
Story by WindKing on SoFurry

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..And on the heels of my last work, I find myself hammering out yet another!

This one was actually a tri-fold experiment on my part:

To see if I could 'just write' a story around a fairly simple idea I had;

To see if I could get my 'writing engine' fired up on my own, without waiting for the magical inspiration fairy to strike;

And to try writing a story revolving around something that I, personally, am not into at all, with very little knowledge of or exposure to the subject.

{And if said subject IS your thing, and I have made a complete mockery out of it, I sincerely apologize.}

Special thanks to Jhitts Fireclaw for being a continuous source of encouragement and for helping inspire a few small details towards the end of the story.

Hope you enjoy.

Oh, and remember folks.. Don't judge a book by its species.

I realized the moment I took my third shot of the night that I was bored. Don't get me wrong, it was a good night.. Thumping music, hot bodies gyrating against each other, the scent of sweat and arousal filling the air. But I just wasn't in the mood for it. At least not for what was here for offer. I scanned around the club. Tigers..wolves..A particularly hot gator on the stage.. And I was bored. Well, perhaps 'bored' is the wrong word. The atmosphere of the place was making me horny as hell, but I just wasn't interested in taking the effort to be noticed. I wasn't in the mood for a challenge. I just wanted to find somebody to wreck but I was feeling lazy about it. I eyed a couple of cheetah boys in the dancing cages. Cheetahs were fun for that, but damn their stamina. On the best of days they'd beg for more when I was just ready for a nap. No, I was in the mood for an easy conquest. A gazelle maybe, or even a bunny. I ordered another shot and thought back fondly to a certain bunny and how he squealed. Then I remembered what he did, and how I reacted. Instincts can be a bitch sometimes. Took me what felt like forever to pay off his physical therapy and reconstructive surgery. Damned if it wasn't worth it though. That mouthful of flesh was so tender.. I shook my head and ordered another shot, slammed it back and paid my tab. I wasn't going to find anything tonight, and I didn't feel like traveling to look for it. I got up to leave and that's when I saw him, tucked away at a table in a corner by the door. Heaven sent, practically. Just what I was in the mood for. What the fuck was he doing in a gay pred bar at this hour? The rational parts of my brain only came to one conclusion as I made my way towards him, watching the lights dance off his stark white fur, at least the few parts of him not buried in a thick brown trenchcoat. I'd seen his kind before. Little mousey wanted to play, but was too shy to live dangerously. Well, who could blame him for being attracted, I thought with a grin, licking my fangs. From across the club, he looked up from whatever concoction he was sipping at and looked around.. Then he looked right at me. Our eyes met. The hunt was on. I was about halfway to him when I felt a weight bump my elbow. I looked down to find a fox intersecting my path. He looked up at me, then back towards the mouse, then back up at me nervously. I leaned down a bit and growled. "He's mine." The fox's eyes widened before falling to the floor. "..Shit." He mumbled to himself before tromping back off into the crowd. Heh, sorry foxy. Sometimes it's good to be the 'king'. I looked back towards the tender white morsel only to find him heading for the door. Fuck.. I picked up my pace through the crowd and finally got out the door of the club only to find him heading down the street and rounding a corner. Damned instincts. I strode after him, careful not to start running lest I get the temptation just to tackle him in the street and maulfuck him right then and there, predation laws be damned. He was fast though, and kept his lead on me as he abruptly turned into a dark alley about a block ahead. Ffffuck, he was not helping my urges. I turned the corner into the alley and followed it down another bend. Dead end, but there he was, just..standing there, hidden away from any eyes out on the street. I let out a slight chuckle to myself..He must have planned this, must have wanted some privacy. My prey. Soon to find himself squeaking and writhing impaled on my cock. I could practically hear him already. "Hey there mousey." "H-hello." "You led me on quite a little chase, y'know that?" "Did I?" He smirked. Oh, the little bastard smirked at me! He SO wanted it! "Why yes, you did.. But then, you want some of this, don't you?" I started peeling off my shirt, imagining him snuggled into my chest fluff. "..Maybe.." He shrugged out of that trenchcoat and he wasn't even wearing a shirt beneath it, just a pair of baggy blue jeans that were way too large on him. Oh yeah, he definitely came here with a