Zootopia: Aces full of Kings

Story by Useless_Providence on SoFurry

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**Firstly, I have to thank each and every one of you; I've only recently returned to the site and I have been completely overwhelmed by the response to On the Beat, thank you so much!

Anyways, here it is, the follow up! Hope you enjoy!**

Retaining a professional composure for the remainder of his patrol had been nigh impossible with Judy's scent lingering about the police cruiser. His keen fox nose would remind him of the juicy treasures awaiting him between the bunny's thighs with every breath. While the anticipation between the two mammals was palpable, confronting what they had just done in the throes of passion was an awkward proposition, at least insofar as Judy was concerned. For his part, Nick was just worried that it had all been just a dream, that the sight of Judy wantonly sucking him off had been nothing but a figment of his imagination.

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his member twitching slightly as his senses yet again filled with the bunny's essence.


He grinned stupidly; foxes and bunnies were usually considered to be incompatible. Perhaps that's what made it all so exciting; despite their insistence that the predator/prey relationship was buried in the distant past, there was still a very carnal nature to it all, and this innocent, cute bunny got Nick's motor turning like nothing else.

And tonight he'd have her all to himself.

"NICK!" Judy said, raising her voice.

"Sorry, was just...nevermind. What is it?"

"We're back."

Nick propped himself up. So absorbed had he been in his own fantasies that he hadn't noticed the cruiser pull into the central ZPD station.

"Shift's over, dumb Fox."

Nick undid his seatbelt. "About time! So, uh, about tonight...your place or mine?"

Judy turned away, stammering slightly. "Um...yours. M-my place is kinda...small."

"Sure thing, I'll cook us up some dinner, oh and Judy..." he said, leaning in and placing his head next to her ear. "...I'm going to lick your pussy."

Judy gasped, her face turning a brilliant shade of red, easily visible through her silky, grey fur, as she buried her head in her paws.

"Nick!" she yelped. "Why do....you...."

"Because you're so cute when you're all flustered, my sexy little bunny."

Judy's blush deepened. "Let's just clock out, ok?"

With a final straightening of their uniforms, the two mammals stepped from the cruiser and strode across the large, open courtyard to the central ZPD building. The change of shift was in full swing, and mammals of all sizes hurried about, stepping into or out of vehicles, or heading for the bullpen. Dodging about several of the larger officers, the fox and bunny quickly made for the electronic punch clock, scanning their RFID cards and relieving themselves of duty.

"Time to hit the showers." said Nick, loosening his tie and undoing the uncomfortably tight top button of his uniform shirt. "Meet you out front in fifteen."

Nick paused briefly to admire Judy's attractive rear as she bounced off to toward the female change rooms. Anyone shooting him more than a cursory glance would catch onto his ogling, although the consequences of their fraternisation were the last thing on the todd's mine.

"Well, Nick, you could have done a heck of a lot worse..."

Grinning smugly to himself, he ambled his way across the foyer to the adjacent changing rooms. He pushed his way inside, shuffling past a few larger mammals and stepping up to his locker. As he was casually removing his uniform, folding the still-stained shirt into his duffle bag, a figure, larger than the fox by a head, slinked up behind him.

Nick's smile disappeared.

"Afternoon, Bruno." he said, furrowing his brow. "Didn't expect to see you back so soon."

"The suspension was only for three days." replied the large timber wolf. "You seem in an awfully good mood."

"Well, I was just so thrilled that you were enjoying some well deserved time off."

"Please, Nick, this snout isn't just for show, I could smell the feminine scent on you when you walked in."

Nick froze, his tail puffing up. Bruno had been on his case since his first day on the job, and showed little signs of relenting even after a three day suspension. For whatever reason, be it that he was particularly aggressive, even by wolf standards, or that he had simply taken a disliking to the fox, he had taken it upon himself to make Nick's life difficult. Of course, Nick had endured, after all, he was respectable now, and wasn't about to let some snide wolf get him down.

Although, being a wolf, he had an exceptional nose.

