
Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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Dr. Kenny Lincoln and his assistant Mink are on their way back to Federation space after a long expedition to a planet covered in thick, wild jungle. Their cargo hold is full of new and unusual critters, but one in particular stands out to Kenny. Sentient ferals are few and far between in the galaxy, and Kenny is eager to learn as much as he can about them as possible.


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The ship hurdled through space at high warp, ready to stop at the nearest starbase and resupply. They had just come from a jungle planet teeming with life. They had plucked a few specimens from the eco system and caged them away in the ship's cargo hold. For the most part, the jungle appeared not dissimilar from any other they had visited. Large, agile predators. Countless birds in every color of the rainbow. Plenty of serpents and lizards crawling about. And more mosquitos than any single planet really needed.

The cheetah hummed thoughtfully as he stared down at his report. That didn't really sound very scientific, did it? It didn't really convey much information either. The rest of the lengthy report was clear and concise, but the number of mosquitos was ambiguous at best. Two mosquitos were more than any single planet needed. Still, any good conclusion needed a bit of levity in it. After so much hard facts had been laid out, may as well end on some humor.

He dropped the padd on the console and glanced out at the stars rushing by. Why not go check on the subjects of his report? He stood up and straightened his white coat more out of habit than anything.

"Computer, alert me when we get to starbase," Kenny called out as he turned and made his way toward the cargo hold. The computer gave him an affirmative beep and was silent again.

When he came into the hold, he glanced about at the numerous caves strewn about, their denizens lounging about in boredom or forced docility. Clarice, the raptor Mink had taken as his own personal pet, lifted her head and stared at him expectantly and Dr. Lincoln gave a lazy wave as if she were sentient. She wasn't of course, but as far as Mink was concerned she was part of the crew. She might as well be, by now.

"Computer, where is Mink now?"

</Mink is in his quarters.> the computer's flat, feminine voice responded.

Kenny hummed thoughtfully and glanced back at Clarice. Sure enough, thick white seed still oozed from her vent. "Tucker the poor boy out?" he asked.

Clarice chirped at him then settled her head back on the floor of her cage. She certainly acted it sometimes, but Kenny knew she wasn't sentient.

Which was more than he could say for their latest haul.

Kenny stopped in front of the door of a cage near the back. The monitor beside the door read 'Lupus-caracalus' and within, there sat a canine creature larger than most Earth breeds. Its fur was a sandy brown bot mottled with darker brown and light gold spots very similar to Kenny's own markings. Atop the creature's head, two long, pointed ears swiveled toward him, each tipped with several inches of long dark hair that swayed and emoted as if the little follicles themselves were prehensile.

Two intense blue eyes stared at him patiently, expectantly. The lids narrowed and the ears swiveled ever so slightly. The lupus-caracalus quirked a brow very much unlike any dog species Kenny had ever met.

But that was because she was like no dog he had ever met. Lupus-caracalus were sentient beasts. In fact, many of the species in the jungle were sentient, albeit feral. With the exception of several of the ape-like species they had encountered, the sentient species of that planet lacked apposable thumbs. But they were organized, communicated with one another, and had shown the ability to reason.

Sadly, the universal translators could not decipher what they all said. Much of their communication was nonverbal. Strangely, the language barrier did not go both ways.

"How are you doing in there, good?" Kenny asked, putting the question of how she understood him out of his mind.

The Lupus-caracal nodded once and tilted her head.

"Hungry?" he asked, leaning his arms against the bars of the cage.

She shook her head from side to side.

"Probably just bored right? Not a whole lot to do on a starship like this. But you did volunteer."

After discovering their sentience, Kenny and Mink had presented themselves to the lupus-caracalus pack they had been watching and explained who and what they were, then asked if any would be willing to come away with them, allow them to learn about their species and in exchange, learn about the world beyond their own. Many snarled and threatened to attack. But this one had placed herself between them and after what sounded like quite the heated discussion, moved to their sides.

