Zootopia - Old Friends - Part One

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#2 of Zootopia - NSFW

So, this is apparently a thing for me now. This was written over the course of about four hours during a night of insomnia of the same day I edited and posted the first story. Sometimes Insomnia can be protuctive.

I know some people think Finnick should be able to talk almost anyone into bed, but, considering the fact that he's adorably tiny, it seems to me that he'd be at a disadvantage. Even for males, he'd be dangerous, since most of them would kill him if they tried to mate him. Also, considering his attitude, I feel like he would really only want to go after pred girls (or guys), of whom 90% or more are going to be much, much larger than him. This being the case, he'd be rather unlikely to be able to please them. Now, also, I'm obviously pulling in some prejudice from the furry fandom for the fox libido. Also, this is not in any way going to ruin the relationship of Judy and Nick.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

Zootopia - Old Friends - Part One

The next morning, Nick lay drowsily in bed watching his mate get dressed with her usual chipper energy. He could never fathom how she managed to always be so damnably perky in the morning. The best part of being on paid leave, even if it had been forced on him, was that he got to enjoy watching his sexy bunny bowleggedly trying to get ready for work after having kept her up half the night crying out his name. Soon enough, though, she was showered and brushed and dressed and ready to head out the door. She came over for a final kiss before leaving, making it last a long minute before finally pulling away.

"I love you," Judy told him. "Try not to get in trouble being here by yourself all day."

"Nah, I'll probably go out, take in a movie, maybe," he assured her. "You know me. I like to keep it moving, keep the hustle going."

"Alright, babe." She gave him a pat on the cheek and another kiss on the nose before heading toward the door.

"Don't forget to make an appointment!" the fox called after her, and she waved acknowledgement.

Nick knew he hadn't fooled her. He was probably just going to lie around and sulk all day, like he had for the past three since being put on temporary leave. He could still hear the water buffalo's bellowing voice.

"Look, Wilde, it's nothing against you personally," the Chief had said, trying to be gentle, which was difficult considering the bull's demeanor and usual tone. "I can't have an officer out there that we can't all count on when the manure hits the fan. It's irresponsible, and it puts everyone in danger, especially you. This second time wasn't as serious, but I got the full story about the wolves out of Delgato. Whatever your personal hang-ups, Wilde, I. Don't. Care. Get over it. I'm giving you two weeks to get your head on straight, paid leave. When you get back here, I expect you in top form and ready to work. Understood?"

He'd had no choice to agree, on all counts. It was just... mortifying, having everyone find out, particularly considering the front the fox put up. He was the cool, suave vulpe that nothing could ruffle, and he'd had a panic attack just putting a loose muzzle into his cruiser. The incident with the wolves had brought back every last fear of the contraptions, and when it had fallen out of the equipment box, rolled across the ground to touch his paw, just seeing it...

Nick growled and rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow and gnawing on it to vent a little of the frustration and anger he felt at himself. What he really wanted to do was go back to sleep, but that wasn't going to happen. Too many days of waking up early had ruined his nocturnal habits, and his body told him it was time to be up. With a sigh of defeat, he pushed himself out of bed and pulled on some boxers before wandering into the kitchen to see what they had that required the least amount of effort to make edible. In the fridge, he found the remainder of the fruit salad from dinner along with some milk, so he had cereal and leftovers for breakfast.

Afterward, he wandered into the living room to see what was on television, which turned out to be a lot of nothing. It was surprisingly disappointing how little good programming was available to watch when the majority of the population was supposed to be awake. He flipped between ridiculously patronizing childrens shows and gaggingly terrible soap operas. He sat, as per usual, on the right side of the couch with his left arm draped over the back and his right propped on the arm with the remote. He turned to make a comment to Judy about a particular commercial before remembering that she wasn't there, where she was supposed to be, snuggled up to his left side, draped in one of his shirts, and looking back up at him with those enormous, soulful violet eyes of hers.

