Outfoxed - M/M Zootopia Adult Fan Fiction

Story by Jani_Lionheart on SoFurry

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Synopsis: Nick is sent on an undercover sting operation at a private sex club on the outskirts of Zootopia, gets caught... and the club's criminal owner sets out to teach Officer Wilde a lesson with three well-endowed and pent-up males.

This story actually got developed a little more than I had originally intended, and I hope all you enjoy it - it's by far the most involved piece of furry fiction I've ever written, and was very fun to write :-)

If you like this story and know someone else who'd enjoy it too, please feel free to share - being a new author I hope to get my name out there a bit and eventually start taking commissions.

  • Mayor Jani Lionheart


A Zootopia Adult Fan Fiction by Mayor Jani Lionheart

WARNING: The following story contains Adult themes and situations in the Zootopia universe and is not suitable for minors. But you probably already knew that.

Author's Note: This story takes place a short time after the end of the movie, after Nick Wilde has been hired at the Zootopia Police Department and is working with Judy Hopps.

"Ready for another adventure today, Carrots?" Nick asked as he adjusted his shiny, new ZPD badge. The fox had recently given up a life of hustling, and was proudly making an honest living, helping protect the city with his partner Judy as the department's newest recruit.

"Hah, I was BORN ready!" the spry bunny replied as Nick fired up the squad car, engine roaring to action. With Nick's naturally cunning nature and years of experience escaping the law, combined the Judy's problem-solving skills and inquisitiveness, the two made one of the best crime-solving teams that the ZPD had ever seen, impressing even their demanding, often-critical boss Chief Bogo.

Life in Zootopia had been relatively quiet since the missing mammals case had been solved, and today seemed to be no exception as the two of them drove around on patrol.

Windows down, Judy's sensitive ears perked.

"I think I hear someone screaming... it's that way!" Judy exclaimed, pointing to the northeast. "A couple blocks away, probably 7th and Caracal. Let's move!"

Nick flipped the lights on and gunned the accelerator through a yellow light, turning right onto a busy 7th Avenue. Upon reaching Caracal St., he screeched the car to a halt near a back alley, where he saw a dark, hooded figure holding a female fox at knifepoint.

Judy was the first to jump out of the car, standing on the vehicle's roof to get the attacker's attention.

"DROP YOUR WEAPON!" demanded Judy, drawing her ZPD pistol and releasing the safety. The figure, who reeked of the scent of unbathed weasel, dropped the knife and took off running. Nick gave chase, over a chain-link fence and around a set of smelly dumpsters belonging to the surrounding strip mall's restaurants. Out of breath from running and trying to hold his nose, he lost sight of the weasel and finally gave up.

On his way back to the car, the fox discovered that the assailant had dropped a business card during the pursuit. Nick picked it up off the ground and his fur bristled at what he read:

Will Weaselton's Love Shack

Satisfy your every desire with the hottest vixens and tods in Zootopia!

(678) 678-6969

1565 Jackal Blvd

Officer Wilde showed the card to Judy, who was busy calming down the victimized vixen, who was scantily clad in a revealing low-cut dress and heels.

"Oh, this is just awful," Judy said. "So this low-life is preying on potential workers for his brothel, we have to stop him! Let's assemble the ZPD swat team and break down their doors tonight!"

"Hey... not so fast, hot-shot," Nick retorted. "I'll bet he dropped that card on purpose to lure us in and will be expecting us. We've got to come up with a plan to get the info we need on that place to get a search warrant, and get out in one piece."

After the emotions of the situation subsided, Judy agreed with her copatriot. In a lengthy discussion with Chief Bogo that afternoon, they decided Nick would go in as a customer in disguise, and ask around about this sly Weaselton character, secretly recording any conversations he had. Should be plenty of evidence to present to Chief Bogo.

"You mess this up, Wilde, it's YOUR ASS!" Bogo yelled as the two left his office.

