Otter's Daily Life- Toy Shopping With Dad

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#58 of Otter's Daily Life

Arty catches Kyle using his fleshlight, but instead of getting grounded Kyle gets a new toy.

Kyle was bored. He just laid around in his room. It was only him and Dad home since the girls wanted a "girl's day out" before school started. However, it was the tail end of the summer, so Kyle had played all his video games, watched everything he wanted to on Netflix, and had masturbated so many times that he lost count of it all. He just laid in bed when he heard something. It sounded like a man moaning. Kyle immediately got up to investigate.

He followed the sound up to his parents' bedroom, and lucky for him the door wasn't closed all the way. The moans were loud and accompanied by a squelching noise. Kyle looked in and discovered something amazing. His dad had put a fleshlight in between his and Mom's mattress and box spring. He was facing away from the door so Kyle would watch his well toned rump as it thrusted in and out of the toy. Every once in awhile he'd moan out, or call Mom's name as he fucked the toy.

Kyle didn't dare masturbate, but he knew for sure he was leaving new pre stains on his undies. He watched his father's every movement for about ten minutes before his dad shouted "I'm cumming!" and thrusted hard enough into the toy to make the bed shake. His rump clenched and his balls spasmed with each rope of cum he shot into the toy. He was being so loud and care free that he must have thought Kyle went out with Jean and their Mom. After holding himself in the toy for a minute, Dad pulled out and left the toy in their bed, and turned towards the door.

Kyle thought quickly and hid behind the door, so when his dad opened it he was shielded by the open door. Kyle listened intently as his dad walked down the hall to the bathroom, and then heard the shower turn on. Thinking he had time, Kyle snuck into his parent's room, undressing as he walked. The boyott found the used toy, still where his dad had left if in the bed. Kyle positioned his cock at the toy's entrance and slid in. It was so cum soaked that he didn't even need to lube it up first.

In and out, Kyle thrusted without holding back. Fucking it enough to make loud squelching noises, but not so hard that he moved the bed. He closed his eyes and imagined it was his mother's pussy he was fucking, the warmth his dad left in the toy goading on that fantasy. Kyle felt his dad's semen spill out of the fleshlight as he fucked it, coating his balls and cock in a thick coat of otter spoo. He lost himself in that toy, and it wasn't much longer before he gave one long thrust and shot his load into the toy. He held himself in it as he came, but didn't get to enjoy much of an afterglow.

"So I guess you didn't go out with your mother and sister then?" Asked Dad, standing in the door.

Kyle froze, unsure what to do. He pulled out of the toy and, without a means to cover himself, put his paws over his softening cock and balls. Turning around, he expected his father to be incredibly pissed off, but he actually looked ready to laugh. Kyle was caught off guard, to say the least.

"Well, I guess you found my little secret, son." Laughed Dad, who must have realized that he was also naked.

"Your secret?" Asked Kyle, unsure if he could gather his clothes or not.

"Yeah, your mother doesn't know I have this toy. I figured she'd be mad if she found out I did. Go ahead and wash it for me while I make the bed." Said Dad, jovially.

Kyle grabbed the toy and held it like a cup so none of the mixture of otter jizz could spill out. He quickly washed it in the bathroom sink, then returned it to his father. Finally getting dressed, Kyle stood around as his dad hid the toy in his bedside table drawer. Still naked, Dad sat down on his newly made bed and looked at Kyle.

"Keep this to yourself and we can look into getting you your own, okay?" Asked Dad, a little nervous.

"Okay, Dad." Nodded Kyle, unsure of what was happening. He expected his stern, angry dad. Not some laid back and relaxed man. Did cumming make him cool?

"Is something wrong, Kyle?" Asked Dad, looking concerned at his son.

"N-no. Nothing's wrong. I'll just be going." Said Kyle, leaving his parents' room.

There weren't many days before school started. The next day was another day Dad had off. He found Kyle in the morning and told his son he was taking him back to school shopping. Jean asked to go, but Dad said it was "just for the boys this time." Kyle got in his dad's car, unsure of where his dad was taking him.

"We're going to a favorite store of mine, and don't tell your mother I took you there. She might think you're too young to go to the Red Light District." Cautioned Dad to Kyle.

