Walk in the Hypno-Park

Story by TOGswitch on SoFurry

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Story by draconicon

Art by IB: DizziMorhlis

Walk in the Hypno-Park For Togswitch By Draconicon

"Why did I agree to this?"

"Because I'm that good, my dear. Now keep watching the swaying collar..."

The panther groaned, but followed her orders. Not that Damian had a whole lot of choice; when a witch told him to do something, he did it, even if it was the sister of one of his best friends.

He blushed as he looked past Jen's near-nude form - barely covered by a bikini - towards her brother, a dog named Matthew. He was already zonked out, his eyes half-closed and his body completely limp. Leaning back on his heels the way that he did, it made him look like some sort of old-times slave.

Then his eyes were brought back to the collar swaying back and forth in front of his face, and it got a good deal harder to think as the collie witch started talking.

"That's right. Just keep your eyes on the collar, my friend. It's such a good piece of control, isn't it? Such a lovely way of keeping someone under your thumb. Keeping them from running off. Keeping them on a leash. Isn't it a nice feeling to let someone else take all those hard decisions away from you, and let them be the one in charge?"


Jen chuckled, and he felt a little shiver run down his back. The collar in front of him seemed to glow slightly, and he felt his attention drawn to it once more, pulled towards it in a way that he couldn't deny. The panther stared at it, at the space in the center of the circle.

"Mmm, don't worry. It'll feel much better when you're wearing it. Just wait; you'll come to love being under my control along with my brother."

He groaned again, despite the erection growing in his pants. The collar swayed back and forth, and his eyes followed along with it, staring into the empty center that seemed to hold his attention so well. There was something about it...

"Just let go...It would be so much easier in the collar. So much easier to be a little pet for me. You know that you'd like to walk around at the end of my leash. You know that you want to have a chance to play with me...Just let go, and let me collar you."

His cock throbbed so hard at the thought of it, even as he shook his head in a vain attempt to fight off her hypnosis. Particularly when there was so much magic behind it. The panther leaned his head back, but his eyes remained locked with the swaying collar. And it was definitely glowing now, forcing him to stare at it as it swung back and forth, getting closer and closer to him with each passing second.

"That's it. Just imagine being my pet...my little doggy out on a walk. No need to think, no need to feel any worry. Just a simple bliss, a simple bit of fun while you do what you're told. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Damian, my pet?"


"Just letting go, letting me do what I want with you, letting me lead you around like the good boy you are. It'd be so easy to be a good boy and just wear my collar. So easy to let me take control. So easy to just follow along on my leash."

And here I thought that Matthew caved too quickly, the panther thought, barely keeping hold of his mind as he stared at that collar. It felt like it was sucking away his mind, his ability to reason, and leaving behind...

Leaving behind exactly what she wanted. A big part of him had wanted to have...fun...with her for a long time, and if he needed to be her dog to get it...what was the harm in that?

That...that's not...

But the thought faded as the collar slipped over his head. Jen must have taken another step forward or something, because she hadn't been in reach a second ago. But as the collar slipped around his neck, he stopped thinking, and just stared forward with a blank smile on his face. There was no need to think; he was with his mistress, and he would be the best dog for her that he possibly could be.

Jen smiled and patted his head, and took his leash - and Matthew's - and turned to the door.

"Alright, pups. Finish stripping down, and we'll go on our walk."

There was a small fragment of a thought that told Damian that walking around in the nude - in public - wasn't exactly a good idea. It didn't know why, nor did it tell him to stop. It just told him that it was a very bad idea.

But that was impossible, surely. With his Mistress walking him around, with her gentle hand on the leash, there was nothing wrong with this. She didn't tell him that he needed to stop, so that meant that they were doing something right...right?

He glanced to his side, matching the pace of the spotted dog that his Mistress had brought along with her. He felt like there was something familiar about him, but he didn't really know what it was. It probably didn't matter; if Mistress wanted him as a packmate, then that would be what he was.

They continued through the park, the grass soft under his legs, until they reached a larger, open part of the park. A path ran through the grass a couple hundred feet away, and there were empty benches all around them. A couple of people could be seen, but not smelled.

Damian wondered why they were there, but only for a moment. The leashes fell to the ground, and both he and his packmate turned towards the Mistress as she went to all fours.

Mistress slipped down her strange clothing, revealing her sex to the pair of them. Damian flared his nostrils, and he grunted as he took in the hot, wet scent of her need. His cock started throbbing almost immediately, pushing out and up against his stomach, and he could see that his packmate had a similar reaction.


They both turned to her, watching as her tail flicked upwards, showing off her holes. Damian moaned, his tongue hanging out. It felt...strange. Not quite dog-like, but he put it aside. There were more important things to consider.

"Boys. I think you need to show your Mistress a little bit of fun."

They immediately dove in, the spotted one moving up while he moved down. His first taste of her pussy left him growling, needy for more as he dragged his tongue up and down her slit. Each lick brought a little more of her juices to his lips, and he felt his cock throb harder and harder as he felt her get wetter and wetter.

Soon, he couldn't stop himself, and shoved his tongue in deep. He flicked it around against her inner walls, hearing the Mistress gasp and moan as she was teased. He panted, wanting to do more, but not sure what.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a few people staring at them from the path. He didn't know why; they were simply giving their Mistress some fun. What was wrong with that?

He turned his attention back to her, ignoring the shouting that the strangers were doing. After all, the taste in his mouth - despite the balls resting on his forehead - was so much better and so much more interesting. He pushed closer, his paws resting on her legs as he tilted his head to lick deeper, further, trying to get more of those happy sounds out of his Mistress.

Unfortunately, she didn't let them continue for long. Mistress pushed him back, and his packmate as well barely a moment later. They whimpered as she rubbed along her pussy, squeezing her fingers inside of it a few times before glancing down at them. The Mistress chuckled.

"You two got me plenty worked up, that's for sure."

It sounded like praise, and Damian smiled, sitting down on his haunches. He was a good...dog. A very good...dog. Again, that weird feeling, but it passed as the Mistress flaunted herself at them once more.

"And I think that I want to get a good bit more. Damian, I think. You'll go first. Come here."

He trotted over obediently, and worked with her as she pushed back against him. Her gentle grip on his front paws pulled him forward, making him stand over her as she backed up against his cock. The feeling of her moist slit, the way that it seemed to beg for him, soon had him panting and barking eagerly.

"Mmm, my puppy is eager for his breeding, hmm?"

Damian nodded happily, humping his hips forward, grinding his cock against the Mistress' hot sex. He almost slid in twice, but she kept moving, kept dodging it at the last second.

His whimpers got louder and heavier, but as his frustrations built, so did his growls. He needed her, and he would have her. After missing her almost five times, Damian leaned forward and bit at her neck, holding her still as he suddenly plunged in. Mistress gasped in pleasure, and he barely kept from doing the same as he started hammering deep inside of her, thrusting hard and fast to take her, to fill her.

Soft padding steps brought his packmate closer, and he felt a soft tongue working over his balls and over the Mistress' slit. It must have been even tastier to the spotted one, because he was licking like crazy.

Damian barely noticed the people around them getting more numerous, or the flashes as people started taking pictures. He didn't care about the way that someone tried to reach for his Mistress only to freeze in place. He didn't even care about the way that the Mistress panted and pushed back at him. All that mattered was that hot, wet feeling around his cock, and the fact that his Mistress was giving him all that he could ever need.

And he was a good boy, giving her all she could ever need.

The End