He let out a whimper-snort, suddenly missing her fiercely and shut the tv off. He threw the remote onto the couch, not caring where it landed, and got up to pace the room, hands gripping at his head as he tried not to break down into tears. She was at work instead of here, where he needed her. She was his anchor, his rock, the only thing holding him together right now, and he didn't have her to lean on. It felt like he was coming apart at the seams... Then he suddenly had a wonderful, brilliant idea: he'd call Finnick.

He hadn't spoken to his former partner and oldest friend since shortly before the incident. The little guy had to be worried sick! They never went more than a few days without at least a phone call. The red fox scurried for his cell and hastily punched in the number from memory, not bothering to pull up his contact list. It rang. It rang again. On the third ring, Nick pulled the phone from his ear and glared at it accusingly. Then he noticed the time. It wasn't even ten o'clock. Pellets! Finn wouldn't even be awake for another three hours.

As his thumb closed on the disconnect button, he heard a groggy, "Hello?"

Hastily he shot the phone back up to his ear. "Hey, Finn, long time, no hear! How ya been?"

"Nick, do you-" the sentence was interrupted by a noisy yawn that contained an absolutely adorable squeak, which would have gotten Nick neutered for ever mentioning. "Do you have any idea what time it is, my vulpes?"

"Way past time for little kits to be in school. Didn't your mommy get you out of bed? You better hurry or you'll be late for class!"

There was a pause, likely accompanied by the fennec stretching and scratching himself, then the little fox came back at full volume and fully awake. "Man, you bettah watch what you sayin'! Who you think you talkin' to? I'll knock your teeth out, you say somethin' like that again, ya feel me?"

"Yeah, I feel ya, small fry, but you gotta be able to reach that high first."

"I'll kneecap your ass! Then you'll be on my level, and let's see how big you talk!"

"Sure, like you'd ever get me on my knees. Way I remember, it was always the other way around."

"Oh, now, don't you go there! You know bettah'n that. That wasn't nothin'! That was just vulpes helpin' out vulpes. Don' no mammal know tha struggle like we do. Ain' no mammal gotta deal with what we do, 'cept maybe bunnies, but they always got plenty o' othah bunnies around. They ain' nevah gotta go without, like we do. That was all just vulpes helpin' out vulpes, 'cause no one else will."

"Aw, c'mon, Finn, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it like that. I can't even recall you ever being on your knees for me." Because I had to kneel down just for you to reach, Nick added silently.

There was a long pause, then a soft sigh. "A'ight, Nick, I'll let that one go. But you shoulda seen ME tha othah night, man. I got this timberwolf bitch, and I had her howlin' at that moon I was hittin' it so good! She's all like, 'Yeah, daddy, yeah, gonna put that knot in me?' And I'm like, 'Yeah, bitch, you know I'm gonna put that knot in you!' Then I'm all BAM! BAM! BAM! And she's all, awoo-woo-woooooooo!"

Nick chuckled as the fennec imitated a howl, waiting until it trailed off before asking, "Now, by 'timberwolf bitch', are you referring to that rather expensive, quarter-life-sized, custom-made, anatomically correct chew toy you so affectionately call Naomi and bought off of Fleabay, and by 'howl at the moon' are we talking about you gnawing on its head so it makes that squeaky noise...? Is that what we're talking about?"

There was a long, long pause before Finnick responded. "Man, tha's cold, Nick, tha's cold, like arctic. We s'posed ta be like brothahs, like blood. You s'posed ta have my back, my vulpes! How you goan do me like that?"

He had gone too far and he knew it. Finnick had real hurt in his voice, and Nick put real apology into his own as he ran his free hand over his face. "I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that. I'm just..."

"Yeah, I heard," the diminutive fox replied. Nick heard some rattling, then the pop of a bottle cap and chugging followed by an appreciative sigh. "So, you gonna come hang, or what? I ain't seen you in how long now? C'mon, man, I know how ta chill you out good."

