
Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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#1 of Extra/Ordinary

Hey, first story attempt here. Give it a thumbs up if you like it, any tips or suggestions and the such are welcome. Thanks :)

A usual day, that's how I would think to describe it. The same old routine: wake up, breakfast and shower, head to school, classes, and practice. True the minor differences in between the suns rising and falling would change based on the day, but all in all. Part of me liked it like that. Simple. Apparently the universe decided that I was overdue for a shift. Literally.

First think I remember was the world falling out from under me. Cause parents decide that the best way to wake their son up is to literally roll him from the bed onto the cold floor. And proceed to freak out about how my alarm didn't go off, I overslept, yada yada. I was in a sleepy fog; I couldn't make hide or hair of what they were trying to impress on me. Until it clicked. Oh crap.

Bolting off from the floor I thanked the powers that be that I had seemingly had enough forethought to put on my boxers at least before heading to sleep. Boycotting a shower I changed like a bolt and dashed out from my room, down the stairs, and out of the house. Bless my mother, making sure I didn't leave my bag in my haste. What the hell, I thought. I never sleep through my alarm. I had to pick up my pace if I wanted to avoid being tardy. It was one thing I liked to pride myself on. Never being late. Every day, every appointment, meeting, what have you. People probably thought it was weird, or that I was rude. Maybe I was, dashing off to make it to one thing or another. I didn't think I was being curt with them though. I assumed they were used to it by then anyway. Like I said, consistency.

Anyway, running best I could, and thanking coach for making the team work on cardio and stamina as much as anything, I booked it along the street. My usual path though would take too long, I knew that. I stopped at the usual intersection, the path ahead so familiar. I knew how to get to school the other way, but I was a creature of habit. And gritting my teeth I knew that I had to go the other way to make it with enough time. With an inward sigh I turned and set off only to collide with someone else. We both hit the ground with a grunt, bags sprawling all over. Mine was closed but the contents of the other persons were scattered all over. I reached over to grab those items closer to me and looked at who I hit. It was Kyle from the team. At least not some stranger, in any such event. I apologized and mumbled something about pitfalls of breaking pattern. He smiled back at me and went to grab the rest of his stuff.

We were still kneeling when I realized someone was standing beside the two of us. Looking down at us was a man and the main thing I noticed were his eyes. Deep, rich, and piercing, he held my gaze for a moment before shifting to look at Kyle. He then reached a hand out to the both of us. "That looked like it hurt. Lemme help you up." Kyle and I gratefully took his hand but when I did a jolt of electricity shot down my spine. He kept his grip firmly enough that I didn't let go. Which was best as I would have fallen back onto the ground. Once we were standing I shook my head slightly and noticed that Kyle was doing the same. The man mumbled something about dry air and told us to be more careful before heading off. I stood staring for a moment before I remember what I had been doing before. Crap.

I turned and grabbed Kyle by the arm and said "dude we gotta go. If we're late you know what'll happen." He grimaced and nodded, both of us breaking into a run.



As I feared we wound up being late to homeroom, and the penalty set out before us. Coach was strict with that kind of thing. Anyone on the team late to any period without a legit reason had to do laps after practice. It was embarrassing because everyone in the school knew what it meant when someone was out jogging away round and around. That's part of why I hated being late. The other had to do with stubborn pride.

I set my musings and grumbles away though, with one last thought to get a new clock after this day was finished. Practice was time to focus on the task, not daydream and fret. That's the kind of thing that got you--

--I opened my eyes lying facedown from a tackle. Yep, just that. Sigh. The guy on top of me heard my sigh and leaned down closer to my ear.

"You'd think coach would know by now his tirades against a player before practice just makes them less focused, not more. At least he's consistent with everyone, not playing favourites hmm?"

I knew the voice belonged to Kyle since he was set to block me this time around. I felt shivers down my spine as he was speaking near my ear. I had a thing about people blowing in my ear or touching them. Always made me squirm. As my ass twitched I realized that Kyle had his hips pressed against mine. Normally I wouldn't give it a second thought. We wound up in similar positions from time to time during practice and whatever. But I realized that his cock was growing harder. When he pulled off of me and helped me stand nothing in his eyes suggested what had happened. As if it hadn't. And shooting a glance or two didn't show seem like he was hard. I figured he must just be pent up, or must be one of those adrenaline erections. When you're not horny but the act of working out or whatever gets the blood down there pumping. In any event, I decided it wasn't important enough to pursue.

