Twilight Eros Chapter 48

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#48 of Twilight Eros

We learn the origin of Spec's name, and find out what gets under Cindy's fur...

Thanks to scottykat for proof reading, and leting me put Scotty in the situation he found himself in. I intend to expand on it in the future.

Thanks to IB: Spacestrawberry for Estelle. She's established now and will show up more often

Thanks to zenia for the TE icon.

Chapter 48

Spec chugged down his second beer as Cindy and Estelle watched him. Cindy leaned over and whispered to her friend, "Does he always drink like this?" Estelle shrugged her shoulders as she never saw Spec drink before. Spec exhaled and burped when he was done with the bottle.

"Excuse me." Spec shook the empty bottle as he sat it down on the counter. "Do you have anything else to drink Cindy?"

"I'll give you more to drink after you explain about you and Estelle and make dinner." said Cindy as she was still working on her first bottle. Estelle looked over at her friend. Cindy looked back as if they were communicating telepathically.

"Well I want him to still be able to cook for us before he drinks himself silly."

Estelle responded with an "Oh." as if she just realized what Cindy was thinking. Spec growled at the comments as he cleared his throat.

"Like I said earlier, Estelle and I used to date. We met over the internet while I was in the Navy. We tried dating while I was still in the service but it was rocky due to me traveling, my issues with my family name and her family not approving of me."

"My family was not that bad Spencer."

Spec gave her a look as he tilted his head to the side. She signed and raised her bottle to her lips. "Okay, they were kind of bad and could of handled things better when it came to us." she said before taking a sip.

"Okay, but why do you call him Spencer? He tells everyone that his name is Spec." Cindy asked as she finished her beer.

"Well he didn't start calling himself Spec until after we started dating." Estelle said with a nervous tone as Spec poured a glass of cola for himself. "When my family was butt hurt about us dating we still talked to each other so he needed a nickname so they didn't know it was him. He called himself Specter online, so that stuck."

"Why Specter though?" Cindy asked as she faced her friend.

"Cause he's a six foot tall wolf but he can pull stunts off like that." said Estelle as she pointed to Spec who had unpacked all of the groceries and a bag of chips to snack on. He went unnoticed by Cindy as he started dicing his beef for the curry. Cindy just looked puzzled as Estelle leaned in to whisper.

"Has he ever gotten the jump on you without even trying before?"

Cindy thought back to several times she would call for Spec and didn't even realized he was right behind her. "You make a fair point about the Specter part but why Spec?"

"Because it sounds so similar to my actual name it was easy to respond to. But it was also different enough that most people don't make the connection." said Spec as he started to chop an onion.

Cindy did a soft hum as she turned to Estelle. "That's actually pretty clever star fox. But can you do me favor and call him Spec? I'm still getting used to the whole 'Junior' thing with his parents."

"Wait, you met his parents? How come I didn't get to meet your parents?"

"I promise you can meet my parents if you promise not to lose it and curl up into a ball on the mansion door step."

"I can't promise anything mister." said Estelle as she finished her beer. Cindy got the rum and cola and stated to pout her and Estelle a drink.

"Okay so you to dated and you gave him his nickname. Why did you two stop dating?"

Estelle froze upon hearing the question. Cindy looked at her and Spec as she tried to figure out what she said to cause such a reaction.

"It was my fault." Said Spec with a sigh. He set the knife he was using down and washed his hands before continuing. "Remember when I said I wasn't always a calm person? Well the stress of the Navy and dealing with keeping our secret relationship from Estelle's family I started to get really angry. I would yell at Estelle when she didn't deserve it and... Some times I would get violent." He paused as his expression changed. Cindy could tell he wasn't kidding as Estelle's expression changed as well.

"I hit her one time and it was over. I couldn't forgive myself and I could see Estelle was scared. We tired to be friends but it was hard cause I still care about her but I can't really forgive myself for what I did."

"Spec, I forgave you. You can't keep beating yourself up over one time if you really are sorry about it." Said Estelle as she tried to reach out to touch the wolf. He sighed as he started to wash the rice. Cindy stopped Estelle and sighed.

"Spec, you mind finishing up in here while I talk to Estelle for a bit? I'll come in and talk to you soon okay?"