The red fox let out a regretful groan. "Nooo, Finn, you know I can't do that stuff any more..."

"Naaaw, Nick, naw, not like that. Just... y'know... Vulpes helpin' out vulpes..."

Nick couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I miss you, too, Finn."

"Aw, hell, no! No homo, Nick. You gotta say it! That just ain't right. Don't get all sappy on me, now!"

"No homo, Finn. See you soon?"

"Yeah, I'll swing by the den and pick you up. I know this nice lookout over in Rainforest District. We can go cruise for vixens, a'ight?"

"Yeah, whatever you say, Finn."

Nick smiled and shook his head as Finnick disconnected. Foxes did not live in the rainforest, ergo it would be highly unlikely to find vixens in the Rainforest District, particularly that early in the day. Finn had probably just found a nice, quiet, private spot where they could park. He really did miss his friend, and was sorry to have left the little guy hanging for so long. It had been too long since it had been just the two of them without his lover tagging along. Of course, it wasn't like either of them had asked her not to. Nick loved her and didn't want her feelings hurt, and Finn... well, Finn would never admit it, but Nick knew he looked up to and respected the bunny.

He sighed happily, feeling a loosening of the tension that had been building up as he sat there alone, and went to get dressed while he waited for his ride to arrive. Not long after, he stood at the entrance to the apartment building he and Judy lived in, dressed in his usual attire of slacks, short-sleeved button-up, and tie. The neighborhood had been invaded by a barrage of rather offensive sound as his long-time companion came roaring up to screech to a halt in front of the fox. He wasted no words and got into the passenger seat, rolling down the window to hang an arm and his head out to enjoy the wind of their passage through the city.

Finnick chose a circuitous route that kept them out of the city center, but there was little traffic, and the ride only took about ten minutes before he cut the music and pulled off onto a small service road that came to a sudden end where the branch it ran along had snapped. The view was, indeed, spectacular from halfway up the canopy, looking out over a great distance between the massive trunks. The desert vulpine turned off the van and removed his keys, tossing them to Nick to stow in the glove compartment before reaching back to pull a pair of beers from the mini-fridge behind his seat. He passed one to his red-furred friend and popped the cap from his own before taking a long sip.

"Man, I missed you, too," Finnick finally said, adding, "No homo."

"How long's it been?" Nick asked, concerned by the admission.

The fennec sucked his teeth for a moment before answering. "Like a month and a half, man, since I touched a real, live, warm-blooded mammal. Naomi's my bitch and all, but she just ain't tha same. I gotta have interaction. I like my females ta say stuff, talk ta me!"

"Y'mean like, 'Aren't you just adorable?' Or more like, 'Isn't that the cutest little thing?'"

Finn's eyes narrowed as he glared at Nick before flicking the bottle cap at him. "You harsh, Nick. I oughta bite your ear off. Cain't you see a vulpe is hurtin' here?"

"You're right, but you always taught me to hit a mammal when he's down."

"Damn, I did teach you that, didn't I?" the zerda half whispered. Then, with a sigh and a groan, he turned those big, adorable, heart-wrenching eyes on his best friend. "Can't ya help a mammal out, Nick?"

"Oh, god, Finn, really?" the red fox whined. "C'mon, you know I hate it when you do that! I feel like I'm diddlin' a cub!"

The fennec instantly narrowed his eyes, all grump once more. "Well?!"

"Aw, c'mere, little guy." Nick grabbed his tiny companion before the other fox could protest and swept him into the back of the van. Sitting on a crate that had been padded with a discarded couch cushion to act as a chair, he set Finnick down onto his lap crosswise. "Now, what can Santa Claws bring you for Solstice?"

"Vulpes, please, you bettah put me on tha ground 'fore I eat your face!"

"Oh, you wanna kiss? Okay!" Nick playfully tried to plant a smooch on the fennec, making kissy noises, to be met with swatting paws as the diminutive male tried to fight him off.