"I don't know about that, Bruno." quipped Nick. "Perhaps you're playing for the other team and you've only just figured it out. Nothing wrong with that, after all, you know what they say about Zootopia..."

"Funny." replied the wolf. "But there aren't any rules against that. Getting involved with a coworker, though..."

"Sorry, big guy, maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't know what you're talking about."

"No, of course not." said the wolf, sniffing the air a few times. "She smells nice though, a bit fruity, a bit like...carrots?"

Before Nick could retort, the wolf had skulked away, disappearing behind a row of lockers without a word.


The fox changed quickly into his typical attire; a patterned green shirt and tan trousers, before dashing out of the change room, duffle bag in paw and eager to rendezvous with his bunny.

"Oh, hey there you!" came the call from Benjamin Clawhauser, the obese cheetah cramming a donut down his gullet as he spoke. "Where you off to so quickly?"

"Nowhere in particular." chirped Nick. "Today's just a good day!"

"That's the spirit, go get 'em, foxy!"

Laughing at the ever-cheerful cheetah's embarrassingly lame comments, Nick flipped his shades back down before exiting the building, emerging into the late afternoon sun. Rush hour was in full swing, and both the streets and sidewalk were jam packed with cars and mammals alike. Through smaller than most, Nick was deft and lithe enough to dart between the larger mammals, quickly making his way through the crowd toward where Judy stood.

"Hey Nick, you ready?

You could have knocked him over with a feather. Apart from the few times he had seen Judy in her casual clothes, his image of the bunny was one of a uniformed police officer. Even in those rare instances, she had worn a rather modest long sleeved top with black or grey trousers.

Not so today.

The plain top had been discarded in favour of a loosely fitting white blouse, and in place of her typical trousers was a short, green skirt, complete with a lace hem. She bounced happily in place, purple eyes gazing up at him. The fox stood motionless, gawking for several seconds, completely oblivious all else but the bunny standing in front of him.

"Wow." he finally said, "Judy, you look great, where did all this come from?"

She scratched at her head sheepishly as she replied. "Well, I uh...brought these a few weeks ago. I was....kinda hoping you'd...ask me out on a date...at some point."

"What's this?" inquired Nick, his face splitting into a sly grin. "The incorruptible Officer Hopps was thinking about breaking the rules?"

"Jeez, Nick, you make it sound like we're robbing a bank. So, are we?"

Nick blinked a few times. "Are we what?"

"Going on a date, dumb fox!"

"Date? I thought we'd just..."

It was Judy's turn to grin, her voice taking on a distinctly mischievous tone. "I know you've got more class than that; you didn't think you could just a bunny home and have your way with her without showing her a good time first, did you?"

"The thought had occurred to me..."

"Well hold onto that." said Judy, perking up. "I want to see a movie!"

"You bunnies." sighed Nick, placing his paw on Judy's head. "End of the working week and you're still so full of energy. Sure, let's hit the cinema."


Judy bounded from the cinema exit, happily bouncing about the sidewalk with Nick trailing closely behind.

"That was awesome!" she said, throwing her arms above her head and whooping a few time. "Did you see all the blood? It was so gruesome!"

"I hadn't picked you for liking horror movies so much." said Nick, his paws in his pockets as he strolled casually behind the hyperactive rabbit.

"Are you kidding? They're awesome! Blood, blood! Death!"

She hopped a few times, acting out the motions of blood and organs spilling from an imaginary chest would.

After the lame display, she spun around on her heels, looking up at Nick with her paws behind her back. "Not your thing?"

"I prefer plain old action movies." he replied. "Or anything that just lets me switch my brain off."

Judy rolled her eyes. "Aw, c'mon Nick. Not scared, are you?"


With a slight giggle, she skipped up to Nick, linking both her arms about his and pulling it to her chest. "Well, aren't you lucky you've got a sweet little cuddly bunny to keep you company when things get too scary!"

Nick nipped playfully at her ears. "Guess I am."