plan in mind. I was already getting hard as I strode closer to him. "Well didn't you know it's not nice for little mousies to tease big bad lions?" I advanced further on him until his very scent wafted into my nose; Clean, with hints of a grassy meadow. Ripe for the taking. "Y-you're not going to...hurt me are you?" I leaned down and grinned toothily at him. "Oh no, I won't hurt you..At least I'll try my best..If you play nice." He smirked up at me again. "Actually, I have a better idea." Lightning fast his paw seized around my throat and slammed me back into a pile of trash bags like it was nothing. I think I had enough time to let out a bewildered 'Glurk' before I landed. was a MOUSE strong enough to do that!? In my daze, I looked at him in abject shock. That smirk had twisted into a sneer, and he started to let out little grunting noises as he..grew. That white fur roiled beneath him, bulging out impossibly as he bulked up bigger than any mere mouse I had ever seen. My gaze followed him as he just kept..rising..up and up, bigger and..those muscles.. They just kept growing, bubbling out of him like magic. I had a poster of a rhino bodybuilder in my bedroom for..reasons. Mousey just kept going until he surpassed that rhino in size and definition. Some tiny voice in my head wondered if someone had slipped something into my drink, but my senses were clear, as far as I could tell. I didn't want to believe them but.. What was standing over me now.. Was impossible. He leaned down and loomed over me, broad chest, thick biceps, thighs stretching those formerly baggy jeans skin-tight on his massive frame. His red eyes lasering into mine, he rumbled in a deep baritone that shook me to the bone. "You've been a bad kitty." He picked me up clear off the ground and shoved me up against the alley wall. I was eye-level with him but my paws were dangling at least a couple inches in the air. Instinct took me and I clawed at the massive arms holding me. That white fur was so soft and fuzzy but the muscle beneath it felt like corded iron. He pressed a massive forearm against my chest so hard I couldn't breathe. "NO! BAD kitty!" He growled. Have you ever heard a mouse growl? You don't want to. At least not when he's crushing the air out of you. "" I managed to squeak out. "No. You fucking cats, all the same. Those little paper cuts you gave me sting, you know. I'm going to make you pay for that." "Please.." "Oh, I won't hurt you, LITTLE kitty. IF you play nice." I was starting to pass out before he let me breathe. He was still holding me up against the wall though. I couldn't get away, couldn't fight back..All I could do was pant and gasp for air as he held me there. "Now.. You're going to be a good little kitty and give ME what I want, aren't you?" "How.." "Not important. All you need to know is I'm bigger than you, and I'm going to give you what all your kind deserve..And you're going to love it." He reached down and ripped open the waist of my trousers, pulling them down, and then off. Ohhh shit. "I--" "Shhh. Be a good kitty and admit it..You want some of this, don't you?" He brought his free arm up and flexed it in front of my face. It bulged up so huge I thought I could see the veins popping out beneath his fur. My mouth went suddenly dry. My poor brain suffered a momentary blood loss of a completely different nature than the one it had experienced moments prior, and despite myself.. Yeah. He reached down and cupped my balls and I found myself gasping for air again. In the midst of it, I noticed..even his smell had changed. Still there were hints of before, but now they were overridden by the kind of pure manly musk that a mouse shouldn't have. I had to admit..It touched primal parts of my brain and lit them up with a big neon sign that said... "Yeah, you want me. How bad do you want me, little kitty?" "I..." The shock to my brain and my body of the impossible situation I now found myself in made me even more vulnerable to the massive hunk who had me.. Fuck.. He did. He HAD me. "What..what do you want." "Good kitty. That's better. Just one little thing. That's 'What do you want...Master.'" I gulped. He chuckled. "Go on..try it out little kitty. 'Master'." "..." "Go on..It's a magical word. If you say it enough times, and you mean it, it comes true." Despite my resistance to the idea, my sense of self-preservation told me to play along. "...Master." He grinned and gave my balls a gentle squeeze. "That's a good kitty." Looking at him, I remembered the time I had gone 'bull-riding' after a hookup in the prey red-light district. I remembered the time I had a fling with a leather bear once who wanted me to call him...that. It never sat right with me. But this creature who was holding me up with one arm against the wall.. He was bigger than the bear and more ripped even than the bull.. And as he gently stroked against my rising shaft, I found myself helpless in the face of his harsh