Zootopia: Unbound, Savage and Wild Ch.1

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Zootopia Work

Things get a bit more wild as Nick and Judy try their first time with a little foreplay.

I do not own any of the art, they are inspirations for each chapter and are property of their owners. Support the artists and their work, support me by giving me favs and lies.

I wanted to try something new with wordplay, i have one of my characters having a different accent, if you dont like it or to confusing may edit later and leave it to your imagination. Aside from that, expect at least on chapter every week or so. Difficult to write and harder to self edit, any editor is welcomed and apperciated.


Unbound, Savage and Wild

Chapter 1

Driving to base, the two remained silent, though the silence seemed more welcomed as it made it easier for them to focus on their thoughts. Nick on how to get Judy to be more open, both literally and figuratively, and Judy to wondering how far Nick was willing to wait for her to become less insecure about herself and him.

Nothing about the situation would be easy but then again, no relationship, especially predator and prey where ever easy. There are many of them out there, most kept low or unseen. Many even believe that Gazelle is in love with one of her backup stage dancers, who are tigers. So, even if it were not true, the public won't have a field day when a fox and a bunny go out in public holding or kissing one another.

Arriving at the station just in 15 minutes, both officers headed inside, where they met their lovable and somewhat chubby cheetah, dispatcher, Benjamin, whom was on his phone watching the latest Gazelle video.

"Hey Benji!" she called out. The cheetah quickly looked away from his phone and happily greeted the officers.

"Hey Judy! Hey Nick! You guys watch the latest video from Gazzelle!?" he asked excitedly.

Judy shook her head.

"Sorry, haven't the time, though I hear she's gonna play it at her next concert."

"Ohhhhh! I can't wait! It's gonna be amazing!"

Judy giggled with him and began talking to him about it while Nick was staring elsewhere. His eyes had wondered away, not into the whole 'Gazelle' craze, to where a wolf was standing off to the side. A she-wolf at that and from the looks of it, she was wearing a uniform. He had not seen her before so she either must be new or a transfer.

"Hey, Benji?" he asked, interrupting the two's conversation. "Who's the wolf? She new or something?"

Benjamin looked to Nick before following his eyes to the wolf sitting off to the side.

"Oh, that's one of the new transfers. Don't know her name yet but heard she's coming from 'Wolferyia.' Apparently she is the highest ranking officers back at her home and she decided to move from there to here in Zootopia."

"Wow, really? A Wolf from Wolferyia? Yikes!" Judy spoke, getting a somewhat heavy nod from Nick.

Wolferyia as its namesake was a region mostly inhabited by wolves by like 99%. The rest were other predators. No, what made the place really famous was that it was a part of the world where 'meat' was really a common thing.

Now, despite the world coming together so that Predator and Prey lived in harmony, there were places that had savage or wild animals growing and from that, they were used as livestock. Here in Zootopia, with the city being only 10% prey, meat was about 2% of the Districts. Rules and regulation were in place to keep it save and clean for everyone. You must have a reservation for either restaurant or order from a store. Meat itself was roughly only available at night time and has to be concealed in public.

Most predators have to have a diet of iron, blood and all that makes meat, meat, in order to function properly. Some vendors add bits of it in drinks, snacks and all so it blends in properly so that prey don't see it, yet it isn't so diluted that it takes away the nutrients for predators.

The meat process is actually 95% cloned and synthetic meat. First one was early 'Zootopian' days from a sheep named 'Dolly' whom was cloned successfully and used as a means for predators to obtain natural and whole proteins of meat. In other words, they create the protein, iron and all needed ingredients that are needed for predators without the actual animal. That is where the 95% part came. The 5% is that a lot of prey die and since they outnumber predator, a lot of them have 'voluntary' donations of their bodies for meat process. The whole complexity unnerved most of the mammals and many didn't bother to understand it.

This brings it back to the point at paw and what it means for the rest of the populace. Wolferyian's rarely leave home because of the lack of meat or 'real meat' in this case. This Light grey, 'She-wolf' looks like she comes from the hard side of Wolferyia and shows. Despite her size, she was about two, maybe two and a half feet taller than Nick,(probably the smallest wolf on the force) she had great build, both in arms and chest. And speaking of chest, she did have a large pair on her chest, almost making Judy insecure and making a lot of heads turn... even Nick's.

