Vacations for the Mind

Story by dark end on SoFurry

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#8 of Hypnosis

A story that sprang up from a picture by Brian Sutton for Vikki Rubbervixen.

It looked even better than the picture in the pamphlet, Lily decided. The lynx clutched the little sheet of paper in her hands, reading it again and again. "The most rejuvenating experience you'll ever have," it promised. "A vacation from all that you know. Come give us a visit and we'll set you up TODAY!" And then it included a picture of a lovely country house with a gorgeous patio, bright green ivy climbing the trellises, flowers of more descriptions than Lily knew how to name in bloom, and a stone walkway leading up to the front door. It was as if someone had condensed the very feeling of calm and quiet country life into a single picture and put it into that pamphlet.

And now that she was here, she stared in disbelief at how much better the house looked in reality. The picture couldn't do justice to the neatly trimmed hedges, the scents wafting in from the nearby forest, the burbling water feature above a miniature lake. She felt so worn down she could just flop onto the green grass and fall asleep purring like a kitten. Instead, she tried to bury the urge by sticking her head close to a particularly beautiful iris and taking a deep breath.

Lily snapped upright as something bumped into her. "Oh, sorry, sorry," she said, dashing out of the way of the gardener, a slim vixen with a glassy look in her eyes. The gardener hardly seemed to notice Lily and kept moving forward in slow measured steps, before pulling out a pair of shears and setting to work trimming the edge of the almost immaculate hedge.

"I, uh, couldn't help but notice the wonderful work you did here," Lily said with a small forced laugh to cover her own awkwardness. "It's all so very beautiful."

The gardener didn't respond, focused entirely on the task at hand. Lily blushed a little as she noticed the woman was wearing a pair of overalls and clearly no bra to go with them. It was a very hot day so the lack of any additional clothes was understandable, and the gardener had decent enough curves worth showing off anyways. But it still felt odd looking at her nearly naked back.

"You are doing some wonderful work," she repeated, wondering if the vixen had failed to hear her before. But the vixen ignored her, snipping another branch off the hedge.

"I guess I'll just go then," she said and turned back towards the house. She almost swooned as the size of it loomed over her, the momentary vertigo bringing all her tiredness rushing back in an instant.

She took another few steps towards the house and then spun suddenly as she heard a strange sound from the gardener behind her. The shears were hanging almost limp from one of the vixen's hands, and she was staring dully at some just completed work on the hedge. Lily could have sworn she heard her moan in pleasure, but after a moment of internal debated she chalked it up to a figment of her tired imagination.

When she rang the doorbell, instead of hearing the usual deep bells, she heard a tinkling of chimes from high up in the eaves above her. So tired was the lynx that she closed her eyes to enjoy the sound and completely missed the door in front of her being opened. She gave a tiny gasp of shock when she opened her eyes and saw the wolfess standing there, dressed in a beautiful black dress.

"Oh, my darling," the wolfess said. "You look like a mess. Please come in, take a seat. I'll make you something right away."

Lily's surprised "But... but..." was shushed by the wolfess who pulled her inside the home. The inside added another layer of lavishness; beautiful artwork hung from the walls and she walked on a carpet of exquisite quality. The wolfess set her down in a plush chair in adjoining living room and disappeared into the kitchen. A sweet rattle of pans, the flick of a switch and the hiss of flames, and then the sweet smells of Darjeeling tea leaves washed in from the kitchen. This time Lily didn't resist the tiredness that threatened to claim her and swooned back against the cushions of the chair.

A few minutes later and the wolfess returned with a serving plate containing a mug of steaming hot tea and a plate full of cookies. Lily felt like she was in a dream as she drank and ate, listening to the wolfess' tuneless humming. When she felt like she had recovered enough, she spoke. "I'm afraid I'm a bit confused. Is this supposed to be a travel agency or a vacation house? The pamphlet was a bit vague."

"Oh yes, it can be," she said with a knowing nod. "We are a bit of both. Everyone who visits here does some traveling, but they return here each night to the finest bed you can sleep on."

Lily smiled. "This is truly a wonderful place you have." She was staring just past the wolfess, at the various decorations in the living room, the details everywhere spoke of the finest of elegance. She even saw gold trim decorating the edge of a book case, enough to catch the eye but not enough to be a nuisance.

The wolfess giggled, her voice bubbling into the air. "Only the best for the best of vacations. My dear, oh my dear, whatever has you so out of sorts that you need to spend time here?"