desires. "Now try it all at once.." He smirked. "Wh-what do you want....Master." He grinned. "I want you, little kitty, to show your master a good time." He let me drop to the ground and started wriggling out of those tight jeans, the now-apparent bulge sliding out until a pink shaft bigger than I'd seen on either the bear OR the bull flipped upwards to thwack him against his tight white-furred abs. I gawked. "Like what you see kitty?" I gulped and gave a slight, timid nod. "Think you can take it all?" My mind boggled and the part of my brain that was still in survival mode glanced toward the open end of the alleyway. "Oh, kitty, tsk tsk. Yeah, you could. You could bolt out of this alley, naked and hard, and go raving to the first person you see about the big, bad mouse who tried to have his wicked way with you. I won't even try to stop you, but if you do all anyone will find is cute little ole me, wrapped up in a coat and scared to death of a crazy naked lion who's probably on drugs..and we'll see who gets believed, eh?" He winked. "Or, we could save me the trouble of having to squeeze myself back down into that dinky little body, and you could show all this power the appreciation it deserves." ... Fuck. "..And you DO want to appreciate this fine body I worked so hard for, don't you kitty?" I looked him over again, and my damn dick seized control of my brain. He glanced down. "Heh, I can see that you do.. So.." He grabbed his own member and pointed it up towards me. "Do you think you can take all this..I'm dead serious, I don't want to break my newest toy. Not so soon at least." I gulped again. "I..I think I can..maybe.." "Maybe what?" "Maybe...Master." "Good, good. 'Maybe' is good enough for now. But first.." He brought his arm up into another flex. "If you like it, why don't you show me how much? Give it a feel." I brought my paw up and pressed it against the bulge, and again my member immediately responded. I rubbed all over it, that white fur so soft, and beneath so hard, so dense.. I traced my pads over a vein and felt his pulse thrumming through it. "Want to lick, kitty?" I nodded, though my mouth was dry again. "Go ahead. Lick, rub, feel.. Enjoy yourself, you have my permission." So I did. I lathered my tongue all over that bulging muscle and let my paws roam across the hills and valleys of his gorgeous abs, roaming up to grope at those thick, broad pecs that were completely unyielding to my touch. All more of the same, soft fur barely containing all that hard muscle. Some tiny rational part of my brain was agog. This was a mouse..A MOUSE..and he had me. He was the hottest fucking thing I'd ever had the luck to experience. ..Surely that was worth calling him... In my enthusiasm my pads brushed across a nipple hidden in his fur. "Mmm.." Oh-ho.. Well then.. I abandoned that delicious bicep and went to town on the other nipple, delicately lapping at it at first as my paw played with its counterpart. He let out a groan, and I kissed, and stayed kissing, sucking at it and was rewarded as he flexed his powerful pecs against my paw and muzzle. All that strength..that power.. And I was making him moan.. That was my ticket. My way out. That was how I could have control. I could control how much pleasure I gave him. And I wanted to give him more. I moved my paw downwards, crawling down over his abs again, and further down-- He grabbed it. "Uh-uh kitty, you have to ask first. And I've got something better in mind anyway." He gripped the nape of my neck like I was some cub, and guided my head down until I was kneeling on the asphalt and that thick shaft of his bobbed in front of my nose. "Now, how about you put that tongue of yours to use down there?" All things considered, I was willing to give it a go. But he just held me there, millimeters from it. "But don't you dare if you can't do it without those teeth of yours getting involved." I nodded. He gripped my scruff a little tighter. "Now what do you say?" ...Dammit, I couldn't catch a break. "Yes..Master." "Good kitty." He still wouldn't let go of me as he guided me closer until the tip touched my nose. "How about you nuzzle it a little first, hmm? You've got nice soft fur." I started to lean in and he gripped again. "Didn't I give you a nice compliment there? I do like your fur, you know. What do you say to that?" "..." "Go on, say it or I won't let you play." "..Thank you, Master." "That's better." He pulled me forward but I decided to show a little bit of ingenuity, moving my head to the side and just barely letting my whiskers tickle his flesh. "Ooh.. Clever kitty. I like." He paused, though. "..Thank you again Master." He let up on his grip and I proceeded to nuzzle against that thick slab of meat, rubbing it against my cheeks and my chin as he again groaned in pleasure. "Ohh yeah.. Nice kitty, nice soft fur.. You take good care of that fur don't you.." "Yes..Master. But it's not as soft as yours." I honestly meant the second