And there she sat, simply staring at Kenny patiently.

He reached up and triggered the lock on the cage. The door slid open and he stepped in, making sure to close it behind him. He knelt down in front of the alien creature and smirked. She was a little taller than him now. When he was standing, her head would have been about even with his lower chest.

"I would again like to apologize. We don't have quarters set up for anybody but Mink and I. And I doubt you could use our facilities."

She huffed at him and tilted her head, obviously not understanding.

"We don't have places to sleep for anyone but the two of us," he said instead.

She licked her chops, eying him up and down before she whined and reached out to touch her nose to his chest.

"What?" he asked, reaching out to scratch behind one of her long ears. She leaned into the affections and whined again. "You want to share my quarters?"

She chuffed a little and nodded her head.

"Well, I guess it would be better than being here with the other animals, hm? You aren't exactly as... feral as they are. Just... try not to get into anything you don't understand. Got it?"

She nodded then leapt up and bounced about excitedly.

Kenny laughed and nodded. "Alright, come on." He stood up and moved back to the door. It slid open and together they wandered through the ship. The lupus-caracalus walked at his side, looking this way and that with the curiosity of any earth cat. But she never ventured.

When Kenny opened his modest cabin's door, she rushed in and spun in circles, trying to look at everything at once. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"It isn't much, and I only have one bed," it was more of a plain cot, really. He had a holodesk, a closed dresser with his clothes, and a simple cot against the far wall. Not much else, really. The cot itself was a durable but slim slab of duranium that extended out of the wall about waist height. There was plenty of space beneath it. He waved to it and smiled. "You can sleep under there, if you like. I can lay down some blankets for you."

She nodded and spun in place before she settled on her haunches, staring intently at the space under the bed.

"Alright then!" he said merrily and pulled an extra blanket out of the bottom drawer of his dresser. He knelt down and ducked under the bed to spread the gray fabric out as makeshift bedding for-...

"HEY!" he said, giving a start at the firm prodding under his tail he was getting by the lupus-caracalus's nose. "What are you doing back there?" he asked, emerging from beneath the bed to stare at the alien canine standing behind him.

She whimpered and settled on her haunches, revealing the pink tip of her growing arousal emerging from the thick, furry sheathe between her legs.

"Oh, that's right," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "I forgot your species are hermaphroditic." He turned to face her and sat on his heels. He rubbed his chin, watching his new roommate for a moment as he mulled it over in his head.

Finally, he shrugged and lifted himself to his feet. "You know what, why not? I'm always open to try new things." Piece by piece, he pulled his clothes off and folded them neatly atop his bed. He turned to face the eagerly waiting lupus-caracalus and held up a finger. "Just so we're clear, if we do this, I get to fuck you too!"

She nodded eagerly and haruffed at him.

Chuckling, Kenny knelt down and crawled toward the alien. He reached out and gently curled his fingers around the lupus-caracalus's arousal and started to gently stroke her from tip to sheathe. She was hot, almost scalding. And the rate at which she grew to full arousal was astounding! Soon, she was rocking her hips, grinding her arousal against his palm. His fingertips barely touched, and the tool was as long as his forearm!

"I don't think it's going to fit, love," Kenny said, setting on his heels. "Will you be content with me just pawing you off?"

She whined and nosed at his hip.

He sighed heavily then shrugged. "Alright, but if I say stop, you gotta stop. Deal?"

She gave an impatient nod and huffed.

Slowly, Kenny spun and rested his weight on his hands and knees. He looked over his shoulder at her and held his long tail aside. "Go slow!" he demanded and she quickly pounced on him.

He nearly lost his balance as her weight landed on his back, but he spread his legs wide and flexed his arms against the deck. Somehow, she wasn't as heavy as she looked, but she was still very weighty! He had barely gained his footing when he felt her tip press against his tailhole, prodding insistently.

