Blue: Chapter 4

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Dylan blinked slowly as he woke up. He felt something tight against his wrists and looked down to see that they were tied to the arms of a chair. He looked up and noticed the golden bear from earlier watching him.

"W-where am I? What do you want with me?" Dylan said, as sweat began to break out on his forehead.

"I'll ask the questions around here." The bear growled, "Who are you, and why are you wanted dead?

"I-I-I'm D-Dylan" stammered, still in shock at finding himself here.

"Well 'Dylan'" The bear mocked "Why don't you tell me who would want to kill you?"

It was at that moment that Gray entered the room behind the one-way mirror where Clyde and Red were watching the interrogation. He gasped in shock at seeing Dylan and tapped Red twice on his arm, signaling that he wanted to talk to him alone."Blue." Red said suddenly. Clyde looked over at Red."I'm going to be out in the hall, call me in if Gold finds out anything." Clyde nodded once, and turned his attention back to the interrogation happening in the next room as Gray and Red walked into the hall.

"R-Red, I know that guy." Gray said at once. Red raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Go on."

"Do you remember how I told you about when I ran away from home, and took Blue with me?"

"And how you left your older brother behind because he refused to come?"

"Y-yeah." Gray said, rubbing his shoulder.

"That wouldn't be..." Red's eyebrows scrunched together. Gray nodded solemnly. "Does he know what you do for a living?"

Gray looked down "No. At least, I don't think he does..." Red placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Gray looked down.

"Thanks Red." Red turned and entered the interrogation room, just as Gold raised his hand to slap Dylan.

"I'm happy to report that there won't be a need for that, Gold." Gold looked up in surprise.


Red walked over and untied Dylan's wrists. "Gold, would you be so kind as to take Blue into his room? You're free to do as you like afterwards."

"Yessir." Gold said dutifully. He had a lot of respect for Red, and would follow their leader to the ends of the Earth. He left the room and entered the next, taking Clyde by the paw. Gold led Clyde into the hall where they noticed Gray leaning against the wall. "Shouldn't you be with Black?" Gold questioned. Gray gave the pair a strained smile.

"He needs a break from me. Besides, I have some other things to do as well." He looked directly at Clyde "Wait for me in our room,I'll be there soon to explain." Clyde nodded and allowed Gold to lead him down the hall. Gray sighed and entered the interrogation room. The first thing he saw was his older brother sitting in the chair. Dylan immediately stood up at the sight of his brother and they fell into a warm embrace. Gray's eyes teared up. "I missed you." He sobbed. Dylan pulled away to look at his brother's face. He looked so much older than Dylan remembered.

"What's happened to you?" Dylan asked, his own eyes tearing up. Gray looked over to red, who nodded.

"I'll explain later, for now, you'd better come see Blue. I'm not sure if he even remembers you."


"They gave us new names here." Gray explained. "They call me Gray."

"Mr. Blackheart," Red interrupted, "If you'll be so kind as to follow Gray I'm sure he'll show you to your room. Because you're kin it's only appropriate that you share a bedroom. Right, Gray?"

"Yessir." Gray replied smiling.

"In that case, you are both dismissed. Good day." Gray's smile grew even wider as he grabbed his brother's paw and led him out of the room.

"Sha- I mean Gray! I have so many questions."

"We need to meet Blue first. He's waiting for us."

"O-okay." Dylan said reluctantly. As the two rabbits walked into the room Clyde looked up.

"Grey, where have you been? And why did you bring him?"

"I think the both of you had better sit down." Gray said, gesturing to the two beds.


Black opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the bright light of the sun. He noticed a large brown figure standing in the doorway.

"Red?" He asked weakly. A low voice chuckled in response.

"People say we look alike, but I never realised how much so."

"S-sir!" Black tried to sit up, but the large brown bear gently pushed him back down.

"Take it easy black," Brown said "and stop calling me 'sir' you know how I hate that."

"S-sorry Brown."

"It's alright." Brown smiled ruefully. "Have you heard what's going on with Gray and Blue?"

"N-no. What happened?"

"Apparently their older brother has shown up." Black's eyes widened in surprise at the news. Everyone had assumed that Gray and Blue's brother would never be seen again. "And with that I'm afraid I have to leave." Brown said, getting up "Red asked me to meet him, though what it's about I have no idea. Ah, well, I'll visit you another time Black."

"T-thanks Brown." Black smiled weakly as Brown left the room. Black thought about Gray and Blue. What must it be like to meet a long lost brother. Black only hoped he never had to find out. He hoped Gray was alright. The rabbit was just too sensitive.