part, at least. He moaned again and thrust his hips forward a bit, grinding past my cheeks and into my mane. "Good..good.. I like a kitty who can take care of himself." He brought his shaft back in front of my nose, now visibly throbbing, a drop of pre just starting to emerge from the tip. "Mmh.. I think it's a good time for that tongue now, kitty. What do you say, you want a lick?" Admittedly, I like the taste of pre.. "Yes Master." "Then ask for it." ... Dammit again... "..May I have a lick Master." "Good kitty, you can lick as much as you want." He was still holding onto my scruff. "..Thank you Master." "Yeah, that's right." I leaned in towards his shaft, then past it, then down a little. He was still holding me but he let me have enough free reign that I started from the base of his balls and took a long, slow lap. Hot damn, I could see that they were as massive as the rest of him, but I just paused for the briefest of moments, feeling their heft on my tongue. But not too long, I had other places to explore, as I moved my tongue up to the thick base of that bobbing monster and proceeded along its underside, feeling his pulse throb through the veins that bulged out across its surface, just as I had with his bicep. As he moaned again above me, I finally made my way to the tip to collect my prize. And a prize it was. He tasted amazing, on top of everything else. I lapped at his tip and was rewarded with more. And I wanted more still, so I continued to lap along his shaft as much as the length of my tongue would allow. And his thick salty pre flowed more freely, and it was delicious; And I took a modicum of pride at the groans he was making above me. I opened my maw.. I paused. "..May I suck, Master." "VERY good, kitty. Yes you may, as long as you're careful." "I will be, I promise." I winced at the sharp pinch on my scruff. "I promise, Master." "That's better. Go ahead kitty." I licked at it again, using my tongue to guide it between my fangs. I got about three-quarters of the way and had to stop, so I just started bobbing along his length in earnest, gradually sucking harder as he growled again, though this time less out of aggression than lust. "OHH yeah, you can suck good kitty. Real good.. Ungh!" He thrust forward and his pre started spurting onto my hungry tongue. I sucked it down, savoring the taste and craving for more.. I don't think he could've honestly expected me to respond then, but I settled for a little "mmf" in acknowledgement. He moaned louder. Heh.. I went as far down as I could and hummed deeply. He practically roared in pleasure.. But then he gripped my mane and PULLED me onto his cock, thrusting his hips and trying to send it straight down my throat. I struggled and pulled away in panic and he let me dodge to the side as all the pre I'd gulped down plus the remnants from the four shots from earlier came back up and spattered onto the asphalt. "Heh.. Sorry kitty.. You're so good I got carried away there. But you're going to have to work on that gag reflex if you really want to impress me, y'know." He leaned down and ruffled my mane gently as I wiped my muzzle, still coughing. Then he started...petting me. Kindly, gently, as I recovered. At least after that I knew that he COULD be gentle.. It made a nice contrast to what I had just gone through. "You did a fine job for a first time." "It's not my first time, you're just so damn big.." "Say it.." "..Fine. Master." "Good. And thanks for saying so kitty. I am damn big." He grinned above me. "And I love every second of it. Don't you forget that." "No.." I coughed again to clear my throat. "..Master." "You did a fine job for your first time taking ME, then." Another pause. "Thank you Master." "Feeling better?" "I'm getting there...Master." "Good, good.. Take as much time as you need to recover there kitten, because you have a choice to make." "Eh?" "Well.. We're not done yet. Unless you can't take it anymore. You can go and get yourself sorted out..or you can push on and still have a chance to impress me." I pondered. I also wished for a bottle of mouthwash to make my pondering easier. "How could I still impress you, Master?" "Well..heh.." He gripped his tool again. "This still wants to go where there's no gag reflex, kitty." ...Oh. I stood there for a second. My instincts weren't telling me to run anymore. They were telling me I was still at half-mast and burning with unfulfilled lust. Shit. I was never quite so glad as I was in that moment to be a 'switch'. But trying to take that thing.. ..Was worth it. "What do you want me to do Master." "Do you wish to go?" "...No Master." "Still think you can take this?" "I think I want to try, Master." He grinned, an honest grin, and it made him all the more attractive. "That's what I like to hear, enthusiasm." He jutted his hips in my direction, that intimidatingly thick cock of his still hard and dripping. "I think the time for licking is over, but how about you