A hot wetness splashed against his puckered star and he gasped. He felt his body spreading around the prodding member and groaned deeply. He balled his fists against the deck as fire blossomed in his tailhole and belly. It hurt being stretched so wide. She was pushing more and more of her cock into him and he opened his mouth to ask her to slow down.

He only moaned in a mixture of pain and the undeniably pleasant feelings of her stiff, hot rod rubbing against his prostate. He clamped his jaws shut and tried to force himself to relax. The less he tensed up, the less it would hurt!

More and more of her slipped into his body seemingly without end! He felt his insides sifting, stretching to accommodate the invading appendage. He dipped his head low and stared down at his taut, white furred belly. The outline of the lupus-caracalus's cock was clearly visible. And there, at the base was her unswollen knot.

Then it was pressed against him. His alien lover paused for only a moment then drew her hips back ever so slightly. She rocked against him, driving her phallus into his belly with an increasing pace. The more she fucked him, the better it felt. Her pre-cum lubricated his body well and before long, she was driving into him with long, full strokes. The speed at which she had gone from slowly forcing her dick into him to fucking him in earnest was truly amazing when one stopped to consider the only thing he'd had in his ass before this was a girl sticking her fingers up his tailhole as he came in her!

Kenny moaned deeply and lifted a hand to stroke his own furry sheathe and balls. Once he felt himself emerging, he stroked his barbed cock in time with her thrusts. He mewled like a whore as her knot hammered against his body. Later, he would consider that maybe her pre- was also enhancing his own pleasure, but now he didn't care. It just felt too damn good!

"I'm violating about fifteen federation laws doing this!" he said between deep moans. "I can't think of a better first contact! Fuck me like one of your bitches!"

She was happy to oblige. Kenny gasped as her pace increased and their hips slapped together loudly. Her knot pushed him open wider and wider every time she slapped her hips against his rump until finally, he felt his body give way and spread around her.

Immediately, he felt his body stretching around her rapidly growing knot. His eyes widened and he gasped loudly. He felt like he was going to rupture! She kept growing and growing and growing! Her hips rocked forward ever so slightly, but at light speed! Her knot sawed against his prostate and he cried out!

His cock twitched and his balls tightened against his groin. His seed splashed against the deck beneath him, creating quite the puddle! He tried to maintain control, but she kept fucking him, rutting him like the bitch in heat he sounded like! He mewled again, curling his fingers against the cum-covered deck as he rocked back against her every quick jerk.

He stared down at his belly, bulging and twitching obscenely with the lupus-caracalus's invading dick. Then she stopped and Kenny felt heat rushing into his belly. His taut abs rounded and grew. The heat filling his body and her dick throbbing against his prostate set him off again. He clamped his eyes shut and felt another climax rush through his cock and splash into the puddle beneath him.

By the time the world had begun to make sense and the colors had started to retake familiar shapes around him, Kenny's belly was enormous. He looked ready to drop a litter for the alien buried in his tailhole. He lifted his head and she leaned down to nuzzle her cheek against his own.

Breathlessly, he chuckled and lifted a hand to scratch her neck. After a low mew, he nodded and said "Better than I thought it would be. When your knot goes down, it's my turn."

She murred and nuzzled into his neck.

Slowly, Kenny lowered his shoulders to the deck and laid his head on the blanket he had laid out for her bedding. He wasn't sure how long it would take her knot to deflate, but it would be plenty of time for him to recuperate enough to perhaps return the fa-...

The weight in his belly shifted from one side to the next and his lover pulled her knot out of him with an audible pop. She backed her weight off of him and pranced to his side. He felt the cold recycled air rush into his body, but not a drop of her seed trickled down his thighs.

His belly shifted again, left to right then it seemed to turn! His eyes widened and he lifted his torso so he could stare at his tummy. Indeed, it very much appeared something inside was moving around for a moment before getting comfortable again and falling still.

"What the... Did you...?" he asked, lifting his wide eyes to the lupus-caracalus.