Around 8 p.m. that night, Nick and Judy got into an unmarked, undercover car and headed down Jackal Boulevard towards 15th Avenue, right the edge of town. The further out you got from the City Center in Zootopia's main district, the seedier the surroundings became, and soon all they saw were the moonlit shadows of old, dilapidated buildings.

"Yeesh, this is why I never come out this way," said Nick as he saw a homeless mouse searching a dumpster for scraps.

The arrived at the parking lot, which was surprisingly full of cars for a weeknight, and Judy gave Nick a final once-over.

The fox, master at undercover operations, was essentially unrecognizable. Sporting a tattered hoodie, tinted sunglasses and liberally sprayed with "Eau de Vulpus" cologne, even those who knew his scent wouldn't be able to detect it.

"You look maaahvelous," Judy smiled. "Now, remember to follow the plan. If you encounter trouble, press the panic button on your keyring and I'll send backup. Go!"

Nick took a deep breath, and headed towards the door of the club, sporting a half-lit, flickering neon "OPEN" sign. Upon entering, he saw a lone vixen working at the front desk. Curvy and voluptuous, she cocked an eyebrow at the strange fox.

"Good evening. Do you have an appointment?" Her thick accent told Nick she was definitely from out-of-town.

"No, I was jush shtopping in to check out de plashe," Nick said, masking his voice to perfection. "I'm vishiting from Foxshborough and have a businessh proposhal for de owner. Is Weashelton in tonight?"

"He is busy at the moment," she replied. "Why don't you go to the client waiting area. I'll let him know you're here, and if he wants to talk."

"Yesh, many thanksh, madam."

The vixen's pungent perfume was overwhelming and nearly made Nick sneeze. He was led into a large room with many plush sofas and leather chairs, where the club's workers were busy hitting on potential clients.

"Wait here."

Nick took a seat on a large, red, heart-shaped sofa. Not one minute passed before an arctic fox lady spotted Nick out of the corner of her eye, and made her way over to the love seat, shoving her ample bust right under Nick's nose.

"How are ya, honey? My name's Shelly. You look like you could use some relaxation tonight," she said with a sly grin, putting her paw on Nick's thigh. Her powder-white fur was incredibly soft to the touch.

Nick was unsure how to proceed. It would be completely out of line for him, while on-duty, to engage himself with any of the vixens at the club. He quite preferred males anyway, but something told him that getting intimate with one could get him much-needed information on the Love Shack's criminal owner, a risk he didn't mind taking.

"Hmmm... yesh... that soundsh wonderful," Nick said. "What are your... ratesh?"

"One-hundred per hour," she replied. "Fifty for a blowjob, and thirty for a quickie. But it will be worth every dollar."

Nick laughed inwardly as he pictured himself writing this off on his next expense report.

"I'll just need to take some ID as collateral," Shelly said. "Pay when we're done."

The fox fished out his wallet and pulled out his undercover ID, which read "Tod Culverton".

"Quite a fitting name for such a handsome male fox," she said with a wink. "Let's go to room 3, it was just cleaned and sanitized."

Nick fumbled with the voice recorder in his pocket as the two of them walked down the hall. Doing his best not to sound nervous, he tried to start a conversation with Shelly.

"So, how's the bossh treat you guysh? Good I hopesh."

"Honestly, not really. He takes such a large cut of what we make, it's hard to even make ends meet," Shelly admitted, ears drooping. "No benefits either. I think he's using the huge profit margin for his own little private schemes."

Nick's ears perked. "Oh? Do you knowsh what for?"

"Oh gosh, I'm probably saying too much," she whispered. "But I'm probably on my way out of here anyways so I don't care. Weaselton runs an illegal drug ring that runs through one of the resorts in Tundratown. He was just there today as a matter of..."


The door to room 3 opened, and a group of masked males rushed in with a large burlap sack and shoved it over Nick's head and torso.

"Hey, what the... MFFFFPH!"

"C'mon boys, let's take our little spy to the Room of Torment. Good job, Shelly, I think you've earned a bonus... I'll buy your Starfox coffee tomorrow, ha ha ha!"