give your master a good stroke, get as much as you can and get your pretty little self lubed up for me?" I got up and moved back towards his immense frame, gingerly reaching out and taking his firm shaft into my paw; Still slick with saliva and pre, out came more of the latter accordingly. I stroke him gently, letting my other paw once again roam over his magnificent body with no objections this time. I gathered as much of his sticky slickness as my paw would allow before reaching back to apply it to my tailhole, repeating the process a couple more times for good measure until both were nice and slick and wet, and winced a bit as I pushed a finger in, switching paws as I waited to adjust before adding a second finger in, then waiting again.. "You think you're ready kitty?" "Maybe Master." He grinned. "No you're not. But you think you are, so.." He reached down and grabbed my butt, and lifted me up like I was a ragdoll, pressing me against the wall. He leaned into me as he pressed his tip against my spread cheeks, and the uniquely intoxicating scent of manly muscle mouse wafted into my nostrils and I couldn't help but groan a little bit. "You want it don't you kitty." "Yes Master." He nudged his hips forward, and I could feel the pre spewing from his tip against my pucker. Damn but it didn't feel good.. It had been a while since I'd bottomed and never like this. I panted as he nudged inexorably forward, spreading me open bit by bit. He was surprisingly careful with me, considering how domineering he had been. I guess he meant that bit about not wanting to break his new toy. On the upside, this toy was enjoying being played with. Nevertheless I let out a sharp 'Hnngh' as his tip finally breached my ring. Fuck he was hung, and I bit my lip and winced as he stretched me wider than I thought I could go. Then he stopped. He stood perfectly still as I exhaled a light 'fffff' through my clenched grimace, but groaned as I reflexively clenched elsewhere, too. "Dammmn.. Nice, tight kitty." "Th-thank you..Mmmasster.." "You want more?" "In a moment please, Master." True to his word, he waited there, and I could feel the strong thumping of his pulse from inside me now. I assumed that he was still coating my insides with pre, 'cause as the moments passed, things continued to get easier. "OK.. I think we can go on.." He just shot me a look. "..Master." He grinned again and pressed further into me..Slowly..Inch by burning inch stretching me wider, slowly, almost carefully, until.. "Oooh..." He smirked. "Did I hit kitty's magic spot?" "Yesss, Master.." "You want me to keep going?" "Yes, very much Master." "Beg." ..... "You want my thick hard cock inside you, you beg." "..." He frowned and moved his hips back, starting to pull out of me. "No--" "Then prove to me you want it. Convince me." Damn my lust-riddled brain.. "...Please Master...Don't pull out. I want you inside me." "So you want more?" "Yes Master, please, let me take more--" He suddenly rammed his hips forward, tearing into me and hitting my prostate like a fucking wrecking ball! I couldn't help myself, I roared out in the searing inferno of pain and pleasure that blasted into and through me. Just as quickly as I'd started I found a paw clapped over my open muzzle, and in the midst of the overwhelming sensation instinct kicked in and I bit down. The paw shoved my head back against the wall hard, almost like he was trying to cram it down my muzzle. "That's right, take it! Try to fight back against me you little maney BITCH!" He punctuated his yell with another thrust forward and I blindly gripped the arm silencing me, claws fully out but refusing to gain any ground against that solid flesh. He just kept pushing further and further into me until I felt like I was going to split in two, until finally he hilted into me and started thrusting back and forth, his heavy balls slapping against my spread cheeks. "That's it kitty, take it all.. What a tight little pussy you are.." I cried out against his paw as he continued jackhammering into me. I could taste the tang of his blood and the instinctual autopilot in my brain made me bite down harder. But not by much. Even his paw was an impossibly strong fortress. "Ohh yeah, you think you can hurt me!? Keep trying little kitty-cat! Go on! Try!" I lifted my legs and pressed them against his massive bulk. He didn't budge in the slightest except to thrust into me harder. "That's it, that's it.. You think you can hurt me? You can't kitty-bitch. Know why?" He took his paw off my muzzle and leaned in close, trapping my heretofore unattended yet achingly hard cock in between his rippling abs. That fur...Fuck that fur was so soft..I couldn't take it-- He continued to lean in, grinding against me harder until his teeth grazed my ear, and whispered. "I'm stronger than you." I whimpered. It crecendoed into an outcry as I blew my load against those soft-furred washboard abs, hitting him under the chin