The two mammals had wanders perhaps half way down the street, towards the bus stop that would take them to Nick's apartment, when Judy's stomach started to growl.

"Hungry, are we?" asked Nick.

"Well, we didn't have any lunch today!"

"That's not entirely true..."

Judy blushed slightly. "So, what are you going to cook me for dinner?"

"Hadn't thought about it." replied Nick. "I don't think I have any bunny chow at home..."

"I'm happy to eat whatever you normally have, Nick." said Judy. "Um, what do you normally eat?"

"I like to eat a balanced diet. All the major food groups; pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, fries..." he started counting them off on his free paw.

"...icecream?" added Judy.

"I prefer apple pie and whipped cream myself."

"What about popsicles?"

Nick cocked his eyebrow. "I wouldn't know..."

"Sure thing, dumb fox." said Judy. "But you can't go feeding me all that, surely you can cook something better than that!"


"Sweet cheese and crackers, Nick, carbs carb carbs! How do you stay so..." she poked him in the stomach. "...thin?"

"Chasing bunnies about."

Judy returned her paw to Nick's arm, hugging tightly. "Well, you got me!"

Judy didn't know what she had expected in seeing Nick's apartment for the first time. Her mental images of con-artists always had them living in some dingy, damp box with bare brick walls as mouldy carpet, festooned with empty bottles of alcohol and cigarette packets. A lone computer would sit in the corner atop a rickety desk, covered with notes and numbers scrawled on scrap paper.

Nick's apartment hardly fit the bill.

While the walls were indeed bare brick, the main living area, comprising of an open-plan kitchen, dining and living area, was minimally furnished; only a small table, couch and television set along with the kitchen counter and a few bookshelves were to be found. Upon the walls hung an arrangement of tacky artwork, depicting an assortment of feminine mammals in various states of undress. Adjoining the main room was what Judy assumed was a bedroom and bathroom. It was spacious, but far from opulent.

"All this on two hundred a day, huh?" she said.

"Rent's only three hundred a week." replied Nick, pacing his way toward the kitchen. "Drink?"

"Got any juice?"

"Sure thing, Carrots, just come around here..."

Judy followed Nick into the small kitchen, pushing her way in front of the fox as he opened the fridge door.

"Hey Nick, it's just beer in here, where's the... HEY!"

Judy felt one of the Fox's arms wrap about her midriff, hauling her lithe frame upward. As her feet left the ground, Nick cleared the kitchen countertop with a sweep of his free paw, clattering an assortment of tupperware and utensils to the floor and depositing the bunny on her back atop a cutting board.

"Nick!" she chuckled as the fox's mouth found her neck, nipping and kissing gently along her collarbone. "The bunny is not for eating!"

"Oh yes she is!"

Pressing both her arms down above her head with one of his own, Nick used his free arm to trace a line up her leg, caressing and feeling the soft fur under her skirt. Just before hitting her panty line, his paw retreated and shot for her blouse. Using his fingers and teeth, Nick popped each button on her blouse in succession, scattering them across the countertop. As the garment peeled open, he wasted no time with her bra, slicing through the clasp and straps with his claws and tearing it from her body. Her tiny, pert breasts bounded into view.

"Geez, looks like someone is hungry and...ohhh...OOOHHHHHH!"

Nick's long, vulpine tongue lashed out, circling about Judy's breast before flicking the nipple. She squirmed against his grasp, breathing heavily as Nick moved to the other breast, bathing it as he had the first.

"Hmmmm, is foxy going to eat up his bunny?" cooed Judy

Nick let out a faux growl, his mouth and tongue continuing their assault on her breasts. He reached out, blindly grasping about the still-open fridge until his fingers clasped about a cold, metallic object.

"Oh he is." purred Nick, pulling out the whipped cream. "But first she needs to be a bit...sweeter."

"Naughty fox...ahhh...having your...hmmm...dessert before dinner!"