Nick, who was blinded, hyperventilating and angry that he allowed himself to get set up, felt a sudden, tremendous pain in his side as he was injected with a sedative.

The drug's effects, combined with the lack of air, made Nick momentarily pass out, the last sense he recalled was the same unmistakable stench of dirty weasel that he had smelled earlier that day. When he came to, he found himself face-down and naked in a bed, his arms were strapped via rope to the bedposts. The room had no windows and was brightened only by a dim lamp and several large candles adorning the walls. Weaselton and his cronies had gone through his clothes and taken the voice recorder, and most importantly the keyring - the lifeline he so desperately needed.

When the fox groggily opened his eyes and moaned in pain, he saw he was alone in the room with Will Weaselton himself.

"Rise and shine, Officer Wilde! You thought you could out-fox me here in my own club, showing up in a terrible disguise to pull a sting and put me out of business, eh?" Weaselton added a tacky laugh that echoed throughout the room. "When I dropped that card I knew you'd pursue me, and just as I suspected fell into my little fox trap."

"Now, I'm going to have some of my crew teach you who's boss around this part of town, while I sit back and enjoy the show."


Nick turned his head around to see three well-built and very naked males - a wolf, lion and horse, standing at attention, grinning ear-to-ear and stroking their huge cocks, obscured by the room's darkness.

"Oh... fuck!" Nick exclaimed as he buried his head in the pillow, knowing full well how this night would likely end.

The wolf was first, eagerly jumping onto the bed and giving Nick's tight, muscular ass a hard spank. Nick flinched and yipped at the first unexpected hit, which turned the dominating wolf on even further.


"You think that hurts, fox? Just wait until I get my knot in you!"

The wolf grabbed the bottle of lube on the dresser next to the bed and slathered a generous amount on his paw and throbbing 8-inch lupine tool, which featured a huge, softball-sized knot at its base. Nick shivered in anticipation at taking the whole thing.

Using his thickly-padded middle paw digit, the wolf penetrated Nick's depths with a yowl and squeal from the fox. It had been some time since Wilde had been taken, but as soon as the wolf hit his sensitive prostate, he remembered how much he desired males, especially well-endowed ones.

The stranger above him continued invading his backdoor, and on cue, Nick's cock began to rise out of its protective sheath.

The wolf finally removed his paw, noticing the fox's arousal below him.

"Looks like our little vixen enjoyed that," he said with a smirk. "Let's see how he likes something a bit bigger than a finger!"

The large alpha male positioned his cock at Nick's dripping tailhole and thrust forward in one smooth motion, forcing a grunt from the defenseless bottom.

"Yeah, that's right, that's how you ZPD fags like it," growled the wolf in his husky, deep baritone voice. "Make it nice and tight for Daddy."

Nick bristled at the words but focused on squeezing his sphincter muscle. The sooner he could make all of them cum, he reasoned, the sooner he could be out of there. Or so he hoped.

The horny lupine picked up speed and added more loud spanks to Nick's backside. Nick heard the wolf's heavy breathing and knew it wouldn't be long, his own erect fox cock aching for release.

A couple thrusts later, the wolf bellowed "Oh.. F... Fu... Fuuuuuck!!!" as he rammed the rest of his wolfhood into Nick, swollen knot and all. Nick yelped in pain as the lube-slickened knot pushed past his entrance, but that pain quickly turned to pleasure as he felt himself stuffed full of wolf.

Firmly tied, the studly male lost control of himself as he cummed hard, spewing hot wolfseed deep inside Nick's bowels. The fox was so eager to pleasure himself just then, as he would have certainly shot at the slightest touch, but as his wrists were tied down, he had to suffer from the agony of denial.

In the afterglow of orgasm, the wolf took a moment to catch his breath, slumped over Nick's body, panting heavily as a huge pool of sticky pre-cum gathered on the bed below the fox's belly.

After a minute, his knot softened and slipped out with a satisfying *pop*, followed by a stream of thick lupine semen that freely dribbled onto the already-matted sheets. The wolf gave Nick's rear one final hard slap before bouncing off the bed.