and painting his pecs, my spasms making me clench down hard on his shaft. "YES kitty, YES, FUCK--" In one motion he pulled out of me -- ripped out of me might be a better word -- and I had a split second to shut my eyes as he erupted and shot me right in the face, apparently aiming right for my still-gaping, panting muzzle. His essence.. The taste of it.. Thick, salty, musky.. But still with a slight grassy undertone, as impossible as the rest of him, and as magnificently perfect. Better than any I'd ever had. Better even than the chunk I'd taken out of that bunny so long ago. It was a taste that went straight to my brain and instantly commanded me to get as much as possible, which manifested as me holding my muzzle open and trying to catch as many of his thick heavy shots as I could in my mouth before I dared to swallow. And when he tapered off and I finally did.. I had taken the best part of him inside of myself. This was the reward he had to offer. And I wanted more. However, he slid me down the wall into the waiting heap of trash bags, his beastly breath huffing in my ear like a steam engine, before he knelt and kissed me on a clean patch of my tenderly.. "Thank you. You've been a very good kitty." I just laid there, panting, sore and with stars dancing across my vision. "And since you've been so good, I'm not going to make you clean up this mess you made in my fur." I couldn't manage much more than a bedraggled nod. He retrieved his trenchcoat - which would probably fit like a vest on him now if he took the arms off - and retrieved a small scrap of paper. He tossed it across my cum-stained muzzle. "If you want more, kitty, here's where to find me." He grabbed his jeans as well and turned to walk away. ..But I couldn't..just.. "M-m-ass-terr--" He turned back to me. And smiled. Then he rounded the corner and he was gone. It took me a few moments to regain my senses. I got to my feet and dashed to the corner, peeking around. I saw a little white mouse in baggy blue jeans, wrapped in a heavy brown trenchcoat, walking out into the street. I couldn't follow - I was still very much naked, my fur spattered with stains and detritus from everything I'd been through. So I let him go. I could still taste him. I peeled the paper off my muzzle and peered at it. It bore only a street address.

I held out two whole weeks. I tried to forget it, tried to tell myself I'd been drugged and hallucinated the whole damn thing. Tried to prowl the clubs like I used to. Tried to get him out of my mind. But in the end..He was stronger than me. And so I found myself at a very fancy looking apartment building, the scrap of paper clutched in my paw. I hoped it wasn't a trick, or a trap of some kind. But I had to know if what I experienced was for real. ...And I wanted to have more experiences like it. Whatever it took. The main entrance was on the second floor, and I went up the steps and cautiously rang the doorbell..and waited. The door eventually unlatched and crept open.. And there he was. The little white mouse from that night in the club, just the same. Except now he was wearing glasses and a lab coat. He saw me, and his whole face lit up in this beaming smile. "It's you! You came after all, I was worried I might have scared you off." "It's..really you..isn't it." The little thing peered up at me a bit disapprovingly. I hesitated. "...Master?" He beamed again and reached up to give me a scritch under the chin. "There's the good kitty I remember." I stood there, bewildered for a moment. Had it really happened? Something had, at any rate. "Come in, come in! I have so much to show you!" I crossed the threshold into a very nice, spacious loft. "Now, this is mine.. But you can have your pick of any of the upper floors. Heh..Not that you'll be wanting to spend too much time in them." "Eh?" He waved a paw. "But we can work that all out later, come with me and meet your new friends!" "Friends..?" "Oh, you didn't think you were the only one, now did you? I've been working on my collection of pets for a while now." "Pets..?" He turned and looked at me sternly and for a moment I could see...Him, from the alley. "If you want what I have to offer, there's going to be a few rules." I choked a bit. "Yes..It was all real. Follow me and I'll show you." So I did, through a door, down some steps and down to the ground floor. It was a spacious expanse, totally open except for the support pillars of the building. I looked around and took it all in.. A lounge area with comfy couches, a positively huge TV and some game systems.. A tiled area in a corner where a hot tub burbled happily away.. Another corner with mirrored walls where lots of gym equipment sat.. And a big, burly tiger who must've had a couple good inches on me in height and a lot more in muscle.. A lithe snow leopard.. A husky, a wolf..And that gator from the club! All preds.. ...And all of them in various stages of undress. I boggled as they all