Judy giggled as the cream gushed from the canister, covering her erect nipple and leaving a trail down her belly. The cool sensation was quickly replaced by Nick's warm tongue, heavily licking and swirling about her breast, scooping up the sweetness as it heightened the young bunny's pleasure, her giggles slowly turning into moans and gasps. After a final, agonisingly slow lick, he began trailing downward, dragging his tongue across Judy's belly. He released her arms, allowing her to grasp hold of his head as he dipped his tongue into her belly button. Gently, he grabbed at her ankles and slowly traced his paws upward, rubbing softly at her silky thighs.

All the while, his mouth moved lower and lower. He could smell her; hot, wet and ready.

"Please, Nick." she moaned, fruitlessly pushing his head downward. "I need it...I need it..."

"Need what, Carrots?" His voice dripped with carnal desire.

"I need it...I need you!"

Nick bit into her thigh, a little harder than would be playful, but not enough to draw blood. His eyes darted up, locking with hers. Her paws rubbed at his ears.


Nick removed his muzzle, trailing a few strands of saliva. "Say it for me, Carrots, beg me for it..."

He placed his paws on her knees and pushed, parting her legs. Judy's skirt rode up and bunched about her waist, exposing her panties, tight fitting purple and black striped with a thin line of lace about the waistband, topped with a tiny bow.

Nick paid little attention to the details, his eyes, and nose, were squarely fixated on the large damp patch between the bunny's thighs. He leaned in and pressed his nose to the fabric, inhaling her sweet, erotic scent deep into his lungs.

"Say it for me, tell me what you want."

Another sniff.

Judy shut her eyes tight. "P...please, Nick...l-lick..."

"Lick what?"



Nick slipped his thumb under the elastic of Judy's panties, pulling the crotch to the side and exposing her sex, hot, intoxicating and dripping wet. Thousands of years of predatory instinct kicked in, and Nick dove forward. He mashed his nose into Judy's folds, followed by his tongue, and licked slowly upward, first pushing into her love tunnel before tracing along her labia and finishing with a suck of her clit. Pulling back momentarily, he licked his own lips, greedily lapping up Judy's juices as they coated his muzzle, before again sealing his mouth about her pussy.

"Oh god!" Her paws left Nick's ears and shot to her face. "Oh god...OH GOD!"

Nick renewed his efforts, licking deeply, his long tongue covering every inch of her sex. Her juices flowed freely, dribbling down her thighs and coating the countertop. Nick lapped eagerly, drinking up what he could as he plunged his tongue into her snatch time and time again, each thrust eliciting gasps of pleasure from the bunny.

"That's it!" she yelled. "Eat me! Eat your prey!"

Judy's vocalisation served onto drive Nick harder, his vulpine sex drive kicking up a notch. His licks came fast and furious, trailing from just above her anus, through her folds and to her clit, flicking several times with each pass. He added his paw to the mix, slamming two fingers up to the knuckle into her tunnel, frantically fingerblasting her g-spot when his tongue was occupied elsewhere. She squirmed, harder and harder, he paws grasping about, knocking what little remained on the countertop to the floor.

Nick was on autopilot, his only concern to eat up as much of this delicious, hot bunny cunt as he could. The scent overwhelmed him, completely overriding his sense with every breath. There was nothing else, just the heaven that lay between Judy's thighs.


A few quick licks, followed by one final, slow suck of her sensitive clit, and Judy exploded. Her hips thrust upward, attempting to smear the fox's muzzle across her loins as she gushed, her love juices spurting forth. Nick sealed his mouth about the opening and drank deeply, soaking up every drop of her essence. His paws grasped and kneaded at her buttocks, pushing her pussy harder into his maw.

He continued to milk Judy to the last drop, dipping his tongue one last time, writhing and twisting it about within her before finally releasing her, setting her gently back down upon the countertop and letting her completely drenched panties slide back into place.

Judy wasted no time in pouncing forward, wrapping her thighs about Nick's chest and kissing him deeply, tasting her own flavour for the first time. Her slipped into his mouth, wrestling with his, her paws pulling at his shirt, drawing him closer.