The lion perked up next.

"Gawds... that's so hot," he purred. "My turn, fox slut."

With his backside aching - and leaking - from the previous encounter, Nick slowly turned his head and looked back at his new assailant. The lion was big and buff, built much like Mayor Lionheart but perhaps a few inches taller. His rippling pectoral muscles were handsomely defined through his cream-colored chest fur, and his full, amber mane glowed in the flickering candlelight.

The pent-up lion wasted no time, guiding his rigid 9-inch catcock towards the entrance of Officer Wilde's love tunnel. Nick, who hadn't seen the feline's impressive equipment, let out a staccato yowl as he felt the cat penetrate him, feeling almost no resistance as the fox was already quite loose, in addition to using the wolf's spilled seed as a convenient and slippery lube.

Once he hilted himself balls-deep inside Nick, the big cat grabbed Nick by the shoulders and held on tight as he started pounding, a set of delicious wet-sounding "fwaps" echoing throughout the room as the lion's heavy balls slapped Nick's rear on each thrust.

Nick grimaced in pain as he felt the sharp spines on the lion's cock rake his insides, imagining himself as a submissive lioness being bred. As if on cue, the gruff lion said, grunting, "Squeeze me, slut... you're gonna have my cubs."

Hoping it would help the ordeal be over sooner, the fox obeyed what he was told, clenching down on the lion as his pleasure intensified.

Nick knew from experience that felines didn't usually last long, so he was quite impressed at the cat's staying power. But as he felt the lion's breaths become shorter and heavier, he braced himself for the finish.

The magnificent cat let out a muffled roar to announce his climax. Releasing his grip on Nick's shoulder and replacing it with his teeth, the lion got a mouthful of fox fur in a makeshift mating bite, his body tensing as his churning balls prepared their massive load.

Nick, thankful that the lion didn't bite hard enough to draw blood, suddenly felt a warm infusion inside his bowels as they were whitewashed with jets of kitty spunk. The feeling of the feline's barbed catcock throbbing deep inside him made the fox rock-hard again, and he nearly shot his own load all over the bed, but somehow was able to hold back.

The lion's orgasm seemed to go on forever as he continued pulsing, combining his fluids with that of the wolf's before. Nick could no longer hold it in as he felt a rush of hot cum escape from his abused tailhole along with the lion's softening member.

"What a pretty picture... it's really a shame your little bunny partner isn't here to see this," laughed Weaselton sarcastically from the side. One glance over at the deranged mustelid saw that he was pleasuring himself, obviously enjoying the proceedings.

The horse, patiently waiting his turn, announced, "It's time for the grand fucking finale," as he plodded onto the bed, which smelled strongly of male sweat and semen.

Nick almost didn't want to see what he was up against, but gathered the courage to look back weakly at the muscular Clydesdale kneeling above him. Standing nearly seven feet tall, Nick's eyes diverted from the equine's shortly cropped light brown fur and focused on the gargantuan, beer-can-thick, 12-inch horse cock standing at attention.

Much to his dismay, he saw that the equine's tool had a huge flare at the tip, and that his pendulous, grapefruit-sized balls likely hadn't been drained in a while.

The horse simply grinned at Nick's observations, as he scooped up some of the leftover spunk dripping from the fox's loose opening and slathered it all over his cock.

The studly stallion then did something that caught Nick by surprise... he reached between the fox's legs and started pawing him off.

"I'm gonna get you close, foxy, but if you cum before I do I'm going to make sure my cock rips you a new hole before you leave this room!"

Nick shuddered and whimpered at the horse's demand. He tried to think about anything else... sports... his favorite lunch spot to go with Judy in Zootopia... nothing seemed to work. After what the two males before him had already done, he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold off.

Thankfully, just then the stallion decided to press his flared cocktip against Nick's tailhole, making him forget about his pleasure temporarily.

"Relax, slut, it's going in one way or another," said the horse matter-of-factly. "It's up to you whether you want the easy or... heh heh... 'hard' way!"