"Naw, man, that ain't funny! Stop it! Stop it! No homo, man, no homo!"

After a few moments, Nick relented. "Okay, if that's not what you want, then what is it?"

"You know what I want." Finnick grumpily crossed his arms and looked away.

"Aw, c'mon, little guy, I can't give you anything if I don't know what it is!"

"You really gonna make me say it?"


"Fiiine." With a disgusted groan, Finnick rolled his head back to look up at Nick. "I wanna hump your paw..."

"What was that?" The red fox cupped a hand behind his ear. "Speak up, little fella; I couldn't hear you."

"I wanna hump your paw! Man, why you always gotta make it awkward?"

The larger male chuckled and patted his big-eared friend on the head. Finn had long, long ago developed a paw fetish. With the vast majority of mammals, it was all he ever saw of them, and his natural vulpine libido had latched onto it with a vengeance.

"Well, alright, but I have one condition. I'm gonna record it."

"What?!?" the fennec exploded, nearly unseating himself with an expressive flail, despite Nick's steadying hand on his back. "Oh, hell, no! No way, no how! I'll suffer! I ain't lettin' you get no blackmail dirt on me for nothin'!" Finn crossed his arms again and glared laserbeams at the van wall.

"It's not like that at all! I just wanna show Hopps what I've been doing today, so she'll know I got out of the house. I promise you, Finnick, I won't show a soul else, nor post it online, nor leak it to the media, nor use it for any kind of blackmail or extortion. Have I ever lied to you?"

The zerda's ears sank to point horizontally as he sighed heavily. "No. But, Nick, c'mon, man, you know I ain't like that..."

"It's just to show Judy, I promise. Besides, maybe after seeing it, she'll let you have some of that cottontail, hm?"

Finnick's left ear perked up to vertical instantly and he slowly turned his head to gaze at Nick sidelong with a skeptical eyebrow raised. "You mean that? She got some sexy paws, Nick, and I wouldn't mind gettin' a chance at some other parts, either."

"Well... she has been practicing, trying to go down to the knot on me, but she doesn't know what that's really like when you go all the way. I was thinking that maybe you could help give her a taste of the experience. You do have the benefit of being a much closer size match, so there would be less danger of, shall we say, 'accidental drowning' if she found she couldn't handle it."

The fennec turned to face him and stood up on his lap, gripping the collar of his shirt tightly, his voice husky with longing. "You for real? Don't play me, my vulpes. Don't you toy with my emotions like that."

"Real deal, Finn."

"Man, you a real vulpes." Finnick wrapped Nick in an uncharacteristic hug, sniffling slightly, then bounded down off of him and began throwing his clothes to all parts of the van. "Let's do this, man! Let's get it goin'!"

"Hoooold up! One more thing."

"Aw, c'mon, man, I'm already ready!" Indeed, the fennec was already fully out of his sheath and dripping.

"I also wanna record you with Naomi."

"Fine, whatever! I'll do it!"

"That's my boy."

Nick grinned and unbuckled his belt to slip his pants and underwear off, neatly folding them and setting them aside. With one hand, he reached down to grip his sheath and stroke himself while the other switched his phone to camera and got ready to record. He stretched one paw out and barely had time to hit the button before the tiny mammal had latched onto him. Finnick humped at a furious pace, his small (but more than ample for his size) vulpine member slipping easily between the larger fox's toes to splatter Nick's leg with pre. The end of his muzzle barely made it to the red fox's knee as he laid his head and chest against along the limb, eyes clenched shut in concentration. Finnick didn't even last a fully minute before his knot had swelled and locked behind his companion's clenching digits, his orgasm quickly following. He didn't quit his jackhammer thrusting until long after the flow of spent seed had stopped. Only when his knot had deflated did he finally still, falling onto his side, to lay panting and exhausted.

"Was it good for you?" Nick asked with a chuckle, shutting off the recording.

"You... You gotta say... 'no homo'," Finnick huffed between breaths.

"No homo, Finn."