand beneath head. "I've never had a relationship like this before. Well..." The fox slid his left hand down to his chest as though to calm his racing heart. "Then again, I've only ever had one relationship,"

I could sense Seq's resentment of Rye as he lay next to me. Seq didn't even have to say fennec's name. I could see all the memories in Seq's face and hear them in his voice.

I decided to get his mind off of Rye, so I scooted over and held my new boyfriend. Seq giggled and snuggled against my chest, seeming to instantly forget about the Rye. Good.

The fox turned on his side and lay face-to-face with me. Our chests were pressed against one another as we stared at each other silently for sometime. He's so warm. Wait...Are those? Wow. I can feel his abs on my stomach. A spark of guilty pleasure flickered inside me, as I felt Seq's abs massage against me. Yet, it wasn't just Seq's muscles that I could feel. I could feel Seq's heartbeat, breaths and something else, something that I couldn't explain it. It wasn't something physical. The feeling was something much deeper.

Whatever it was, I couldn't take it anymore. I bent forward and began to ravish Seq's mouth with kisses. Even though my eyes were closed, I sensed that Seq was taken back based on how his body had become tense.

Seq quickly became very aggressive and began to slowly grind his pelvis against mine. If I hadn't just cum inside him and filled the hut with a bitter stench, I had no doubt that I would have become hard. Our tongues met and our moans became intertwined.

The fox then skillfully rolled both of us over, resulting in me lying face-up and Seq sitting on top of me.

"I know why," Seq said.

My ears stood up. "What?"

Seq's face was painted with a smug foxy smirk. "I know why I jumped into a relationship with you,"

The eagerness in his voice caused me to smile. "Oh, really? Why?"

Seq lowered himself onto me and placed his hand on my cheek. "It's those eyes, those eyes of yours that shine like stars. They make me feel powerless. They make me feel..." Seq paused for a moment. "Wonderful," He placed his head next to mine and proceeded to plant kisses on my neck.

I began to return the favor, but with words instead of kisses. "You're so... spontaneous and so open about who you are. I can't help but be amazed. I wish that I could be more like you,"

Seq stopped kissing my neck and drew his head up. The red fox gazed at me with look of concern. "No, don't say that. You're fine the way you are," Seq then sat upright again.

I was going to take my comment back, but was not able to in time. Seq grabbed my right hand and placed it over his heart. I could feel Seq's heartbeat more clearly now than before. I thought that Seq would give some speech about how everybody is different and unique in their own way. Instead, he said it in three simple words.

"I love you," Seq whispered.

"What?" I gasped in disbelief

"I know it sounds stupid," Seq interrupted me, "and that we've only known each other for a little while now, but its how I feel. It's why I invited you back to my hut tonight. If you don't feel the same way I completely under-"

This time it was my turn to interrupt. I sat up in the bed and kissed the babbling fox right on the lips, which had stopped trying to talk. As our lips parted and my eyes opened, I saw tears beginning to form in the corner of Seq's eyes. "I love you, too,"

I wrapped my arms around Seq's torso and rolled over on top of him as we continued to kiss.

Seq drew his lips back and ears pointed upwards. "Oh, you're ready for round two, I see!" His hand then lowered itself and grasped my newfound hardness. Honestly, I didn't even realize that I was ready again until he pointed it out.

I grinned at his eagerness. "You bet that nice butt of yours I am,"

Seq giggled and tighten his hold on me and began stroking. The two of us continued to kiss. It was going to be a long wonderful night.