Her long ears perked and the long black hairs stood straight up. She gave a little yip and leaned down to gently nuzzle his soft white bellyfur.

He lifted a hand and rested his palm carefully upon the swell of his middle as if afraid it would bite. "But... That can't be possible..." His eyes narrowed and he shook his head. "Did you know that was going to happen?"

She nodded her head enthusiastically and spun in place. When she stopped, her hind quarters were facing him and she pulled her tail to the side to show her own dripping nethers. She stared over her shoulder at him and gave a little bark.

Careful of his new center of gravity, Kenny stood up and stepped forward. Half amused, he felt the weight of his belly settle against her hips and back. "Will this do the same thing to you?" he asked as he reached around himself to rub his length against her hot, damp folds.

Again the lupus-caracalus nodded and rocked her hips against him.

"Is that what you want? A belly full of kits?"

Another nod and an impatient whine.

"Alright," Kenny said and rocked his hips forward. She wasn't as tight as he could have hoped, but her tunnel hugged him like a glove. He suspected she was clamping herself around him, but he still had full ease of access to her body. She was, after all, built for something much larger.

He set his hands at her hips and started to rock his hips against her, driving the full length of his barbed cock into her. Every time he withdrew his hips and dragged his barbs over her sensitive flesh, he felt her body shake and heard her quiver. More than once, he was afraid her knees would buckle.

He felt her insides suddenly squeezing as tightly as she could against him, rhythmically trying to pull him deeper. Were he of her species, he suspected he would not have been able to withdraw and she would have been pulling the seed straight out of his dick, but as someone much smaller, he was able to keep thrusting into her.

His back started to ache and he pressed a palm against his flexing spine. Suddenly, he could understand why women constantly bemoaned their pregnant bellies! Moving that weight like this was taxing, to say the least! And he wasn't quite ready to cum just yet!

His movements slowed to a stop and he took a deep breath. He massaged his spine with both hands, trying to soothe the ache that had blossomed there.

His alien lover looked back at him and whined. Her hips rocked against him impatiently and she pranced in place, still half impaled on his rod.

"Hey, I'm not used to this kind of weight pulling on my vertebrates, you know!" he snapped, lifting a hand to his belly. "I haven't exactly got a whole lot of experience being a pregnant woman!"

She rolled her eyes and haruffed.

"And just what is that supposed to mean!?" he asked.

She huffed and whined, shaking her head from side to side.

"You know what, missy?" he asked, grabbing her hips. He drew his hips back then slammed them against her. He started to rut her with as much vigor as he could muster, discomfort be damned. "Let's see how you feel when you've got a belly full, huh!?"

She wasn't listening to him, though. Her hips were rocking back as her body squeezed and milked at him again. He grinned, driving her from that orgasm right into another, then another! Her body was shaking, trembling beneath him like it was on the verge of losing all molecular cohesion at any moment!

He grinned, feeling his own sack start to tighten. The fire that was rekindled and building in his belly suddenly erupted outward. He pulled her sharply back against himself and drove his cock as deep as he could into her. His heat rushed into her belly and her muscles dragged it deep as quick as he could put it in her! His lupus-caracalus lover threw her head back and howled.

Beneath his hands, he felt her belly start to expand. With an almost malicious grin, he stared down at her middle as it ballooned outward, growing big and round beneath her for the duration of his orgasm. When he felt himself stop cumming, her belly stopped growing.

He dragged himself out of her one last time and she very nearly collapsed. With some effort, the gravid alien turned and walked herself through the puddle of their cum and laid herself beneath the bed.

Kenny watched her all the while, his hands exploring the new swell of his own belly. As she started to groom herself, he could see her belly shift as the new life within seated itself comfortably there, as it had in him.

There was a loud two-tone beep and the blood rushed from his face. His eyes widened and his ears drooped. The doorbell! He looked over his shoulder at the sealed hatch and shook his head. How as he ever going to explain this!?