"Oh sweet cheese and crackers that was amazing." She panted lustfully, coming up for breath. "I love you, oh god I love you so much."

The kiss continued, wild and feral, with the surprised fox eventually reciprocating, wrapping his arms behind Judy's back and cradling her.

It broke as sudden as it had begun. Judy hopped down, blouse still hanging open, her bare breasts on display. Her eyes were full of fire, savage and purple, her gaze piercing, longing.

She tore at his trousers. "I want more, Nick. I want your foxcock, I want to suck it. Fuck me, eat me, do what you want...I need my fox..."

She flailed ineffectually at his belt buckle. "My fox...my fox..."

Nick's senses returned to him. He wanted nothing more than to pound this bunny until neither of them could stand, hard, fast and with utter disregard for decency, long into the night. He wanted to hear her scream his name, cry and beg for more, whimper at his attentions and wrap her legs about him and he thrust his foxhood and deep as he could.

If he was going to do it, though, he'd make it last.

Nick pried Judy from his lower half, picking up her light, slender form and sitting her down upon the still-wet kitchen counter.

"Don't be so eager, Carrots, perhaps I want to play with my food a bit more." he grinned, nipping at her a few times.

Judy's breathing slowly returned to normal. "That's felines, you dumb fox."

He planted a kiss on her forehead. "This is Zootopia, anyone can be...you get the idea."

"Maybe." She replied, leaning forward and touching her nose to Nick's. "But some things can't be changed. You can't expect to get a bunny all hot and heavy and get away with it. That piece of meat in your pants is mine, Nicholas P. Wilde."

"I'll hold you to that."

Judy traced her finger along his arm. "You better."

"But!" Said Nick, pushing back from the benchtop and opening one of the cupboards adorning the kitchen. "Even naughty foxes who eat their dessert first need food. Pasta?"

Judy suddenly realised how hungry she was. "Sure!"


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"We...need to talk about your cooking."

Nick tilted his head, eyeing the bunny with confusion. "What's wrong with my cooking? I've lived off it for twenty years."

Judy rolled her eyes. "Melted cheese on spaghetti isn't a meal!"

"It is and it's delicious." said Nick defiantly.

Judy poked at the remains of her meal. Despite the general lack of any flavour more complex or interesting than cheese, she had eaten most of it, hungry as she was. Nick's meal, which he had topped with a few protein flakes, had disappeared almost instantly. He had spent the remainder of their dinner sitting and staring at the bunny, commenting every time she flicked a globule of cheese onto her cheek or nose. She had wrapped one of Nick's ties about her midriff as a substitute for her shirt's missing buttons. With her bra gone, and the top still hanging open slightly, Nick had a fantastic view.

Decided that she was full, Judy stood up from her chair and set about exploring Nick's apartment as the fox cleared away their plates.

"Do you get many visitors?" she asked, casually flicking through a pile of magazines on the couch.

"No, not really." came the response from the kitchen. "Sometimes Finnic comes around to play cards."

Judy's ears perked up. "Cards? Where!?"

She bounced about excitedly, jumping about the apartment, searching high and low.

Nick held up his paw, grasping a deck of patterned playing cards. "Looking for these?"

His partner bounded excitedly up to him, grinning broadly, eyes lit up in anticipation.

"Let's play!"

Nick's face split into yet another sly grin as he leaned forward to level his face with Judy's "Are you sure? I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty good."

"Is that so?" said Judy, attempting to match his shrewd expression. "Well I'm not bad myself, you don't grow up with two hundred and seventy five brothers and sisters without learning a few tricks."

Nick reared up to his full height, keeping the deck just out of reach of the rabbit as she hopped up and down, eager to get her paws on it.

"That sounds like a challenge." he said. "Why don't we make it interesting?"

"I don't think it would be appropriate for two police officers to gamble..."

"I'm not talking about money." continued Nick. "I'm talking about...these."

He tugged at her shirt.