Lily took a deep drink of tea, intoxicated by its warmth and bitterness, using it to steady herself. "I'm a realtor," she said quietly. "It's been a hell of a month. Open houses and deals made every day. Business has been good - wonderful, even - but I haven't slept more than two hours a night the past week." She leaned forward, knowing just how desperate she looked. "The things you wrote on your pamphlet, 'the most rejuvenating experience' and all that. Are they really true?"

The wolfess reached out to caress Lily's cheek. "They are, my sweet. I only offer the best for those in need."

Lily fumbled to open her purse, ignoring the other woman's intimate touch. "I hope so. I just came by to see what you had to offer and maybe set up some plans. Do you have some weekend getaways?"

"We do."

"Great. I'm afraid I'm too busy for anything longer." The lynx gave a sigh of relief and pulled out her phone, skipping to the calender. "Do you have anything for next weekend?"

"Why not this weekend?"

Lily blinked, surprised. "What?"

"Why not today?"

The lynx gulped down another swallow of tea as she realized the wolf was perfectly serious. "I... I didn't make any plans. I don't have time to pack. My house is a mess and I need to clean it tomorrow."

The wolf put a finger to her lips. She leaned in a little closer, her sweet sing-song tones barely above a whisper. "Do you have to do any of that this weekend?"

Lily tried to glance down to the calender in her hand, but the wolfess kept her muzzle up, her gaze locked onto the lynx's eyes.

"Do you need to do any of that this weekend?"

"No," Lily whispered back.

"Then you should go on your vacation now."


"No buts. Now." The wolfess was now so close her lips were almost touching Lily's own. "You need to relax. You need a vacation from all the stress you've been under. And you need it now."

"I do," Lily whispered again.

"Now tell me," the wolfess said with her sweet smile and her gaze locked onto Lily's own, "what is it you find most relaxing?"

Lily could barely muster the energy to move her lips. Staring into those golden eyes, she couldn't help but answer; the words were drawn out from her throat by that commanding gaze. "This tea."

"You love tea?"

The lynx gave a tiny nod.

"How about a weekend devoted to it then? A vacation in the world of tea, in the brewing and steeping, the pouring and sipping."

Another tiny nod.

"Then your vacation begins the moment you let your thoughts fade away," the wolfess said, her smile now showing a fang or two. Her hand caressed over Lily's cheek. "Just sleep now. Let your thoughts drift into nothingness.

"Sleep." The last word came out as a firm command and Lily's eyes fluttered, her head drooped, and her thoughts quieted to the softness of a brook burbling in the woods. Time lost its meaning as she listened to the wolf singing softly in her ears, telling her to relax and obey.

Then she was naked, not thinking, just naked, the freeness of her body mimicked in the freeness of her mind, drifting in an ocean of nothingness.

Then the toy slipped into her sex, the pleasure tingling through her body. The pleasure filled every corner of her mind as the long length slipped in and out, every remaining thought pushed to the furthest reaches of consciousness.

Then the vibrator deep inside the toy switched on suddenly and the climax shattered what remained of Lily's mind, leaving her drifting in absolute bliss.

* * *

The front door closed.

Lily jumped and turned around to see it shut behind her. She lifted her wrist and stared at her watch. It was five o'clock, just as it should be. Right?

In her other hand she held her phone and she checked it: it was Sunday evening now. The weekend had disappeared. And she felt...

She felt wonderful.

The lynx purred. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so good, so alive, so ready. Her mind seemed to have been cleared of all its clutter, humming along like a well-oiled engine. She felt like she could take on twenty customers at once.

She looked back at the closed door behind her, trying to remember what had happened that weekend. But every memory was shrouded in a haze, like a dream the morning after. The more she tried to remember what had happened, the less she could remember. She only caught snatches of thoughts, feelings, and visions.

She remembered brewing a cup of tea, remembered how important it was to get every detail right, remembered kneeling as she served it, remembered that feeling of pride pushing out every other thought when the Mistress told her how well she had done, and then the moan of her orgasm... She shivered as even those memories slipped away into the delightful tingle between her legs. The only firm memory she was left with was of spending the last two nights naked in bed, playing with the most heavenly toys and dildos. She'd never been kinky before, but now, she thought, she might have to buy a vibrator on the way home. Or maybe two.

She gave the door one last look and happily forgot everything else that had happened, skipping down the pathway to her car. And as she turned the key and threw the shift into gear, she thought she'd have to schedule another vacation here soon.