Chapter 3: Fortitude and Bravery

Story by BlueMoonBango on SoFurry

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#3 of Alkalaz- Love and Trials

Do I even have the courage to move on? Can I protect the ones dear to me from uncertainty?

Will I be able to stay true to my resolution? Do I? In fact, have the ability to do so?

We do not know any of the answers we seek. But we will eventually.

Harry's POV

It has been a few months since Rum arrived to stay with us in the royal palace. I have to say things started to look lively the moment he arrived. Smiles in every corner, as the three of us walk together towards the forest.

"Are you sure it's safe." I asked Rum. "Don't worry about it! We are just going to get a few apples and we will be back before anyone noticed we were gone." we entered the forest. I am holding Reyna's hand as we follow the bear deeper into the forest.

'I feel something off' I thought to myself. 'I am probably getting paranoid.' and I slapped myself at the cheeks as Rum called for me. "We are here." And he pointed at the tree in front of him. "Better hurry up! We are right outside the city's magic barrier. We can't fend off from Nightmares."

"GRRRR!!!" I heard a growl, a very low and rough growl. "Brother! I want to go home!" and from the shadows I see a black bear-like creature approach us. It has spikes all over its back and its eyes are red. "A-a Nightmare." And I ordered sis to stay back and run towards the barrier.

A symbol can be seen at its forehead. It appears to be a double helix with a yellow dot right at the center of it. I knew something was off. It does not behave like other nightmares that straight out rips us apart if they get the chance.

It's looking at me with murderous intent, I can't even move because I am afraid of what's going to happen to me. "Hey!" as it looks towards the source of the shout. "Over here!" Rum waving his arms around trying to distract the beast. "What are you doing!?"

"Saving my friends, GO!" as he ran deeper into the forest. "AURUM!" the beast roared and runs to follow him inside the forest. 'He is after Rum.' As I think to myself. 'I have to help him! Wait for me Rum, I will save you.' I clenched my fist as I ran after them.

Normal POV

'I have to run faster, if not then Harry and Reyna will be in danger!' Rum thought to himself as he ran as fast as his legs could carry. Behind him were sounds of trees crashing down as the beast that is after him rams through them.

As the chase continues there is a third person jumping and leaping from branch to branch, attempting to catch up to the other two. 'I have to hurry!' Harry thought to himself as he continues to dash around. Eventually...

"A dead end!" as the bear raises his head to see the top of the valley. 'I have to look for a way to get out of here alive.' And he takes a deep breath. 'I hope they got away.' He looks down to the ground. "It's the end, huh?" as he turns around to see the bear-like nightmare that has been chasing him catch up.

Aurum wasted no time. He resumed a fighting pose in where he places his right hand in front of him, he widens his stance and closes his eyes. 'The only thing I can do now is to fight.' And both of them started to wait for the other to make a move.

"HAAAA!" the cub lunged at the bear, only to be met by a smack that forces him to hit the ground. Aurum shouted in pain as he gets pummeled by the sheer force of the creatures' strikes. 'I am sorry everyone. I can't protect you because I am weak. I am scared, and pathetic.' As his vision starts to fade, he heard a voice.

"Hey!" as he starts to lose his consciousness. "Over here you giant freak!" and he forces his eyes to open. And he saw a hare throwing rocks at the creature. "Take this!" and then then the creature turned its back to chase the prince. "What are you doing!?" as the injured Ursan attempts to stand up only to hit the ground once more.

"I-I must." And then a flash of light appeared before my eyes.

Aurum's POV

After that flash of light I see nothing anywhere. It's like I entered a void where there is no end. "Where am I?" out of nowhere I heard a voice. "A place that you come and go but never remember visiting." And I turned around to see a something that looks vaguely familiar. It has a physique of an Ursan warrior. Cladded in armor and I notice that there is a scar that runs from his left eye towards his right jaw. "Welcome to the Hall of Memories. A place where souls visit, ever so often but never remember that they even went here."

"Who are you?" as I point my finger to the Ursine like soul. "I, in fact have no name." as he walks towards me. "I am just a soul of an object that is passed down from Ursan to Ursan. I believe the object is a pair of gauntlets."

My eyes widen as he told me what he is. "Enough about me though. I am here today after all this time that one has last spoken to me." as he runs his dark brown shaggy beard, clearing his throat. "I believe you have something to do. Am I right?" as his eyes focused on me.

I nod my head. "Well then, what is it?" "I-I" as I try to say the things I needed to say. "I want to protect my friends!" and he smiled, applauding me. "Cub, I will help you." And after he replied, he extended his arm for a shake. "Thank you." And I took his hand before a flash of light, brighter than the last one lights up the void surrounding us.

I feel lighter and slowly but surely I feel like I am lifted from the ground. "Woah!" as me and the soul started to fly higher and higher. All of my memories started to flash before my eyes as we ascend higher and higher. "Hold on!" as me and the ursine started to spin in mid-air.

"Hey!" as I called out my companion. "What is it?" and I told him: "Thank you. Rook." and Rook started to glow. "A-are you crying?" I see the bear starting to draw tears. "No, I am not crying!" wiping his eyes. And out of instinct I look up to see a halo and we are heading towards it.