She had a white patch from her chin that extended to the underside of her tail, she had deep blue eyes, even from this distance, Judy could see them and carried herself with strength. All in all, she looked more like she belonged in the military than the police, her attitude was mysterious and she didn't want hide herself.

"So... she supposed to work with us or in another part of the department?" asked Nick.

Bengi gave a side glance.

"Chief Bogo has in with you guys, though I think just like the other predators in our department, she might be only Night Shifts."

"Makes sense," commented Judy. "Though the wolves and others are going to have a field day."

"I think its to late for that." quipped Bengi. Two male wolves, passing by, gave a 'wolf call' to the new officer. Just as they were about to approach the new officer, she let out a low growl of warning, though the officers seem to think of it as a challenge.

"Well Hello beautiful!" spoke one. "You new to the force, or you here because of me?"

"As if, Dusk." said the other wolf. "She is obviously here for me."

The wolfess seemed more angered than anything and judging by her tightening paws, she was about to do something rash. Judy couldn't have that and she knew it was wrong. Harassing a fellow officer, let alone a new one was beyond regulations.

Just as she was about to interfere, much to Nick's chargin and lateness in to act, Cheif Bogo called out to the wolves.

"Dusk! Mino!" he half roared. He had finished the meeting, apparently, and was now walking through the main hall. The mayor already gone and half the officers in there were stopping to see the storm that was just about to hit that was... Bogo.

The two wolves and quickly stopped their antics and stood straight in salute, though their tails were deep between their legs, their ears pinned back and their level of fear was something unseen.

"Are you two idiots harassing a new officer on her first day?!"

Judy had to pin her ears back, trying to stop his loud voice from causing her hearing damage, while Nick watched with a somewhat smug look at the officers getting their just-desserts.

"W-w-we were just intro--" began one.

"I-I-I just came to say 'Hi' and..." tried the other.

Bogo snorted before turning to the wolfess.

"You okay there? Were these horn hounds any bother?"

The two wolves gave her a pleading look of mercy and she seemed to think about it before responding.

"Ra, horn hounds they maybe," she spoke in a heavy accent. "But noth'ring I'm used too. Thank you, Chief Bogo." she then turned to the Wolves and gave them a fixed glare. "In mine country, our punishments wrould have been more... severre. Though, that is whry I left, to escape punishments like that and... hopefully come to more respectable area."

Bogo snorted, keeping his anger focused on the wolves, whom at this point look like puppies caught doing something bad.

"And they should be thankful for the society we live in. Because if not, they probably would have it much worse. So... punishment is up to you. Anything short of being fired... or mauled."

The wolfess gave a small grin and their wolves seem to whimper at the thought.

"What is the most hurmilating job you have here for big wolves such as these?"

"Meter Maid." Bogo answered almost immediately.

"I knew it." Judy said to herself. When she first started here, she got started as a meter maid and thought herself as the most humiliated officer on the force, and now... she knew it to be true.

"Well you heard her boys, your on Meter Maid until further notice."

Both wolves let out a pitiful whine. He gave another snort. "Now, before you go and do your new 'jobs', you both should apologize to our new officer here and ask for forgiveness... and that isn't an option." he warned.

Both officers, looked dejected but, they approached the wolfess who seem stoic now.

"Forgive us for our... rude nature, Officer."

"Yeah, uh, sorry for the whole 'wolf call'."

The words carried true and the wolfess gave a snort before offering both paws.

"Ga, are are." Both wolves took each and shook. Then both whined before crying out in pain as the wolfess's paw squeezed hard on both of them, showing her strength. "You are good, I am better." she said before letting their paws go.

Both wolves quickly withdrew their paws, rubbing them and whining pitifully. Bogo looked pleased, Judy and Nick were astonished and the wolfess seemed satisfied.