Spec replied "Sure." without looking. Cindy took her friend and their cocktails to the living room to talk in private. Both took rather large gulps of their cocktails before speaking.

"Wow, so my best friend used to date my boyfriend. Small world eh?"

Estelle let out a low whine as she looked down, flustered at the situation she found herself in. Cindy was used to seeing her nervous but there was something different about her this time.

"What's wrong Estelle?"

"Why did you bring him here? I've been trying to avoid him since the party. I figured out you were dating him when I saw his sister there. That's why I haven't visited you at your job or anything."

"But why?"

"Because I still love him, okay?" said Estelle before falling back into Cindy's couch. The fox sighed before taking a large gulp of her drink, finishing it off. Cindy sat frozen as she stared at her friend. It took a moment before Estelle spoke again.

"I thought that if I could avoid seeing him, I'd be okay. Guess that's not an option anymore, is it?"

Cindy sat still as she continued to process what her friend said. She loved Spec but she didn't want to hurt her best friend either.

"I'm sorry Estelle. If I knew, I wouldn't have pushed so hard to get you two to meet."

"It's not your fault. I should have just told you what was going on."

"And you still love him right?"

Estelle nodded. Cindy cracked a small grin as she was plotting something. She hugged her best friend from behind and gave her a kiss on head.

"Well, lets just have dinner tonight. We can figure out what to do about this whole situation later okay?"

"Okay. Do you know what he's making for dinner?"

"He said spicy beef curry over rice."

"Ooh, that's a good one. Is he adding potatoes and carrots?"

"I guess. I saw them with the groceries."

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Dinner didn't take long to prepare as Spec dished out three plates of beef curry with carrots and potatoes over rice. Estelle thanked him as she took her plate. The unique smell of curry spice filled the fox's nose as it reminded her of the times Spec would cook for her and her family. Cindy tried to make small talk to break the tension.

"So, you two haven't seen each other in awhile. Isn't there anything you two want to catch up on?"

Spec and Estelle looked at each other and laughed nervously. Cindy was getting annoyed as she asked Spec, "Don't you have a meeting with your therapist in a couple of days?" Spec looked up as he tired to remember if he did or not.

"No, not this week. I think it's next week."

"Why are you seeing a therapist?" asked Estelle as she poked at the carrots and potatoes to make a perfect bite portion before eating it.

"Between the madness of my life, job, and sister I needed to get some stuff off my chest. Also, I'm sort of sleeping with half of my staff at the book store."

"That includes me by the way." added Cindy. Estelle was stunned at first as she was about to take another bite. She quickly snapped out of it as she remembered the book fetish party Spec and Cindy threw. She swallowed and asked, "So, is it helping you any?"

"Well it was weird at first considering my therapist is a twelve year old blue skunk but she knows what she is talking about."

Estelle let out a drawn out moan as she processed what she just heard. "Well, you always did have interesting stories to share Spec."

"Well its not like you don't have any interesting stories working at Orion publishing."

Spec chocked on his food after what Cindy said. He reached for his water and gulped it down to clear his throat.

"What the hell Estelle? You work at Orion publishing? What do you do there?"

Estelle squeaked at Spec's sudden out burst. She softly replied, "I'm Orion's personal assistant..."

"You're his what?! How in the hell can you work for that ass hat?!"

"He's not so bad once you spend time with him..."

Spec sighed and looked up at the ceiling as Estelle placed her head onto the coffee table and covered herself with her arms. It wasn't what Cindy had hoped would happen but she was glad they were acting more naturally towards each other.

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Cindy did the dishes when everyone was done eating. Spec was laying down on the couch as he held his stomach from eating so much. Estelle sat next to him. Spec moaned as he said "So full..." Estelle patted him on the head and said "There, there. There, there." He sat up and faced the fox.

"So, what do we do now? I mean it can't be easy knowing I'm dating your best friend."

She sighed and looked away as she thought of what to say.

"Yeah. I mean I don't hate Cindy or anything but it's hard cause..."

"Cause of what?" asked Spec as he wondered what she was about to say.

"It's nothing, forget it."

"Come on Estelle, I've known you for how long now? I know when you are trying to hide something. You know you can tell me."

"No!" she said with a cute pout as she turned her head away.

"Tell me or I wont cook anything else for you. Not even if Cindy asks me to."