"Oh you sly fox. Sure, why not, but I warn you, I'm not going to go..." she placed her paw over his crotch. "...easy on you."

"Game on."

Judy threw her cards down in disgust. "What?! You cheated!!"

Nick chuckled, shuffling his own hand back into the deck. "I told you, Carrots. Did you seriously think a bunny from the burrows was going to beat a sly, city fox?"

"But how did you? I don't..."

"Pretty easy." Replied Nick. "You've got a terrible tell."


"Whenever you're bluffing, your nose twitches. Sorry, sweetheart, but it's just too easy..."

Judy pouted. "Fine! One last game, I'll show you!"

Nick looked Judy up and down. "And what will you be putting on the line, you lost these..." he flicked at the elastic of her panties. "...last game.

The two mammals sat on the floor in front of Nick's television set in nothing but their underwear. Judy's skirt and blouse lay discarded, tossed atop the couch, as too did the majority of Nick's clothing. Despite Judy's complaints, they were currently two games to three, with Judy having won the first two, following by Nick taking the last three.

Which should have seen the bunny lose her final piece of clothing.

"Just deal, dumb Fox." Judy stuck out her tongue.

"Well alright then." he said, dishing out cards. "But if you lose this one, you're going to have to do a bit more than just take off those cute little panties of yours."

"No fair! I should get a free piece. After all, you ripped my bra!"

"Three pieces each, Carrots, you don't see me complaining. If I win, you have to do exactly what I tell you. You game?"

She grinned. "Fine, let's see what you got, fox."

They picked up their dealt cards and studied them intently. Their eyes darted back and forth, from their hand to each other, looking for the slightest sign that something, anything was awry. Nick scratched casually at his flank.

"One piece." he said.

"I'll raise you two!"

"Two? You don't have two pieces."

"You'll just have to use your imagination."

"Ok." continued Nick. "I'll call that."

He eyed both Judy and his cards closely, watching for any signs of a tick or tell.

"Ace and four..."

Judy's nose twitched. Nick's eyes darted to the cards already placed on the floor in front of him.

"Well, unless you've got anything else to add, let's see what you got." He drew the final few words out.

"Ha!" Judy threw down her cards. A straight, six through ten. "Thought you saw a little twitch there, did you, dumb fox?"

Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Guess you got me good, Carrots, except..."

Full house, aces full of kings. Judy's jaw dropped.

Nick stood up and stretched, still clad in nothing but his boxers.

"Warned you." he quipped smugly, sitting himself upon his couch and crossing his legs. "Loose 'em."

Judy stood up, her paws moving down her sides and hooking into the waistband of her still-soaked panties. "You're awful."

"Oh no no no." interrupted Nick. "You've got to do better than that. Turn around, pull them down slowly."

"Does foxy want a show?" said Judy with a coy grin.

"He does, and you're going to give him one."

Slowly, Judy turned around and bent over, spreading her feet apart as she did so. With a sensual gyration of her hips, she gradually pulled the panties down, teasingly bring each inch of her shapely rear into view.


As her fluffy tail popped free, she dropped her panties all the way to her feet, kicking them off and backward, landing next to Nick. Her heated, dripping sex was on full display, glistening wet and ready.

She shifted her hips a few more times. "So what does my fox want to do with his bunny now that she's all helpless and naked in front of him?"

Nick's boxers could barely contain his raging hardon, tenting them so thoroughly that they might as well have been transparent.

"You're two pieces in the red, Carrots, don't think wiggling your cute little butt at me it going to pay off. On your arms and legs."

Judy dropped to her knees, keeping her posterior spread, parting her lower lips, for the benefit of the fox. She fell forward onto her paws, glancing back over her shoulder with another shake of her behind.

"Face down, ass up." Commanded Nick, leaning forward on the sofa, his breaths coming in short and sharp.

Judy obliged, pressing her chest into the rug. She grabbed pawsfuls of the fabric, her heart pounding in her chest. She was in such a vulnerable, inviting position, on display for the fox, beckoning him in, ready to let him do whatever he wanted.