It took all of Kyle's willpower not to smirk or laugh at that statement. He was very familiar with the Red Light District, he just hoped no one there recognized him. Dad found parking easily and walked his son to a toy shop. The LoveJoy Toy Shop, to be precise. Kyle looked around in awe, he hadn't been to the LoveJoy Toy Shop yet.

"Arty!" Exclaimed the beaver girl at the register.

"Hi, Shelly!" Greeted Dad.

"You came in at a great time, we just got more of that lubricant you love in!" Smiled Shelly.

"Great! I'll be sure to grab some. But, I have another reason for coming. My son needs his first fleshlight." Explained Dad.

"Are you sure he's old enough to be here? He looks pretty young." Asked Shelly.

"Yes, he'll be 19 soon." Responded Dad.

"Perfect then, go pick out your preferred model and I'll show him how to use it." Smiled Shelly.

Dad nodded and walked Kyle over to the fleshlight display. There were numerous models and options. Dad offered Kyle a canine tailhole one, thinking of his jackal boyfriend. Kyle took the toy and walked it over to the register while Dad went to grab them both some lube. Shelly grinned at the blushing ottboy.

"First time in here?" Asked Shelly.

"Y-yes..." Blushed Kyle.

"Perfect. If you'll follow me to the back..." Said Shelly, showing Kyle the way.

"To the back?" Wondered Kyle.

"At LoveJoy we show our customers how to use and service their new toys. Please follow me." Explained Shelly, who lead the blushing otter to their back room. Dad watched from the corner of his eye as Shelly lead his son into the back room and shut the door, then chuckled to himself. Shelly turned to face Kyle, who was unsure what to do.

"Pants and undies down, young man." Grinned Shelly.

Kyle froze, he was shocked that this was happening. After a short time of Kyle not getting undressed, Shelly set down the toy and lube on the bench and knelt down in front of Kyle. She undid his belt and shorts button, unzipping his fly and pulling them down gently to reveal his sister's panties. To Kyle's embarrassment, they were complete with pre stains, with a new one forming at the tip of the erection he had the entire time he was in the store. Shelly grinned at Kyle and the boyott pulled down his panties, revealing his dripping uncut otter cock.

"Wow, like father like son." Muttered Shelly, loud enough for Kyle to hear, causing him to blush more. "Please, sit down."

Kyle sat down on the bench. Shelly liberally lubed up Kyle's cock and the toy, then placed the toy's entrance at Kyle's cock tip. She slowly lowered the toy on Kyle, who let out a low moan. Remembering his father could probably hear, the ottboy put his paws over his muzzle as Shelly stroked his length with the toy. It felt different than his dad's toy, not better or worse, just different. It wasn't much longer before Kyle was holding back moans and groans as he shot his load deep into the fleshlight. Shelly didn't need to hear them, she saw Kyle tense up and thrust gently into her strokes. After a few minutes Kyle's orgasm died down and he and Shelly just sat there in silence.

"Wow, you sure do cum a lot." Said Shelly, breaking the silence.

"S-sorry." Mumbled Kyle, embarrassed again and quickly getting dressed.

"No need to be sorry, just sure you give it a good washing in the bathroom across the hall and bring it up to the register." Smiled Shelly, upending the toy and handing it to Kyle.

Kyle went to wash to toy and Shelly went back to the register. She met Kyle's Dad at the register, who then paid for a few bottles of lube and the fleshlight.

"Your son is something else." Said Shelly.

"Is he now?" Asked Dad, surprised that his former shut in son could impress a girl.

"Oh yeah, feel free to bring him back anytime for a refresher course on how to use his toy." Smiled Shelly.

Kyle returned to the front desk with the clean toy and Shelly boxed it up. The two otters left the store with nondescript black bags, wondering how they would sneak what they bought back in the house without Jean or Mom finding out. When they got back to the car Dad broke their silence.

"You made quite an impression on Shelly, son." Said Dad.

"I did?" Asked Kyle.

"Yeah, I think if you didn't have a boyfriend you could get a date easily." Replied Dad.

"I'll keep that in mind." Said Kyle.

The two otters drove off, hoping they could sneak their purchases home. Kyle would of course show Jean what he and Dad bought and tell her about Shelly, but it might be best if Mom didn't know. The two rode in silence, not really sure what to say to each other.

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