But every time Kyle tackled me I felt it and it was on my mind. That and how I was being taken down more frequently this game. Which lead to me being taken down more and more. After I time I realized that when he was on top of me Kyle would buck his hips a bit. Not enough that it would be noticeable to anyone looking from above, but I certainly did. Rocking his hips against my ass, sometimes between them shocked me. But each time we got up it never seemed like he even noticed he was. Maybe I was reading too much into it. Maybe.

Eventually practice ended and everyone got to hit the showers except Kyle and me. No we still had laps to run. And run we did. Hypothetically we could have just left without doing them. Coach never stuck around to watch and make sure we did each and every one fully, no cutting corners, trying to make it shorter and easier on ourselves. Honour system, he called it. And everyone on the team never took advantage. I don't know why, to this day. Macho man syndrome maybe?

Anyways we finished up and promptly headed to the showers. I could always have showered at home but the whole showering with teammates just seemed part of the whole being a team thing. That's just what you did. Even when I was new and was somewhat intimidated the older guys on the team always made us feel welcome. When they designed the showers apparently someone decided it was a brilliant idea to leave the bench in the middle of the communal area. Everyone has their thoughts on the why. Me, I think it was for guys who got injured, they could sit on the bench and still be included on all of it, and or injured and still showering.

So there I was, under the water and Kyle across the way. We weren't chatting too much though. We were still a tad winded from the laps, but the steam from the water was certainly helping. I reached down to grab my body wash but my foot kicked it over to the bench. I heard Kyle chuckle as I walked over and knelt down to grab it. I turned around and went to stand but as I did my back scrapped along someone on the corner. I must have made a sound because I drew Kyle's attention and he came over to where I was crouching, reaching to feel the spot on my lower back.

"Here, let me see," he said. As he was coming closing I picked up on something coming through the fog. I couldn't tell when he was over at his shower head, but he was hard. Pointing straight out in front of him, partially shrouded in the steam, leading him to me, bobbing and swaying with each step. I was stunned by how big he was, about 8 inches. And again that he didn't appear to notice at all. I didn't have a chance to even mention it to him as he reached me and proceeded to lean over my kneeling form to check the scrape. This in turn pushed his hard cock into my face, the head poking into my cheek and sliding along till his pubes were against my nose. Kyle still didn't seem to notice. "Ouch man that looks pretty sore." He was bucking his hips a bit as he said that, humping his cock against my face. With one hand on my shoulder the other reached down to touch the scrape. At this point his cock had lined up in front of my lips and when he touched the scrape it made me gasp slightly in pain. As my mouth opened his cock slid forward, more than half of it going in.

I was shocked. On my knees with my teammates cock in my mouth. Never had I even thought I'd be in this situation, surprised that I was. When his cock slid in Kyle let out a moan, his hand moving off my back to my other shoulder, bracing himself. With his hands there and his body over mine I found I couldn't move, and confused when part of me didn't want to, saw that there was nothing odd about this. Kyle began to thrust his hips in a steady rhythm, slowly moving his cock in and out, moaning and groaning softly. When I brought my mind back from buzzing about what was happening I realized that I had automatically been sucking on his cock, swirling my tongue abound the shaft and head. It also dawned on me that my own cock was hard and bobbing with each of Kyle's increasing thrusts. That realization made me moan on his cock, which apparently felt good, cause Kyle groaned above me. He gripped my head in his hands and started fucking my face faster and faster, his balls slapping on my chin.

I knew he was going to cum soon from the sounds he was making. Suddenly he tensed, his cock getting harder and he shot into my mouth with a loud "Haaaaaa". I had to swallow, unable to move away as I was hit by my own intense orgasm, my cock shooting onto the floor of the shower room. Eventually the spurts subsided and Kyle moved back from me, his cock slipping from my lips. Breathing hard he looked down at me and said "seems a little tender, but not too bad. I'd just mind to not lean on anything in that spot." Then he patted my shoulder and walked back to his shower head. I stared after him, still on my knees and my seed being washed away by the water. I stood on shaky legs and moved back to my shower wondering what the heck just happened.

To be continued.