And suddenly we went faster. And it was so sudden that the only thing I was able to process is a sound when we were about to go through the halo. Shattering glass.

I open my eyes and only to find myself standing up. "Harry!" and I ran towards the direction Harry went to ward off the beast, trying not to process what happened. I finally found them but I saw was horrifying. Harry is on the ground and the beast was on top of him about to strike him to the ground.

I charged at the beast once more, I strangely felt no pain from my injuries. Rather I have no injures at all. I felt fear, but also strength as I continue my attack. My arms started to glow softly, suddenly there were two gauntlets. They placed themselves on my arm before I hit the Nightmare.


The beast flew far away as I hit him. The beast hit a tree a few meters away. It shook intensely as the beast made contact with the tree. "What is this?" as I look at the Earthbreakers. They seem to have shrunk down to my size. "Late for the party, am I?" and I saw a familiar looking Ursan beside me. "Rook!" I replied. "Heads up!" as I heard a roar and I saw a few large rocks flying right at me.

As I try my best to dodge them. Something that I wasn't able to see destroyed the rocks. "Not bad. Could have done better." And I see a lady fox spirit in a hunter's outfit. She has a pointed cap that has a few feathers on it. "Rum! Looks like you gained ownership of your weapon too." As I looked at Harry, I noticed he has one silver crossbow in each hand.

ROAR! We covered our ears as the Nightmare roars charging at us. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to hit the enemy. "Harry, get as much hits on him as you can." And he nods aiming at the beast. "FIRE!" the fox ordered and he shoots at the beast. Arrow after arrow.

"Keep going, Harry!" the fox cheered the marksman on. "Get ready!" Rook warned me as the beast is almost at my reach. "NOW!" and I hit the beast right at the forehead, forcing it to slam to the ground. The moment it hits the ground the beast stopped.

After a while the beast started to disintegrate. Slowly but surely the beast starts to turn into dust, as we are watching the nightmare vanish I asked Harry. "What are these?" As I point towards his crossbows. He raised one up and replied "It's a 'Dream Weapon' called..." the fox spoke up. "This is the Cross Over. A pair of crossbows that can pierce even the hardest of materials." And the hare cleared his throat. "I just found out that I have this weapon. These are originally from my Grandfather."

"My Father, King Lauran can't wield the bows. Camillie said that he lacks perseverance. She also told me that each 'Dream Weapon' contains a soul. This soul constantly finds an owner worthy of the weapon and if it does find him or her, they will be bound. Meaning the two will meet each other someday." And he catches his breath.

"And some of the souls rather prefer to stick around their owner's bloodline. Like mine. Others would be appearing before the wielder when the opportunity is right. And the last one would be that they are given. And if the one who received the weapon proved their worth." he points towards me "The soul of the weapon will accept that person as its owner. And if a person attempts to wield the weapon without the soul accepting it, the person can't use it."

I stood up trying to survey the area. "Well we better get going." Camillie stood up. "Call me if you need me." And she disappeared. "Immona turn in too. See ya kids." And Rook vanishes as well. "Well better get home." I told Harry and he nods.

"When did you know that you can summon your grandfather's weapon?" I asked as we walk back. It was when I am running to help you, suddenly I end up in some limbo where I met Camillie." And I nodded. "Ok. Better get rid of these." And I flicked my wrists, making the gauntlets disappear.

I did not even know how to do that, but out of instinct I knew how to get rid of our weapons.

"Harry, Rum!" I see a familiar looking person from a distance running towards us. "Sis!" Harry shouted as we rushed over to meet Reyna by the gate. "Well looks like you have learned how to wield your weapons." I did not notice, but Jalkaw was beside Reyna the entire time. "I was so worried about you two. Are you ok?" Reyna asks.

I gave her a thumbs up, and she pouted at us. "Don't make me get worried like that ever again." After she said that we apologized. "Ahem." As we now turned our attention to the lion wizard. "You two. Meet me at my room tomorrow noon. You both will be trained by me to fight and use your weapons am I to be understood?"

The tone of his voice. It feels like getting lectured by your father about boundaries. "Yes sir." Right after we replied, he poofs away in a cloud of smoke. 'What have we gotten ourselves into?!' I thought to myself.

Chapter 4: Past, Present and Future

_One thing to another led us to this day,_ _The day where we can finally be able to wield our weapons to their fullest potential. Somehow we got excited on our first day of weapon training._ _I know it's not going to be a cakewalk. But for our...

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Chapter 2: Dreams and Duties

_A bond that started as friends to something even more._ _Will we be able to live out our dreams? Will I be able to live a normal life and will I be able to be in love with the person I want to be with? These are the dilemmas the members of the royal...

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Chapter 1: Alkalaz

_Is this a dream? Is this reality? I don't even know anymore. But as long as I am with you. I am the happiest guy in the world._ _Because I love you. Will you accept my feelings? Will you look at me with disgust? _ _There are so many uncertainties. I...

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