"What? That's mean. Be nice to me."

"Tell me what's on your mind then."

"No, I can't"

"Tell me what you want to say and I'll make you any dish you want."

"Really? Even tomato beef?"

"Yes, even tomato beef, but you gotta tell me first."

"Okay, Just give me a minute. I gotta prepare myself."

She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself and mentally prepare. She took one last breath and looked Spec in the eyes before saying, "I still love you." Spec made a small grunt and went wide eyed as he didn't know what to say. Time seemed to slow down as he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. It seemed like an eternity before he finally responded.

"I see...Does Cindy know how you feel?"

"I told her but I'm not sure if she processed that info yet."

"Or she has and she's plotting something."


"Never mind. But yeah, the feeling is mutual. I still love you too."

Estelle perked up when she heard what he said. She asked, "But don't you love Cindy?"

"I do... But that doesn't mean I stopped loving you. Considering me and Cindy have a semi open sexual relationship with another one of my employees, my sister and her boyfriend who also happens to be Cindy's cousin..."

"Wait you have a sexual relationship with your sister too?"

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Luna peaked her head out from under her blanket as she looked around. She was naked except for a pair of gray boxers. Scotty emerged from under the blanket as well wearing a matching baby blue bra and panties set and Luna's collar.

"What's wrong Luna?"

"I don't know but I swear some one said my name or something..."

"There's no one else here though."

"I guess you're right. So, is my cute little skunk butt rested and ready for another round?"

"Maybe.." he said as they both began frolicking under the blanket as they giggled.

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"Yeah, me and Luna have sex. Long story and yeah our parents know. We are a strange family. But I'm also not as up tight as before. I mean, if we tried again now... I'm not saying I would leave Cindy but If you were open to the idea I'd"

Spec doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence. Estelle had wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck and kissed him. He was surprised by the normally shy fox as he embraced her and kissed back. They both closed their eyes as Spec guided her down onto the couch. They continued to kiss until they were interrupted by Cindy who stood over them and said, "Well aren't you two cute?"

Spec and Estelle both sat up in a flash. Spec tried to act casual but Estelle was flustered as if she was a child caught misbehaving. Cindy simply smiled as she sat down between the two.

"See, I knew you two still cared about each other. But this is great, cause now we can be a happy threesome. We can both date Spec and now you don't have to be afraid of visiting me at work and our parties."

"Why do you keep implying I'm going to have another party Cindy?" asked Spec as Estelle was shocked. Cindy put her arms around both of them and pulled them in close. "This is going to be fun."

"No." said Estelle as she lifted Cindy's arm off of her and nudged away from the skunk. Cindy looked surprised as she asked "What's wrong?"

Estelle was shaking as she started to speak.

"What's wrong? You set me up, that's what. You know I don't like being in crowds but you made me go to that party, tricked me into meeting your boyfriend, my ex, and then you trick the both of us into kissing and confessing our feelings for each other."

"Maybe..." said Cindy as she smiled at her. Spec leaned in and said, "For the record, I was not in on the confessing of feelings part. It just played out like that."

"Regardless, I'm mad at you Cindy. You tricked me and that's not nice. You're mean to me!"

"No I'm not, I'm nice and loving. I helped you reconnect with you old lover."

Estelle growled as she couldn't think of anything to say to get a raise out of Cindy. She looked at the skunk as she prepared her self with the only thing she knew that would get under Cindy's fur.

"You're a meanie fart squirrel!"

Cindy's eye started to twitch as Estelle slowly backed away while moaning. Spec didn't know what was happening when Cindy suddenly pounced on the fox who tried to get away. Cindy grabbed a couch pillow and started to bap her friend with it.

"Call me a fart squirrel? I'll show you a fucking fart squirrel after I spray you!"

Cindy turned and undid her pants and started to pull down her panties as she lifted her tail. Estelle saw this and yelled out "No! I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!" Spec was worried things were about to get out of hand as he quickly stood up to separate the two and tried to defuse the situation.

Twilight Eros Chapter 49

Chapter 49 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) "GAH! I'm sorry!"cried Estelle as she cowered behind the couch as Spec tried to hold Cindy back. She tried to get around Spec with out reached arms. "Cindy, will you calm down? She said she's...

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