"With that out of the way," spoke Bogo, "I suggest you two go and grab your new uniforms. I want at least 100 tickets from you both each by the end of the night." Both wolves nodded pathetically before walking off with their tails dragging and hurt paws. "You would make an excellent chief... better yet, a drill sergeant." This got a grin from her. "Now, Ms Tarha Longtail, if you may follow me, we can get you set up and ready."

She nodded and followed him.

"Wow," was all Benji said. "She is not someone you want to mess with.

"Ditto," responded Nick, before absentmindedly saying. "Though sorry to say 'Carrots', she might have made a small attack to my heart."

Judy heard him but instead of a retort, she spoke softly. "If I weren't into males Nick, I think that I would be chasing that tail instead of yours..."

Both Nick and Benji looked at Judy, wide-eyed, whom was following the wolfess as she walked away; both giving her a look of shock and confusion as she spoke.

Her head turned towards Judy and for a second, their eyes met. Judy's deep violent eyes met her beautiful sky blue eyes. She flashed her a toothy grin and a wink, before Bogo whisked her away to his office.

"Are you serious?" Nick asked, his tail twitching to the side.

"Huh?" she asked absently.

Nick sighed. "Nothing, just asking if a threesome is possibly with that wolfess in the future. Too bad her attitude might put a dent in that plan." His voice was slick as ever and it showed.

Judy shook her head before turning to Nick and giving him a glare.

"Only you would think such perverted thoughts, you dumb fox." she then turned to Benji who went back to watching his phone. "Hey Benji, anything else to report today?"

Benji looked away from his phone and checked the computer next him. After a few moments, he shook his head.

"Other than a few disturbances in the Jungle District, we got four officers looking into it. That is it for your shift guys."

Judy's ears dropped in disappointment but she sighed evenly.

"Well, nothing wrong with getting off of work a little early."

"Nope," Nick said, already becoming more comfortable and slowly loosing his uniform. "Never nothing wrong with an early day, especially the day before your only day off the week."

"What are you two gonna do?" asked Benji.

The only ones who really knew if the relationship between Judy and Nick was the chief and maybe Benjamin though he seems to point out here and there that they are always together.

"Relax," spoke Judy, feeling the weight of the work finally coming through. "Just relax and enjoy the down time."

"I doubt we will do much relaxing tonight." muttered Nick, his voice low enough that only Judy heard.

"What was that?" asked Benji.

Judy, with her sensitive ears, heard every word, was blushing hard, knowing what Nick meant.

"Oh, we might both just be relaxing tonight. You know, get some much needed rest."

Benjamin nodded in understanding.

"Well, you guys go and take is easy. I think with all that you guys have been doing for almost two months now, you guys could use it."

Nick nodded.

"No rest for the weary."

"Except for today and tomorrow." answered Judy.

"Nope." he said, giving her a signature grin. "Even then we'll be busy." With that he, began heading to the front door to leave.

Judy felt the blood rush to her cheeks as he said that and slowly followed him. Benji didn't seem to catch it though just as Judy was about to leave he called her, letting Nick leave first.

"Hey Judy?"

"Yeah Benji?"

He looked a bit flushed.

"You know I... I know you and Nick are a thing, right?"

Her ears twitched at the nature of his voice.


"Does he know... when you like, you know?" he twiddled with his paw digits and he looked like he was starting to sweat.

"What is it Benji? He knows what?"

"Um... how do I say this?" he paused, almost nervous to say before taking a deep breath and speaking softly. "Does he knows when you are going into season? I kinda... you know?" he coughed and touched his nose.

Oh, sweet cheese and crackers no....

Her face was flushed and her ears are pinned to the back of her head.

"You know, if Chief ever catches you and him when you are... you know?"

Nodding quickly and flustered like, she inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"I uh... thank you... Benjamin for letting me know. I just hope that it can stay between us... right?"

Benjamin quickly nodded.

"Don't worry my furry lips are sealed. Though I know its private, has he marked you yet?"

She gave a shake of her head.

"No, I mean... not that I know of... not really sure of fox rituals and all." she paused. "How can I tell when I am marked though?"

Benji gave a small shurg.