Dripping with sweat from the anal probing and nervous anticipation, Nick relaxed just enough for the head of the stallion's enormous tool to pop inside Nick with a squelch.

"Ahhh, that's the spot!" sighed the stallion in pleasure as he enjoyed the feeling of being inside such a warm, tight, slickened orifice.

Being considerably larger than both the wolf and lion, the stallion took his time adjusting to the fox's tightness, holding Nick on the edge as he strained not to cum with the horse's massive tool pressing firmly against his prostate.

Suddenly, without warning, the stallion rammed as much of himself into Nick as he could, eliciting a few curse words and gritted teeth from the fox.

"Aw, come on fox! I know you take those big-ass rhinos and elephants at your precinct all the time, this should be child's play for ya," bemused the horse as he slapped both of Nick's ass cheeks together.

The stallion reached under again, and stroked Nick's 7-inch fox cock in time with his thrusts. Feeling a jet of pre-cum escape the fox below him, he caught it in his hand and added the slippery liquid to his own glistening shaft, plunging back in.

Nick was about to pass out from a blend of pleasure and pain, yelling out, "I can't take it anymore... please Weaselton! I'll never bother you again, I promise!"

"That's what I wanted to hear," replied the weasel, patting the horse on the back as he continued to pound away at Nick. "Finish him, stud."

The horse picked up the pace, his footlong battering ram pistoning in out of Nick's tailstar in a blur of speed, his pleasure nearing its peak.

Just as the stallion was reaching the point of no return, he grabbed Nick's balls with his left hand, holding them tight in a vice grip as he furiously stroked the fox's bright red member with his right, causing Nick to gasp loudly as he felt pressure build within his furry orbs.

Letting out a loud "NEEEEEIGH" the stallion exploded violently, his cock shooting ropes of thick horse cum in to Nick's depths like a firehose.

Upon feeling the hung horse stud's release, combined with the overwhelming tightness in his own pent-up sac, Nick finally lost control of himself as he cummed hard, shooting streams of fox seed with such force that they hit his chin and soaked the bed beneath him. The anal contractions of his orgasm helped milk the last of the stallion's seed from his cock, which was now acting as a plug to a dam about to burst.

After a few more seconds, the stallion slowly withdrew until just his flared tip remained inside Nick, then with one forceful tug, removed himself with a loud *pop*. A white river of stallion seed followed, freely flowing out of the fox.

Completely spent, Nick collapsed and laid face down, still copiously leaking fluids as Weaselton untied his arms.

"Now, in case you want to go and tell your ZPD buddies about our little "lesson" here, I'm going to inject with another sedative before you leave this room," Weaselton said. "This one will last about an hour, and when you wake up you'll remember nothing that has happened since the last injection, except the pain and suffering you will endure if you mess with Will Weaselton!"

"You low life scumbag," Nick said as he felt a poke in his arm. "You won't get away with... you won't... we'll..." Nick's eyelids fluttered and closed as everything turned to black.

"Let's get his clothes back on and clean up the evidence, boys," Will commanded. "Good job tonight."


Nick woke up on a sofa in the lobby of the club, groggy and confused. He was trying to figure out why he had pain in his backside. He also remembered that he was on an assignment to find someone named Weaselton, and only vaguely recalled talking to one of the vixens earlier.

In a daze, he stumbled out of the club and returned to the undercover squad car, where Judy had just awoken from a nap.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, Nick, what happened to you? You were in there for hours... are you all right? What did you find?"

"Weaselton wasn't in, but I think I got something here from one of the vixens at the club..."

He fished for the voice recorder, which happened to be right where he left it, in his front pocket. He rewound the tape and hit the "play" button.


Nick's sighed as he realized the conversation was recorded over with Gazelle's hit single "Try Everything". He slumped in his seat, defeated, and handed the recorder back to Judy, who started the car and began the long drive back to the station.

"You'll have some explaining to do to Chief Bogo," she said. "It looks like our ace detective was finally outfoxed tonight!"