Chapter One

Story by Jaffea on SoFurry

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Chapter One 3/14/2160- Secure location Establishing secure connection... Connection established. Ping: 5.71 seconds. Transmission established- encryption protocol code Rho One-One Local time of transmission retrieval: 0817 hours (military time) To: Joel (redacted) <(redacted)@tramest_university_of_applied_sciences.snet> From: United Ascendancy of Stars Research Site Rho One-One Subject: Opportunity Content:

Mssr. (secure addressee), You have attracted the attention of your superiors. Your recent doctoral thesis on the gravitational interactions of high-powered Subspace fields demonstrates your ability to work with and understand the mysterious properties of Subspace. The use of the Coleman-Weinberg potential to calculate the gravitational coupling constant of a Subspace field based on its energy density and relative speed of light differential c' was highly innovative. Your presence is requested in the UASAF. There is a new research position available for someone of your expertise. This is a well-paying research position designed to aid in our understanding of faster than light propulsion, the details of which cannot be elucidated due to obvious security concerns. The Armed Forces has taken the liberty of purchasing a ticket to UAS Research Site Rho aboard the (redacted) Station, in the (redacted) planetary system. You are called upon by your government to serve and better the people of the Ascendancy. You will receive employment from the United Ascendancy of Stars Armed Forces, though you will retain your civilian status. The shuttle departs on 20:00, 3/14/2160. At optimum faster than light velocity, you will arrive at Research Site Rho in three days. You can continue your life at Tramest University, enjoying the employment benefits of a PhD in theoretical physics- or you can stand for your empire and use your intellect for the good of your people.  The choice is yours. Sincerely, (secure name), UAS Armed ForcesEND TRANSMISSION