took notice at us coming down the stairs, each of them in turn just dropping what they were doing to gather around us. The little mouse pushed me forward towards them. They all had a look of hungry anticipation in their eyes. I gulped. "Everyone, meet who I hope to be the latest addition to our little club." I waved meekly. From behind, the mouse grabbed my other paw, turning me back to him and removing his glasses, carefully setting them on the post of the stairs. "Now, are we all going to do our best to make our newest feel..welcome?" I jumped a bit as they all spoke in vigorous unison. "Yes, Master!" He smiled. "Good.. In that case, I'll slip into something more comfortable." I glanced around and realized their hungry stares weren't directed at me..but at Him. I turned back in time to be greeted with the sound of ripping fabric as the mouse blossomed into the muscle monster from the alleyway, his lab coat and trousers practically exploding off of them as his bulk burst them apart like tissue paper. My breath caught in my throat as he once again burgeoned over me and my cock was immediately hard as a rock. So, I realized, was everyone else's. "Now, let's all give this kitty a proper good time!" He bellowed. "Yes, Master!" I realized the moment they all said it..I was saying it too.

I woke up the next morning having to peel myself off the cum-encrusted floor, leaving an outline of lion fur stuck to it. I ached all over. But I never felt more..welcome. That was the beginning of my new life. It only took me a month to get fully moved in. And the rules..well, they were easy enough to live with, given the..motivation. We had the whole apartment complex to ourselves so we each got our own space, and had privacy, but we still needed to keep the blinds drawn when Master was around. He was a molecular biologist who used to work on a secret government 'super-soldier' program, or so He told us. He kept his findings to Himself and perfected them in secret, because He wanted to show us preds who was boss for a change. We all agree, He succeeded brilliantly on all counts. We were expected to get along, as much as reasonably possible; Master says if we can't reach an agreement we should come to Him. So far, nobody has taken Him up on His offer. The ground floor is of course our common area, and we're expected to keep ourselves in good shape, and seek to better ourselves, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And of course, Master makes the best personal trainer. In the basement is His secret lab, and we're allowed to help him down there if we're careful. He's implied that if we're very, VERY good, one day he might share his gift with us.. But I dunno. I think He enjoys having us preds around as pets too much. Oh, and we're to do our best to keep ourselves clean, fit and ready for Him as much as possible if we're hanging out in the common area. He has enough libido for all of us! But, we are also quite welcome to have fun with each other if He's busy when the mood strikes. We just have to work it out amongst ourselves. We've all become fast friends down here. Of course, we all help pay for the apartment complex, and help with the upkeep and the chores, and help Master further His experiments when we can afford to pitch in for new equipment. Oh! And we're all expected to join in on Table Night if at all possible. What is Table Night? Well, Master has this special table, and about once a week He gets out these thick, heavy leather straps and picks one of us to be strapped down to it. Then Master does whatever He wants. Then He lets everyone else join in. We're more than welcome to struggle..It's pretty much expected. But those straps are way too least for any of us. Table Night goes on until Master grabs the straps and rips them to pieces. And then about once a month, twice if we're lucky, Master has a turn on the table, except with Him we use chains. And we all tease Master until He breaks them and Takes whoever He's in the mood to. It's pretty awesome. Also, one other important thing.. We're to keep a lookout for other preds we think might make a good addition to His collection. If we do, we get rewarded. I managed to wrangle in that fox from that night in the club.. That led to the night my tiger friend fucked me with Master underneath us, 69ing with me and bench-pressing the combined weight of both of us..Damn that was hot. Oh yeah.. And the biggest rule of all - No matter who we were or what we did in the past, No More Predation. Period. If any of us get to feeling those urges, we are to let Master know and He will satisfy us with His seed. Heh, as if we don't get enough of that. But it does satisfy, better than any meat I've ever tried. Outside of that, we're all free to pursue our own lives and agendas. Just follow the rules, play nice, and do our best to make Master happy and proud of us. It's actually a pretty good life. Master says I deserve it. I'm a good kitty.