Blue: Chapter 10

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Dylan melted into Gold's embrace as they stood in the bedroom that he shared with Gray and Blue. The other two were out at the moment, leaving he and Gold alone for a while. He slowly nuzzled Gold's chest, as the larger bear nuzzled his head in turn.

"I love you." He whispered to the large bear.

"I love you too." Gold returned, nuzzling deeper into the rabbit's fur.

Dylan's eyes began to tear up. "I was so scared." Gold gently began petting the back of the rabbit's head.

"It's okay now."

Dylan pulled Gold closer than ever before. "I don't ever want you to let me go." Gold suddenly pushed the rabbit on the bed, crouching over him, and kissed him deeply.

"That can be arranged." The bear giggled. Dylan giggled back and pulled the bear's face towards him into another deep kiss.

"Let's do something more." Dylan said, letting the bear collapse on top of him.


Red sighed as he headed to his bedroom, going over all that he had learned about the bunnies' mission. The enemy HQ they had infiltrated had been destroyed, no other prisoners had been spotted, and someone else seemed to have a grudge against A.I.D. But that only made sense, seeing as how the organization had taken down countless others. Red was proud of both Blue and Green. The two were inexperienced but very professional, and both would make great agents. Red sighed once more as he crawled under the covers. Things were looking up for them. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.




Freddy awoke in his cell under A.I.D's central HQ. He groaned and turned on his side, looking out of the cell door. A single tear fell from his eye as he thought of his brothers like he did every morning. A.I.D agents had kidnapped him while he slept about a month ago. At least, he thought it was a month. Sunlight did not make it's way down here, ever, so neither he nor the other prisoners could tell night from day. The guards had taunted him, telling him that they had sent an imposter in his place, saying that this agent was going to kill all of his friends one by one. Freddy felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it. His poor brothers. He could feel their need for him, especially Red.


Vio sat in his darkened room, staring in disbelief at his computer screen. He was looking at Brown's autopsy report. None of this made any sense. The computer had identified the bear's DNA as not being his. The rabbit shook his head in confusion. It was impossible. There could only be one Brown, and White himself had killed him. Vio eventually gave up and closed the laptop, setting it aside and laying in his bed. He closed his eyes and tried to block out all of the memories that he and Brown had shared as children. What had changed? Why had his friend gone behind their backs, betraying them all. Vio shook his head once more, and fell asleep.


That very night another rabbit was sitting up thinking. Clyde was sitting next to White as he mulled over his most recent mission. Something just felt off about it. It was all a little too easy, as if the whole thing had been planned out. His eyebrows scrunched together as he considered the possibility. White groaned in his bed suddenly, causing him to jump. He chuckled at himself and rubbed right behind White's ear. That was the rabbit's favorite spot. He chuckled again as White smiled in his sleep, his left foot twitching slightly. White opened his eyes at Clyde's chuckling.

"Hey there beautiful" The golden rabbit said, smiling. Clyde frowned.

"Sorry for waking you up White. You should get back to sleep." White smiled mischievously.

"What if I don't want to sleep?" He said pulling the smaller rabbit closer. "What if I want to be up all night long?" He pulled Clyde into a deep kiss. Clyde giggled once they broke away.

"You're too damn hot for your own good." The blue rabbit chuckled.

"Am I now?" White said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, you are." Clyde suddenly kissed him deeper than before, gently climbing on top of the larger rabbit. Spring chuckled.

"I guess you'll just have to teach me how to behave."