Belonging Chapter 23

Story by Gnosis on SoFurry

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Chapter 23


Day 28

Rye followed me as we made our way into the woods that morning.

I didn't know why he volunteered to come with me. I reminded myself that it was always nice to have someone for backup, though, even if it was Rye.

My mouth was still sore from sucking on Meelo's cock that morning. I kept myself from rubbing my face, though, since I knew Rye would probably say something. Well, I knew he was going to say something anyways, but I didn't want to give him anything else to say.

"Why did you come on a patrol with me again?" I asked him, trying not to focus on the tenderness of my mouth.

"What do you mean?"

After hearing him speak, I realized that I was a little too far ahead. So, I slowed down and allowed him to catch up. "The whole time that we were together, you never once went on a patrol, even with me,"

Rye was finally walking next to me and shrugged.

I sighed, realizing that making small talk was pointless, and decided to remain silent.

Rye resumed talking nonetheless. "How is your kitty's timeout going?"

I almost punched him in the muzzle right then and there. Before I could, I took a breath and cleared my head. "Like you care. Anything I say, you'll probably just twist into some joke,"

"No," Rye whined, as annoyingly as possible. "I promise! I won't make fun of him,"

I turned my head and shot the fennec a death glare. "Why should I believe you?"

"I guess you'll just have to,"

Without meaning to, I snorted at the idea. "Yeah. Sure,"

Since I wasn't giving him any good joke material, Rye tried to change the subject. "So, where are all the places with the food?"

I rolled my eyes. "You really haven't hunted in a long time, have you?"

"Well," Rye said, "my shooting's not exactly great,"

"'Not exactly great'?" I mocked him. "Rye, you might as well be a cub going on his first hunt!"

He seemed to be a little offended by that, but I didn't care. "I wouldn't go that far!"

"Oh, cut the crap!" I said. "You can't even admit that you've forgotten how to fire a bow. Even when we were still together, you always acted like you knew everything! Not once could you admit that you weren't perfect,"

"Okay," Rye groaned. "Maybe I was a little cocky,"

"Rye, you're still a complete egotist! All you ever do is act like you're trying to prove that you're the spawn of Taiya!"

He didn't say anything to that.

Even though Rye was quiet, somehow I still got angrier. "Nothing to say? That's a first. Are you gonna sleep with someone now to get me off your back?"

Without any warning, Rye stopped and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me to a halt. "How long are you going to hold that against me?"

I turned and pushed him away with my arm, causing him to stumble back and lose his grasp on me. Already, I could feel my eyes starting to get a little teary. I tried my best to hold back from crying and screamed, "As long as you're still breathing!"

Rye took a step closer to me. "You say that, but you're obviously not over me,"

"What's that suppose to mean?" I demanded.

He drew back his lips and showed off his teeth in a snarl. "Come on, Seq! A new guy comes into camp and, immediately after his initiation, you jerk him off in the lake!"

The forest around us grew quiet.

"What did you say?" I whispered, still stunned that he knew about how Meelo and I went to the lake.

Rye shook his head with a disapproving look. "Who _doesn't_know about you're little night time swim?"

I clenched my hands and bared my fists. "Don't bullshit me, Rye! How the fuck do you know about that?"

The fennec blinked and considered his next words very carefully. "I followed you to the lake that night,"

WHAT? My mind was screaming and my hands begged me to wrap them around Rye's neck. How could he spy on Meelo and I? He must have seen everything. I'm gonna kill him. I swear to Taiya, I'm gonna kill him. I felt as though all of my clothes had suddenly vanished and that I was standing naked in front of Rye. He saw me kiss Meelo for the first time. Shit, he even saw me jerk Meelo off for the first time, too. Motherfucker. I knew that he was a low life piece of shit, but I never thought he would do something so disgusting. My fur burned as I realized that the memory of Meelo and I at the lake was tainted forever. All because of him.

_ _ "How dare you," I growled.

He took another step forward and held out a hand. "Now, I know that you were emotionally vulnerable, so I'm not judging you. And, when we get back together, I'll never bring it up because I forgive you,"

I snarled, causing Rye to suddenly flinch. "You can shove you're forgiveness right up your ass!"

Rye sighed and showed hurt in his eyes. "Seq, don't,"

"I'm never getting back together with you! I love Meelo. You might not understand what love is, but I do!"

The fennec's fur bristled and his ears lowered. His eyes were now empty of sadness and were filled with bitterness. He took a step closer to me, showing no sign of backing down. "All you have is a case of neediness and a cold bed!"

Without thinking, I punched him in the cheek.

A loud yip escaped Rye as he was thrown back my punch. After being able to stop himself from falling over on the ground, Rye reached up and rubbed his cheek with a sensitive hand. He looked at me with a look of surprise in his eyes.

I couldn't have cared less. "Maybe I am needy and desperate for a relationship. And sure, I probably was just trying to get over you that night, but whatever problems I have exist because of you. You cheated on me, you fucking asshole!"

I then turned around and stood there with my back to Rye. "Damn you, Rye. Damn you and every fucking minute I wasted on you,"

I started walking.

He hurried after me and yelled, "Wait, Seq! I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry! How many times do I have to say it?"

I didn't slow down. "You can never say it enough because I'll never forgive you,"

Rye was now almost screaming at me. "I made a mistake! It was one mistake!"

"A really big fucking mistake," I barked.

"You know that I'd forgive you if you slept with somebody else, right?"

That was it.

I turned around and was face-to-face with Rye. My voice was raised so loud that the Kreq could probably hear me from wherever they were hiding. "You're such a fucking liar! A cocky bastard like you would kick me out of your hut so fast that the door probably wouldn't even close shut before my paws touched the ground!"

Tears started to stream down my cheeks and I sniffed. Rye reached out a hand to wipe away my tears, but I knocked it away. "No.,"

A moment of silence passed.

I looked down at the ground and muttered, "You should go back to camp,"

"No!" Rye said. "I promise, I just want to talk with-"

I lifted my head up and looked the fennec in the eye. "GO!"

Rye stood there, searching my face for any signs of letting him stay. He didn't seem to find any.

Rye turned around with his tail between his legs and slowly walked away.

Once I was sure that Rye was out of sight, I placed my face in my hands and started to sob there in the middle of the woods. How could I have ever dated someone so obsessive and selfish? I knew he had problems, but nobody is perfect, so I never thought twice about it.

I moved my hands and placed my fingers over the top of my head, crushing my ears as I did so. My tears now openly fell down on the snow at my moccasins. I was so pathetic. I was pathetic for having dated Rye, for letting him get into my head, even though I knew he was full of shit, and for crying in the middle of the forest.

I turned and walked deeper in the woods, hoping that I could find some food to bring back to camp, but I knew that I was crying too loudly for any prey not to hear me.