Blue: Chapter 2

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Clyde awoke to the sound of sobbing. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up. He saw Gray sitting against the wall, crying. "Gray? What's wrong?" The rabbit asked sleepily. Gray seemed to have forgotten he was there, as he jumped a little in surprise. Clyde got out of bed and ran over to his brother. He gasped in surprise as Gray suddenly hugged him tightly.

"C-Clyde, it's Black..." Gray once again broke into tears. Clyde held his older brother close, softly petting his back.

"Hey there," Clyde said softly, calming Gray down."tell me all about it."

"T-they found him in the hall this morning. T-they got to him before it was too late b-but..." Gray burst into tears.

"But what? Gray, you have to tell me."

"T-they don't think h-he'll m-make it." Gray choked out.

"Gray... I'm so sorry..." Clyde's eyes began to tear up. Suddenly he growled, which startled Gray "Who did this?!" Gray shrank away slightly

"T-they don't know." He said, starting to cry again. Clyde hugged him tightly and then got up. After getting dressed he went to the door.

"I'm going to go talk to Red. I don't want you going out today." Clyde said.

"Red already told me not to go today, he said he wanted to talk to you though." Gray gave his brother a weak smile."I'm scared Blue..."

"I know." Clyde pet his brother softly on the head and walked out the door, shutting it behind him. He looked up to see Red had been leaning against the wall outside of their room.

"Is he going to be okay?" Red asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure..." Clyde said, worry covering his face.

"C'mon, I need to talk to you about the mission you were going to go on today. Black was supposed to take you but as you've heard he's... unable. I'm going to have Gold take you instead, so I want you both in my office in two hours."

"Yessir." Clyde said as Red walked off.


Both Clyde and Gold were sitting in front of Red.

"Gentlemen," Red began "you both know the situation. The question is: what am I going to do about it. I have decided that because Black is incapable of taking Blue on this mission, you, Gold, shall take him instead." He paused and looked over at Gold, Gauging his reaction. Gold seemed unperturbed by the news, Red knew this was because he was a lot nicer than he let on. Red continued "Your target is a mister Dylan Blackheart. He is described as a golden rabbit, approximately 5' 11", with green eyes. You will be given further information before you leave. Understood?"

"Yessir!" They both answered.

"Very good, make your way to the weapons cache and arm yourselves. Good day." Red turned his back to them, signaling that the conversation was over. Gold exited the room nervously, with Clyde following nervously behind. His first mission would begin in a few minutes, and he wasn't sure he was ready.

Blue: Chapter 3

Clyde followed Gold as they made their way towards the weapons cache. He never really admitted it, but he thought Gold was actually pretty nice, a lot nicer than Black at least... "We're here." Gold said suddenly. Clyde looked up to see Gold take...


Blue: Chapter 1

A/N: The character names are as follows, Blue(Clyde) is Toy Bonnie, Gray is Shadow Bonnie, Black is Shadow Freddy, Red is Toy Freddy, Gold is Golden Freddy, Vio is Bonnie, Brown is Freddy, Pink is Toy Chica, and Yellow is Chica. Clyde...

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