"A lot predators tend to rub against their mate, some kinda have sweat glands on cheeks and rub it on you, a bit to hard, forewarning others that they are taken or to stay away. Though he hasn't really marked you yet from what I can tell, you are practically his and vice-versa but the full sense of the meaning. Just make sure you know when he marks you."

She gave him a small nod and quickly ran towards the door.

"Bye Benji, see ya later!"

He waved goodbye to her and returned to his previous task. He rubbed his nose and inhaled deeply, before releasing a soft sigh.

Nick waited for Judy outside.

"What kept you?"

"Huh... oh, well you know Benji. Him and his huge fascination with Gazelle!" she said somewhat nervously.

Nick snorted.

"His love for her makes me question which side of gender or species he is really into."

"Does it matter?" asked Judy. "He is still the same Benjamin we know and love."

"Hey, I ain't judging if he has his eyes set on another species or sex, just kinda... you know, with the way he acts and all, just makes you wonder what really is the focus of his life."

"...his job, his love for a pop singing huge star like Gazzelle and his love for donuts?"

Nick thought about it and nodded.

"I guess. So... what do you want do? Still early and we have tomorrow off."

She gave a shrug.

"Honestly, I am a bit tired to really do anything right now. Wanna get some take-out and watch something at home?"

Nick gave a smile.

"Petflix and Chill?"

"Petflix and Chill." she agreed.

They got their food a good Noodle place by the corner of their home, and headed home immediately, just as the day was winding down to a close. The lights of city began to bloom and glow something beautiful. Each district had their own sites set to its settings of preferences and most of the nocturnal animals, including those on the force, where starting the night shifts.

Nick and Judy reached their home, releasing sighs of release.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower, wanna set up?"

"Sure, though you mind if I join you?" he asked.

She gave a small slap on his back.

"Perv, though it would be nice to have someone scrub my back..."

"I can do that." he said oh so slyly.

"... I think the bath-scrub will have to do."

Nick gave a small grunt in disappointment and his ears went down.

She gave a shake of her butt before walking... sultry like to the bathroom before giving him and wink and closing the door.

"Damn tease."

"I heard that!"

Night came quickly and city was in full bloom outside of their apartment. The two had finished dinner and now where watching whatever was of interests, whether it be action, horror, comedy or romance, they remained content. Both where on their bed, close to one another as they watched the movie.

Judy had at one point laid her head on Nick's shoulder, releasing a sigh in contempt.

"Getting tired on me, cottontail?"

She gave a small nod.

"I am, though I don't mind watching another movie."

"Anything in particular?"

"Something... soft. Romance?"

He reached over and brought his arm on her shoulder, he rubbed softly on her head. He leaned a bit to her ear before softly whispering,

"How about something... raunchy."

Her ears parked up and before she knew it, his arm went around shoulder and began reaching into her shirt.

"Nick!" she cried out in surprise. "What are you... ahh!"

His paw found her left breast, just outside of her bra and began rubbing it, while nonchalantly rubbing it. His claws, while were sharp, bore through her bra and onto her breast, but not so much as to hurt or cause some discomfort.

"I thought you wanted to try again tonight and since your somewhat relaxed, I thought, why not lead and you follow?" he asked slyly, giving her ears small blows and rubbing them with his shout.

Judy was trying to process his sudden bravery.. and his words before she gave another gasp he squeezed her boob, kneading it so smoothly yet, enough to cause her tingles.

Without removing his paw from her chest, he moved back a bit, bring his legs around her using his other paw to bring her on top of him, where he laid his head on top of hers and with his left paw, slowly rub her belly.

"I did." she said, somewhat out of breath. "Though I thought we should of... umm...!" he began reaching lower, rubbing between her shorts on her abdomen. "taken it slow." she gasped as his paw that was over her breast, had now moved back, only to go inside of the bra and rub her nipple directly.

"This is slow." he spoke. "I am trying to make sure you are ready, trying to slowly ease you into." He paused in his words without stopping his movements on her body. "I won't... be in you... if that is what you want but I do wish for us to explore one another."

Having said that, she had been brought on top of his lap and felt something hard in his pants, and growing. The feeling of his fox-hood pressing against her butt made her cheeks grow all the more red.