"Nick." she whimpered. "This...this is so embarrassing."

Nick's voice came in low and sultry. "It's about to get worse."


"Masturbate for me."

She had no time to think; her paws moved on their own, shooting for her aching cunt. Starting slow was the last thing on her mind and she plunged two fingering into her searing hot tunnel and began pumping them back and forth at a furious pace. The smell and sound of her shameless display filled the apartment instantly, wet, musky and obscene. Nick began to drool.

Judy was already moaning in pleasure. "This...ah...this is...so..ohhhh...so wrong..."

"Tell me...tell me what it feels like." The fox's eyes had a savage glint in them, focusing unblinkingly on the bunny's cunt.

"It feels...so good. Oh Nick, watch me...watch your bunny finger fuck herself!"

And watch he did. Nick's eyes were glued to the sight before him; Judy wantonly and needily thrusting her fingers in and out of her pussy, wailing and whimpering at the sensation.

"That's...that's it..." panted Nick, every fibre of his being urging him to take the bunny there and then. "T-tell me how much you enjoy it."

"Oh god, I love it, I love doing this for my fox, I love being your little slutty fuck bunny! I need you!"

He resisted. Judy continued her assault, arching her back and thrusting her rear higher into the air, doubling her efforts and adding an additional finger. Beams of bunny juice dribbled down her thighs; the occasional spurt splattering the rug and floorboards. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hung from her mouth.

"I need more..." she gasped, barely coherent. "Please..."

Nick remained seated; Judy had yet to pay off her debt.



"yes...yes...OH FUCK...p..please Nick, this...I'm going to cum."

"Then cum for me."

Judy didn't need to be instructed twice. She thrust her fingers into her pussy one last time, mercilessly working at her g-spot. Her scream pierced the air as she climaxed, her tiny body convulsing as a stream of bunny cum jetted out, splashing across Nick's lap and soaking through to his rock-hard member. Her paw continued to rub at her puffy, swollen lips for a few seconds longer before she collapsed, rolling onto her back and panting heavily.

Nick was on her in a flash, biting and kissing. his tongue lashed out, lapping at sucking at every inch of her body, drinking in her spilled essence. He frantically tore his boxers away, his pulsating foxhood springing free from its confines.

"Is my bunny ready?" he breathed, speaking huskily into her ear. "Is my bunny ready for her fox?"

Judy's response came in a long, sultry moan. "Ooohhh, looks who's needy now. Poor, pent-up up foxy."

Her paw pumped at his shaft a few times.

"But if you want somewhere to put that hunk of meat, you're going to have to...play by my rules for a bit..."

Nick grinned, still pinning the bunny down. "Does my little prey think she's a predator now?"

"She does."

He leaned in further, pressing his chest to hers. "But you still owe me one more show...I can have those fingers of yours slamming in and out of that pussy any...time...I...want."

"Would be such a waste then there's so much more I could do for you."

Nick sat up, his cock slapping against his stomach, Judy's paw still stroking at it sensually.

"And what might that be?"

Judy leaned forward and gave Nick's shaft a single, tantalisingly slow lick from base to head. Her breath teased at him as she gave the tip a few final flicks of her tongue before replacing it with her paw once again.

"Sit down and find out." she said. "It's my turn now."

A/N: And that's it! Tried to go with a bit of a predator/prey theme with this one, without taking it too far, while keeping the characters sweet and lovable.

Given how popular Zootopia seems to be, I'm happy to keep adding chapters if people keep reading them. You guys are awesome and I want to create stuff that you enjoy!

So, while I have a few ideas, I'd love to hear where you guys want this to go. What do you want Nick and Judy to get up to next? This is all about what YOU want; I'm happy to keep writing!

If you've got an idea, or something you'd like to see in a future chapter, drop a comment and I'll try to work it in. As always, feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated, it helps me improve!

Already working on the next chapter, should be along in a week or two!