His left paw had found its mark and began rubbing through the skim of her shorts, right where the base of her slit was at. Putting more pressure, he pressed where her clit was and used his claw to gently rub across it.

Despite the shorts being the only thing in the way and maybe a thin layer of panties, Judy was still receiving the pleasure that Nick was trying to offer. His movements where slow and coordinated, yet he would spontaneously do something else. With his right paw, he moved it out a bit, pulling the bra down and slowly unhooking it. With his left paw, he pulled back, unbutton the single button on her shorts, before moving back in where a single barrier of her cotton panties where in the way.

Judy moaned a bit loudly, holding onto his arms as they worked his body. Her body jerked now and then, as his paw rubbed her slit or gently pinched her clit with claws, his other paw switching between breasts, flicking or kneading them with gentle or hard points. His mouth would latch onto his ears, giving small blows or giving small nips on them.

"Oh Nick!" she cried out. He became unbounded as he moved her cotton wet panty to the side and slowly began using a single digit to slowly spread her lips, without actually penetrating. That however was all the more for her juices to slowly start pouring out from her, a gentle flow for now, but it was a start.

Nick meanwhile was slowly rubbing his aching hood against her bunny buns, trying to stimulate it as best as he could. His pants were wet, but not from his pre. For a little bunny, she was releasing a lot of juices onto him. It would be difficult to wash out the pants later but, right now, it was worth it.

Feeling her squirm around his paws, her cute little moans, the way she jerked into his paw as he continued his rub her slit. He used his claw to part her lips, slowly inserting a digit into her. She gave a sharp cry, her body gave a spasm and her juices gushed from her body, leaving the small bunny panting and somewhat exhausted.

"Did you just come?" he asked, somewhat surprised that she had already climaxed. He knew he was that good but...

"Bunnies do have short orgasms..." she commented, still panting, having rested on his back. She was about to move but he kept her in place. "Nick?"

He rubbed his cheek and against her.

Benjamin's words slowly began to come through. He was marking her! Did she want this? Did she want to be his? Be known to all that he was hers and... He stopped. He stopped rubbing against her. Instead, he removed his paws from her soaked shorts and his other paw from her tender breasts.

He then brought his paw, the none soaked one, to her head and turned her to him. Her violet eyes met his green ones. He looked at her, as if gazing into her soul, he had a stoic expression but there was something behind it.

Love? Worry? More?

"Judy," he asked, his voice somewhat hesitant. "Did you... enjoy it?"

Much to his relief, she gave him a weary smile.

"Of course I did. I haven't felt like that in... a long while."

"Even though I didn't ask your permission or just began touching you without you even getting a say?"

She looked at him confused, seeing worry in his eyes.

"Nick whats wrong? Why are you asking this? Of course its okay. I wouldn't have let you continued if I didn't. I know you. You wouldn't harm me."

"I know, I am just, worried I might be doing it wrong. You know, I am predator and your prey. We might have different feelings or ways of doing something... heck I just read a few books online to see how to stimulate a bunny. Not even sure if half the stuff works or not."

Her nose twitched and she gave a small smile.

"Well, if only half the stuff is what you used and I am..." she blushed. "Runny and wet... and satisfied, I say you are a good study."

He rose an eyebrow.

"But not the best?"

She gave him a grin.

"Well, I haven't been with others, you being my first and since you are my first and only mate, I would say that maybe with time, you be amazing."

Mate? She had never said the word before, let alone boyfriend. Yeah she would say 'love' and 'partner' but hearing her say 'mate', his worries melted away and his posture seemed to relax. With a content sigh, he brush his snout against her's, giving small rubs to the side before giving her a deep kiss.

Judy accepted it, leaning in more. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling herself closer to him. She was paper weight to him, but he fell back on the bed, allowing her to climb on top of him as their kissed deepened.

Breaking away, Judy looked down at Nick who had a look of content and love in his eyes. He was sure as happy now... and it showed. Or it never left and was poking right between her legs.

"So, you... wanna continue?"

"Do you wish to lead?"